She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 78: 78 77 Mira, interrogate

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In the center of the abandoned garden, lies a man with a full body armor crushed in the lower body area in a scenic spot covered by a junction that seals the technique, and two men wrapped in ash (blubber) cloth, no longer black. The only person standing on the spot is one long-haired silver-haired girl looking down at a man with eyes like aquamarine with her fingertips.

Let's start with that sword.

Mira shifts her gaze to the Spirit Sword, which remains intrinsic to her attribute power on the verge of a rampage. And when I picked it up unconstitutionally, I unleashed it towards the sky.

The merging power of multiple spirits makes the roar of groaning and suffering sound like a rainbow, but as opposed to appearance. When that light, which only means destruction, collided with the sealed kingdom, it greatly achieved its true meaning. The boundaries that covered the perimeter were instantly fogged.

"Two birds a stone."

Hazardous materials could be processed, saving me the trouble of bothering to ask how to solve the junction. Mira looks up at the blue, distant sky and suddenly lifts her lightened right hand.

The Spirit Sword, which fully opened up its attribute power, was scattered, leaving only the pattern behind. There's just scorching iron chips rolling around at your feet that would be wreckage.

Weapon armor Everything is shady spiritual armor. And an attribute fusion phenomenon as if it resonates. Remembering them, Mira turns to a man with full body armor.

"Now, the Lord has a lot to ask. Be honest with me."

Mira puts her left foot on her right arm so that she can hold Cairos, the man with full body armor who lies on her back, and her right knee on her torso. And knock on his face guard like knocking on the door with an empty hand.

"What the..."

Kairos leaks his voice to say if he has given up yet. He also lost his shoulder strength and his eyes stared beyond the distant sky.

"Where did you get this spiritual weapon?

With a slightly lower voice, Mira glances at his opponent's eyes through the gap, holding his forehead with his left hand.

Kairos, by contrast, had questioned the question for a moment. At first, he wondered why he did this, who the two ambushers were, how he was going to fall behind after this, and so on. That's actually the story of the spiritual martial arts that didn't do any good in front of the disciple of the wise.

And when you're leaning your neck toward that question, the consciousness you've been stunned with until then slightly regains reason. And I realize that the girl who is pressing herself is not holding the stone that easily crushed that spirit weapon.

"I don't know!

Self-esteem with a little peek even after all that happened. Even without the magic seal blast stone, the junction that seals the technique has already been solved, so the situation did not seem to have been comprehended until it would have been even worse.

"At all, this kid... Waste of resistance."

In response to Kairos, Mira shrugged her shoulders and wondered what she would do. I can't even open my cheeks. Even when it comes to stripping, spiritual weapons have the characteristic of preventing forced stripping, so I have to take them off myself. The only race that would follow orders such as slapping them on the cheeks and taking them off would be the ones who prefer it.

Then the technique was opened up, so there is also the hand to destroy it with it. Nevertheless, in a technique such as destroying spiritual weapons, when exercised by Mira, they all become a force that is not solely that of a Kairos opponent. Interrogation replaces execution.

If Mira looks around and wonders what's going on, she looks at a certain point and laughs invincibly.

"If you say so, now's the time, right?

"I don't know!

Even if the last confirmation is made before exercising his powers, Kairos answers instantly, assuming that he is unable to do so. And shortly afterwards, when I let go of her face, Mira's hand moves.

The hand went further down from the torso, and reached the crushed lower body of the Spirit Armor by the Demon Seal Blast Stone.

A sneaky sense of anxiety strikes Kairos all over his body. And the anxiety strikes with an entity, with a vivid disgust and some inferiority, and it becomes painful to scratch the nerves of the whole body like strings.

"Oh, oh, no. Whoa! Crush! Crush! Uh-oh!

Kairos can't escape because Mira can't control the stronghold. He exclaims in a voice as if it were a driven beast, regretting the sweetness of recognition by seeping sweat from his whole body.

Dark Knight swords that are likely to turn each spiritual weapon into two pieces, immortals that are likely to be chopped to limbs, and Mira decided that none of them were suitable for interrogation that could twitch and catch up. So it was the lower part of the body that was diminishing in protection that touched my eyes. Even at Mira's hands, where she had only average muscle strength as a magician, there was enough pain to inflict.

While feeling some sky cold, Mira put a lot of effort into it when she pinched one of them with her thumb and index finger. Only then did Kairos succumb as he had assumed.

"Be honest with me. Otherwise..."

