She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 67: 67 66 is mercy.

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Holy Nation of Alice Farius. It is a great nation dedicated to the goddess of mercy, a pillar of the three gods believed in the Schmegofe region.

Station streets in such a country can be called young babies compared to the capital, but the city was overflowing with momentum due to the entrance from the railway.

Moreover, only the Holy Land is inscribed everywhere, such as shops and private houses, which represent the symbol of the goddess, so much so that you can see several dioceses just a short walk around.

Arriving at the station street Holly Gate the night before, Mira spent the night in the inn in front of the station as it was and now overlooked the morning streets, which also looked like snowscapes, in the square in front of the station.

One of the cathedral bell towers is out of the way from everywhere, including the station, and I don't see any buildings tall enough to cross that bell tower. Mira looks at one of those dioceses and wonders if she can master sacred art in a newly made diocese, about the tact that will surely come to this country one day. The Holy Nation of Alice Farius has so many places about sacred art.

Next time Mira moves to a sparsely populated place after planning to ask the proxy of the Sacred Arts Tower in detail, she is tempered and then summons Pegasus.

Appearing from the magic formation, Pegasus proceeded to Mira's chest shortly after looking around lightly. Pegasus pushes his face more gushing than usual. I've been summoned like every day lately, and suddenly the sun is empty, so I was worried.

But Mira never realizes how it feels, and she just strokes the hyena that she's sweet enough.

Pegasus was not immediately noticeable because it was a sparsely visible place and the same pure white as the foundations of the city. But in the holy kingdom of Alice Farius, Pegasus is considered the use of God, and gradually men begin to gather together.

It was not until shortly afterwards that Pegasus, carrying the girl, flew from the busy trail where the little birds roared.

Underneath you will find a meadow that reflects the waves of the wind, and far ahead, the sumptuous mountains continue to the edge of the horizon. This time the destination, Heavenly Abandoned Capital, is in a basin beyond its mountain range.

Pegasus, who carries Mira on his back and takes the station street Holly Gate north, was in a visible and upbeat mood, a bare gesture that usually kept the approaching birds from interrupting their current time while they were driving in the sky with Mira, but now countless birds gathered from the crowd were flying around. The twist is clear to high and crosses the sky like a parade of orchestras.

"I have a lot of people with me today. This is going to be another fun trip."

Pegasus hisses when Mira says so casually.

Then the birds began to form a formation by species, spreading their wings wide and dancing high and turning and gliding high. The world's rarest joint aviation shows were held on the spot, such as formation flights that would not collapse if queued in small pieces.

"Oh, my God, that's brilliant!

Mira sends a compliment to the birds who swim freely so that they can play. Pegasus checked on Mira's condition and now he let his wings shine strong. When the overflowing light swells around like gold powder, a sound similar to the sound of a bell dissolves in the sky and stains the birds.

It was the light of protection given by the spiritual beast. It was given by Pegasus as a reward that pleased the Lord.

"Beautiful light. The Lord will do it, too!

Never having seen a spiritual beast grant shelter, Mira thought it was another way of playing pegasus with the birds. As a result of the fact that Pegasus, who became more concerned with this word, sprinkled the light of protection every time, the birds' protection became stronger and gained peace for generations, something that Mira did not know.

As the forest gradually deepened as we approached the mountains, more demons were swirling over the sky, so Pegasus scattered the birds some time ago. Now it's just Mira and Pegasus, just in the middle of an ascent to jump over a mountain range that can hang high.

That is such a steep slope that even death is likely to tumble down, deviating from the regular route to the abandoned capital of heaven, but Mira thought there would be nothing wrong with jumping over in Pegasus.

(Is this... okay...)

But the barrier is high everywhere, and the woods stretching out at the foot of the mountain are so far as to be blurry. The higher the altitude, the more cold air pierces the skin through the wrapped fur.

That, too, is supposed to hold back the way it goes. The wall is one of the three great mountain ranges of the Earth continent, higher than anywhere ever flown. The top of that mountain pierced the clouds yet to be seen, and looked down at Mira as if to reject everything.

Out of such harsh circumstances, Mira was finally overwhelmed by a slight headache and a sumptuous vision to Pegasus.

"Pegasus, return once.... Would you mind going downstairs first?"

Mira tells Pegasus so, distorting her expression to her crippling head. Then, knowing how it was, Pegasus dyed his eyes more bitterly than Mira and plunged into the woods.

When Pegasus, who descended on a slightly open spot in the forest at the foot, wrapped his wings around Mira, who lay to keep him, the veil of a dazzling rainbow overflowed from his wings. The light that instantly covers a part of the dim forest is Pegasus's greatest healing power. Particles of light filled with surroundings heal the darkness and wounds of the animals that inhabit them.

However, there was no dramatic change in Mira's symptoms, and her feelings were slightly relieved.

