She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 400: 400 399 Limit Breach

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While being pushed, the avant-garde team somehow stopped.

A backup team that backs it up with support and attacks.

The connection between the two sides was only meshing with Ah's breath, and it was perfect without any alarm or gap.

Still, the power of the amplified demon outweighs the power of cooperation.

Gottfried and Saizo were blown away near the castle in a heavy blow.

Looks like they took damage to the bones.Artesia begins to heal urgently.

Rustrada can't move much to keep the phantom going.Elezina and the others are active, and the magic team has changed considerably.If you let go of the phantom here, the devil will find out what we're after.

That way, we'll have to jam it.

Meryn had injured her hands in several meetings with the devil.

As Gottfried exemplifies, the devil's epidermis is as strong as the Mythrill Wall.Meryn was beating it up several times.

The appearance was quite bad, and the doctor stopped from Artesia.

He was currently being treated for the Asclepios summoned by Mira within the boundaries prepared by Kagra.

After the avant-garde gradually collapsed, the limit was finally reached for Noine, who had been standing until the end.

"Now, what do we do?I don't mind picking it up. "

I finally got my knee poked, Nein.A great shield fell from his hand to the ground.

The devil held his fist as he gazed at the state.Whether Neon picks up the shield quickly or the devil fists first.

"Kh... I'm almost there...!

Giant magical formations are scattered throughout the island.The parts to destroy have been analyzed and Elezina and the others are working hard, but we still need a little time to destroy them all.

"Mother, I'm coming!

That's what Eisenfald said.

Eisenfald was holding back as his greatest defense.But I made my own decision and suggested that I should be at the forefront now.

"My lord....."

Now that the avant-garde is unable to move satisfactorily, it is certain that Eisenfald is qualified to support the front line.

It was then that Mira was willing to accept Eisenfald's growth, which led to her judgment and opinions.

"No, I'll buy you some time, you stay there.It's the safest part. "

The moment Seoul spoke such a word, a screaming voice echoed behind Mira's head. Commander! Nhhhh! It's moving!The voice of Regiment member No. 1 was ".

Shortly afterwards, there was a violent earthquake on the front line.

As the huge shadow rushed through like a storm, it struck Astarot with an intense rush.

"Oh my God, that's...."

Mira revealed her surprise in front of her.

What an enormous thing was the Grande-class Great Demon Beast Egurgaid.

The carcass of the Eggle Gaid, where Astarot was prepared as one of the trumpets.

Mira and the others worked together to stop the resurrection.

And after placing Christina as a watchdog so that Lesser Demons wouldn't work on it again, Regiment One took over the role, but what a move it is now.

I've been keeping an eye out for Lesser Demons!I even buried a few of them!I'll never let you do anything!It's true!

Looking at it, Regiment One stuck to the tail of the Eggle Gaid.Such a man is complaining of some excuse.

He said that he suddenly started moving irrespective of the Lesser Demon.

"If so, hello...!?"

Regarding the cause, Mira turned to Seoul with a strange face.

Then he laughs invincibly, bragging somewhere.I'm just saying it's true.

Yes, Seoul has taken control of the remains of the Eggle Gaid with the power of Necromancer.

But how?

In addition to producing Golems, it is Death Magic that can manipulate undead monsters and even control corpses and manipulate them as you wish.

However, Mira was surprised at this situation because she also had a detailed knowledge of ghost magic.

Because there are limits.The Eggle Gaid is a Grand Greater Demon Beast than even Raid.Even with Seoul Howl's arms, it should have been impossible to do this with the Death Spirit.

But now Seoul was actually showing it.

As Noyne and the others retreat, Eggle Gaid is rampaging against Astalot on the front lines.

The boulder is either Grande or the battle is reversed.

No, Astaroto is the only one who's powered up.

Nevertheless, the opponent was a qualified eguergade.In addition, the reinforcement by Seoul Howl was added, and the impending momentum was so unpredictable that it did not give any room.

As far as the battle goes, Egglegaid seems to be completely under Seoul's control.

The Regiment member No. 1, who was clinging to his tail, was splendidly swinging away, and desperately returned to the castle wall if he did not get involved in the fierce battle.

"No, that's awesome.What are you gonna do?

After Mira, Luminaria also asked what she had done.

Rather than being a magician, it seems to be the nature of the nine wise men.Not only Mira, but everyone's interests were directed to Seoul.

In addition, Elieze has the appearance of reverence.

"Ah, that's right ─ ─"

Seoul briefly talked about the reasons as the attention was drawn.

He said that he applied the technique he had just painted and incorporated it into the death spirit technique.

