She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 45: 45 44 Confessions

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"Speaking of which, how did your Lord live to this day?

On the way to the sky, Mira throws a fuzzy question at Eisenfald. At the time of the game, there was no explanation for the background of those parts, and if you summoned them, you showed up and sent them back, you just left. But now that it's a reality, it's a word to think it won't be that simple.

"Of course it was the dragon capital, and I lived with my people. The humanization was taught at that time. I heard that the consumption of power can be reduced more than the figure of a dragon. Saving energy, I hear."

"Well, did I? In the capital of dragons, humanization..."

Mira focuses on two unfamiliar words. First of all, the name Dragon Capital was not in the game era. But I can imagine it from the way you put it. I'm sure there are dragons. But when it comes to humanization, the effect will be as you can see, but other than that, I have no idea. If I'd known, I wouldn't have been surprised when Eisenfald turned into a person.

"Well, who taught you to humanize?

I've never heard of transforming dragons into people.

It also feels close to demonization because of the effect of being transformed, but the problem of aptitude and the problem of the magician being a dragon remains. Because the nine existing techniques can only be handled by people in the first place. Or as much as a man's blood is mixed with the likeness of Creos. Demons, spirits, demons. Various other intelligent species also have their own operating systems. If so, it could be thought of as a dragon-only technique, but the dragon transforming into a person was also unprecedented.

It is conceivable that it was newly developed within thirty years, but Mira was a little concerned about the existence of teaching it.

"That was definitely..., a long time ago. A human woman suddenly arrived in the Dragon City. I forgot my name, but even when I saw us, I didn't have to be scared at all, we spent a while together, and gradually we started to talk better.

One day, I hunted all the prey around me and zeroed my stupidity that I was short of food, the woman said. The times are energy saving.

I didn't know what that meant, but I heard there was a way I could live with less food than ever before, and you told me how. That's humanization. While I was a person, my power was considerably curtailed, but my power consumption was proportional to that, so I gradually solved the food problem. "

"I see..."

After listening to Eisenfaldo, Mira thinks about the woman. He said he might be a former player because of the rhetoric of saving energy, etc. And since it is a person, it is likely that it is a normal surgical system. But the problem is that Eisenfald didn't use the usual technique. Then it could be the Dragon Clan or the exclusive skill of its genealogy, but that hooks me up where people taught me that. Has the woman developed a technique that even dragons can use, or does she know a skill that only dragons can use?... or something else entirely different.

Which path means that the former player knew nothing about the technology.

There's more to ask Solomon.

How far is this world evolving? Mira still doesn't see it. It excites her heart.

"Then, for a few years, my mother didn't call me, so I looked for my mother to explore the city of people."

"Ugh... sorry"

Mira groans and apologizes, apparently worried about Eisenfaldo as well.

"That's fine. I see you now. Which way did your mother go before?

Eisenfald asks in an uneasy voice, but if you try Mira, it's an unanswered question. Because Mira's real sense is that it would have been thirty years after she finished her character makeup.

"Honestly, I don't know. It's been thirty years since I found out."

There is nothing else to say, and he speaks as he remembers. To the answer Eisenfald says a word back, tilting his neck just a little, "Sometimes it's strange," and whirls his throat. If we try Eisenfald, we can see each other now, so it doesn't matter anymore, like thirty years we haven't seen each other.

When Mira looked at the boundary of the horizon listening to the sound of such a wind as Eisenfaldo sounded, she wondered whether she would invite all the other summoners to say hello.

From the capital city of Lunatic Lake to the celestial city of Silverhorn is an itinerary that takes two days if not a thousand miles of carriage, but if you take the Imperial Dragon Eisenfald to the sky, it's only about two hours.

Near Silverhorn, the Imperial Dragon, aiming for a slightly open spot in the woods and reflecting a huge shadow on the ground, descends slowly. When the forest trees rippled into the wind pressure that spread like ripples, countless birds burst out of all places depressingly. Brilliant with silver scales in the sunlight, Eisenfald steps gently onto the earth, laying still down and stretching his left forefoot.

"Arrived, Mother"

"Um, thank you for your hard work. Good boy."

Mira strokes Eisenfald's nose tip intact as she conveys her left forefoot from its back to ascertain the feel of the soil shaking for two hours. Eisenfald, delighted, squealed his throat and narrowed his eyes as he came.

(If this is the case, there won't be any more problems with travel. The fur coat would be perfect.)

"Mother, will you call me again?