"It's getting a little easier. Thank you."

Mira touches Pegasus' neck as she says. Mira, who is somewhat familiar with the symptoms, thinks the symptoms will heal if she returns to the flat and rests in a stable environment forest.

When he calms down first, he closes his eyelid wondering what happened after this.

Abandoned capital cannot go from the sky. Then all that remains is a regular route through the dungeon from the ground.

But that's how Mira started making plans.

"What is it, what is it!?

Pegasus began to shake Mira's body so hard with his face and mouth.

I don't think it's an emergency, I open my eyes and explore the surroundings, but I can just see Aurora's hissing, some dreamy forest in Mira's eyes.

When Mira wakes up in a bad mood, Pegasus floats somewhere to relieve herself and buries her face in Mira's chest.

"Hum, I'm still not a sweetheart"

For a while now, Mira leaned back on Pegasus again and slowly relaxed on the spot until she recovered.

(If you go through the dungeon, maybe you'll need a pass...)

The road leading up to the Abandoned Capital of Heaven is a dungeon called 'Staircase to the Sky'. If the union were to control all the dungeons, it would have been necessary to have them issued with their passes. If so, it will be necessary to turn back to the city where the union is located.

The light emitted by Pegasus also calms down and the forest returns to its gloomy normal face. Mira was also getting back on track, spreading the map and looking for a nearby city, that's when.

Slowly but constantly tempered, the signs hide from the crevices of the trees, where the voices of insects similar to those of others sneak. When Mira explored with biosensing, she was able to confirm two reactions the size of a person.

(A person is a person in such a place. Is it the Adventurer... Chimera, around the Fifty Bells League? I wonder if the hunter will be there.)

Pegasus stepped out in front of Mira, wrapped in fine thunder on his wings.

If my ears were clear, from the gray woods there would have been a definite contoured footsteps straight up to where I was now.

"What is this..."

When he stops at a distance where he can see himself, one of the Lord of Footsteps rushes out for a small run and jumps out of the woods, he leaks his voice like that in front of Pegasus, who sits there.

The man has a black armored helmet wrapped around him with a bloody red sheathed sword on his lower back that shows more than black. He was a good example of a samurai. I wonder if it's one step ahead of me in the middle age. Its face is boneless like a scraped rock, but it has some rounded eyes, and wonder and face aren't bad. But it doesn't matter. Pegasus twists himself to shelter Mira while staring at the man.

"Hey, don't run out all of a sudden.... and look, you're on guard."

"Mm, sorry."

Another man from behind the samurai man, wearing a weapon that emphasizes his lightness, peeks into his face. Protect only the steeple with green leather armor like a leaf of a tree, and on its hips the arrow barrel was lowered and the arrow feathers were visible, but a dozen arrows were thick and long to shoot with a bow. At first glance, he looks like a hunter, with calm eyes that make him feel intelligent with a stern face.

"You're going to be attacked again. You, did you do something?

"No, I was just impressed with this divine figure"

"I heard Pegasus had a gentle temper."

Two men exchanging words and exploring the situation while retreating slightly before Pegasus, who strips away his vigilance and intimidates him. Then in those two ears,

"Who are you people?

Yes, a slightly hallucinating voice was delivered from nowhere, like playing a vitreous bell.

"The voice now is... if Dear Pegasus"

"No... behind it"

As the samurai man pays tribute to Pegasus, the hunter's man sees the girl standing behind him to be protected. It was a complete blind spot for the samurai man who stood directly in front of Pegasus, but if he was told and deflected, there was certainly one girl there.

"What a... heavenly woman..."

In a dim forest like coal deposited, yet so glossy silver hair that it was likely to jump them off, so white skin that it even hesitated to touch them, and above all in its beautiful and pathetic face by the horror, the samurai man hallucinated that the occasion was not the world of men.

"No, I'm Mira. I'm an adventurer. And the lords?

Touching his hand on its back to forgive Pegasus, Mira tells him to step forward and say so. The samurai man, who was a dream, returns to me in a voice that strikes the eardrum clearly.

"The awkward say, Heinrich. He is also an adventurer."

"It's Gilberto. I am... like a scholar."

Three people who finish introducing themselves and meet across the street again.

(Obviously he's a samurai, but Heinrich is not the right name again...)

To the attitude of the two men. Pegasus loosened his guard, but was still worried about wrapping Mira in his wings. Gilberto is convinced that he will be. The reason why the moderate Pegasus was originally roughly stripping away his vigilance simply came from his willingness to protect a girl named Mira.

"I'm sorry I surprised you. On our way to our destination, we just came to see the light that suddenly swelled up in the woods to see what caused it."

Gilberto explains how he has no hostility, with his hands gently raised. The word is certainly something Mira also remembers, and I suspect that the light the two of them saw would undoubtedly mean the healing light scattered by Pegasus.