The depicted ceremony was Astarot's work on the heart of a Raid Magic Beast.

By doing so, he uncovered the fact that he was manipulating the beast, and in such a short period of time, he was able to tie up the surgical technique and apply it to the death spirit magic.

Seoul Howl, who said that the experimental practice was the result of this, added further fine-tuning while watching the movement of the EGULGAID.

Then, the motion changed every time I moved a lot, and the waste was dropped.

As a result, the Eggle Gaid began to realize its full potential, even though it could not exceed Astaroto.

Even if I can't defeat them, I think I'll have enough time to heal the Neins.

Also, if we keep going, Elezina and the others will be able to do their jobs in time.

Seoul managed to earn some time by controlling the Great Demon Beast Eggle Gaid with the Death Spirit.

The wounds of the Noines were fully healed by Artesia and Asclepios, and their health recovered somewhat.

And it was almost time to dismantle the magic team that was stretched all over the island.

"I see... he's using magic tricks that mimic my magic."

Finally, Astarot discovered the drawbacks of the Eggle Gaid and the holes left in Seoul's surgical ritual.

In addition to being finished in a short period of time, it was still in the experimental stage, and several vulnerabilities were included in the rush of the new procedure.

After several encounters, Astarot felt and realized the magic of moving the Eggle Gaid.What did Seoul use as a reference to construct the procedure?

"Then it's over."

Astarot, a short distance away, clasped his hand.

So what happened?Eggle Gaid, who was bravely and courageously in turmoil, stopped his movements.

The next thing Mira saw was Eggle Gaid looking back at her.

Astarot and Egurgaid were in a fierce battle.The two were now lined up like combatants.

"Nh, how's that look...?

Oh, they took it.

When Mira just asked, Seoul answered in a faint tone.

It seems to be caused by the fact that it was based on the surgical technique constructed by Astarot.Seoul laughed that the reign of the spirit of death had been completely overthrown.

Is this the magic of the dead?I can't handle human surgery... but I think we can make a simple order with this. "

Nine kinds of techniques that have been tuned and evolved for human handling.Even if you imitate a magic trick, it is a substitute that the devil cannot use, but the devil's trick incorporated into it, improved by Seoul, seems to be working only slightly.

Astarot had the right to manipulate the Eggle Gaid, which was dominated by the Death Ghost.

The avant-garde reactions that saw it varied.

"Wow, really...."

In front of the castle gate, Gottfried smiles bitterly.

In addition to powering up Astaroto, even the Great Demon Eggulgaid became enemies.

At the very least, we need another team as strong as we are now.The reaction can be taken for granted.

"This is getting tough."

Noin also had a sharp expression.Not to mention Astarot's only body.It is painful when the Eggle Gaid is added there and it becomes difficult to protect all of them.

"Should we take a retreat into account?"

Saizo also has a disgusting face.

The increase, though not total domination, was in the Grand Class monster.I could have predicted a considerable amount of damage just by being rampaged.

Should we assume the worst case scenario?

Meilin and Rustrada of the Nine Wise Men did nothing different than they had done so far.

"The break seems to be over, sir!

Merlin, who stood up properly, began the preparatory exercise with a stretched appearance.

"Oh, I see.But wait a little longer. "

Rustrada gently pressed Mailin, who was about to pop out, pointing towards the castle gate.

I saw that the castle gate was slightly open.

Well, I've earned enough time, so what do you think?

On the other hand, the defensive faction on the castle wall.While Elise looked at Seoul Howl, who had failed, worried, Mira looked stunned but said so.

Although it was taken over, Elezina and the others completed the unlocking of the Giant Magic Faction while Eggle Gaid was fighting Astaroto.

Looking at it, the sparkle of the magical faction that had spread all over the island was lost, and in an instant its effectiveness disappeared.

"What is this... what is this!?"

It seems that Astarot also realized that the Magic Class Boost lost its potency.He looked at things and the surroundings, checked the dotted Valkyrie sisters, and opened his eyes like that.

Is that right?The enormous magic team that set it up as a trump card was a substitute for many tricks to keep it effective no matter how much it destroyed.

The complexity has become difficult even for Astarot himself, who constructed the procedure, and it was possible to assert that it was impossible to remove it first.

Astarot is therefore confused.What the hell did you do to disable this giant magical formation?

"Hmm, I'm surprised, I'm surprised."

As she watched Astarot, Mira continued to laugh at him, telling Seoul."It's about time," he said.

Oh, yeah.

As Seoul answered, Luminaria and Kagra, including Mira, quickly bowed to Artesia.

