Shini Yasui Kōshaku Reijō to Nana-ri no Kikōshi

Chapter 89: metown of Prodigal Sons (part five)

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Chapter 88: Hometown of Prodigal Sons (part five)

The afternoon of the next day after we escaped from the fear of the calamity Cursed Sword of Fire.

Along with a refreshing sensation of sleeping soundly, I woke up.

『Hm, so you’re already up, Erica.』

『My, my, what a relief.』

To the phantom beasts that were looking into my face and felt relieved, I replied with a smile.

After I fainted, it seemed that I was examined by a healer who was in the Castle of Light.

Although they were worried that I was in a critically ill condition caused by magical reaction, it was determined that I was in a state of sleep that simply comes from fatigue.

After that, it seemed that I was brought by Tirnanog back to Water Palace under the veil of secrecy.

I had no memory of those things.

『Well, I was not worried at all.』

『Lies. Even though you didn’t sleep the whole time and kept staring at her anxiously.』

『Eei, shut up, you cat!』

Palug avoided Tirnanog’s attack which was unleashed to hide his embarrassment while somersaulting on the bed.

They were good friends as usual.

『That blond haired prince’s perceptiveness was good and that saved us some trouble. He concealed the fact that you were traveling incognito.』

“So Auguste-sama did such a thing, huh……”

Even though about such a matter Auguste was also birds of a feather.

Where and what I was doing at that time were likely became a secret between us.

『But, you know, Ernst is going to be undertaken by a rather troublesome post-processing.』

It seemed that it was quite a night when Otou-sama and Palug returned to Water Palace.

It seemed that it took hours to see if the weapons runaway didn’t occur.

And it seemed that Otou-sama immediately returned to the naval port in a non-stop round trip.

It was due to the post-processing of the old-style aircraft carrier wreckage.

Fortunately, there were no people nor beasts on that ship, so it was limited to physical damage only.

That was just an hour before we returned here again.

Thankfully, he didn’t notice the fact that I was sound asleep due to fatigue, I might have been lucky.

Well, but, Otou-sama had to be considerably tired at that time, I should show my appreciation for his hard work.

“After that, how is Actorius-sensei……?”

『That gray mage, huh. A while ago the redhaired brat came as a messenger.

The treatment went well, he is not in a life-threatening condition anymore. You can feel relieved.』

“I see, that’s good……”

Actorius-sensei seemed to be transported to the free clinic to be treated by Knot Reed’s noted healer.

It was because the healer who was invited to Castle of Light at that time was not skillfull enough to treat him.

“I’ve troubled both of you. Thank you for your hard work.”

『It’s fine~. I think you finished off that Cursed Sword of Fire in relative ease.』

『Umu. Erica has the largest achievement. This degree is neither annoying nor troubling.』

The two phantom beasts nodded somewhat proudly.

They were happy as if my achievement were their own.

Thus, when we finished sharing a lot of information, a message from Otou-sama was brought along with our lunch.

It seemed that after lunch Otou-sama would be heading to the free clinic where Actorius-sensei was brought in for questioning.

I told the servant that I would like to accompany him as well and took a late lunch.

Otou-sama and I took a small boat and moved towards the free clinic.

Tirnanog and Palug were in another small boat with a caretaker.

The clinic was a pure white building, and the inside was separated by a thin veil.

Moving through the veil, I found a gray-haired figure lying on the bed.

He was wrapped round and round with bandages, but I could barely recognize that he was Actorius-sensei.

When he noticed our visit, he smiled with a crying face.

We sat on the chairs next to the bed.

Otou-sama activated Historia Electrum to record their conversation, while I quietly listened to their conversation.

In the lump of amber, a light resembling a flame was flickering.

“On that day, you seem to have been in the ruins where the incident happened as a member of the investigation team from Lindis.”

“Yes. I was working on dismantling the artificial spirit that was built in the deepest part.”

“I see, the technology in that ruins was an artificial spirit derived from Hafan.

You seem to have joined the investigation team just a few days ago, but how much do you know about the content of the investigation?

It’s sufficient even if it’s just the extent of what you know, so please let me know for future correspondence.”

“……Perhaps, it may have been me who was able to grasp the situation of that ruin the most.”

Actorius-sensei stared at his bandaged palm and became silent for a while.

He started talking slowly about the sealed ruins of the Cursed Sword of Fire.

“I was comparing the investigation report two months ago with the past data in the data room of Lindis.

It was the material of 200 years ago when the ruins were first sealed, along with materials that were made 600 years ago.

As a result, I discovered the possibility of a serious danger, and then I applied to become additional personnel in haste and rushed to the site.”

“Hm, what is the danger?”

“The dangerous facility that should have been shut down two hundred years ago had their main group of spells connected once again.