"Of course, because I'm sure I'll be taking care of you more often from now on. Nice to meet you."

"Yes, Mother!

When Eisenfald replies with a voice that sounds like he can play, he gets wrapped up in a pale light. Mira sent him back. When the outline slowly blurred, Eisenfald returned to the Dragon's Capital, as if the shadows in the fog were going to blow away.

"It's like 30 minutes on foot."

When one shrieks as he remembers the surrounding terrain seen from above, Mira steps toward the woodland streets that were confirming nearby.

As soon as he was on his way to his destination, he aimed for nine towers that could be clearly ascertained from afar, the end point of the road as it was.

By the time the planned time had passed since she started walking, Mira had peeked into every house lined up on Silverhorn Boulevard, behind her original purpose.

(I didn't know you could buy mana water so cheap. This is not the fruit of stardust, I didn't know you were in such a normal line of stores... it's been thirty years. That's not what I wanted to walk with...)

Mira will check the displayed items one by one. Prices are half higher than they were at the time, or vice versa, and even rarer items like individual deals were commonplace. The more I toured the store, the more Mila was made to think that I should completely throw away my former values.

While examining current prices, by the time I had finished grasping the key points, about two hours had passed since I arrived in Silverhorn.

Feeling hungry after noon, Mira fills her belly with a sandwich as she enters a coffee shop that was nearby and follows the people crossing the boulevard through the window with their eyes. In Mira's eyes, where there is a break and she slowly drinks cocoa, many species see and pass by. With lots of land patterns or magicians, and a satisfactory eye for the bustling city as a tourist destination, you softly hold the sight in your chest.

Mira finishes accounting and leaves the coffee shop behind. And I looked at nine towers that were close in appearance, but still far away in fact.

So, let's go.

When he never walks out of his mind, he now severs the numerous temptations of the attractive store, and Mira heads straight for the Silver Tower.

The tower district is situated far from the commercial district, but is busy with tourists during the good hours of the day. The time Mira arrived in the square in front of the tower was just at its peak, and the area was full of countless tourists. The ethnicity is also cluttered, and some of them are scattered around high-ranking equipment.

In the meantime, Mira sees the children rushing around in shakes. These are children who are interested in playing with wooden sticks. And shouting softly at the words of the chant that would not know the meaning, waving the stick of a tree, a man of parentage falls deliberately. And as proud as he had won, the child with the stick of the tree... wore the robe replica of the wise man around him with dignity.

Having seen the sight, Mira thinks of herself a few days ago. I was walking around the replica with a lot of excitement.

(You're wearing a costume!)

Mira enlightens the truth, rolls around in her brain and gets bored. If you think calmly and well about it, you attract the look on your face, you look at the kids playing with pleasure and look up to heaven with vain eyes wondering if they would have seen you like that too.

As Mira rushes out to shake off her shame, she stops in front of the gate that leads to the premises. There were also tourists in this place, and when they looked up at the gate, they were leaking their exclamation.

He has eyes, but he won't be around any time soon after he waits. Mira, who looked around and felt it, took the tower key (master key) from the item field and placed it at the gate. The gates that recognize the tower keys are silent and slowly open, while the surrounding voices change. That should be it, too, and it is the officials of the tower, that is, the researchers and aides, the sage deputies, and the Nine Sages themselves who can open this gate. Other than that, it is only those who have passed rigorous inspections and obtained temporary admission permits.

Needless to say, the fellows are superior magicians and have a remarkable level of marginal aristocracy in the country. And the influence of sage surrogates is even greater, so much so that when you become the Nine Sages, you are treated like royalty.

In order to enter the nest where such people live, it is necessary to complete a test that is so difficult that even powerful nobles as well as royalty in other countries do not grant permission alone. Opening the gates to the tower has nothing to do with the public.

Mira didn't even think the current situation was that far away, so she opened it easily, so she circled her neck with the tower key on her suddenly changed signs of the surrounding area. And I shook my spine at the gaze coming at me.

(Also... I wonder if you've done something...)

Even though she tried not to put it on her face, Mira rushed into the gate, signaling that the cold sweat would convey her cheeks.

In front of a gate that closes without sound. For the first time, tourists who could see the gate open in front of them were ecstatic about their luck. When someone makes a noise that it is the first time they have seen the premises, then someone counteracts that they have seen eye to eye with the researchers on the premises. When the waves of excitement propagated to every corner of the square, those who could bear witness directly were greatly pleased, and those who could not mourn greatly.

