She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 82: 82 81 Commander-in-Chief

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The next morning I flew for the home of the Fifty Bells Federation. Hobbied, Mira tasted breakfast soaking up the picnic mood outside the wagon. And then I ride the wagon up to the sky again.

Mira told me to rest as much as I wanted, but for Garuda, who could breathe like flying, none of that was necessary, and I kept flying comfortably and half the itinerary was left. Thanks to Garuda, you will arrive at your destination a little earlier than planned.

The empty journey along the straight line was smooth and full of sails, and Mira spent a very loose moment reading cartoons and combining partial summoning considerations in the wagon.

When the sun begins to set without a thing, and the red ellipse sets at the end of the horizon, a small grain of light gleams up as it blackens out the sky that stains the sunset.

And finally, as the remnants of the sun scratch out, the moon keeps flying through the full night sky, about the time Mira's belly bugs make a scene. A high walled cliff spread out the window, floating blacker into the moonshadow.

"Have you arrived yet?

Mira peeks at her face through the door of the Door of the Tabernacle. The mountain ranges, stretching gently from left to right, were seen hitting each other in the front of the direction of travel, creating a higher wall of extinction. Standing in black against the backdrop of the starry sky is a rolling image and can be seen in the heart of the Four Treasures Mountains with its destination, the Four Seasons Forest.

If I checked the time, it was past 7: 00 PM. At an unspeakable time late at night, Mira thought about staying on board, but I also think about visiting at night in the first place.

As a result, Mira instructed Garuda to drop by the lake at the foot, where she decided to reveal the night.

The wind that flows down the mountains flushes away to stroke the signs of the night with silk, filling the area with cold air, even though it is early summer. Waking up at the foot of the mountain range, which opens her arms gently, Mira leaves the wagon in a falling asleep mood and washes her face in a lake reflecting the mountains like a mirror.


If you shook off the remnants of your drowsiness and looked up, the walls of the tall, raised earth that were still going to come down like avalanches were shining white in the morning sun. The landscape is quite different from the night.

Returning to the wagon with such a mountain range on its back, three black chunks enter Mira's eyes along the way. On a good note, it was a demon named Nightraider who looked like a tiger. It is nocturnal and with its companions it strikes its prey multiplied by darkness, a formidable enemy classified as C-ranked in the union.

Slightly shifting your gaze from there, you can see Holly Knight nestled as a sleepless turn. A giant shield like a tower, and a bloody straight sword that shines dull in the morning and sun. This is a sign that you didn't wake up Mira in the middle of the night and played a role promptly.

As long as you can count on me.

Mira exclaimed, "Thank you for your hard work" when she reaffirmed the utility of Holly Knight and called out when she knew there was no point.

At the end of the morning shift and the breakfast, Mira finally turns her gaze to the top of a far mountain with four seasonal forests. Clouds like Xia cover it, and there is still snow in the upper layers. The altitude is much higher than the heavenly abandoned capital, but Mira looks back and is convinced of the wagon. He said he could go with this.

When he enters the wagon and peeks into his face from the podium and summons Garuda, he instructs him to go straight to the Four Seasons Forest.

As he gradually increases altitude, Mira ensures internal airtightness in the way it was in the wagon instructions. If the elevation is high, the pressure in the wagon remains the same, and the air circulates in thin mist grass, there is no fear of alpine disease.

Mira looked out the window at the mountain skin flowing down with a sunny look, as if she had taken even a vendetta.

A little more than twenty minutes away from the ground, finally over a standing mountain, Mira looks at the view as if she had won.

The mountain ranges, overlooked from above, are divided into four parts, centered on a vast expanse of canopy that can also be seen at the giant crater beneath the eyes, and continue as far away as it is covered with residual snow. It was as if a very large giant had left only his hand behind to become a fossil while squeezing the earth.