"So I confirm, that light is still there spiritual beast?

"Um, yeah. Looks like you tried to cure me."

Answering Gilberto's question, Mira gently turns her arm around Pegasus's neck and hugs him as she appreciates.

Heinrich shifted his gaze to the girl with a thin, long sigh to the appearance of Pegasus, who hissed small to sweeten.

"The boulder is like Pegasus"

Heinrich nods so convincingly.

"Trying to cure me? That's all the light. That means it was too badly wounded. Is everything okay now? I've got a couple of pills, so I'll split them up."

Gilberto suggests so with a mysterious look as to whether he suffered extra injury to the amount of light that was dazzling, even from afar.

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But of course, Mira didn't get hurt. So when the bat looks slightly worse and you lay your gaze down,

"Uh, it's not an injury. I was on Pegasus for a little while, trying to cross this mountain, but I didn't feel well along the way, so I hurried down and took a break. That's not why he cared about me."

"Fly the mountain? Nna unscrupulous...... Maybe it's something like alpine disease. This mountain is above an altitude of 3,000 meters. It's reckless to jump over a boulder."

"Have you still got alpine disease...... Hmm, I lost track of you."

The altitude of the mountains surrounding the abandoned capital of heaven is about 3,500 meters. If you take Pegasus, you will rise to a thin air sky at an overwhelmingly faster rate than normal climbing, so if you fail to take measures, you have no choice.

Mira has visited the abandoned capital of Heaven many times. Once in the area, you can board directly on the floating island. But this time the experience became a vendetta, and there was not enough awareness of the altitude.

Now that it's a reality, various elements mix in, making the exception of the former general public.

"Awkward, I don't know, if you want to cross the mountain, why don't you just go through the tunnel that connects the Sacred Road? If you're an adventurer, it's a lot of money."

Basically, the difficult conversation was Heinrich in the policy of leaving Gilberto to himself, but it is obvious to whoever sees which is quicker and easier: crossing a high and steep mountain from above or just through a tunnel from the ground. Hence Heinrich, who worded what remained on his mind.

The answers returned to that question were unexpected in Heinrich, Gilberto's range of expectations.

"My destination is not the other side, but the abandoned capital of heaven. It would have been quicker to fly. Speaking of which, just fine, do you know which city union issues the 'stairs to the sky' pass to?

Mira asked if the adventurers around here would definitely be more familiar with it than she was.

"If it's a staircase to the sky, Lowin's union is the closest place you've been southeast than here. But the required rank is B, okay?

"What... bye..."

To Gilberto's last word, Mira will be the missing face halfway between. The current rank of Mira is C, which was only taken for the passport of the dungeon, so I have not done anything to increase the rank. Even wearing Solomon's power in Kasas has its limits to C.

Mira, who was cut off from the way she was going, when she pointed that little lip and pointed her finger at the tip of her jaw, she drips unreliably like a numb flower.

As tough as rising from D to C rank, rising from C to B also imposes a corresponding test. It's not an easy journey. Gilberto focuses his attention on Mira when he realizes that she may not be ranked enough because of her condition. It's a fucker's bracelet.

"Is Mira C-ranked?"

Um, yeah.

When Gilberto said so with a face that explored something, Mira only raised her gaze and nodded small. Gilberto then pointed to Heinrich while

"I'm C-ranked too, but Harry over here is A-ranked. So we're just about to go down the stairs to the sky. I already have a pass. Would you like a ride?

Gilberto's proposal was that it was the ship on the crossing. When it was Mira who tried to jump instantly but only a few moments apart, it raises questions about its incalculable sincerity.

"As far as I'm concerned, thanks for the offer, but are you sure?

"Oh, look, you'll see, we're both in the warrior class. I was just wondering if I'd be a little comfortable challenging the B-rank dungeon no matter how much rank A was there. From what I've seen, Mr. Mira would be a magician. It's also a C-rank. It's better to make up for it than you two."

"Hmm, I see."

Gilberto's chanted reason is that he does have muscles through him. Although it is true that Gilberto himself has not misled the ranks. Nevertheless, for Mira, who has nothing to do so far, riding the draft is another option.

"Speaking of which, how many magicians are you? Per magician or saint, that would be very helpful."

Gilberto sends his gaze to Mira as he hopes while stating his hope. how many times will it be fulfilled, Mira asked the question, chest up as usual,

"He's a summoner!

And declared. The sound of an extended worm rang from nowhere, and a mocking bird's voice passed through the sky because of his mind.

"Right, summoner? So you worked very hard with the C-rank.... Could that pegasus be a summons?

Gilberto, suddenly badly toothed, but finds a possibility in the appearance of a spiritual beast leaning against Mira. If it is also Pegasus, it is because it only has the power to be comparable to the A-rank. And Mira's words were the answer to that possibility.

"Uh-huh, yeah."