Umm……since it is obfuscated, it is hard to understand, but please see a copy of this document.”

Actorius-sensei spread the three sheets of vellum papers with difficulty since he could only use his right hand.

The places marked on the document written two months ago was indeed consistent with the material of six hundred years ago, not two hundred years ago.

“This part is the part related to the massive mass destruction ability of a larger scale than the known Cursed Sword of Fire.

It reacts to the higher ranking fire spirit or phantom beast, and causes a chain explosion involving the nearby spirit, or so it said.

What still a mystery is the purpose of building it……because when it started, it was expected to be on the scale that can evaporate the whole northwestern part.”

“Hm……it is a bit excessive for a technology to be concealed for the purpose of self-destructing it.

The use of artificial spirits’ weapons is prohibited, and the fire-natured phantom beasts haven’t been confirmed for the last 100 years……”

“Nevertheless, we cannot say that it wasn’t possible.”

Hearing the words of Actorius-sensei, my father nodded.

Huh? Was this possibly the incident that could happen if Palug entered the investigation site?

If there was no barrier to block the intrusion of phantom beasts, in the worst case, she would have been directly involved with the disaster.

If there were no people investigating the investigation report two months ago.

Or, if Actorius-sensei didn’t notice the suspicious parts of the materials.

Imagining the worst, I shivered.

“At the time of the incident, five lecturers and students who were dispatched from Lindis and excelled in barriers, were in charge of the processing.

It was because we had to isolate artificial spirits severely before dismantling it.

It isn’t certain whether the construction of the barriers was insufficient, or whether some magic was misunderstood as disassembly.

As you know, the spell of Cursed Sword of Fire triggered as the objective of the investigation team, and the hot lava had become materialized.”

Actorius-sensei talked about the flow of the incident, confessing matter-of-factly.

“I was caught in the collapse of the ruins by the explosion, and was about to be swallowed by the lava and flames that flowed in.

However, at the next moment as I felt intense pain and heat, I collapsed on the Castle of Light.

Perhaps I was transferred by a colleague who was in my immediate side.

The castle was built on a thick ley line, so it might have been easy to aim as a quick transition destination.”

Those gray eyes shook slightly.

It seemed like the emotions he repressed until now had overflowed, his eyes were full of anxiety.

“What happened to him……no, to the personnel other than me who were there?

If they had transited via other ley lines, they should have been transferred to Water Palace or the cathedral, so how are they……?”

Actorius-sensei asked, but Otou-sama cast his eyes down and shook his head.

Otou-sama responded with a rough voice after a long silence.

“Unfortunately, I have confirmed the annihilation of the investigation team other than you.”

“Eh……, no way……”

Actorius-sensei shed tears as he overcame with surprise.

The tears spilled out without stop, and his sobbing continued for some time.

This might be my first time I heard an adult man crying.

When Otou-sama stopped the Historia Electrum, a flame-like sparkle was engraved on the amber.

Waiting for Actorius-sensei to compose himself, Otou-sama stood up.

“It seems that Lindis will gather new personnel and reorganize the investigation team.

The investigation and sealing will be resumed in a safer manner.”

“……Well, I think that’s good.”

Actorius-sensei nodded with a calm voice.

Although in truth he was still upset, it seemed that he was forcing himself to be calm.

To support my claim, his tears were still spilling out.

In the end, I couldn’t say anything, I didn’t know what kind of words should I say to him.

We left the Actorius-sensei’s hospital room without further words.

On the way home from the free clinic.

On the boat, Otou-sama caressed my head and said:

“I asked the healer, but it seems that there are almost no impairments left in Elric-kun’s body.

It was fortunate that he was found quick and got the appropriate first aid treatment.

It will also take a few years to transplant the skin for his burn marks, and if he continues the magical treatment those burn marks will be restored.

But……we have to wait for time to heal the wounds of his heart.”


The city of Knot Reed that was looked from the top of the canal was in a festive mood all of a sudden.

The river bank and the ferries were colorfully decorated, and people were drinking alcohol cheerfully.

Everyone was celebrating their good fortune in escaping the legendary calamity.

On the ship, people in costumes and masked clowns danced, and bards also played instruments and sang a song.

Tears were spilled for those who died, and music was played for those who survived.

That evening, which was the last night I spent in Knot Reed.

People gathered more than usual at the dinner party in Water Palace.

This was because there were many people who saw a glimpse of the one who had worked on the Cursed Sword of Fire last night.

Right, one of the three people who got involved in the wide-scale Levitation.

If one listened carefully, one would hear the name of that meritorious person being whispered.

The name was Harold Nibelheim III.

(Indeed, from the information on Glam Sight, they could learn who the creator of Levitation was.)