And in its hands. Surrounded by high cliffs, the forest was unnaturally overflowing with colours. That's the Four Seasons Forest where the Fifty Bells Federation is based. But as far as I could see from the sky, I didn't see a place like it. Speaking of other than the woods, there's a big lake in the center.

"Garuda, get down to the lake," Mira told the tube next to the door of your podium as she stepped away from the window. The voice did reach Garuda through the tube and the wagon slowly began descending towards the lake.

Four seasons of forest loom over a glass of windows. As the wind pressure of the garuda waves around the perimeter, the small animals surprised by the sudden visit run around in all directions.

Garuda stepped down with such a wave of wind on the shores of a lake far wider than a small village. It's just a little grassland in the gap with the woods.

Upon confirmation of the landing, Mira opens the door and leaves the wagon. And he felt the smell of greenery overflowing his chest, slowly exhaling and looking out into the woods spreading in front of him.

The forest of the four seasons was the place of its name. It blooms colorfully and blossoms like a sprouting spring, and brings forth powerful leaves as blue as a growing summer, and produces round fruits as sweet as a fruitful autumn, and sleeps with buds as a resting winter. It was turbulent and forest so that they filled the gap. It repeats its seemingly disorderly yet stunning colors everywhere, showing a definite order. It was a forest as if it were prose poetry.

It's a strange sight whenever you're here.

Before the Four Seasons Forest, when Mira held the usual sentiments. Spirits emerge from the lake, from the sky, from the woods, and instantly surround Mira.

That doesn't seem like a welcome thing.

When we meet occasionally in the woods and elsewhere, the Spirit, who helps us out with something, always looks like a fun face. However, dozens and dozens of spirits who appeared were not closer than necessary with their glassball-like eyes pointed, seeping their vigilance forward. Some embody power to intimidate.

There is a chimeric closen aimed at the Spirit, and here is the home of the Fifty Bells League, which serves as its enemy. Then the spirits in the vicinity will most likely be related.

Mira is an intruder and suspicious man who suddenly descends from the sky. It was naturally Mira who thought so, being wary, but Garuda did not shut up about his opponents, who were openly turning to hostility.

Suddenly the wind is lost from the surroundings. The rubbing nuances of the leaves, which seemed to whisper, also scratched away in silence, only the dull sound of limbs eating into the earth like the trunks of the great trees of Garuda.

Garuda, standing next to him in an attempt to protect the Lord, stood upside down with polar-colored feathers and glanced around him. The spirits breathe in the overwhelming intimidation as if they had ruled the scene with the atmosphere.

"Garuda, they're fine."

In a silent world, Mira's voice sounds calmly Rin. That's how he looked up. If he reached out his hands, Garuda calmed the signs and offered his mouth between Mira's hands as if to put the sword in his sheath. Mira then tells him not to worry, and sends Garuda back to prove to the spirits that he is not willing to contend either.

The spirits also loosened their spears slightly when the garuda, which had emitted a tremendous presence, scattered shards of spiritual power that were flying around them. Mira gives a gentle thank you when she looks back at it and turns her gaze to the most powerful Spirit.

"I'm sorry I surprised you."

When Mira tells him so, that spirit on the front steps forward and returns her thanks.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this one. People rarely visit here."

The presence, which would be superior among the spirits gathered around it, was, at first glance, a haunting of hair. The white cloth-like clothes are wrapped around, and the bright emerald hair, like leaves watering down the sun, is covered to the bottom of the waist. The face only peeks slightly through such a gap in the hair. The voice was female, but somewhere low, and the colors that were friendly to spirit-specific people had been lost.

Even if few people visit, the original Spirit figure should still have been friendly. Mira immediately brought the name of Chimera Clozen to her mind. I wonder if this is how the impact is coming out.

"Your lord is the leader of this group, isn't he?

"Yeah, sure. You're not just a magician."

If Mira asks, the Spirit with green hair returns it with a voice without discouragement. Mira simply saw a particle of force missing one head, so she shook her neck sideways saying it wasn't a big deal.