Gradually as I say, but surely the distance between Mira's thumb and index finger narrows. The pain itself is still not there because it is a retry since it was loosened once. But Kairos shakes his neck hard and vertically. My heels are shaking.

"Say, I'll tell you anything! So stop it. Yeah!

I pleaded in remembrance of the pain inherent in the fear of waiting ahead.

"I wish I could tell."

Mira answers that and pulls out her fingertips. At the same time, Kairos' body grows up, which was tense as he struck a metal sound.

"Then let's hear it again. Where did you get this spiritual weapon?

"From a merchant."

"Ho ho, so who's that merchant? And where did you say you bought it?

"I don't."

Kairos answers pale as a throw. But right after I said I didn't know, Mira's fingers move like a panacea. Cold chills shriveled throughout his body running through his spine, and Kairos raised his voice in a great panic.

"It's true, it's not a lie! That merchant is the one who's being kind to my mother, and I just talked to my mother and bought it. Mother's the only one who knows more!

The expression does not appear blocked by the veil, but the desperate appearance comes from that voice.

(Not the father, but the mother. Hmm, not until I get back to the details. If you tell Solomon, he'll find out.)

A merchant who sold even one rare whole body of shady spiritual weapons. The worst unfolds emerge behind Mira's brain. All of the spiritual instruments classified as shady are the so-called Spirit's Terminators.

A merchant with all that rarity. Mira, who somehow felt the smell there, whines in her heart that there has been another increase in souvenir stories to Solomon, thinking about the treatment of Kyros rolling in front of her.

Even if they rot, they are nobles. It could be a problem later if processed on its own, and Mira herself was not willing to go that far. Then all you have to do is put it in the public place where it should be and cut it off.

First, he thinks it's about going back to the capital, Lunatic Lake, and Mira sees two other black outfits rolling besides Kairos. Was it an extra intense blow, and there's still no sign of getting up. There is no reason to leave the two people who naturally become important references behind.

If so, there is one means. Mira took her hand off Kairos and summoned Garuda to the front.


If Kairos accidentally screams at the appearance of a strange bird that looks down from far above, Garuda looks to Kairos, who lies depressed. Kairos breathed in Garuda's mouth so that each person and others could swallow at their leisure.

Are you going to feed me to this monster? I thought so, Cairos, but it is a matter of concern. However, you will be able to fully appreciate the mood just before that.

"Garuda, you want me to ride again this time. Then this one and the two of them rolling there."

When Mira kicks Kyros' toe at her feet, she shows the two black outfits with her gaze. Garuda nods quietly without a voice, bringing his neck before Mira's eyes. In the warm, fluffy and green-scented wind that resembled the spring breeze, Mira jumped on its neck and her vision grew steadily higher.

Then grabbing Kairos and his two black outfits unconstitutionally, like a prey on a former day, he spreads his wings and flies to the sky.

Filling the earth with unreached anxiety so that it could hang in the universe, Kairos gradually distracted himself.

A few hours after riding the garuda, by the time it's past daylight and snack time. Arrive at Lunatic Lake, capital of the Kingdom of Alkite.

It was a monstrous bird Garuda that emitted an incomparable presence with Pegasus, but was usually used to the situation, as Cleos, the sage proxy, appeared with Garuda on the wagon. This time, however, I narrow my eyes to Garuda's style and the figure of someone caught between his limbs.

The gatekeeper looked at the landing in front of the castle gate as usual, but said it was a little different than usual.

But when the garuda lays down on the ground and a silver-haired girl jumps from around her neck, she is instantly good at that. Mira, a disciple of the Nine Wise Men of Dumblrf, is no longer known at Alkaite Castle. I've had a strong impression of riding Pegasus lately, but I can ride Garuda and it's natural.

"Welcome back, Master Mira. Are you about to meet with Master Solomon?

"Um, yeah."

To those in the castle, Mira was naturally consolidated in the position of being the next generation of wise candidates, friends of the king and good understanders. It is Solomon's consideration to facilitate Mira's movement.

"By the way, what happened to the three of them there?

One of the gatekeepers only looks at a man like a full body armor and two black rags crawling to the ground so that he can be held down by a garuda.

"This armored man looks like a nobleman named Kairos. These two are like collaborators. Something called me out of resentment and attacked me. I paid you back."

Mira talks to Kairos as she pokes her fingertips at him. And as much as I listened, the gatekeepers' eyes looked at the three people who rolled with the same eyes as they looked at in the dirt. Kairos was so infamous that he waved it to those who did not like it because of his good witchcraft skills and his father's role as magician in the executive role of the Alkite kingdom. He even attacked the girl because of three people.