And I urge Elise, who was looking at what exactly was right for her, to lie down.

"Um, what is this...?

Ellmyse bent at the urging, putting more doubt on her face.

At the next moment, Seoul was chanting.

When it's a little, you touch it secretly and hold it slightly, its warmth.

Your cold hands are just wandering around, and you can't reach your fingertips.

The gray eyes are pointing to the void, and they don't even look like this.

The heartbeat is as vague as stopping rain and more irregular than tears.

My voice is exhausted and I'm out of breath.The last whisper was captured by the wind.

But there is only one mind that leads.

Let's scream together. I can see it again, for that day. "

[Death Spirit Magic: Fire Sender (Okurito)]

Corresponds to the spinned words and activates Reaper Magic.

A glimmer of flash and a slight impact, as if something collided, rocked the Castle Golem.

Shortly afterwards, the sound of the roar of the Terminator shakes the atmosphere, and the surrounding area is filled by the wave of destruction.

It was like the end of Seoul, sacrificed to the Eggle Gaid.

The use of the devil's magic became a vendetta, and the eguergade that ruled the corner was taken over.

But this time, it was also the first experimental technique that Seoul built in a short time.

And the failure of experiments is related, and naturally, if you look at the nine wise people who love experiments, it is no longer even common sense to take such a level of risk.

Therefore, it was also natural to prepare several safety devices for the experimental procedure.

One of them is this.

In preparation for the loss of control, Seoul had incorporated a technique to reset everything in addition to the one controlling the Eggle Gaid.

"Whoa, there's only the Grand Class, and it's more than I imagined!

Shock waves blowing through your head.Then, the brilliance and heat of the flame pole dyed red even up to heaven.

Eggle Gaid's seed spark proved to be more powerful than Eisenfald's dragon brace.

Mira and the others would have lost their lives in an instant if they were to expose a small part of their bodies, leaving them to the walls of the castle, which raised their groans and screams, waiting for the storm to pass.

"It was amazing, isn't everyone okay?

As the blast storm subsides, Artesia first checks on the status of his allies.

As far as I can tell, the castle walls of Castle Golem are holding up.Mira and the others stood up to make sure they were safe.

"That was worse than I thought.If I hadn't fortified the walls, I might have blown up the castle. "

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Seoul Howl was also the first to use the Grande class as an experimental material, and he was surprised by the destruction caused by its power.

When he stood up laughing at the power beyond his imagination, he checked the walls on the verge of collapse and began to repair them.

"It's totally dangerous. Dissolved Circle That should have been enough.

Looking at the blast site, everything was gone, from walls and trenches to fabricated golems.Despite setting up the battlefield for a little advantage, there is a second crater there now.

"What are you talking about?If you can try it on the Grand Prix, you have to tell me how big it will be. "

Because it is a rare experiment, I try my limits.Seoul, who had just taken it for granted, seemed really clean, saying, "You've got good data."

9. The experiments of the wise men are carried out in consideration of various emergencies.But if there is one problem, it tends to be poorly considered until the surrounding damage.

"Not at all, just because it's too much."

It was somewhat minor because it was so far apart, but it affected Elezina and the others.The great magicians who stopped now lay down on the ground in a state of dust.

Well, if it's the first time, I'm going to have to step up.

Luminaria also laughed as if she was stunned by what she said.

Incidentally, these two are the leaders of the Nine Wise Men who have been particularly harmed.

"More than that, what happened to the devil?

Kagra, who was doing a relatively adult experiment, looked at the two of them and told them what they were saying.Now there is something more important than experimentation.

"Whoa, that's right!

Speaking of which, Mira was able to gaze at the battlefield.

After all that destruction.Maybe it blew up somewhere.

The first place where the demon Astarot was located was next to the Eggle Gaid.In other words, it's right next to the blast site.It will be at the heart of that storm of destruction.

Then you won't be safe.

But the Duke's second place is overwhelming.Even though I disabled the Magic Team with Magic Attribute Enhancements, their original durability is unusual.

Even if this Fire Sender was the power of Eisenfald's Dragon Breath, it would not be enough to be defeated by a single blow.

That's why Mira and the others carefully looked around the battlefield.And the most discovered Artesia shouted, "Oh, over there."

"Mm, where are you!?"

Artesia turned her face toward the finger-pointing person and stared straight at Mira. She certainly confirmed Astarot's appearance there.

The location is near the second crater.

Again, Astarot was alive.He protected himself by crossing his arms and withstood the storm of destruction.

It is unusual durability.

But the boulder doesn't seem to be intact.There were countless cracked wounds all over Astarot's body.