"First of all, I do not intend to harm your Lord. I just came to talk to you when I heard that the home of the Fifty Bells League was here."

At first sight, there are spirits but no people, some irrelevant land on the edge of the mountain. To the Spirit in front of him in such a way, Mira cut out so singly and directly while offering a letter of introduction. At that moment, the spirits start making noise. It is a voice close to agitation and gradually draws attention to the spirits of green hair.

"Where did you learn about that?

"We met in the Prayer Child Forest. For those named Silver Blue. This is the reference I got there."

Mira hands over the references to push them as they are. Green-haired spirits mutter, "Sure," confirming their seals and signatures.

One moment, please.

When she glanced at Mira, the spirits with green hair disappeared, blurring as if they were sumptuous. All that remains is the scent of a young bud.

Half of the spirits present here were rescued by the Fifty Bells League when they were attacked by Chimera Clozen. The character that was supposed to be nostalgic lurked its shape because of the suspicion created by the deeds of the heartless. But the essence does not change quickly.

The remaining spirits are intrigued by Mira, who found no hostility.

But it was still from the wounds of the past, or just watching at a certain distance.

A little after the spirits of green hair are gone. Big birds descend with their bright red wings winged from the sky. If you look closely, the bird's limbs are grabbed by a woman who wraps her clothes around them, and as those feet reach the ground, the bird burns up for a moment and disappears like smoke. In the hand of the woman who was grabbing the limb, a ceremonial mark was left.

"What is this? What kind of situation is this?

The woman asks the green haired spirits who were back at some point. But she also answered "Unknown" without understanding.

The shore of the lake was a concert venue. The singer and accompaniment is Letisha, the host is Mira, and the audience is the spirits and animals there.

I wondered if Mira couldn't break the alert to the spirits who couldn't step in with interesting humans in front of her and the spirits who usually have different attitudes. It contradicted the blue of the sky and the beauty of the scenery, and there was heavy air there like mud.

So Mira thought. If people can't, they want the same spirits to get along.

The result is the status quo. The invisible wall that was there in time is certainly taken away, and the nasty lyrics of Letisha's song "The Player's Song" are sung on such a melody that if you realize it, you're going to even rhythm.

Mira was in a state of harem, surrounded by spirits with merit.

The woman in the crown scratches the spirits when she puts a ceremonial mark on her pocket, and faces the silver-haired girl who sits on the edge of the wagon.

"You're Mira, aren't you? I'm listening to you. May I take a look at the medal in evidence?"

"Uhm...... this is it"

When Mira was told to take out the medal and hand it over as it was, the woman glanced at both sides and then said, "Thank you," and returned it to Mira.

"Let me confirm. Again, my name is Akadri, and I am the foreman of the Four Seasons Forest."


A woman named Acadli. The costume was green-based, less fabric than a garment crown, and it also looked like a long ninja outfit with sleeves. Long, dark hair tied and hanging at the back of the head adds to that impression.

"I'm asking about a more general situation than Captain Silver. So first, would you like to meet our commander-in-chief? Details, then."

"Ho, that's an offer I didn't even wish for. Why don't you come with me?"

The original purpose of coming to the Fifty Bells League was that the Lord of Nyanmaru, the ceremonial god, might belong here. But now that it's actually coming, I have a letter from Solomon to the top of the league. Even for Mira, it was an instant answer because it was a good opportunity to meet the culmination without labor.

"Uh, well..."

Just here, akadri watching Letisha endlessly repeating a song she couldn't sing before.

Spirit-like, would it be, sparing the spirits exuberant using their power like fireworks, but still satisfactorily Letisha was sent back.

"Well, shall we come?"

When Acadri said so to Mira, the gathered spirits spoke to Mira, "Hey again," and then scattered to the woods.

The expression of the spirits, whose heartbreaks were not healed by men and whose shadows were somewhere even when they were laughing, is now as gentle as it once was, a smile that seems strange and contagious. I hope to get it back one day, it's a true spiritual smile.