"When I became a nobleman, I was going to have trouble later. I brought you here for now. Can you ask me to get someone who knows what to do?

"I'm in awe. Please wait while I call."

"Um, thank you"

In honor of the military ceremony, one of the gatekeepers rushes to the castle. The other gatekeeper, he turns a blind eye to three people who are just in good shape to Garuda.

"There have been a lot of bad rumors, but is it time to pay the annual contribution?"

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In that word of the gatekeeper, the pitiful colour is not dusty, but rather seems clear.

"Well, did this guy become so famous?

"Let's see. Only the arm of witchcraft is certain, and exercising strength against those who defy. There is no one who can be strongly said because of his parents' prestige and power. My son also goes to school...... as you can see I am a stubborn gatekeeper. You can't beat power."

"I see. Well, that's never happened either. Tell that son to feel safe and encourage him to study"

"Yes, I'll tell her thanks to Master Mira!

A gatekeeper who answers with a very good smile. The name of Mira, who restored the peace of the school without trying, will spread unknowingly after this.

"Dear Mira. Thank you for waiting."

In doing so, another gatekeeper brought a discerning man from the castle.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work"

The figures in Mira's eyes, who said so and raised her face, were Solomon's aide, Suleiman, and the luminaria of the Nine Wise Men whose full body red caught his eye, as well as several guards.

"I heard you were attacked somehow. May I ask what the details are?

Suleiman glances at the three people being held up by Garuda and says so after a salute to Mira. Mira nods, "Uhm," and briefly explains how it depends.

"We have heard about Mira's work in the jury, but what caused it. You have a lot of resentment. Mira-sama's strength will be close to a treacherous move, and there may be some things that don't fall in her heart. Whatever it is, it's too much this time."

When he finishes listening, Suleiman exhales a long sigh as if he was so frightened that there was no more. The jury will show off the possibilities of surgery until it is exhausted. Therefore, Mira's understudy was also allowed, but on the other hand, she is ranked out of order because she can score. This neighborhood is an implicit understanding, which is not officially at odds, but is also considered a near-irregular act due to such circumstances.

And Kairos was a man who was adamant on this implicit side.

"By the way, do you currently have a letter for that call?

"Certainly not on the porch... oh, not this one"

Mira fishes the waist porch, takes out the seal she was putting in there and hands it to Suleiman. Because this can also be used as evidence.

"So, what's next for these three people? Let's move to the interrogation room."

"Um, okay"

When Mira answers that, she returns Garuda and frees the three of them. Kyros still remained subtly tightened down by Garuda, but the two black-covered men were awake. But I don't feel like running away from Luminaria in front of me, and I have decided to fall asleep.

Ahead of Suleiman, Kairos and his men are sent to the castle by guards. Mira and Luminaria walk side by side, as they follow.

"By the way, is the Lord free to follow these things?

Not so loud, Mira asks with just the amount of voice she needs to hear from the other person. Luminaria puts her hands on Mira's head, which is looking up from the difference in height.

"That's not true. I'm starting to get worried when I hear my dear, dear best friend has been attacked."

Close your face to peek in, cover your eyes with your other hand, and say greetings Luminaria.

"Ho, so what's the point?

"I can't believe a woman was attacked by a man. I thought that was already a dope story."

If Mira asks you how you behaved, it's a very good smile and Luminaria answers. Thirty years later, the essence has not changed. Mira even smiles thin when she's in trouble, at the same time reassuring somewhere.

"I'm sorry to hear that. He didn't seem to have the same amount of equipment."

We went down to the basement of the castle in such an uncomfortable conversation.

The interrogator, who received the three Chiros and finished preparing for interrogation, opens the door and gives them a compliment.

"Come here, then"

The room passed through is behind a thin iron door, a qualitatively narrow area without windows or decorations, lined with several restraints. The lights were dim, and closing the door added more compression. The interrogation room, which seems to have been isolated from the public somewhere, is fuelling anxiety when the lighting blinks as if it recalls from time to time.

"First, do you need to take off your armor? Either way, will it be first to awaken their consciousness? Then let me give you some details. Dear Luminaria, could you please"

"Yeah, I'm not used to adding or subtracting, but I'll take care of it."

When Slayman says, Luminaria answers step forward. That's just in front of a man in a nice, restrained black dress sitting in a chair. Anxious about Luminaria's response, the raccoon sleeping man opens his eyelids slightly thin.

"Wait, I'm already awake. It doesn't have to be."

