She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 391: 391 390 Meet

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After the Rade-class Demon Beast was destroyed. Seoul Howl was examining the beast's carcass as they prepared and inspected for the next time.

I knew it was there. This is the control technique ─ ─ "

Nine Wise Men are not easy opponents, Rade-class Demon Beasts. It never turns out to be like a watchdog. Then why did you keep it so quiet in such a place?

Seoul Howl has identified one of the causes. Who the hell did that? How did you build this kind of business?

Seoul Howl begins to decipher the ceremony engraved in the heart of the Beast.

"I see, did you burn it with life mediation ─ ─"

It's not easy to rule over a beast. Therefore, the procedure involved a great sacrifice. But that's why Seoul is so excited.

"Well, this is interesting. I mean, if there's a sacrifice, it could be a powerful beast."

Sacrifice. If you can even prepare it, it will be a Raid Demon Beast or a Token. Seoul Howl laughs thinly in front of the ceremony that embodies it.

At the moment, even with his strength, it was impossible to manipulate Raid-class Demon Beasts with Reaper Magic.

But now here's the possibility. It's a sacrifice, but for Seoul, it's a trivial thing, and he starts copying the procedure here and there.

A recoil that completes an alternative called the Glorious Grail of God, or Seoul Howl, whose eyes have always looked boring.

But not now. The eyes were shining like a child given a new toy.

Seoul Haul also had eyes to stare at the beast from a different perspective.

"But that's not all the big stuff. If you had recovered all the materials from it....."

A poor Mira who regretted the waste as she looked around the hall that had collapsed.

The monsters and beasts in this room were all charcoal-erased, leaving behind seven. Strategically, this was the most reliable and safe way to do it, but a huge number of them burned out.

If we had recovered everything as we said, that would have been enough money for half of the Kingdom of Alkite's national budget.

For that reason, not only Mira, but Luminaria also looked a little spared.

"It's a small salvation to be out there somewhat defeated."

Kagura also agreed. Only the head of an organization called the Fifty Bells Federation seems to be worried about cash flow. I see the carcass of the beast rolling in the hall as I cherish its importance. There are a few things left, but I'm just wondering if I can retrieve some of the material.

I was just about to defeat the Raid Demon Beast and discuss how to move next.

"Anyway, I'm not alone."

Luminaria spills complain while shooting down monsters like a shooting game.

The hall, where most of the power was gathered, was destroyed. However, there are still monsters on patrol at this base.

The monsters were beginning to gather, whether they were invited by the sound of heavy battles with Raid Demon Beasts. All of them are equivalent to A ranks that are better at fighting power than intelligence, and they were attacked without rest.

The power of the monster side was unbearably high and fierce on an alliance team that gathered several prestigious groups of adventurers. The current situation was a waveless battle with no time to rest and no intervals.

However, the six men here are the only national fighters who carry a single country. The headcount was one group, but the total combat power slightly exceeded the alliance team, which was a gathering of multiple groups.

"By the way, I wonder what's going on over there. Maybe it's time to find out where the boss is."

After appropriately scattering ash knights, Alfina and the others kept checking the box of surgical instruments.

The instrument was prepared so that both teams could contact each other. I plan to contact you when I can locate my boss. However, there are still no reports of discoveries.

The role of Mira and the others is to gather the attention of the enemy. It was such a great brawl that it took out a lot of monsters and beasts. I'm sure the Noin side was as easy to move as it should have been.

But I haven't heard from him yet.

"Hmm, it's a very mysterious construction, so it won't take a while for the boulders.

Kagura was also conducting an investigation of the surrounding area by flying Peisuke with a one-handed effort while having the formula god conduct an automatic interception.

It's a labyrinthine internal structure. Kagura expects that even though there are expert rhizos on the other side, it will not be that easy.

"I wonder what kind of guy he is anyway."

Seoul laughs invincibly when he looks forward to seeing his boss. Defeat monsters in multiple Golems, manipulate the defeated monsters with Reaper Magic, take down the next one, and then manipulate them again. As if in a zombie movie scene, he wrote something in his research notebook.

"That's what I'm doing."

It was Gottfried that Mira, who looked relaxed, blurred while glimpsing at the edge of her eyes. He ran around the battlefield and slashed and abandoned the monster, displeased with three of his operatives, who at first glance only seemed to be defunct. It is his conviction that it is fighting to bump into each other with his own flesh.

