She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 368: 368 367 Undercover Camelot Palace

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Three hundred and sixty-seven.

I had planned to enter the castle as a single guest, but I had no part to decide how to approach the target.

But when I met Sally, a newcomer to "Miracle Haven," my problems were solved at once. We got tickets to enter the castle as the king's opponent's playgirl.

Great ticket to save money on accommodation.

All you have to do is meet the king and secure this as soon as you confirm that the person is Eugust himself.

"Now, wait..."

Mira is motivated by the fact that if it wasn't... etc.

I want you to pay me back for putting Iris in a masculine phobia and for hurting Sally's colleagues.

With that intent in his chest, Mira quickly arrived before the reception of the castle.

Mira, as she watched, presented her business pass to the receptionist. Then, as soon as possible, the receptionist's expression turns into something I feel sorry for.

"Well, you're the newbie of the day..."

I'm sure he thought, He said that another one of the king's sacrifices had come.

Besides, this time he wanted to say something because he was a young looking girl.

But the king, the guest, is the most powerful man in the city. So I couldn't say I should go home, etc., just that he advised me to "rely on the seniors if anything happens" and told me the way to the king's room.

"Um, wow... ─ Yes, I get it -"

I'm a rookie now. Mira, who so thought back in her mind, consciously corrected her rhetoric and tricks and made her behave as if she were a normal girl.

Nevertheless, it is Mira who has never cared anything about what it looks like. The desperate and repaired movements and words were a little overdone, like the so-called first-born.

However, because of the cuteness of its appearance, it was not so uncomfortable and did not seem suspicious to the receptionist.

Having thus passed the reception without danger, Mira continues straight towards the accommodation.

I'm on my way.

(Hmm, I also had a talent for acting!

Big look that was in front of the entrance to the accommodation. Mira, reflecting herself there, was trying a sexy pose that she thought seemed like it, in order to become a more playful woman and cut it.

From here on out is a battlefield where fat eyes and professional playgirls walk wide. More care should be taken so that they are not found out if they are fake.

Mira, so tight, then smiled contentedly at her sexy condition and stepped in confidently.

"This is another hell of a place..."

Although it was brilliant from the hall where the reception was located, the accommodation compartment was so stunning that it was the royal castle.

Not only is it a subtle set of conditioning, but it is also as complete as the walls, floors, and ceilings.

Is the King as wonderful as this castle deserves? So much so that I'm going to be unintentionally illusory, but I have answers on that point.

He said he was just a pervert.

(Well, you did say there was a lift)

Even if overwhelmed by more luxury than she thought, Mira goes down the hall again.

This accommodation is superior to the luxury accommodation there. A quality that doesn't even take a pull on a real royal castle, but there was only one difference.

It is a person. There are many castle services in Royal Castle, such as being a soldier and a maid. Even in the hallway, it's a busy thing, but you can barely see people here.

Nevertheless, is that natural too? The place is the place. If there was an attendant there, everything would be awkward together.

Mira, who has walked around Castle Alkaite and Nirvana quite a bit, looks forward realizing the difference.

What you see is a long hallway and a few women. I'm sure they 're-- No, they're also the playgirls who came on business trips. Having so decided, Mira observed them to learn more about their playfulness.

(This again... how sexy. Not at all!

Women swinging colors without hiding them. The exposed clothes are fantastic and beautiful, and Mira finds herself excited about the critical condition.

(Whoa, speaking of which, I need to get dressed)

The minisca yukata I received from Sally is still in the bag. According to the story, there's a room in the castle for dressing.

Now Mira is the town girl style there.

It is not yet playful, it feels very floating.

I need to get dressed quickly and look around, but I don't have a room like that.

and a lift appeared in Mira's eyes that she was doing so. According to the information board that was nearby, there seems to be a changing room in front of the king's room as well.

If it's on the way, it's quick. With that in mind, Mira came straight to the front of the lift.

(Something smells good...)

Wait for the lift to come down, a few playgirls.

I think she wears some kind of perfume. It smells like flowers, fluttering.

It doesn't claim too much, it smells slightly elegant across the nasal cavity.

And so Mira realizes again.

He said he looked perfect but never cared about the smell.

And in retrospect of today's past, a less favourable state comes to mind.

He was also slightly sweaty because he was walking around the city. Besides, it's still before I get dressed.

(... maybe I smell sweaty!?)

No one has pointed this out to me, but this kind of thing is not very hard to say to others.

Mira, who understands so, then, when the lift arrived, she got in with the other girls, mindful of the smell.

Mira stands just a little away from the girls in the lift and confirms her smell.

(Hmm... Especially with this...)

I tried to smell it, but I don't feel the smell of sweat. Still, the smell is hard for him to understand.

Mira the boulder and the sensibility of being somewhat hurt if she said it smelled.