Akadri smiled softly at no one, turning his face to the lake, one day in his heart.

"By the way, is it okay to leave this wagon here?

Finishing his greeting with the spirits, Mira speaks to Acadli, yes, as she gently slaps a wagon nestled in grandeur on the shore of the lake with her hands.

"Huh? Yeah. It's okay. It's no problem. Let's come again."

Acadri replied more vertically with her neck than necessary, thinking that the spirits had sensed her and that she was unusual. However, one day I will re-establish my temper to make it happen, and lead Mira along the shores of the lake to the main entrance.

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The place where the academy stopped on foot for a few minutes is by the lake. The wagon is still visible on the right hand side.

"Wait a minute."

Saying so, Acadli took the crystal bell out of nowhere and made it ring towards the lake. The sound, as small and clear as glass, disappears into the wind without leaving any aftertaste. But the ripples were dramatic.

It rises to draw a line from the edge of the lake towards the center. It's a flash of line, like a small wave bumped into each other at first glance. But when the line sank to the lake surface, it abruptly tore the lake apart as if colorless, transparent giant plates were slowly piercing it.

Mira leaks a small, surprising voice as she sees the sight, saying that things like Moses, which she once heard, are possible enough in this world.

"Okay, come here. It's hard to see, but please note that your feet are stairs."

"Um, okay"

The water that flows down both sides like a waterfall is like a curtain swinging in the wind and the stairs are translucent blue like melting into the water. It was such a sight, falling from the sky with Shizukuishi in the shabby rain.

The lower you descend, the more water you fall into will be a splash, changing your surroundings from blue to white. And about three minutes after stepping out. The more turbulent beating sounds from the foot, the higher they go.

Further down, the stairs were broken after leading the two to the front of the small gate.

We're not going to the bottom of the lake.

Mira peeks into the tip of a falling waterfall without stopping. The bottom of the lake is still underneath, and what principle it is, the lake surface that was made at the bottom of the lake is like a waterfall and receiving a pouring splash.

There are gates, the more in the lake. It was as if it were floating underwater.

Acadli touches the gate with a crystal bell, then presses his hands against it. The gate opens its mouth with a small but heavy gold-cut sound. Mira walked through the gate as she was guided.

In the back, a small city was spreading.

Overall, there was a city of facades called Heian Anjing that made the history of Japan a . But by the way, the people who walk wide are exotic, and the spirits who wear colorful hair and clothes are stabbing a stop at the first impression.

What a kitelet!

The entrance gate was high, and the exit was like a lookout tower. Mira had that sentiment with her eyes on the stone columns, which were creating a particular sense of heterogeneity, overlooking the area with a view of the entire city. At equal intervals from the zoned city, stone columns stretch out to pierce the heavens. There were twelve columns altogether, even higher than the position of the gate, and the sky of the water itself, which covered the heavens, would have swayed if it had followed beyond it.

The sunlight seeps deep as it penetrates as it bounces on a farther lake, pouring like May rain through the walls of water into the city. If you look at the ground, a wavering lake surface was projected at the mercy of the wind, and the light was laughing as if it were a kaleidoscope with no legality.

Accadri takes Mira down the spiral stairs and out into the city.

On the way to the largest building, Acadri briefly provided a description of the home base. Besides the men of the Fifty Bells Federation, the face that goes there is a collaborator and a protected spirit. He went on to say that young spirits in particular are actively protecting them because of their low fighting power.

That seemed certain, and no matter where I let my gaze circle, the young spirits close to nakedness necessarily showed. It is a sight that is likely to destroy even ethics.

Acadri says the city is well received by the craftsmen, as it is mainly technical in terms of collaborators, and the cooperation of the Spirit can make things of good quality.

