Shut Up, You Fake Fan!

Chapter 17: CH 17

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Ye Jiuyue really couldn’t keep going on, as soon as he sat in the passenger seat, he shut his eyes sleepily.  

Shen Weixing helped him put on the seat belt, then circled around and got into the driver’s seat. He couldn’t help but touch Ye Jiuyue’s forehead again. “You’re already burning to this degree and yet you still haven’t gone to the hospital to get a check-up?”

“I went.” Ye Jiuyue weakly said, “I got some medicine from the school infirmary.” 

“Go to the hospital, duh!” Shen Weixing muttered as he drove. “You’re already a university student, don’t you have any basic common sense?”

Ye Jiuyue used his last breath to explain, “I decided that if I wasn’t better by tonight then I’d go and get an IV.” 

“Don’t get an IV drip, it yields faster results but it’s not good for your body. Just taking medicine is fine, topical applied medicine works quickly too.” While Shen Weixing was speaking, he glanced at him, then reached out a hand to feel his forehead. His voice uncontrollably became gentler as he continued, “Don’t speak anymore, nap for a while.”

Very quickly, Ye Jiuyue really did fall asleep, he didn’t even awaken when they’d arrived at the hospital and was carried out of the car by Shen Weixing.

Shen Weixing went to an acquaintance’s private hospital. When he carried Ye Jiuyue in, he gave the other party a complete shock, as he thought that something big had happened, but when he asked he became speechless. “Just a fever?”

“What do you mean, ‘just a fever’?” Shen Weixing shot back unhappily. 

“Okay, okay, okay, I misspoke.” His acquaintance said. “He’s already like this, so let’s give him a shot?”

“No shots, give him medicine.” Shen Weixing said. 

His acquaintance gave him a glance. “His fever is already to this degree, a shot would make for a quicker recovery.” 

“Give him medicine.” Shen Weixing repeated with emphasis.

“Fine, fine, fine, I’ll give him medicine, I’ll give him medicine. However, if he recovers slowly, don’t make a medical fuss at my place.” His acquaintance said, but still measured Ye Jiuyue’s temperature first and did a basic examination. Once he was done, he wrote a prescription and gave them the medicine. 

Once everything was done, his acquaintance watched as Shen Weixing softly woke Ye Jiuyue up to take the medicine, expression strange as he looked down at his phone and clicked on the group chat.  

【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】

Boss C: Guys, guess what I saw.  

Boss A: Not guessing, scram.

Boss C: I saw , he brought Jiuyue over to my clinic.

Boss A: ?

Boss D: Wut? @BossC, Hua Lin, don’t pause in the middle of what you’re saying, finish speaking then go away. 

Boss C:  His baobei has a fever, made me take a look, the cost of one surgery by me starts at a few hundred thousand, and yet he gets me to look at a fever case?!

Boss F: tut tut tut.

Dbrr D: P offi ilxf Qfl Wlcu lr vbcf obg. 

Dbrr J: Deii, P rff la jr tlw olcjiis tjnlcu tbqf. 

Dbrr J: Rba ab tlvf la ogbw sbe uesr, yea atf wfvlmlcf atja P qgfrmglyfv obg Alesef…

Dbrr D: Jbcajlcr jqtgbvlrljmr? Lej Olc, jgf sbe ralii tewjc? Tbe vlv ubbv. 

Boss C: Are you a beast? The medicine that I prescribed for Jiuyue is super gentle so that he can experience Wei Xing the gentle a little more. You guys didn’t see it, but I was absolutely shook, the type of shook at seeing the brat finally learning to be smart, and get a wife; guys, imagine it.

Boss B: Can’t imagine it, it’s only the truth with picture evidence. 

Boss C: Wait a sec.

Shen Weixing half held Jiuyue, who was sitting on the sick bed. He held a glass of water in one hand and the medicine in the other, he lowly whispered, “Jiuyue, take the medicine before sleeping.”  

After calling a few times, Ye Jiuyue blearily took a look through squinted eyes, then obediently took the medicine.

Shen Weixing gave him another pill, he would feed one pill then get him to take a sip of water. But, there were a lot of pills, which made Ye Jiuyue a little impatient, so he quietly suggested, “I can swallow eight pills in one go.”