(oops, forgot)

I notice where the lift is running. Speaking of which, he said he hadn't pushed the button on the floor where he was going yet.

Only the technology created by the players is familiar with the basic structure of the lift.

From what I've seen, the buttons on the third and fourth floors are pressed. The upscale yet affordable rooms are on the ground floor.

From among the ladies, Mira let herself out and pressed the button in the king's room, the top floor where the king was.

Then, at that moment.

What the hell is wrong with you, the gaze of the girls there was directed at Mira at the same time?

(hey what!?)

Suddenly, it caught my attention, Mira. And at the same time, a bad feeling about spending the back of your brain.

(Again...... does it stink?!?)

Earlier, because I was thinking about it, or because I approached it, I smelled like sweat. That's why you're being seen so much.

It was so hasty Mira, but the reason was simpler.

"Your Majesty... to the King..."

"I don't recognize your face, newbie...? No, sorry, it's nothing."

"You're here again... but I'm sorry. Then why don't we just..."

Leaving an apology from stunner, pity, and giving up, they went down on the third floor, and then on the fourth.

Featured Reasons. That wasn't because of the smell or anything, but because Mira pushed the button on the top floor.

It is common sense in the playing world that the king has more than a dozen favorite playwomen and that rotations are organized every day.

Naturally, they knew that, too. And this time, an unrecognizable girl pushed the button to the top floor.

He also said that newcomers would be sacrificed to the king.

But they can't do anything. You can't live if you can get your eyes on a king with particularly powerful powers in this city, too.

Nevertheless, it was something that didn't matter to Mira about the area.

"Hmm... can I not think of any particular problem?"

From the reaction of the ladies, I'm sure it didn't smell like I'd point it out. Determined that way, Mira sniffed around her body just in case, and then got off the lift on the top floor, believing it was okay that didn't stink.

Top floor of Camelot Palace. It was a place named King's Room, and rightly so.

When I got off the lift there was a red carpeted hallway, and on the front there was a room for dressing that I had just checked.

Mira steps into the room quickly.

(Don't you...)

There doesn't seem to be any playing girls dressed.

Unfortunately for that, Mira changed into a minisca yukata.

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Originally because it was a costume for Sally to wear, or when worn as it is, it doesn't give her a complete minisca condition.

However, the free size for play girls seems to be specially made. Mira was raising and lowering her hem with her own hands because it was an easily adjustable mechanism.

"Oh, this is quite... No, no, this is too short... um, my pretty girl doesn't know where to stay!

And so on, Mira finished the length for the balance she looked the cutest.

That's how Mira finishes dressing, finally going through the red carpet hallway.

The lobby that spreads in front of me was so wide and gorgeous that even the dance party seemed to open.

Right after Mira stepped into such a lobby. The whole lobby was wrapped up in tension like a stranded one.

When I saw it, there were about ten girls there. And all of them are so beautiful that their eyes are dazzling.

The king that boulders are enjoyed at the same time as multiple playgirls as every day. Not only do I gather so many beauties, but I envy Mira only slightly that I am not keeping her waiting.

Nevertheless, I can't seem to stay that comfortable. Not only was most of the gaze there directed at Mira, but it felt like there was a lot of anger in it.

(hey... I don't know what to do, I haven't done anything yet...)

Maybe I'll say hello before I step into the lobby. Or do I have to get in through my left and right determined feet, or something like that local rule?

Or did they find out it was fake?

Mira wonders what's wrong with thinking about the reason for the outrageous appearance of the girls before.

In some cases, it was this far, and then there was the hand that it would break through hard.

It hasn't been established yet that the king is Eugust, but it is. It's not bad to get into it if you think first of all you're going to succeed and defeat a perverted, all-you-can-do man wearing power on a kasaa.

And I was just putting in a lot of measures like that.

"You, could you possibly be a newbie to 'Miracle Haven'?

The toughest beauty walks by and asks.

"Um... Yes, yes, I'm from Miracle Haven."

I haven't named him yet, and I haven't shown him my business card. It was said nonetheless.

Have you already heard from him or have you simply guessed because he's new? I don't know about that, but now that I'm not sure why they're angry, Mira honestly gave it back with affirmation to get through it with an ignorant newbie for now.


Then what happened? The atmosphere of the place deteriorated extra.

While the beautiful woman tuned in, her reaction after Mira responded was harsh enough to clearly see that her attitude had still been mild until earlier.

Obviously, it was caused by Mira's affirmation.

But she said "he".

When you look at what's going on, you see that the object of that anger is not for Mira, but for something else.

The beauty wasn't the only one who changed again. At the same time, other waiting girls were beginning to create signs of swallowing.

What the hell are they exposing this kind of anger against? They have a common cause.