And it's the other one that goes wild that such a godfeet admires.

"Come on, next sir! It's warming up, yo!

It was Merlin who kicked the waves of monsters from the edge that came towards her.

The monsters that attack even my friends as a stepping stone are coming from every direction and every blind spot. Merlin, who writes it in a single piece of paper and then fights it, was so sophisticated that it could rightly be called a martial arts.

Merlin and Gottfried, in common in terms of aggressiveness. But the style of combat is the opposite.

"I can't keep losing!

In addition to sword moves, Gottfried fights monsters with overwhelming destructive power.

And then...

"Mum, a match, sir? I can't lose either!

Mailin is the one who twists the monster down with his outstanding boxing skills and skillful technique.

They competed for numbers and defeated the gathering monsters from one end. Then he jumps out to compete with the next enemy, the next enemy.

How are you?

Mira, who dropped it off, gently turned her gaze forward and sighed, "I'm feeling fine again."

In front of Mira. There was Eisenfald, who became a person through humanization. It seems that I was inspired by Merlin and Gottfried, who showed me so many moves that I could fall in love with them, that I had a longing for people's moves.

Not in the form of a dragon... but because of its overwhelming power, I started practicing a technique that I didn't need much.

"Look, Mother! How about it!?"

The enemy is a monster of A rank. However, when Eisenfald's kick burst, he chattered and blew it up, causing the monster being manipulated by death magic to get involved.

There is still an imitation of the appearance of the boulder. It wasn't a trick yet, it was a blow from pure Eisenfald power.

"Mmm, that's good, that's good! Nice kick!

Still, Mira complimented herself. I was just delighted to see my son grow up trying his best to master his skill without being too slow to be born an excellent dragon.

And Eisenfald was more and more motivated to hear Mira's words.


Seoul smiles bitterly at the sight as he engulfs and destroys the ever-increasing monsters under his rule. But I knew it was useless telling that idiot's parents, so I just kept the dominant monster away from the surroundings of Eisenfald.

As each of them continued to defeat the monsters on their own, the wave of monsters finally stopped.

Hundreds of monster carcasses are rolling around. Also, the parts that Seoul Howl was manipulating were neatly arranged in one corner. It is easy to collect materials.

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"Did you do everything you could?

Have you destroyed the monsters gathered on this island? Luminaria stares at the end of the aisle as if there are no more followers.

"Oh, my God, you're not here either."

"Wow, this is no match for you, sir."

The neighborhood seems to have been wiped out, and Gottfried and Mailin, who followed the monster and flew out, have returned. It seemed like I had hoped that there would be monsters left here, but I was disappointed to know that they weren't there.

Yeah, I don't think there's anything left around here anymore.

I made sure Kagura changed it, and I assured her that. As a result of flying Peisuke and searching the area, there was no shadow left of the monster.

"Hmm, what's going on? I haven't heard from you yet."

The diversion was exhausted. But we still haven't heard from the key Neynes.

Did something unexpected happen? Although such an idea has passed, Mira reconsiders that it is unlikely.

There is a Noin on the other side who boasts absolute defense. Wherever something happens, we should be able to earn as much time as we need to make an emergency call.

"I wonder what's going on. I mean, we're going to start searching too, but compared to the team over there with the professionals ─ ─"

Now that the diversion operation is over, Luminaria presented a plan when we reconvened. But at the next moment, I laugh bitterly that this member is likely to be quite impossible.

The Neon team has a psychic with the ability to say that there is no one to the right in the investigation and search. We haven't heard from him yet. It is Luminaria's idea that the Mira team, which is inferior to the search force, will not add anything here.

"What do you say? I also have Regiment One and Wantso, who are professionals on the road. The opponent won't lose, whether they're rhizos or not!

Together, there will be no delay. Mira insisted on sticking to Saizo. Then he said, "Yes, Regiment One, I think you have enough possibilities!" Kagra greatly agreed. Now, just look at Mira and dye her expression with anticipation.

"No, it might be a little difficult...."

Speaking of which, there was Kagura. Kagura will capture you as soon as you summon Regiment One, reducing your ability by half. This means we can't compete against Saizo.

In addition, Regiment One has been placed as an escort to England. Whether it's a well-guarded witch's room or because we've secured the Ughost, which is the prime reason for targeting England, we'll never see a gap. That was how Mira did it.

