She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

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"─ ─ I'll still be there for World War II"

"I'm World War II, sir."

While Neuin was conflicting, Mira and Mailin's argument was somewhat advanced from the question of which opponent would be the other.

Now, as it may seem, it's about Gottfried and Saizo and who's going to divide Elise's opponents.

Yes, they were going to start a mock fight with three on their own.

But I don't think it's a realistic discussion at last.There are three Gottfrieds.Again, I started rubbing at the place where I knew who would play World War II.

"Come on, you two, I won't say anything ─ ─"

Mira is a newcomer adventurer.Mailin is a warrior of love who can roar his name in the qualifiers.

Those two are the nine wise men.On the continent, there is no doubt that there will be a battle that can be said to be the culmination.

Then again, I'm sure the tournament will thrive at its peak.

Alma thought only slightly, but after advancing the idea, she decided that the disadvantages were more pronounced.

"By the way, we had a few ideas on this.Are you going to be an officer in our army, or are you going to be a place for recruits to train?Either way, I wanted you to feel what Atlantis is like the most. "

Alma stopped the two arguments in this way and informed them of a proposal that she was considering as an option at the moment.

We formed a joint front with the Gottfrieds to suppress the base of the major criminal organization "Ira Muerte".

As a special guest for the tournament, Alma didn't want to finish the event either.

That's why they thought the mock battle with someone from the Twelve Apostles, Luminaria, the guest inviter, and the up-and-coming adventurer was going to be exciting.

They also continue to say that one of these options is to use it to strengthen their military capabilities.

Nevertheless, they are not the two who would be offered such a reason to back down.

Mira and Mailin said that it would be just fine if it was done, and that there was no problem with one person at a time, so they ate.

I would like to go on a mock fight no matter what.

"But you see, Maylin is in the tournament as one of the contestants, right?It is difficult to treat Gottfried as a simulated match, even though he is treated as the same as the other players.Why do you have to decline the tournament? "

Alma told Meryn that was the case.

Even though it is a topic of discussion at the tournament, it is now a general contestant.That's why there's no special treatment.

If you still want to play a mock game with the Gottfrieds, you have to give up the tournament.


The choice was extremely difficult for Merlin.

But after a while of silence, Mailin said, "Well, I'll do it again," and he retreated.

I can't imagine what kind of fierce men will emerge from the tournament, and Gottfrieds who have played many games in the past, although it is worth fighting hard.

As a result of putting them on the balance, Mailin chose an unknown excitement.

And the rest of Mira ─ ─

"That's special. Gottfried, if you want, you can go on a mock fight."

That's how Alma offered a generous offer.If any of the three special guests want to compete, they can stand on the stage.

"How dare you!?"

Of course Gottfried, who loves to fight, Saizo likes special training.You might want to try out some of the new Nirvana jigs.

And Elise has a verse that respects the Nine Wise Men somewhere.The reaction to Seoul is obvious.

There are three of them. In some cases, Mira was confident that she could hope for something from three people.

But the result is... silence.

"What... then..."

Rather than hope, Gottfried's faces showed a sense of rejection.It is a silent manifestation of intention to refuse rather than to wish.

"Well, there are other things to look forward to, so why don't you let the officers do their best?"

Gottfleet and others turned away from Mira's puncturing gaze.Kagra gives his thoughtless opinion by breaking into them.

"Well, let's create a place where more young people can play than we can all have fun together."

Luminaria agreed with that opinion.

Soon after that, the choice gathered support.

Well then, let's make it a special reinforcement training for our army.Nice to meet you, Gottfried, Saizo, Elise.I'm gonna need a lot of breasts.I'll introduce you to my officers later. "

"Ah, let me handle it!"

"Hmm, but it's not a role to play."

"Leave it to me."

The three people who turned around and replied lightly to Alma's voice.

In this way, the mock opponents of the "Forty-Eight General (Nameless Line)" were chosen as promising officers and recruits for the Nirvana Army in the future.

As the details of the simulation were pushed further from there, Mira looked like she was infidel all the time.

"Ira Muerte", a major criminal organization that spread throughout the continent.Its influence was enormous and it was steadily eroding society.

However, Nirvana's long-standing commitment and cooperation with other countries, as well as the activities of Fuzzy Dice, have added various factors to the wedge.

Nirvana took the opportunity to attack.

Then, the base of the enemy organization was attacked by a coalition of twelve apostles, an unnamed forty-eight general (nameless line), and nine wise men.The destruction of "Ira Muerte" was accomplished by defeating this leader.