But Mira couldn't figure it out, which is why she was barely pressured by their power.


"Oh, I guess I surprised you, I'm sorry. Because I'm not mad at you. I sent you here. I'm mad at Botz."

Things are changing again. Didn't the look on the face of a beautiful woman who was in a state of angry hair change in an instant? Now I'm under the impression that I even had a sweet sister in the neighborhood when I was a kid.

(You sent me here, Botz... who is it?)

In the words of the beautiful woman, Mira tilts her neck. I wonder who the bots are that are the spearhead of their anger.

Yes, while Mira was thinking about it. The ladies began to rave their voices out loud.

"Oh, already, that guy! I told you to protect me because I'm an important newbie! I don't know why I let you rub it today!

"Really, you only think about the store. Minimum"

"Just because they're kings doesn't mean they have to die there."

"Me, I don't want to work in Miracle Haven no matter what. Wow"

And, as far as their words were concerned, it was already Miracle Haven buying a big hiccup.

Mira then succeeds in grasping the current situation from the conversation flow of the girls.

(I see... I mean, someone named Botz, like the Miracle Haven manager)

The reason for their anger was that even though the rookie was badly hit yesterday, Bots and Yara sent the rookie here again.

Sally tells me a few things about the way newcomers were treated yesterday. That's already been treated badly.

I guess that's why the girls here advised Bots not to send newcomers over again to make sure that didn't happen again.

However, Botz, who ran to keep the store in front of the king's power, leads to sending out newcomers as requested.

I prioritized the store without protecting my valued employees. That's what touched their anger.

It is also important that the circumstances on the store side, but what they say is also most important.

From a standpoint of being a rival, but still caring for other playgirls, it seems to be one of them.

What a strange place to be with Hanayashi District. That was when Mira was impressed.

"It's kind of noisy, but what's wrong?

While doing that, it looks like the lift was going back and forth another time. A woman who came out the door behind her open asked that before what was going on.

"Ah, Mr. Lanoa, listen to me. Botz's got a rookie again."

"It's terrible, Mr. Lanoa said so much..."

Long brunette woman. Called Lanoa, she also seems to have a glance at the ladies here. That went on to blame the Bots, as if they were going to make a statement already.

(Mm... this person...!?)

Turning around, Mira immediately noticed what the woman looked like. The person confirmed at a family-like store earlier that she was the best playgirl in Hanaguchi District.

Speaking of the former, what she said about "the king" is how she got here.

Lanoa, a playgirl whose king is my favorite. Think about it, he said it was his job again today. It is only natural that we shall meet here.

And when I was remembering that Mira met Lanoa that way.

"So, Mr. Lanoa, why don't you just let the new kid come and let him go?"

"Yes, because Bots refused or didn't have a single rookie to take."

Didn't the girls say that?

To them, Mira is like a beginner sent to end content. Therefore, it is caring and tender.

But if you try Mira, it's a situation where you can finally dive this far. There's no way they're going to let you go home here, that you're not going to.

(... at this time, with the body of a newcomer to the DM...)

What can I do to avoid being returned? The idea that came to mind when I thought of it that way was that it would make me a dm.

I came to be treated badly by the king because I am more of a dm girl. If we do that, I'm sure they won't say anything about going home, either.

However, I'm pretty sure Mira's spirit will be galloping away instead.

than to be returned.

Yes, Mira was just finishing up the operation. Lanoa, who came forward listening to the ladies' appeal, looked back and looked at Mira all the time.

At that moment, Mira thinks. I was wondering if she would remember what happened at that store.

As Wantso said, when he was wrong, Lanoa was acting like he cared about Mira.

As a competitor to a playgirl, there is no problem. But what if it was something else?

This seemingly coincidental and inevitable reunion may be suspicious.

Mira wonders if she will ask me about the details from there. I asked Sally if it was slight, but if I can dig deep, I'm in a state of boredom.

And, where Mira was concerned, Lanoa smiled softly before looking back at them again. You didn't even remember it to your face, it's a reaction as if it were a first person.

"I'd love to, but being here means you're going through reception. Then it's already been documented, so if you're not here, you're more to blame for her."

That was the answer Lanoa gave back to the voices of the ladies about safely returning the newcomers.



With those words, the expression on the faces of the ladies who were raising their voices to avoid being miserable like yesterday clouds all at once.

If it was before I came here, it can take the form that the store refused and didn't send out a playgirl.

But being here is because I presented my dispatch card at the reception downstairs. If he arrives safely but is no longer there, he is considered to have escaped, and the blame is placed on the playwoman.

That seems to be the rule here. I don't think I need to be ordered to return in good faith.

(I wondered what would happen, but now I'm going to be able to worship the king and his side)

I think I can approach her as a playgirl and beat her up as much as I want. Mira chuckled in her heart.

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