Along the way, Akadri briefly exchanged greetings with armed men and women who would be combatant personnel of the Fifty Bells League. In addition, there appeared to have been rumors of Mira spreading within the base as a collaborator in the first Chimera Clozen capture, and the two were heard several times on the road.

Among other things, Mira was particularly concerned that the youth and the Spirit were close to each other. If you ask, Akadri says it's not uncommon here. People and spirits are attracted to each other, and united. Akadri spoke fervently, saying that love is common, although it exists differently.

That's how we got there, in the deepest part of the city. It is a place in Heiankyo that is truly the back of the earth.

Surrounded by Tsukiji walls, the front gate was already opened, and two of the gatekeepers gave a toast to Akadri. Behind the gate are several halls.

As Akadori and the gatekeeper exchanged, Mira was caught in the Japanese soul by the landscape, peering into the back of the gate slightly changing the angle.

"Dear Mira, first go to the main hall"

"Ugh... um. Okay."

After finishing the conversation and obtaining permission to pass, Acadri speaks to the seemingly restless girl with a smile in her mouth. Mira nodded with a bumpy grin as she tilted her neck and bent in.

The walls of Tsukiji are also divided by the walls of Tsukiji, and Mira bends the corners while being guided by Akadori. After passing through the gate, the number of people and spirits in the eyes dropped dramatically, and the inner rear was filled with signs of loneliness and majesty.

The two footsteps continue quietly and when you break the second corner to the right you arrive in front of another gate.

Behind the gate, a strictly nestled main hall. Take off your shoes, pinch them in the slab hallway, and let them pass to the front of the room for viewing. The guide to Acadli seemed to be this far away, and when I opened the drawer, I took a step back and sat right on the spot.

"Go ahead, Master Mira. Commander-in-Chief is waiting for you."

"Guide, thank you for your hard work"

That's what Mira says and goes through the door. Going down the long corridor from there we arrived in the large room. The floors are all slab and the walls are painted white. A long, large seating table was placed in the center of the room towards the back, with a seating futon laid right in front of it. And on the other side of it was a man who would already sit down, and on the other hand, a man who would be an auxiliary, so as to pinch the seating table across from each other.

Sit down, please.

One of the aides tells him with a soft smile. Mira approached the seating table as she was told and sat in a hoarse seat on the futon.

Mira and the person in front who took shape opposite each other. He wraps a purple coat and wears something like a casket with a white, thin cloth hanging over his head. The cloth covered his upper body and his face was unclear. But Mira knew exactly why this man would be the culmination of the Fifty Bells League.

(I predicted it, but I'm still a former player)

It's called the streets that made it look like reality Heian Kyo, Mira, who was feeling them. And look it up (...) and it turns out it still is.

"First of all, welcome to the Fifty Bells Federation, the Integrated Headquarters. I'm a quail. For once, the commander-in-chief of the Federation. So, you're Mira, aren't you? I heard you've devoted yourself to the success of one capture of Chimera. Thanks."

Even if you can't see your face with a white cloth, you can tell from that voice that it would be a woman. The head of the Fifty Bells League, who thus named himself a quail, also discerns Mira as a former player.

"It's not a big deal. I just interrupted your dispute from the side."

When Mira answered that, the quail said, "You're very humble," and laughed.

"By the way, this reference said you were looking for someone. That could be one of our people. May I ask you more?"

"Um, maybe three weeks before now, I met the spirit-protecting ceremonial god."

The purpose of visiting the Fifty Bells League in the first place is the result of following the name of a ceremonial God that may be related to one of the wise men. Mira, with a forethought, told us about what had happened on her way back from the ancient temple of Nebrapolis to the soul town of Karanak.

"Karanak, huh. Let me hear it before you answer. I wonder why you're looking for that person?

When Mira finishes the conversation, the quail says so and asks. Even if they're benefactors, they can't teach them if they're going to harm their people. But of course, Mira doesn't care.