On a property with nine towers. The silver tower is so high that the top is invisible that its appearance alone attracts tens of thousands of tourists a month. Formerly a militarily important base, it is now a tourist destination that also has a significant impact on national interests. In particular, tourists increased considerably since the signing of the Non-War Treaty.

Mira leads the researchers immersed in the research straight to the Tower of Summoning.

Several researchers were following with their eyes the figure of a girl entering the tower. Talk about a summoning tower, a pretty girl with silver hair, and a disciple of Dumblrf. Those who are originally only interested in research only then begin to thrive in the brave tradition of remembering or asking people about a formerly existing Nine Wise Men named Dumblrf. Even if the type of technique is different, the Nine Wise Men are supreme for the researchers in the tower. And that is why those who are here have no prejudice against summoning.

In the tower is the will of the magicians of the past, who have been incisive to each other. And that belief is still handed down.

"Master Dumbleff's apprentice? I hope you can help me rebuild my subpoena."

A researcher shrugs. Cleos, a sage surrogate, and one who explored new ways of contracting summoning. In the end, it was heartbreaking because it would never bear fruit, but I prayed to entrust hope to the presence of the Dumbluff disciple I had heard about.

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Summoning Tower Ground Floor. Mira goes straight through the idle hall and takes the central elevator up to the top floor. Third, fourth, and fifth floors. Mira took a few deep breaths to calm her down and never stepped to the top floor.

Mira stops in front of the aide's office without going straight into the private room. For starters, I'm going to reveal everything to Mariana.

For thirty years, Mariana continued to protect all her personal belongings with faith in the return of Dumbleff. No matter how many apprentices, you can't take that personal possession out on your own more than you know it. Permission seems to be granted, but I can't lie to Mariana any more. And there was more to reassure Mariana than that.

When Mira lifted her right hand and gently clenched her fist, the door of the adjacent office opened, from which Cleos revealed her smooth blonde hair.

"Oh, isn't that Mira? Can I help you, Mariana?

Cleos walks over with a happy smile as he observes from the way Mira was about to knock on the door.

"Um, sort of."

"Oh well. Yeah, well, then I was wondering if you could give me a minute when you're done with that. I'd like to hear more about the school and if I can, Mr. Dumbleffe."

"Fair enough, I'll see you later..."

To put it that way, Mira stares at Cleos and wonders if it would be a good opportunity for her to be here at this time. I was wondering if it would be more convenient to deal with the school thing Cleos said and the current issue of summoning magicians as Dumblrf.

"Um, what can I do for you... Oh, was it Master Mira"

As they were discussing in front of the aide's office, the door opened. And from there it was Mariana, a twin-tailed maid of honor girl as brilliant as a sapphire.

The only people who can come to the top floor are some who know how the elevator works or the guests the person brought in. It is natural to have Cleos in the Summoning Tower. In other words, the other person in the conversation will be a visitor. If Cleos had anything to do with it, he wouldn't stand up in a place like this. Then Mariana will be the one who needs it.

"It's been a long time, Mariana. I just stopped by today to talk about something important. Do you have time?

"Yes, I'm fine, though. What are you talking about?

"It's a little bit of a story. Let's just say we talk in the room. Cleos is with us."

Mira says so while retrieving the tower key (master key). Mariana leaves the room "OK" when she stares at it to miss it.

"Me too? Okay, well, I guess you could use the clerk's office. Get some delicious tea leaves."

"Hmm, that's good."

Cleos, who boasted only a little, opens the office door ahead of time. When Mira returned the tower key to the item box, she headed with Mariana to the office.

With Mariana and Cleos on the front, Mira sips Cleos' brewed amber liquid. As soon as it spreads a refreshing and aromatic fragrance in your mouth, it falls straight out into your nose and leaks an unexpected sigh of relief.

Cleos lets his cheeks loosen with joy when he sees how it is, he breaks his expression satisfactorily with his mouth as well. Mariana reached for the cup and nodded as if she was convinced.

"Well, I don't like to talk about it in a roundabout way. Let me be brief..."

Mira puts the cup on the table when she foresees it so.

(I wonder what they would think if they heard this... This is what happened to me...)

When she shakes her thoughts off halfway that she doesn't want to have a bad imagination, Mira breathes away with that momentum and opens her mouth again.

"I am not a disciple. Dumbleffe himself."

Seriously, and sincerely, I tell you so. Those eyes, determined, were directed straight at the two of them. In contrast, when the two rebel in their brains to slowly chew on the meaning of the word, Cleos begins to give a stunned expression to its extra burgeoning content.