That time was full of actions, and I didn’t care about that.

Because it was not Hafan’s magic, the name of the performer was not disclosed, it was a small mercy.

Cheers roared up in the vicinity of the entrance of the hall.

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It seemed that Harold had appeared, he was accompanied by Earl Nibelheim.

People encircled both of them while giving praises for the young meritorious person such as ‘A rare genius that is found one in ten years’ or ‘An outstanding talent that is found one in a hundred years.’

Harold was being jostled by the adults, he was laughing and didn’t seem to be annoyed by that.

I thought it was a very joyous occasion.

But, somehow I needed a little distance from this lively banquet.

I ran away from the bustle and headed towards the balcony.

I wondered if this would be my last night seeing this beautiful night view.

Before I knew it, there were a small golem and a phantom-beast-turned-cat at my feet.

『Erica, are you not going to see the redheaded brat?』

“He seems to be a popular person, even if I go, I will only get in the way.”

『Then, let’s go to Auguste’s location~!』

“Palug, you can go by yourself, right?”

『Eeh~, don’t wanna~! That’s somehow embarrassing!』

『You are not even a young girl anymore……』

While the two phantom beasts were cracking jokes, I looked at the sky.

The moon that looked like a nail of a cat was floating behind the dark blue night sky.

Since the moonlight was more subdued than usual, I could see the weak light of the stars shining brightly.

I felt like I had calmed down a bit after seeing them.

“Yaa, Erica. May I also have your time?”

From the other side of the curtain, Auguste’s face suddenly appeared.

With a shiny white silk formal wear and his golden hair tied up, he seemed to match the formal wear of this region.

Mrrrooow~~~, the golden cat cried in a delighted voice.

Tonight the cat seemed to be very satisfied.

“What about your job as a prince, Auguste-sama?”

“Occasionally I can stretch my wings, right? Today’s leading role seems to be Harold anyway.”

“You seem to have been stretching your wings recently, though?

Aah, but is nothing unnatural about that, huh. Auguste-sama’s main role is as an angel after all.”

“How harsh. Well, you can bully me later, shall we toast first?”

Auguste handed me one of the glasses he had.

The clear light green liquid was probably grape juice.

“What should we toast to?”

“To the excellent, rich and beautiful golden country, Aurelia. And then, to the peaceful night we won with our own hands, how about it?”

Auguste and I made our glasses touched each other.

A clanking sound played by our glasses echoed.

“However, is it alright for you not to come forward too, Erica? You are also a meritorious person, right?”

“I’m not good at that kind of thing. Since I was travelling incognito, I don’t have any excuse for my father if I come forward.

Auguste-sama too, aren’t you going to come forward?”

“I am good at that kind of thing, but I was also travelling incognito, so I have to pass.”

I tasted the grapes when I sipped my glass.

It was the taste of autumn’s good harvest.

Harold, who was barely able to sneak away from the barrage of questions, came over to the balcony when the two of us were talking about trifling matters.

“Aah~~, I’ve been looking for you guys! Why are you in a remote place like this–!”

Harold was wearing a perfect-fit dark green formal wear with his red hair smoothed down neatly.

Although it was not much, but it was a noble appearance that didn’t make him seem like a wand store brat.

“Heeh, you look like a young noble properly when you dressed up like that, huh~.”

“Isn’t that good, Harold. What a great popularity.”

“You really said like it was somebody else’s problem, huh~……it’s not a laughing matter.

Even if everyone persistently trying to delve into that matter, I was doing my best to keep you guys’ involvement a secret!

That’s why I had to tell a strange lie.”

After sighing, Harold kept on talking.

He had said such things like, ‘A person who came down from the sky helped me’.

Someone with a strangely high inhibition value happened to pass by, so I asked them to shake the wand’, he had said.

That person hid their face, so I don’t know anything else’, he had said.

He seemed to reveal only fragments, intending to mix the features of me, Auguste, and Tirnanog on purpose.

By the way, it seemed that every servant of Nibelheim had been forbidden to say anything of that matter.

More accurately, it was said that Gilbert had threatened them into keeping their silence.

Well, tight-lipped friends were wonderful.

“Because of that, do you know how strange rumors have spread?”

“No, this is my first time hearing that.”

“Heeh, what kind of rumors?”

It seemed that Harold’s story had spread around in an unexpected direction.

Because, in the past few days, there were sightings of mysterious people in Knot Reed.

It was said that a beautiful blonde young man leaped away in the sky above Knot Reed’s church.

It was said that at the ruins near Nibelheim, a figure of a beautiful silver-haired girl appeared, and she suddenly disappeared when one took their eyes off of her for a moment.

There seemed to be many other witnesses.

These series of mysterious people were rumored to be angels who had descended on Knot Reed.

