She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 74: 74 73 Return trip

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Mira stayed overnight at the Station Street Holly Gate because the return railway service had already finished for the day. When I woke up early in the morning, I was waiting for my noon flight to pick up some souvenirs on the station campus.

The interior, which is only the station district of the Holy Country of Alice Farius and is generally white and similar to the temple, has the impression that it is somewhere clean. But the contents were vibrant and overflowing with customers early in the morning.

The sound of a bell trembles in the air on such a campus and sounds high and high, broadcasting informing the operation. It informs the arrival of the left circulation line.

The left circulation line is the route Mira has taken and destined for Grimdart. It is the opposite direction to return, so this time it has nothing to do with it.

That sounds like a good deal of money.

Mira was listening to the triplet of trembling ground and bells and whistles, looking at the guests heading to the home like a wave.

The campus, where the majority of users of the left circulation line have moved, is idle, and now Mira starts touring the store.

The first place I visited was a souvenir shop. What is the nearest station street Silverside store in the kingdom of Alkite? Its product content varied from rush to rush, and the holy kingdom was used only as a holy land. It was also stamped with engraved symbols of the Bible and the Holy Seal.

"Souvenirs up to this kind of thing..."

Mira takes a statue that follows the goddess of mercy and squeaks with serious eyes. The statue is a beauty with long peachy hair and heavenly clothes, and a gentle smile as in the spring days, as in charity. The craftsmanship was very sophisticated, and the craftsmanship was a very fine statue of performance (figure).

Mira tilts the statue just a little and returns it to its original place of whining, "White or not," then heads to the corner of the food.

Pure white peaches are famous as specialties in the Holy Nation of Alice Farius, and a large number of sweets and beverages are displayed using them.

(What would you like to buy?)

Mira went around the store and bought all kinds of pure white peach cookies, jams, juices and so on, thinking of those involved in the production of the magic robe set. I also choose other souvenirs such as Mariana and Cleos, as well as for myself, Solomon and Luminaria. The payment amounted to approximately 80,000 riffs.

Then Mira starts casual window shopping. I enjoyed myself leisurely when I peeked into the bookstore and tried to reach for the high shelves so that people wouldn't find me, and bought a series of interesting minutes in the comic book I bought before.

As the number of users continues to increase slowly over time, the broadcast eventually flows an hour before the arrival of the right circulation line. Using that as a signal, Mira headed to the hissing section of the restaurant.


The influence of Holy Country even appeared in the food and there were many white dishes, and Mira, who looked around all the way, also bought this and a rare raw spring roll lunch box, and had two hundred riffs of tea poured into the container she had kept.

Ready to go, Mira remembers forgetting to buy a ticket the moment she was about to walk out of the house. He was obsessed with souvenir choices and buried them in a corner of his head.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

When he opens the menu and makes sure he still has time, Mira goes to buy it in a relaxed foothold.

Arriving at the ticket office, Mira lines up where the gentle looking lady is at the reception. When Mira's turn comes waiting for a few people, she speaks to the lady at the reception as she opens her purse replacement leather bag.

I'd like to buy a ticket.

The look of Mira, who gave her a good peek in the face, also seemed to have come to grab her, and the woman accidentally lowered her eyeballs.

"It's called Economy, Premium, and First, which would you do?

"Give me the first..."

Mira stops that hand trying to pay 100,000 riffs as she answers. Because the holdings were already around the price of 100,000.

(Nooo, have you used too much...)

Mira pointing her lips as she peeks into her purse. Card games in the first class to go, and souvenir bills and thoughts run around Mira's brain.

"Uh, I'd like five economies, please"

"Yes, it will be 25,000 riffs"

Mira bought five Economy Class tickets, also considering the cost of three days' stay on her way home.

'We are pleased to announce the operation of the Continental Railway. The right circulation line will arrive at our station shortly. Please note that the parking time is one hour from arrival. ─ ─ I repeat.'

As soon as the tickets are purchased and the broadcast flows, the passengers begin to travel to the home from the station campus where they were returning.

Mira made her way to the home of the right circulation line so that it could be dispersed among such people.

(Ho... Is this the Economy Class ticket...?)

Everything was different there from a first-class ticket. Much has been devised and semi-automated to cover large crowds. Users forming a row exit to the home through something like a pillar lined with dozens behind them.

The place was about the size of a typical school yard and all of the walls, ceilings and floors were covered with white stone tiles.

Mira lines up to be drawn into a line that is perplexed by its discretionary differences but naturally made. Both right and left are filled with many people, and you can't even see them a few meters away.

Is this really a good fit? Mira moves step by step in an unconstrained mood to wait for her first time in the classroom as a freshman.

Beginning to line up for a dozen minutes. Mira was able to confirm that the passengers were plugging their tickets into the gap between the columns that resembled the axe marks she put in when she cut down the tree. As you figure out what you're doing by doing that, lower your shoulders, which you made strong to appease, and take the ticket out of your waist pouch and wait for your turn to come.

It's just like an automated ticket.