Quietly, but with his cheeks drawn, the man raises a chopped voice close to the plea. While trying to turn away his face, his eyes captured the light of the discharge running silently between Luminaria's fingers.

"Me, too."

Chained as if inspired, the other man also opens his eyelids and declares. If Luminaria looked at the two, the men in black shook their necks vigorously and appealed to the fact that their consciousness was alive.

Looks like it's just this way.

Pale to say so, Luminaria touched Kairos' temple with his hand. Immediately After, With Flash | Short Circuit "Short

The bursting sound sounded intermittently as if he had, and Kairos' body cramps like a broken Zenmai doll.

"─ Huh!?

Luminaria touches her hand for a few seconds, or for a moment, Kyros, forced back into consciousness, informs her of the screaming awakening with an unspoken voice.

If you let go of your hand, only the withered sound of breathing like Kairos' convulsions will remain in the interrogation room, which will return to silence again. The two men in black made their expressions strong by seeping sweat all over their bodies wondering if they were on the verge of that too.

"This is... where..."

Even though his voice clouded by such a sensation, as if he were caught in a shard of vitreous glass in a gap in the muscle fiber, Cairos stares at the floor without enough light and without any sense of convergence.

This is the interrogation room at Alkite Castle.

Low, obviously changed to signs than before, Suleiman told. If Cairos raised his gaze to that voice, there was the figure of Sleiman, the Lord of the Voice, and Mira, whose cause was next to him, and Luminaria, the Nine Wise Men, known to everyone if he were a sorcerer.

"Did you get an idea of the current situation? Now I'm going to interrogate you. I'm so glad you answered all honestly."

Slayman stares at the three with a very cold eye. Luminaria was also comforted or had her fingertips discharged together. Only Mira had an unusual look, but that looked the creepiest to the three of them.

"You seem so flashy."

An iron door opened and one boy showed himself and said so. The lights in the hallway soften the sense of impending obstruction slightly, but more urgency strikes the three of them. For Solomon the king himself was the man who appeared on the spot.

Moments freeze with vague awe, like seeing the three faces on the side to be interrogated roll even in a daze from the darkness.

Inquisition rooms, for example, are not the kind of place where heavy towns, such as kings, come. My men questioned me and the king was supposed to just listen to the report. But for some reason, only today, the king visited this place immediately, on his feet. Besides, the finish of the first voice is there, and he turns to Mira and opens his mouth.

"I thought I'd finally come back. Troubleshooting is always an essential part of the story."

"This time it's force majeure. They did it on their own."

Yes, we exchanged words in the same atmosphere as our old best friends.

Kings and face-to-face, and friendly patterns. They attacked themselves like that. Now that the vengeful mind that was blindly burning had been blown out before the overwhelming power, Cairos finally realizes here the gravity of the existence of Mira. Exactly now.

"And what can I do for you?

Mira asks the King's opponent without a look of awkwardness.

"What, I want to hear a souvenir story soon. You can leave the interrogation to those who are used to it. I want to talk to you about something."

While Solomon answers that, he shows the interrogator and Suleiman as the familiar ones, as well as Luminaria. It happened this time, but it was said that no one would hold their mouth if these three were all together. It means that the interrogators are properly detained, that Suleiman guides them, and that Luminaria embodies absolute fear.

"Dear Solomon, according to the story, this man planned the assassination of a candidate for the Sage, who could be a national necessity in the future. On that charge, I apply for a first-degree interrogation special."

Though Solomon happened to show up, Suleiman said so in front of the three people being questioned that this seemed to be just fine and powerful material.

"As the Nine Wise Men, let us support his application"

Luminaria, drawing her intentions, goes up to her chest, making sure she regularly shows her right palm. They both look like they have a cold flame somewhere.

"Allow special provisions"

Solomon utters a pale word. Before that exchange, Kairos was just shaking his body in an uncomfortable chair sitting about something, but the two black-covered men, who were in a relational world, muttered, "It's impossible..." and shook themselves into a chill where only the blood of his entire body would freeze.

Just like Kairos, Mira didn't know what it was about, but I'll figure it out later.

Primary interrogation special provisions are those executed with the support of the Duke or more, including the Nine Wise Men, and with the permission of the King, if the subject of interrogation is found to have intentions such as the assassination of dignitaries involved in the State or treason against the State. And its effect is to allow any damage to the subject of interrogation. That means admitting torture.

Asked what that meant by a man in black, Kairos begged for forgiveness and his crying voice misted as soon as the door closed, ridiculing the quiet hallway, while Mira headed with Solomon to her usual office.

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