To gently touch, Mira strokes the hyena of Pegasus to slip the surface. Pegasus then flickers his wings as if clearing the fog, embodying his joy.

The figure of the spiritual beast, who had been calm in his nostalgia for a long time, was to give Mira a glimpse that she was so much of a magician.

"Right. I wondered what the problem was, but it doesn't seem to be a problem."

"What a brilliant summons Master Pegasus"

Gilberto mixes reassuring colors in his expression when he turns his gaze to Pegasus again. Speaking of Heinrich, whenever Pegasus and I met each other, we were awed and thankful.

"At least you can protect yourself."

"Don't worry about it. Shall I protect the LORD?"

"As reliable as you can be."

Gilberto, gently clapping his shoulders, was remembering certain rumors that had been circulating recently on Mira's confidently invincible smiling face.

"You got the story together, too. Okay, let's go. From here, it's like thirty minutes to the stairs to the sky."

Gilberto, who looks around, uses the map function to mark the appropriate point, calculates the time taken to reach the destination dungeon.

"Hmm, not a subtle distance."

Mira turns her hand to Pegasus in an attempt to repatriate him. Then shortly afterwards, Pegasus pushed Mira's hand back as if to reject it.

"Mm... what is it?"

Every time he tries to turn his hand around, Pegasus turns right and left, sliding his face toward Mira.

"Hmm, you're really sweet. But the three of us can ride the boulder."

Mira whispers in Pegasus's ear as she can tell, but Pegasus shakes his neck sideways just to say otherwise. Heinrich, who was watching how the hell it was with one person,

"Maybe, but isn't Master Pegasus suspicious of the awkward? You can see things like worrying about your husband."

Pegasus and I reacted to his voice while saying so. I greet him with my eyes.

At the time Pegasus stared at Mira to affirm it. Its eyes are not a lovingly hungry child, but have a strong willed sapphire-like glow. Mira said, "Really?" When asked, Pegasus nodded stiffly and severely.

"Well, sure. In these woods, there's one girl and two guys who don't know what to do. Honestly, that's a suspicious schematic from anyone. I don't know what it's like to be worried."

Gilberto leans against a nearby tree with his arms together and masturbates herself with his forehead.

"Hmm, is that why? But not to that extent, not to worry. It's not like they can do something about it. Right?

Mira speaks forcefully to say that she will touch with her hand between Pegasus's brows. I mean, neither Gilberto nor Heinrich have a problem with that because they can manage it by themselves, not by threat in large part. That's what I mean.

Gilberto laughs, "Sure, then don't worry," at the way he persuades, but Heinrich, who only has the samurai possession in his arms, did not shut up.

"That shouldn't be a little overheard. Master Pegasus looks like a definite strength, but the awkward also have confidence in his arms there. I don't care if you're alone."

Oh, man, I don't care about that right now.

With that in mind, Gilberto looks up to heaven saying that Heinrich's bad habits have emerged again. A samurai man hates being underestimated in his arms, whether he's lying or joking, above all else. Heinrich, who made his rocky face even stronger, once again thanked Pegasus for having such an attitude.

"Hmm, you sure seem like a good arm. What are you going to do with me if you can do something about it?

Mira jokes and returns her words shortly after she is convinced that all of Heinrich's abilities are above average and that there is just something to say.

"That's, like, that..."

Heinrich begins his explanation by moving his hand suspiciously as he peeks into Mira's appearance like a heavenly woman he felt at the first sight. Mira sees it and squirts a whispering voice.

"Harry, you're totally messing with me."

When Gilberto exhales one, he speaks out to keep his companions from exposing any more shame. Though with an obvious grin.

"Thus -, what!?

Heinrich, who was touring the imagination of doing something about Mira in his brain, is drawn back to reality in those words. And Heinrich was showing off his missing face between dots and lines alone in the appearance of Mira with a child demonic smile such as Do.

(This guy seems to be worth a lot of teasing!)

Gilberto laughs at how much paranoia was unfolding from the look of it as Heinrich complained of his point of view after a beating late.

Mira points to those two, and now she whispers to Pegasus.

"Look, you don't seem like a bad guy. So don't worry."

When Pegasus compared the two men, he was reluctantly and other attitudes but was sent back to Nodding Mira.

"Well, whatever, don't worry, I don't feel like it"

"And the awkward!

Heinrich raises his voice to bite Gilberto.

Lord Mira, the awkward just suggested the most likely general view.

"I know. I know. The samurai are strict and serious."

That's how Mira follows Heinrich, who started the excuse, and sends her gaze.

"Um, it is! I hope you understand. Let's guarantee the safety of Lord Mira, even if he hangs on this sword of the awkward."

Heinrich lifts up his voice with his hands on his sheath.

Thus Mira gained the means to enter the path leading to the abandoned capital of heaven, the staircase to the sky.

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