She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 50: 50 49 Elders

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Black knight nestled in the front of Alfeil. Even after a painful blow, it had not been destroyed, and repairs had begun due to rising magic.

When Mira turns her hand to the Dark Knight, a similar magic formation appears when she summons it. It wraps the black knight from his feet and wraps around the details.

[Summoning/Mutation: Dark Road]

The change was abrupt.

Armor Spirit. It is a spirit that dwells in armor made in the hands of men. The way it is is, even the way it is used.

An Armor Spirit from an Armor exercised to fight an enemy becomes a Dark Knight.

One armored spirit continued to pursue the killing, both its essence and its existential significance, with Mira after the covenant.

And as a result of its arrival, its existence leads to the creation of a more precise form.

The Black Knight, who finished the change, clearly meant something different, even though his presence was different. The black armor is stained with still darkness in the pale light, and all of it is covered with countless blades, whether it be helmets, armor, hands or shins. Only a look that specializes in burying enemies. With a sword in your left and right hand, even if you lose it, you fight your enemies with your head, with your arms, with your feet, with all of their bodies. That's what made me ask. Instead the armor is thinner, but the madly stained figure would, above all, terrorize the relative.

Alfeil complains of a leopard black knight. I realized that I was being relieved from Dark Knight's movements, and I therefore hoped that you would give me all your strength.

The full power of Dark Knight. That's what I wanted.

But what Mira offered was well beyond hope. Alfeil's instinct understands that the presence in front of him is heterogeneous.

That's why I trembled. Make your whole body gross and thank God for this day today. Now it never reaches the top. It is an indicator and a new goal. That this is a revelation.

Alfeil runs out with suppression of the joy he enters. There is no need to signal the start. Because in this case, the weak move first, and the strong take it from the front is their duty.

Get in the mood of tearing and make the best blow you can possibly hold with dignity and honesty. The sharp sword swung down at the edge of a slightly deflected pitch-black knight, sounding high. But it was not the great blade of pitch black that prevented it, but the blade of armor that wrapped itself in a carrot.

The fierce blade armor moves. Those two hands holding the great sword, always on offense. It is never used to protect. Because it embodies the existential significance of defeating.

Alfeil immediately raises his sword in line with the orbit anticipated from the slightest motion. An instantaneous and intense shock struck his entire body. It's a storm of power that's going to blow your arms off.

When Alfeil forcefully controls his paralyzing hand, he can squeeze temper and put his strength strongly into his sword gripping hand.

Also the pitch-black armor moves. Alfeil draws his sword at the grump as he distorts his expression in agony. To meet a little longer and a little more.

A pitch-black knight is repatriated by Mira. In the middle of the training square, Alfeil had fallen in large letters. The expression is flamboyant, looking to heaven with satisfaction as he lifts his shoulders wide up and down.

"Ahhh......, my teeth stand. Ahhh...... it feels good. Hey... uh... Speaking of which, didn't you get your name?"


"Dear Mira...? So, how was I?

Mira, who showed us new indicators for Alfeil, had already become a respectable being. Mira does not slightly hook up to the likeness or care much, but puts an apple ole bent next to Alphail's face.

"My" Save it "and I kept having so many meetings, I guess the Lord is better than the first Dark Knight. Well, from there on out, it looks like we still need refinement."

"Right...... By the way, do you think you can stretch it out on me?

Upon receiving Mira's words to bite, Alfeil looks up at Mira on the side and says the things that bother her her her the most. For five years, no defeat. That means no one can measure exactly how strong they are.

"Hmm, I'm not a swordsman. Even if you ask me that, I can't answer you. Well, if you dare, isn't it up to your efforts?

I know a fool like you. He has slaughtered my Dark Lord many times. "

"I've had that one many times...... Like that acquaintance, can I be?

"So it depends on the effort"

"Right... right. If it's hard work, I'm the best at it. Absolutely, I'll let it go beyond one day."

Alfeil's eyes looking up at Mira sucked at his determination to come.

"At that time, will you deal with them again?