I am convinced that it is made with reference to it, recalling the original world station that was fully automated.

The line goes on, and finally Mira's turn comes. I told myself that it would be okay if I did the same, but I ticketed to a gap that was slightly higher at Mira's back length. Then it glowed slightly and the ticket was engraved with a magical pattern.

(Hmm. I wonder what this means)

Mira stares at a staggering magical ticket, trying to be pushed out of her way from the ticket to the home.

The Economy class home is made of stripped stone, with a qualitative impression, but about four hundred meters from end to end. It was much larger than the first class. If you look further, the station personnel are arranged to divide the platform into two parts, showing the boundaries with ropes. That's just like following the white line.

Good vibrancy.

There was a large vacancy in some aspects of the tracks. Once the train arrives, thousands of people will board and disembark at a time, so it is a procedure to facilitate its flow.

As the station staff raised their voices to direct them, Mira followed its instructions and went inside the delimited white line, feeling a person's heat all over her body.

A little, the whistle sounds like tinnitus from afar. It became big and strong every time it went over, and eventually shook the atmosphere as if claiming to exist.

Of steel, a leading vehicle like the gladiator's, willing to jump everything and move on, shows its face. Because of the deceleration, the tall sound of rubbing metal together sounds all over the home, as if it were announcing the king's triumph.

Then the following vehicles also show up one after the other. The black body was overwhelming, and the movement seemed slow, but the airflow was heavily wound up, stroking the clothes unconstitutionally, the hair of those who were there.

"It's a long time..."

The moment of pause is quiet, leaking the sound of the plundered air. Mira shrugged overlooking the body as if it were a castle wall, continuing from end to end.

The trains are organized in ten pairs. The lead is first class, followed by two premium classes and the remaining seven are all economy classes.

Mira's passengers were overflowing from the next to the next, even as she saw such a powerful sight. When the entire home is quickly filled with a group of people, it splits like two currents and one flows out to the ticket.

The disembarkation operation lasted for dozens of minutes.

The passengers are as oppressed as ever, but calm to the extent that they still seem to be after the earlier noise.

"Please follow the attendant's instructions and take your time boarding without running"

Start directing passengers so the station staff can scream. It was like an event venue. So Mira followed the instructions as she was told.

Economy-class vehicles have a wide range of doors and three adults can afford to line up. That's two places per pair, in front of and behind the vehicle. As he was led, Mira entered the car through the door in front of the fifth pair.

When greeted by a woody, iron-like, flimsy smell, there is an immediate staircase at the front of the entrance. The economy class was also divided into three tiers.

Mira goes up like smoke to the upstairs floor that the view would still be better on the high ground.

In the car on the third floor of the Economy Class, a three-seater seat leads to the back in four rows, with a sideways path by the way. It is arranged like a passenger aircraft to be addressed, but the interior is organized with wood, cloth and hardware, so there is a similar feel to the waiting room of the mansion somewhere.

Seats had begun to fill quite a bit at the current stage, but Mira managed to secure a window seat.

Enough, twenty minutes and time goes by and as the seat fills up like an Acer board, one blonde woman stands at the edge of Mira's eye.

"It will be, okay?

One, with a cheek cane on the window frame, the woman speaks to a girl who is attracting people's eyes like a cherry blossom blooming in the spring sun.

Around twenty or a little below when she was old, the woman wears a blue and white apron dress and weaves a white cape there. Rather than decorating, that costume, sewn with accent-like trinkets, was likely to get lost in Wonderland, even with the help of a white raven.

"Oh, I don't mind"

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When Mira answered with a cool voice the gaze she was throwing out blurry, she stretched her spine just a little before pulling herself over to the window. The vacancies in the seats that were sufficient will be further expanded.


The woman flutters down next to the girl in anticipation of the fact that she is about to unwittingly leak her sigh into the trick. Then the costume stirred me up and the sweet, fruity scent passed Mira's nose tip.

"You're adorable."

The woman who spoke so turned to Mira to peek in with a nostalgic smile.

"Let's see."

Mira, confident in her appearance, the greatest masterpiece, smiles just a little happily, answering without being so bad. But Mira also stares at the woman and is attracted to the blue eyes that shine like jewels even with the slightest light inserted through the window, and to the hair that weaves in the light of the sun.

"Aha, you're funny. Me, Teresa. What about you?"


"Is that Mira? Oh, can I take one?

Teresa, laughing innocently, takes a black box-shaped object out of a small bag she lowers to her shoulder as she says so. There was a projection in the center of it, and when Teresa took the lid that was covered, the lens fitted there.

"Well, is that a camera?

"Yeah, I am. Can't you?

"No, I don't mind."

I knew there was a photograph, but Mira was interested in the first camera I saw in the world.

Theresa said, "Thanks!" and smiling, the black square of the camera covers up and hides its face immediately.

"Take a shot."

To Theresa's voice, Mira, pointing the camera at her, posed dressed like she was in Dumblrf.

"Uh, it's just natural."

Teresa lowers her eyebrow roots in confusion to behave less like the girl's pity.