A few days later. The good news spread to all countries in an instant.

It was one of the largest events on the continent, and now Nirvana has a large number of diplomats from all over the world.

That is why this information was communicated quickly and equally accurately.

"You did it, Nirvana.There was an unbelievable actress. "

"Well, you've finally done it.Thank you, Queen Alma. Now I can think of my daughter.... "

"This is good news again.Come on, you're going to be busy. "

The leaders who received it rejoiced that one species of trouble had disappeared, and at the same time moved in preparation for what might happen.

Yes, it is a countermeasure to revitalize those who have been suppressed by the existence of "Ira Muerte".

"Hoo... Grimdart?This is another surprise... but this is going to be quite expensive. "

Throw away your handiwork. If you're as big as Nirvana, you don't have to look like a Grimdart.Is there something wrong? "

"That's an assertiveness. Nirvana will be full in the tournament now.It is difficult to hang the remnants of "Ira Muerte" quickly.That's why I transferred it to Grimdart for a favor. "

As promised, Alma transferred command of the remnant hunt to Grimdart with the materials and information obtained from the executives at the Ira Muerte base.

This gave Grimdart the opportunity to return the stigma that his country's duke had been involved.

King Grimdart is currently in direct command and is working to resolve this.

"In the meantime, I think it's settled down a little...."

Alma, who has finished processing the "Ila Muerte" relationship in this case, tries to escape from another pile of documents and goes to her private room in the back.

And just as a reward to yourself, when you get your favorite glass, "Today's work is over!and so on.



After that, Alma, found by Esmeralda after the second cup, was returned to the waiting desk after being purified of alcohol by extraordinary sacred arts.

So I settled down about "Ira Muerte" first.

Therefore, the Dream Team assembled for this purpose will also be disbanded.

At the same time, Mira's British escort expired at this time.Mira became free.

Mairin, the purpose of Mira's arrival in Nirvana, has already been promised to return home.All that remains is to see if Mailyn will return home after the tournament.

"Again, my victory, sir!"

Merlin, naturally speaking, won the tournament qualifiers without difficulty.I'm pretty sure we'll make it to the real fight.

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But that's where Merlin doesn't get carried away.Occasionally, when my eldest son Henry Adams came to work at the boarding house, he was doing basic training with soldiers at the castle training grounds.

Nevertheless, her true purpose will be the combat training that follows that basic training.The soldiers are rampaging on each other.

The day Merlin arrived, I knew immediately because I heard someone screaming from the training ground more than usual.

Also, not only Mailin. Each of the others was at liberty.

9. Luminaria, the wise man, stayed this time as an invitation in a friendly country.That's why they're going to give a little greeting before the war starts.

"That's nice. That's nice. Events like these are usually beautiful.You can always have fun. "

Until then, Luminaria disguised herself as if it were a corner and went to the tournament venue.

In addition to the main tournament, nearly 100 events are held around the arena every day.

These include fashion shows for clothing brands.

Luminaria visited several of them, including a show hosted by Magical Knights, and locked on to a beautiful model.

In addition, when I definitely looked at it, I was delighted to go to the Misskon venue, and as a result, I suddenly appeared and won.

And as a Miss Connor winner, she seems to be having a full day, such as a riot to annoy the judges of the next Montreal contest and score everyone zero.

"It should be over in about a month or two ─ ─"

Kagra seemed busy with his work at the Fifty Bells Federation and went home the day after the meeting.

However, Gauta keeps it in Esmeralda, and once every few days she shows her face for dinner with everyone.

It is also very useful for interrogating "Ira Muerte" officials who are caught one after the other.

Because Kagra confessed without saying anything, the remnants of Nirvana were eliminated at such an early stage.

Seoul rents a lab at Nirvana Castle to study the magic of the dead day and night.

On the island where the "Ila Muerte" is based.Looks like we're studying the devil's technique even deeper.

It seemed that even a beast that could not be ruled before could be the object of death spirit magic.

"By controlling Magic Attributes, even Magic Beasts will erode...It's a terrible and funny thing to think about, a demon. "

Manipulated monsters and beasts.In addition, there were huge magical formations scattered throughout the island, as well as the parts engraved in the device to extract magical attributes.

Seoul, who had copied all the magic ceremonies on the island, was working on his analysis as if a new goal had just been achieved.

Is that the nature? He had just completed the Glorious Grail of God's Life in just a few years, but he was also pushing ahead with great goals.

"This is tough. Let's go, guys.Help me, Jespernito! "

Rustrada brought her young children to one of the events, the Hero Show.