Still moving, Astarot turned his gaze to the rear.

"It's up to you, guys!

When the storm signaled that it was gone, Rustrada jumped first from the castle gate.

Looking at Astaroto's condition, he decided that this was a winning opportunity, and he ran straight ahead.

There is no need to maintain the illusion anymore.I put all the mana into one trick.

Hidden in the woods, lonely old man.

Don't worry, my friend is here all the time.

If you're going to get up, take that hand.If we go together, we can go anywhere.

Let's make this road together. "

Descending Magic Phantom Beast: Wan Gun Wolf King

The spinned mana enveloped Rustrada and transformed all of it.

And it was Rustrada who got down there and became a werewolf over two meters long.

From there, he accelerated like the wind and flashed the devil's body with his black claws.

Strong arms and sharp nails far beyond man swallow into the cracked demon's body and tear it apart deeply.

Cracks clog up every second, but Rustrada keeps ripping apart even after losing.

In addition to consuming considerable attribute power to heal the wound, the demon who was disoriented by the impact of each blow was fully equipped to withstand it.

Rustrada adds more pursuits to it.

The black wolf, shaped by the mana, swarmed and swallowed Astarot.

So Rastrada quickly jumped out of his current location.

At that time, I heard the voice of Luminaria.

"Far from the singing that resonates in the sky at night, when the holy maiden is stained with blood, if the star sings a song without a name, the moon dances a dance without a name.

The time of doom is now, and I will dance before this hand.Don't look at him.Death is destroyed by light.

Everything's just for you.Doom is just for me.

It resonates in the world of wings.It's an empty poem that spins thoughts. "

[Ancient Magic and Third Classic: The Princess of the Diaspora (Catastroph Marta)]

Luminaria, who was spinning the chant, chased Astarot, strangled by a swarm of wolves.

In a moment, when a dazzling flash is emitted from Luminaria's hand, it goes straight to Astarot.Then the light swelled up intensely.

It is light that contains only destruction.It was a magic that represented only the pure meaning of wiping out everything that was wrapped up.

When the light whirls with creepy sounds in silence, it vanishes like a foam without warning.

"Can you stand this....."

Astarot was still alive.Though it is more damaged than before, the figure of rising loosely is filled with intense fighting spirit.

As always, it's suddenly happening.

"Tactics are the only way to fold a chance."

The relentless pursuit of Luminaria shrugged her shoulders, but Mira's way was on your side, not to mention either.In reply to Luminaria's words, "That's right," Seoul, who shares his feelings, fired simultaneously.

The number of artillery shells landing around Astarot, which took a slow step, is as high as fifty, and it explodes one after the other, making a roar sound.

No matter how sturdy it may be, this shelling must have been tough on that injured body.

Moreover, when the artillery stopped sounding, more pursuits were fired.

Wu Qu Yi Xing, show me the reason.This will be the one who will perish. "

One of Kagura's best "Seven Star Old Flowers."The martial arts song is a super-strengthening expression of God.Kagura's unicorn phosphorus guards became huge and headed towards Astarot with overflowing powers.

While the smoke of the shelling floated, the phosphorus guards who slashed and tore it apart continued to thrust at the momentum and unleashed all their dwelling power.

Shortly afterwards, when the earth broke into five centers around the Linbei, it rose up and swallowed Astarot.

The power of the converged earth.The force of nature itself had enough energy to draw a line.

When the pillars of the raised earth broke apart, it became apparent that Astarot had suffered a deeper wound.

Damage is guaranteed to accumulate.

The victory was there for sure, and Mira told her where it was coming from.

Christina, now!

An avant-garde group that had previously evacuated Castle Golem inside the castle gate in preparation for the EGULGAID suicide bombing.The intertwined Christina jumped out with her mana charged firmly.

"Target capture! Let's go!True Christina Slash! "

Christina waved the sword down so that she could fold it for a chance.

The refined mana bursts into light and bursts into astrolots.Not only Mira, but Alfina is the only one to admit it, and its power is enormous.

That's why Astaroto has squeezed his strength quite a bit.While receiving the true Christina Slash, she jumped out of the spot with her own strength.

But there was someone there who had already refrained from the next move.

"I'm not the only one in this fight.So let me decide, sir. "

Merlin, who got down opposite Astarot, took a pose to stick his right hand behind him.

Then the mana overflowed from his right hand and began to shine white.That was the last trick Mira and Mailin showed when they had a match in the Adams' garden that day.

However, this time, it was different from the technique I showed you at that time.That technique was not yet complete.