"Uh... I mean, is it okay for Mira, not Mira, actually, to mean Master Dumbleff?

"In the first place, the name Mira is like a pseudonym for this appearance. Well, I don't think it's going to be hard to believe it right away."

Cleos roars with a bewildered look as he carefully observes Mira.

Next to it, Mariana, who was quietly silent, finally finishes organizing her words and restarts them.

"Something...... anything to prove it?

One of Mariana's words was more appropriate to the status quo than any other. No matter how many claims you make, it does not prove conclusive. If I could show you something that's only possible in person, I wouldn't need any more words.

"Hmm, right..."

When Mira is also convinced that's the earliest, she puts her finger on the tip of her jaw and thinks about what's likely to prove it.

The only unequivocal proof that Dumbleff is himself. (ix) The tower key, which is owned only by the wise man, is out of the question because it is assumed that it has already been conceded. From that point of view, it may be considered impossible to prove in relation to items that can be handed over. When an item cannot be handed over, it is a billing item that immediately floats, but that only works between players. It doesn't make sense because it's something that anyone can get for a player in the first place.

There is also a way to show your power as a Dumblrf, but naturally you have more power than you said disciple. No matter how powerful the summons you show, the destination could remain only with the title of a good disciple.

It can only be an individual named Dumblrf, something. Looking at the item section and glancing at the status, Mira looks for what is likely to be evidence.

(What about calling me around the Alfina and making me speak for myself?... but uhh, not until they point out that I'm using force to make you say it. Wouldn't that be conclusive proof in words...)

Close all the menus and raise your face, you'll see two strange-faced figures. Even if I tell memorabilia about the two of them, this is out of the question again, if my master asks me.

Mira realizes that it was difficult to prove herself by now.

Mariana, in the eyes of Mira, who had repeatedly thought so only of herself, only of Dumblrf, had turned her anticipating gaze somewhat.

(Mariana... Fairy Clan... Fairy Clan Mariana...)

At the next moment, powerful evidence floats in the back of my brain as if I had obtained a heavenly revelation.

"Well, here it is!

"Dear Mira...?

Standing up in momentum, Mira leans straight next to Mariana and offers her flexing right palm between Mariana and him on the spot.

"With fairy protection. That would have been something only one person could have given in a lifetime. If we can renew the Lord's protection here and now, it will prove to me."

Mariana also becomes aware of Mira's words.

Fairy protection is a special contract that is similar to a contract, given to someone the fairy family has recognized for a lifetime. The effects of such escort vary depending on the individual fairy, but no matter what happens, it can never be discarded. However, there is a time limit for this protection. Once tied together, a connection is created between the two sides, allowing them to provide protection. The effect of this protection will fade in about three days, but it is possible to revive the effect by updating it. And this update is a testament to the fact that we received protection once.

Mariana's protection was given to Dumblrf, so if the protection with Mira could be renewed, that would be absolute proof.

"I see. Certainly Mariana was giving Dumbleffe protection. If that blessing appears to Mira, it means…"

It is the girl in front of you who proves to be Dumblev himself. At the same time, Cleos slightly distracted his expression, as he once told Mira about his stupidity. When he takes the cup in his hand and drinks it up with his tense, trembling hands, he tells himself to remain calm.


With her little lips gently trembling, Mariana closes her eyes with her left hand against Mira's right hand. Mira was also nervous inside, but within a few moments of joining hands, phosphorescence overflows around her hand.

"... Hmm"

I've seen it several times, and it was a reaction when fairy protection was renewed. Finally, having perceived the crisis, Cleos completes confirmation of the escape route by circling his gaze around the perimeter.

As the light slowly converged to be sucked into the back of the two hands, there was a pattern of small wings floating up there.

"Update… done"

Mariana opened her eyes wide and stared at the back of her own hand, holding it in her chest, looking very important. Mira glances at her fingertips to satisfy herself with a sign of protection and says, "Well, now..." Because Mariana, in her eyes, was weeping in both eyes.

Mira remembers the first time she met Mariana in a real world. I couldn't touch it backwards, the tears of that time.

"I'm sorry."

Mira said so, facing straight at each other, she gently touched Shizuku, who conveyed her cheeks. Then Mariana, happily, but only a little shy, put her own hand on Mira's hand,

"Finally meet you"

That's what I say and smile. Mira's palms continued to take it over and over again as tears overflowing from happiness shook up and transmitted her cheeks.

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