"Um, let's look forward to the Lord's growth"

"Ha ha. I'll let you lose your temper"

Then in terms of what to do with the means of contact, I told Mira that I could always contact her if I went through the union because I'm an adventurer. Alfeil exchanged promises of a rematch when he was sure to contact them once he had enough strength to convince them.

The next moment when he grins satisfactorily, Alfeil, who rose in haste, hands down to a sheath bearing a sword that remains in his grip to delude something, causing him to wander his gaze busily.

"What's going on?"

"No, it's nothing! Thank you so much for today. I'll wave my sword a little before I go home. And thanks for this too!

When he suddenly rolls up, Alfeil picks up the apple ole and stirs it with a breath. For some reason, my cheeks were dyed red.

The reason for this is simply that I looked directly at Mira's underwear, which was giving in. Mira herself never noticed the matter, but only admired the thought of hanging it on Alphael's sword.

It was all swords, too pure alfeil.

When divided in the training square, Mira returns to the inn one foot away.

The dining room was also neglected, but Mira ordered herbal tea and honey tarts from the store owner as she sat upright in the counter seat.

"You were later than I thought. Can I help you?

Turn your gaze to Mira as the shopkeeper pours herbal tea into the cup.

"At first I thought you just liked the technique, but ah he's not a root fighting idiot. As soon as I summoned the Dark Knight, I told him I wanted to work with him."

Mira flaunts her shoulders lightly, but has a pleasant grin on her face. Because someone who was straight to what he liked, like Alfayle, was also in Mira's acquaintance and remembered the person. And the man loved the knife.

"Oh, is that what happened? Well, Alphail, it seems to have begun that the sword technique that you were confident in following through didn't work for the magician."

The shopkeeper puts herbal tea and honey tarts in front of Mira, remembering a story once heard by an exciting Alphail.

Mira was interested in the magician that Alfeil's sword did not work. If you were just a confident swordsman, you would have been quite skilled, even if you counted it backwards from your current strength, even though it was from the past. If he were to win it before, he would not be a magician in line.

"Whatever that is, I'm curious."

Growling so, Mira urges the store owner to continue the story as she bursts through the tart. After a few thoughts, the store owner started talking while sorting out what he had heard.

"I'm the magician, was that about five years ago? There were rumors that were very exciting around here at the time. He said that a collector who used to produce herb extraction came across a demon of a human type that he had never seen during his work in a mountain.

That seemed like a horrible demon, and the harvester said he was ready to die. But all of a sudden, a woman wearing an exotic costume with a deep slit came down from the top of the mountain and she instantly defeated the demon.

According to the collector's story, he was a strange female magician, and the demon seemed to burn red and desperate. "

From what I've heard, Alfeil says he lost his battle with the magician. If it is further overwhelmed, it is presumed that there is a marginal difference in strength.

"Sure, that's not a line of magicians."

"Yeah, so when you heard the rumor, Alfayle, you packed your bags and popped out on the day. At the time, you were challenging those who were said to be strong from the edge.

And about a month later, as your daughter saw, she came back as a swordsman who admired the magician.

What kind of battle was it? "

When the owner concludes the conversation, he starts washing dishes.

When Mira moistened her mouth with herbal tea from time to time, she remembered the magician in the corner of her head, often concerned, as she rolled a moderately sweet honey tart over her tongue.

Mira then changed the subject and enjoyed a small conversation with the store owner. In it, it is taught that this is a village made of gathered hunters who make a living in the woods of prayer children. If you don't get into the back, there will be no powerful demons, which means that adventurers can earn enough to feed themselves as long as they have enough arms. And whoever seeks more money is based in a fort behind the woods, the shopkeeper says aloud. My son is the best warrior in the village if I pull out of Alfeil, where he's not here, and he's active in that fort.

Touching the people's raw sense of life, Mira was truly impressed, and when she returned to the room to thank the owner for the meal, she fell asleep making her plans for the morning.

The next morning. Waking up at the end of breakfast time, Mira bought a ton of sweets and flew out of Hunters Village as she hurried to get ready and eat.

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Above where the prayer child forest spreads endlessly beneath his eyes. Far ahead is Kasumi, and we can see the great trees piercing the clouds that are likely to crumble the proximity.