"Oh, come on.The seeds have already been sown.After that, it's a pleasure to defeat the mighty. "

After laughing invincibly, Astarot was always ready to come.His appearance was still filled with the style of a winner, while facing defeat.

"... I'm going, sir!

In that way, Merlin disappeared.

No, Maylin, who seemed to have disappeared, ran in all directions in a few moments in Shrinking Land.

It's only a trivial time.It was about a second old.

But for Merlin, that's enough.For a short time, Merlin's right hand drew a long strip of white mana to its limit.

Sengoku Inner Pass Land: Sennenkoro

Intercept Astarot. Mailin sews the gap and puts a fist in the opponent's stomach.At that moment, the remaining white mana belt gathered into my fist at once.

The blow was not like a man's fist.

Bombs and shocks. A blow so intense and fierce that it was visible was simultaneously blowing Astarot far away.

"It's not convenient to be so far away..."

How powerful was it?Astarot collided with a rocky mountain on the edge of an island hundreds of meters away and fell asleep.

We will need considerable flight distance and accuracy to pursue from here.

However, Mira smiled and put in the reserve here, rather thanking me for being far away.

"Come on, Eisenfald!

When Mira called, the castle gate opened, and Eisenfald appeared to dive there.The steps are extremely cautious.

The Noines, who waited for him, smiled bitterly.

Because Eisenfald's whole body is full of mana, and his mouth is overflowing with condensed power.

It was in a state where the dragon bracelet was ready to cross the limit beyond the full dragon bracelet.

Yes, Christina and then Eisenfald were charging while they were waiting.

"Whoa, what's going on...?"

In front of Eisenfald, who had accumulated more power than he had ever seen before, Luminaria smiled as if she could not imagine the future.

"Wait a minute, ten seconds... no, at least five seconds.Reinforce. "

Seoul Howl also obviously pulled his face and raised the strength of the castle wall to its limit.Further, I advised the lower Neynes to enter the castle, not behind the walls.

"Mr. Artesia, so are we."

Yeah, yeah.

Kagra stretched defensive boundaries around him, and Artesia also used shock-resistant techniques to strengthen his defenses.

Mother, you can go at any time!

Eisenfald, who has captured the target, looks like a dragon brace.

Behind it, Christina retreated and jumped into the castle gate in a hurry.The remaining Valkyrie sisters were also separated from the scene by a great distance.

After confirming that Mira was ready, Mira finally issued the order.

"Shoot, Eisenfald!

A few moments after Mira's instructions echoed, Eisenfald released a dragon brace that broke the limit.

A rush of destruction condensed to the extreme penetrates the space.

The energy hidden therein is beyond knowledge, and the earth and space are distorted by the afterwaves alone, and all that is beside them is returned to dust.

Such terrifying energy approaches and strikes astaroids crawling out of rock walls.

The beginning is light. Too dazzling a flash blew through for a moment, followed by roars and shock waves.

"This isn't so intense anymore...!

Confirming more power and influence than she thought, Mira glanced at Eisenfald's legacy and laughed again.

"It's just a distance, and the afterwaves are coming."

"Reinforce it, is that correct?"

Luminaria and Seoul also laughed bitterly before the results, but praised the boulder as the emperor's dragon.

The sight Mira and the others saw.It was spectacular enough to make me laugh.

It was not as suicidal as the Eggle Gaid's suicide bombing.

Because the extreme condensed breakthrough dragon bracelet collided with the rock wall and pierced it with a huge hole.

In other words, the core of the explosion became much outside the island.

How far has it arrived?The roar sounded like a thunderbolt from nowhere.Far away, it seems to have exploded in the sea.

"So, Grandpa. What happened to the devil?

There was only a big hole in the rocky mountain where Astarot was.

Nevertheless, it is as powerful as that.There's no way you can stand being second to the Duke of the First Class.

But it is forbidden to be alarmed.That confirmation will be necessary.

So Mira called downstairs to Mailin.I wonder what happened to the devil.

"I can't feel anything anymore.Our victory, sir. "

Meryn gave me that answer.

This is a finding from Biosensing.

As a martial arts artist and a samurai, Mairin was able to explore the surroundings with unparalleled accuracy and range, such as Mira.

That's what Merlin says. Three seconds after that boundary-breaking dragon brace struck, the demon's lifesigns disappeared.

Yes, it's extinct. It wasn't swallowed up by a dragon brace and blown away, but vanished.

That sounds like it.

What happened to the devil?Mira, who had answered Kagra's question, walked straight to the stage where Leticia and Pam were, saying the words of hard work before sending them back.

So the battle ended with Mira's victory.

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