"I just want to talk to you for a second. I'm looking for someone different from him, but I just wondered if it had anything to do with his destiny. The clues are really small and vague, the name of the ceremonial god. Nevertheless, the information is zero, so it doesn't depend on the allowance."

"Yeah, it's a lot of trouble finding people for the searcher."

"He's a pretty tough guy, too."

If Mira told him not to wrap it up, one of the aides, who had listened to the words and actions, turned his gaze to peek at the quail. The quail, staring at Mira as if she were trying to see through something, swoops off her shoulder and nods back small to the adjunct.

"Fine, give me a minute."

That's what I said. I got the paperwork the aide gave me.

"Sure, there were a few near Karanak that time of year. So the name of Ceremony God is a Yin Yang magician, right? Then I wonder if either of these two"

While scrolling through the HR documents, the quail confirms and answers the names of the two Yin Yang magicians from several of the people who were in operation in the vicinity because of the ceremonial deity association.

"Ho, you two. So, either one of them, Nyanmaru, etc. should be given the formula god?

If there was no one there, this story would have ended, but if there were two of us, the odds would have increased. Mira finally speaks of the name of the ceremonial God, which has been a factor that has come this far.

It was then. Two of the aides turned their gaze to the quail in such a way that they shook their shoulders slightly and were terrified.

"Nyanmaru.... Henko?

Unlike before, with a clearly half-sounding voice, the quail repeats some of the queries. To that voice, two of the auxiliaries shudder their shoulders even more.

"Um, it's a simple, untwisted name. I think it's a distinctive and easy to judge material."

"Yeah, you're here. But I don't know. Wouldn't that be a good name?"

Among the yin and yang magicians confirmed by the quail in the paperwork, there was certainly a yin and yang magician who used a ceremonial god named Nyanmaru. Upon hearing it, Mira exalts a little.

"Oh, whoa! So, somewhere now. Can't we see each other?

"I think I'm traveling to Grimdart now. It's more of a name than that. Isn't she cute?"

Mira keeps asking questions about whether or not she can make the connection. Uzume, however, bumps into repeated questions about the name Nyanmaru. And compared to the first voice, the voice of the girl who forgot to decorate was mixed with a thin one. The commander-in-chief of the Fifty Bells League has his hands on the floor and his face hidden in a white cloth as if staring at Mira.

(Stick around for a long time...)

Ugly words that show a slight restraint, and a seemingly swollen attitude. That was somewhere nostalgic, a shadow resembling someone else. Before that appearance, the phantom of Mira's brain, the figure, overlaps thinly.

"Sometimes, Kameji, Nyorozo, Pisuke, Gautai are the names of ceremonial gods, but what do you think of the Lord?

"That's an easy to understand, cute, very nice name! Hanamaru!

When Mira arranges the names of the ceremonial gods she remembers, the quail answers with a numb thumbs up. The voice plays and is clearly understood to be a heartfelt answer.

No way. Mira floats one possibility behind her brain that is convenient, keeping an eye on the white cloth that hides her face.

"The Cat Cafe Castle Incident"

Mira shrugged like some kind of spell. It's a word that suggests an event that is one of the black histories involved in dating a person.

And the effect of the word was surface. The quail suddenly drifts off his spine as if struck by a lightning strike, and when he gets up in momentum, he coughs one more thing and then sits quietly back down.

"Both of you, take your seats off for a moment"

When the quail told him so in a pale voice, the two aides stood up after a gratuity and left the room without a sound.

"Mira,?... Could it be Grandpa?

The quail does react to Mira's whining words, and superimposes them on the girl in front of her when she thinks of someone who shares the word.

(I was planning to take advantage of this, but I didn't expect to hit it early.)

"Long time no see, Kagra."

Besides his sensibilities regarding the name of the ceremonial God, what was decisive was how he stuck his hands on the floor in a grumpy manner. It is one of Mira's known kagra habits.

At last, the two Old Knowledge reunited in the main palace of the building, which resembled the innermost part of the home of the Fifty Bells League.

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