"Now, how about a saboteur!? Maybe it'll pop out!

There are no more monsters. Then, if we take care of the island and gradually destroy it, the boss who boiled the business will come out.

Gottfried, who said such a thing, starts to pretend with an oversized sword as he looks around. In fact, with his power, he could do a lot of damage.

and when we were discussing that.

The sound of something breaking from afar, like something collapsing together with a slight shaking of the quiet hall.

Mira and the others looked at Gottfried unexpectedly. Then he looked back and said, "No, I haven't done anything yet!" with an explanation.

Looks like Gottfried didn't start destroying it with some kind of technique.

So what's that noise? When you're nervous, the sound keeps rising. It also felt like it was getting closer and closer.

I'll meet you there!

You suddenly hear such a voice from a communication tool. Moreover, it was rather quick and there was no response to the question as to whether the target had been found. Is it a state of panic?

"In other words, this sound...."

I wonder if it's the Neynes that are approaching. The intuitive Mira moved forward as the sound progressed.

"Looks like you're doing a lot of work."

Luminaria also follows Mira. Unilateral communication and sounds of fighting. I can take it from the situation that something happened to the Neynes and forced them to join us.

Explosion followed by explosion. Destruction after destruction. The closer the sound, the more intense it becomes. From the sound, it seemed like a considerable battle was being fought.

"I have a strong enemy hunch, sir!

"Well, I wonder what we're up against!

The Neon team also has enough power to line up with the Mira team. In some cases, there was a plan to secure it as soon as we found the boss. If they are still retreating to join us, who are they?

I'm sure they found the potential, and Mailyn and Gottfried jumped out again.

"I don't have time to calm down."

"It's obvious because it's an enemy territory."

Seoul Howl looks fed up with his research notes. Pushing his back like that, Kagra chased Mira and the others.

Based on the contact details of the rendezvous that came in from Noin, there is no doubt that they are coming from the wilderness in the middle of the island. In fact, the resounding sound is heading that way.

What is the situation on the Neon side? As Mira and the others returned to the middle of the wilderness, it appeared.

It exploded on a shoreline a little further away. You can see Nein and the others running from where the big hole opened.

Elise, who drives the Golem with Saizo at the head, followed by Rustrada with Artesia, and Neuin with you. It's a flamethrower. It's a retreat that Neon is preventing.

"What is this situation again?

It seemed that the Noines were being chased by a large number of monsters. The monsters stopped flowing to the Mira team because they were flowing to the Neon team instead.

Nevertheless, all the monsters look the same as before. The Neon team will be able to destroy them without difficulty.

Therefore Mira tilted her neck. But while leaning, in addition to the Ash Knight and Eisenfald, I summoned a new Ice Mist Tiger, Jinglara and Undine, and sent them for backup.

Jingler's body is large enough to exceed four meters in length. A giant tiger with snowy white fur and ice blade nails.

The power is also very compatible with Undine. The water bullet that Undine fired turned into a solid ice blade, slashing and tearing the monster apart.

And with that cut, Merlin and Gottfried storm into the herd first. Luminaria, Kagra, and Seoul began to provide support, and Nein and the others turned their heels to form the front line.

"Neon, what's going on? Did you find the boss? Or was it found by a monster?

What is the current situation? Mira immediately rushed to Noin and asked why there was no detailed report.

"Ahh, that's ─ ─"

Immediately after saying so, Nein holds his shield quickly. Then he prevented the flame bullets from flying at a sharp speed, and he continued to feel nervous as the intense blast flames rolled up. "─ ─ Half, maybe."

Neuyn's sight on the alert was pouring further into the looming monster herd. In the direction in which the flame bomb flew in.


Mira, who turned her gaze at something, couldn't help but breathe when she saw it.

There was an even bigger herd of monsters approaching. But that's not the problem. There was the figure of who would lead it.

"Oh, come on, seriously."

"That's right..."

Luminaria and Kagra also became nervous when they noticed him. In addition, Seoul looked at the technique written in the research notebook and smiled invincibly. The technique of manipulating the beast is the work of its existence. It seemed to have become more and more interesting to know about it.

It's not just the Noines. Mira and the others were also nervous.

It was the devil. A dark body with black feathers and dark black horns. Its face is distorted as if it condensed the evil of the world.

You can't go wrong, it was the devil himself.

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