The Great Tree is the Divine Tree.

Before such a spectacular view, Mira was busily moving her hands under her clothes while still crossing Pegasus.

I was in a hurry in the morning, so my chest doesn't fit well.

For the time being, I remember what Mariana taught me about my unspeakable discomfort and struggle with evil. When it finally fits in good shape, I am greatly distressed by the sight that is not an exaggeration to say the flavor of fantasy.

(Why have I been so desperate...)

For a moment only, Mira is irritated by an inexorable sense of nothingness. But while confirming the satisfactory breast performance, he murmured "Well, it's not perfect" in front of the overwhelming nature, and was satisfied with a feeling of unclear satisfaction.

It's been more than two hours since I've caught a near-minded Miyagi in the front and kept flying. Mira kept changing her posture over and over Pegasus to reduce crotch pain. Beginning with a horse seat, he strayed from a front seat, a sports seat, a depression, etc., and eventually settled in a way that leaned his body to the side and leaned against Pegasus' neck.

Time after noon big enough for the sun to shine in excellent condition. Even the walls of the Grimdart Imperial Royal Castle, regarded as the largest on the continent, are huge enough to fill Mira's sight.

Less than five hours after continuing to fly over the woods of the prayer child, Mira had come near the foot of the Michigi tree. The branches covering the sky block any light from the sun.

But the surroundings were strangely bright. Because instead of the light, the light is pouring down the pale, shining particles. This is a fragment of the mana that overflows from the mighty tree, and the trees at the foot, which do not reach the light, are growing instead of this mana. As a result, the surrounding forest had been transformed into a powerful spiritual area until it was influenced by the Mana of the Michigi.

Pegasus descends on the roots of the majestic signs of the Michigi tree, and Mira jumps off its back and looks up at the front wall (...). Particles of light falling from far above fall like light snow scattered at night. Its light, sucked into the ground and extinguished, illuminated the depressed and lush unnamed grasshoppers.

Flowers with faces (...) as if to observe visitors from the sky are interested in girls who have no shadow of fear in this dim place.

Due to disturbing surrounding signs, Pegasus slips his face worried. When Mira calls out that she's okay and sends her back, she turns to Michigi, who even looks like a wall.

"Elder, I want to ask you something. Why don't you show yourself?"

That's what I talked about.

Then a whispering wind strokes through Mira's cheek, shaking the woods behind her.

The blurring gradually propagated and spread throughout the spiritual area, simultaneously surrounded by silence that could not even hear the leaves.

Mira remembers this situation. It is a sign. The life of the ninety-nine gods who dwell in the Mighty Tree, the Green Chai Ong, "Come and visit me", descends.

When I realized, the light that kept coming down constantly disappeared, and the deepening darkness covered the area.

The sound sounds. The sound of crawling through the ground.

Signs approach. Approaching behind.

At the next moment, a girl's shadow is reflected on the front wall.

When Mira looked back, there was a large sphere of light drifting there that seemed to hold. The light falls on the ground in front of you as you circle around it to make sure Mira is sure.

The change began slowly. The ground with the fallen light thrives and the twin leaves pop out. From there, it grows dramatically and gradually mimics people when it becomes a tree about the back length of Mira.

Ten seconds and a little bit as the change begins. An old man appeared, resembling a person but somewhat inorganic, wrapped around a leaf robe in front of Mira.

What can I do for you?

A low, creaking voice emanates from the old man. The eyes that look at Mira are suspiciously radiant, which, coupled with her appearance, creates a creepy impression. Mira, who has only seen it once, has fallen a little behind by accident.

"Sorry for the indignation. I don't know how long ago, but I want to make sure no one comes here looking for the roots of the elders. If you have any idea, why don't you tell me?"

When asked so, the elder traces his memory with Mira staring at him. Mira, with her empty eyes turned, feels uncomfortable, yet awaits an answer. Then, abruptly, it is illuminated by light from its surroundings.


As Mira circled her gaze, three spheres of light had emerged that she had seen earlier, about to sink to the ground. And when the soil flourishes, the twin leaves pop up, shaping each figure.