As a result, Mira's photos, taken without a decision pose, appeared with a slightly grumpy look.

"I got a good one, thanks."

Glowing, Teresa smiles with real pleasure and thanks. It wasn't a smile, it was clear because Mira's expression was batugly and she had a definite response.

"Me, I'm in charge of PR at Magical Nights. Next time I have an exhibition of my work, come and see it if you like."

Turning the camera back to the bag, Teresa, who had put it on her lap and sat back down, tried to tilt her neck just a little and smiled so much at Mira.

"Magical Nights... that's a name I've never heard of."

Mira answers as she lets her gaze escape out the window.

"Uh, it's called Magic Girl Style, it's the most fashionable clothing store right now, dealing with clothes like this, like I'm wearing"

As I said, Teresa let her arms spread so that her clothes looked good. When prompted to look at Mira, it is certainly a garment of the same design in the same direction that is often found all over the city.

I see. I mean, it's not like Big Book.

Mira admires the magic girl through her image, which does aim but is elaborately scattered and establishes a stunning worldview.

"Mira's clothes, too, are close in direction, aren't they? Is it original? I'm attracted to you."

"Well, yeah."

Mira's wrapped magic robe set is a dish created by the castle samurai using magic girl style as a basis for total mobilization. Same in the sense of direction.

"Right circulation line, we will depart. Please hold onto nearby handrails as it will shake. I repeat... '

Time passed while the two of them were talking about that, and after the bell rang, a broadcast would flow announcing the departure.

Unlike first class, the economy class is lively and there are many adventurers in the car. Is this your first ride? Some make noise like a festival as soon as the train moves out.

Feeling the acceleration of being pushed lightly, Mira was listening to that voice that was loud and somewhere unwilling to hate her.

Soon after the train starts running, the two talk about clothes. Though it was mainly in the form of Teresa talking and Mira hammering, the history that the Magic Girl Wind had traced was heartening to Mira, who still lacked information about this world.

"Sounds delicious."

"I'm not gonna do it."

Teresa stares at Mira's raw spring roll lunch box with her mellow eyes and squeals like she wants something. When Mira kicks it over, she turns her back to hide her lunch box, opens its little lips and rolls the raw spring roll.

By the way, Teresa had already finished eating her share, and now she seemed to unfortunately stick around the corner of that box.

"Totally......, see, do you still want this"

Mira lowers her eyes, jealous of Teresa, who soothes her ears and licks an empty plate, one day offers her a muscat cookie she bought.


When Teresa received the cookies without hesitation, that was what delighted her as a puppy.


The view from the windows overlooking the forest continues deep, and the sky is littered with clouds like white paint pressed all the way with a brush. In contrast, however, those in the car also smelled a lot of booze.

"I think Master Fuzzy Dice showed up for Grimdart!

I can't tell who said it, but in countless flying voices, Mira overheard a familiar name. Later, he remembers being scratched off by a yellow voice but speaking of which, Mira retrieves the 'Thief Fuzzy Dice' card.

"By the way, does your Lord know about this guy?

Show the card to Teresa, who cheeks the cookies as she says so. Theresa then nodded one while chewing and began to fish the bag.

"Of course I know. Dear Thief Fuzzy Dice, It's very popular now, isn't it? We just had an event during this time."

When she swallows the cookies and opens her mouth, Teresa takes out her notebook and shows Mira a picture from it. The photograph showed exactly the same outfit as the card picture and ten men and women with masqueras in their hands. It's called cosplay photography.

"What a..."

It was indisputably Teresa that was shown in the middle. I don't know what to say, Mira wrinkles between her brows looking at the faces that lie there.

"Well, the neighborhood is good. And who is this guy?

Having decided not to touch the photograph, Mira pushes it out to make her claim the card in her hand and asks.

"Mira, don't you know? Um, well, I don't know if I can help it because it hasn't appeared around here... Uh."

That's what I'm gonna say and start talking to you, Teresa.

It is no longer knowledge close to common sense if you try it on Theresa. But there are many mysterious parts about this, and there is not much information known to the world. But it's also one of the most popular places.

The knowledge Mira gained as a result of the subjective and paranoid explanations was that the Thief Fuzzy Dice is apparently classified as a prostitute.

"A righteous thief punishing a villain is another drunken man."

"Rumor has it you're donating to an orphanage. Nice!"

Teresa stuffs her legs like a maiden in love. Mira looked down at the card with such a horizontal view of Teresa, concluding that the woman's heart was not well understood.

The train keeps going even though Teresa and I have casual conversations like that, and when the sun sets and the signs of the night also enter the car like fog, we arrive at the next station.

Next to one of the Station Street Holly Gates, Mila, who broke up with Teresa in front of the Station Square at Station Street East Ballad, starts searching for an inn on its feet. From the balance, the budget is no more than 10,000 riffs.

But the search for an inn has become familiar several times, and when you decide to go to an inn named Flowsong, you listen to the story of a bard who plays in the dining room.

That's how that night went away.

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