Looking at my feet, Tirnanog was at Palug’s side making angry gestures.

Palug was silent and turned her face away unnaturally.

This rumor, no matter how I thought about it, was about Palug.

Perhaps, during her investigation, she jumped lightly in the form of Severe King Jean, or she substituted herself as a lighting in the form of Founder King Guillaume.

“Then, my testimony and the rumors of that angel or saint were strangely mixed.

Maybe that angel saved this city’, it has become such an outrageous story!

There were also eyewitness testimonies of a high-ranking alchemist and a mage, which is awkward, so we have a strange authenticity!”

It was the completion of the urban legend of the angels of Knot Reed.

It would be unlikely to discern the truth due to the conflicting testimonies, so this situation was a good thing.

I would use this to my advantage as much as I could.

“I appreciate it, Harold. I don’t want to be involved in troublesome matters more than this.”

“It’s the same for me, if it is known that I acted irresponsibly, my old scandals will be brought up again~.”

“Right~, for us who have bad behavior, continuing to pretend to be well-mannered is a must.”

“Exactly, it is said that bloomed flowers are plucked first after all1. We have to live unassumingly.”

“We don’t want to stand out badly, right~.”

Harold writhed in frustration while I was spending time idly with Auguste.

“T-this bad prince and evil woman……”

Harold murmured in a very faint voice.

We didn’t know who might be listening, so you shouldn’t curse at His Highness the Crown Prince and the duke’s daughter.

Aah, poor Harold.

However, for an unfortunate soul who had been put through hardships by us, Harold’s expression was very lively.

Speaking of which, the circumstances surrounding him were improving, huh.

“But I’m glad. If they acknowledge this case, you will be getting an open recommendation for the path of wand-making, right?”

Harold answered my words with a wide smile.

“Yeah, I got permission from Tou-san to enter Lindis, and while at it, I decided to skip a grade and also go to a local school.”

“Eh, you are still eight years old, right?”

“Since the contents taught by the governess were almost finished, I would like to master metallurgical relation first.

While I am here, I want to master what I can learn in this way.”

“Heeh~, skipping a grade, huh, how amazing.”

Auguste was also impressed by Harold’s words.

While we were talking with each other like this, there was a commotion from the direction of the hall.

In the center of the commotion were Earl Nibelheim, Viscount Turm, Gilbert, and then Turm elder.

The prototypes of the porcelain were arranged on the table, and Gilbert was talking fluently with elegance.

And sometimes Earl Nibelheim and Turm elder added supplementary explanation.

“Ooh~, Aniki and the others seem to have started.”

“Gilbert-san seems to be good at that sort of thing, huh.”

First of all, the color of the eyes of the aristocrats who perhaps had deep knowledge of arts became peculiar.

Porcelain was one of the most valuable items next to gold.

Even in terms of the degree of perfection and peculiarity, Gilbert’s porcelain should be spectacular.

The enthusiasms of the nobles who understood the value at a glance were transmitted to their surroundings.

All three of Gilbert’s supporters were solid and trustworthy people.

Even those who didn’t know the authenticity could understand that these porcelains were valuable.

To the beauty of porcelain, people were dazzled, and enthusiasm was born.

Gilbert’s words excited people, stirred their desire, and spread wild enthusiasm.

Wild enthusiasm generated money.

If the wild enthusiasm spread, they wouldn’t lack business partners.

Creditors would surely wait until the tree that bears money bore fruits2.

I saw that Gilbert smiled with his father the Turm elder and his older brother Viscount Turm.

He was able to return to where he should return.

“If it continues like this, there is no doubt that it will be a huge success. Let’s celebrate it.”

“Well then, we should toast first. To the future of the young genius?”

“Your Highness Auguste, please don’t do that~~.”

“Hahaha, then, to the prosperity of the Nibelheim family and Knot Reed!”

Auguste smiled and held up his glass.

Harold was on the verge of tears while smiling faintly.



The hustle and bustle of Knot Reed didn’t abate even when the night was getting late, the people seemed very happy.

Before I knew it, I realized I was laughing.

Infected by the atmosphere of the people who were full of laughter, I felt like I could join the lively banquet at last.

In this way, my adventure over the third death flag had curtained down for the moment.

For the moment.

I feel like it needs emphasize.

So, Ernst didn’t know of Erica’s involvement because he had to do the post-processing of the disaster and was too tired to check on Erica’s room. While Glam Sight can show the name of the performer if it’s Hafan’s magic, apparently it can only show the name of the wandmaker if it was magic that came from a wand. And the servants were threatened into silence.

1 Bloomed flowers are plucked first: those who stand out will attract attention.

2 Meaning the creditors will wait until Nibelheim family gains enough money before they start asking their money back.

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