Three bodies surrounded Mira: a woman wrapped in a cherry blossom robe, a man wrapped in bark armor, and a girl whose spreads were just tangled.

"That person, I remember. It was my first offer, so I'm impressed. I lost track of time, but I wanted my roots, so I gave them to you."

That's what the cherry blossom woman said. That's what I tell you in a feminine, gentle voice.

"I remember you, too. In consideration, you're the one who brought me (...) full of delicious fertilizer, right? Wouldn't you like to come back?"

A sprawling girl sounds her still young voice as she craftily manipulates the sprawl into the universe.

"Are you restless? Guests are in trouble."

When the bark man advises in a wild voice, the girl goes down to the ground in dissatisfaction. Unlike the other three, the spreads do not serve as clothes, so they look all round from Mira. There was a feeling I was used to seeing for myself, but Mira immediately took her gaze off the hindsight. A man was checking on it.

Mira organizes the words she hears.

First of all, there were certainly those who came here in search of roots. Roots were given in exchange for consideration. But that time of year is unknown.

First of all, he said it was the first person to seek the roots of an elder, so that would be a dozen eighty-nine, could be considered Seoul Haul.

"Hmm, I mean, no. Is that why you're here?

"No difference."

When Mira asks, the old man answers faceless. When a slight grunt looms as if to echo that voice, the thickness roots appear cracking the ground several times that of Mira's body.

"I see... is this it"

The tip of its roots was unnaturally interrupted, dim and unclear, but when Mira confirmed, she did see the severed marks. That's pretty old stuff. Which also means that it's starting to move so far.

"It may be my searcher, but may I ask what he looks like?"

Having first completed the purpose check, Mira asks if there is any other information. The old man, once again, begins to ponder with Mira in view,

"Right......, you were a dark-haired man, wearing a white mask to cover your eyes"

A man squeezes the characteristics of that person out of the bottom of his memory. And when I say I don't remember any more, I say that's all the other three remember the same.

"Hmm, he could be right."

Dark hair, mask to cover your eyes. Seoul Haul also had dark hair, so if he hadn't changed his appearance, that would be a match. And a mask. Mira knows this, too. He has no regrets about his suspicious performance. The mask is likely to be part of it.

"Whatever you want at the end of the day, didn't I say anything else?

"Then I wondered what you would use my roots for, so when I asked, uh..."

"I'll sharpen the cup, right? So black..., black... yes, what is it? I need something. That's what he said."

Instead of the old man, who does not move like he stopped, the woman answers as she remembers, and the girl makes up for the obscure part.

"Black, something...... Hmm, do you have guidelines for boulders? Dear Green Yin Chai Ong, thank you for your information. It doesn't extend to him."

Saying, Mira takes the baked sweets out of the item box. We called God, so we need a corresponding consideration. And God, made up of nature, tended to prefer the offering on which man's hand was hung. That's why Mira bought a lot of sweets in the village.

"It's a human treat!

Girl jumping happy and grabbing sweets. When I throw it in my mouth, I chew it all over my smile. On a more favourable note than expected, Mira also begins to take out the rest of the confectionery when she is convinced that the choice was not wrong.

The girl reached for a pile of sweets stacked one after the other, but was grabbed and controlled by a man. He said, "Where is the god who takes the offering on the way?"

I'm not like a girl, but women, men and old people seem to like confectionery, and I gladly received it.

"It's been a long time since people made offerings. As far as I'm concerned, it would have been nice if you'd just excreted a little there. The magic that lies within it will yield superior fruit."

An old man who has only ever said one or two words raps, saying perverse words. To sum up, anything that comes out of Mira's magic bearer's body becomes superior fertilizer, that sort of thing.

God, who lives on a moon that is originally a plant and is uninterrupted, does not have such (...) sensibilities. To the evidence, to the words of both the woman and the man and the old man, I agree that it was also. The only exception is a girl, obsessed with confectionery.

Mira had a heartfelt relief that it was good to have a treat as a offering. If I hadn't brought it, the worst I could have been made to do that (...) right in front of me.

God is terrible to get. It was Mira who arrived at the bend.

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