And I shout the hero's name with the kids, but the parents around me are more enthusiastic than anyone else.No way, 'Do we have to go that far, too?'

But without thinking about it, Rustrada was having a hero show with the kids.

"Here we go. Everybody, be quiet."

Artesia came to the theater on the venue of the tournament because of the girls.

The performance that will be performed there is now a love romance that is very popular with young people.

It was only the first half that the daughter of the town, Heroin, and the prince of the great power were finally able to overcome various obstacles.

Someone's curse brought the heroin to the sleep of death, and the prince traveled to save it in the second half.

A royal prince's love, challenging every difficulty.The women and the girls were thriving in such a rush.

And in that way, Rustrada and Artesia are very busy.

Nirvana is in the middle of a festival.

Therefore, in such an environment, children can't be too big.Next thing you know, this is the day we tour the venue.

However, in addition to the teachers in the orphanage, the soldiers and maids working at Nirvana Castle also took the lead.

I am now splitting up into several teams for each person wishing to attend various events.

Not only Artesia, but also Nirvana Castle seems to have a lot of lovers of children.

Noine hasn't changed much since the duel.I just got back to my usual routine.

Nevertheless, there is only the rank of general, and he seems to be very busy.

"Ah, I haven't seen you lately ─ ─ What's wrong with that!Hah... this is a little too much work. "

I'm in the middle of an inspection of the soldiers' training.Noine shook her head in a hurry to distract her delusions.

While he understands, he starts meditating in agony over feelings that go beyond that understanding.

(That's Grandpa Summoner, that's Grandpa Summoner, that's Grandpa Summoner)

Repeating it like a monument to Buddha, I can tell myself, but what comes to mind is the look of poor and bewildering Mira.

"Damn it... what do I do..."

When he realized that he was staring at Mira's hidden photograph that Luminaria gave him, Nein looked up to heaven and rushed to work harder.

The Atlantis generals also stayed in the castle until the mock battle and enjoyed themselves.

"Wow, there's a pretty promising guy going on!Ah, I wanted to leave too. "

The Gottfried carried his foot to the qualifying venue of the tournament as he did every day.

Not only do I like to fight, but I also like to see someone fight.

However, when I found a warrior who made me feel talented, I was just a fighter lover.

Looking for an interesting opponent may be the right answer rather than watching.

"Heh, a summoner. Unusual.But that skill... looks interesting! "

While in the qualifying stage, it is quite obvious that the athlete pulled out one head at a time.

Gottfried focuses on a summoner who wins with overwhelming strength and skill.

"Oh, that swordsman is fast. Besides, it's an interesting way to fight without even thinking about reading each other."

Next up is the swordsman who sells fights in all directions in a qualifying format called the Battle Royal.

As they reduce the number of bumps, how much Health they can conserve is an important part of fighting in Battle Royalty.

But the swordsman was pushing through one end before the numbers went down.

It's a battle where you can even feel the urge to defeat everyone by yourself.

I don't hate guys like that.Rather, Gottfried narrowed his eyes with interest.

Saizo tested the use of Nirvana's jigsaw set.

If the country changes, so will the specifications.Looks like he liked some of Nirvana's proprietary jigs.

"Oh, what a wonderful business this is!"

In addition to jinjigs, swords don't seem to be noticed, and they go to the city every day to visit a blacksmith.

He is generally interested in swords, swords, spears, etc., and if he likes them at all, he asks the shopkeeper for permission to slash them.

And since those weapons were shaken with Saizo's exceptional skill, the results of the trimming attracted a great deal of interest from other customers.

As a result, Saizo-approved blacksmiths will thrive more than ever before, which may have the secondary effect of raising Nirvana's blacksmith level somewhat.

"All right, measure it."

"Yeah, okay."

Elise was packed in the same lab as Seoul's assistant.

As the same Necromancer, she respects Seoul Howl, which is why she also noticed the magical study of the devil that he started.

On the day Seoul started his research, he pushed him into the lab and took up his position as an assistant.

Now, I'm beginning to be entrusted with work that looks like an assistant.

Nevertheless, Seoul Howl is a sexual nature that doesn't care much about others, so it's basically a feeling of abandonment, Elise.Still, she seemed satisfied.

The simulation of the "Forty-Eight Generals Without a Name (Nameless Line)", who spend so many days, is scheduled to take place at a time when the real battle of the tournament is greatly boosted.

Now that we are still at the qualifying stage, we are ahead of schedule.

So it seems that the three of them are going to spend some time relaxing.I even looked happy when I had a very good rest.

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