“You’ll choke to death.” Shen Weixing firmly refused the suggestion. “Less nonsense, continue taking the pills.” 

Ye Jiuyue could only continue eating a pill at a time and only finished after an eternity.  

“Drink all of the water.” Shen Weixing then said.

Ye Jiuyue had been forced to down copious amounts of hot water by his roommates for two days already; he subconsciously was against drinking water. “I don’t want to drink it.”

“Be good, drink it, just a little.” Shen Weixing coaxed him, “If you drink more water, you’ll get  better sooner.”

Another hot water human. Ye Jiuyue suddenly recalled his terror in the face of hot water, and blearily frowned. “I don’t want to drink it.” 

Fuck, getting prissy just because of getting sick?! Does he still want to get better or not?! Shen Weixing was just about to pry open his mouth and pour in the water, when all of a sudden he remembered the things that Ye Jiuyue had said about Sui Dong, so he stiffly and abruptly stopped this urge. Instead, he switched to a softer route. “Listen to me, drink it.”

Ye Jiuyue felt like he was being fed poison and was about to just give up and fearlessly drink it to get peace, when suddenly he was given a kiss. 

Shen Weixing got a brain boost in his urgency (or it could be called a drowning man will clutch at straw), he thought that since Ye Jiuyue liked him so much, then seduction would definitely work, and so he kissed Ye Jiuyue. He said, “Be good, drink it, you get a kiss for every sip.”

【Have we included  to play today, is  done for today yet】 

Hua Lin: wtm

Hua Lin: @Wen Dong, I feel like you don’t want to keep working, you even have the guts to trick me? Do you know what type of person I am?

Wen Dong: ? What did I trick you about? 

Boss A: Probably feelings.

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Boss D: There really is something going on between you two?

Wen Dong: ? There isn’t!

Hua Lin: If you say that Wei Xing will never be able to get a significant other in the future, then I’ll kick you out of this chat, do you hear me? 

Wen Dong: ?

Hua Lin: [short video]

Hua Lin: Take a look for yourself. It’s a little blurry, so you can’t make out the people clearly, so listen to the voices.

Boss A: …… 

Boss B: wctm!

Boss D: What dimension’s Wei Xing is this?!

Boss E: Been raising him for so long, finally he knows how to eat cabbage I actually want to cry.

Boss F: Daddy is so gratified, wanna cry +1 

Boss G: How did you guys’ hobby of raising Wei Xing through the web start developing?

Hua Lin: When we found that spending money wasn’t changing the problems, so we decided why not raise him through the web.

Once Ye Jiuyue finished taking his medicine he fell asleep again, completely dead to the world. When he woke up again, he found that he’d already returned to the apartment, his head was still a little woozy and hurt a bit, but it was a lot better than before. 

In the dark, Ye Jiuyue softly let out the sound of wanting to see someone. “En?”

There wasn’t any reply at first.  

He shut his eyes to sleep again, but half a minute later he heard Shen Weixing open the door and come in, then ask quietly, “Awake?”

Ye Jiuyue opened his eyes and gave another ‘en’. The lights in the living room were on, which shone into the bedroom. He saw Shen Weixing walk over in his pyjamas. Shen Weixing touched his forehead, then poured a glass of warm water out from a small thermos on the bedside table, broke some medicine pills, then said with a strange, gentle tone, “First take your medicine.”

This was the first time that Shen Weixing was wearing pyjamas in front of Ye Jiuyue. Before, when they met in the apartment, either he would be wearing general outside attire or he was just out of the shower with a towel wrapped around himself, and most of the time he wore nothing at all. 

Now that he was seeing Shen Weixing in his pyjamas, and what’s more, wearing glasses, hair softly falling over his forehead, gaze gentle, just like on TV, or even more like a normal person than on TV, this made Ye Jiuyue believe that he’d gotten so feverish he was seeing a hallucination.  

Shen Weixing was also afraid of him being burned silly by the fever. He saw that Ye Jiuyue was staring at him dazedly, frowned, then sat by the side of the bed and propped him up. He gave the side of Ye Jiuyue’s face a kiss, then asked, in a cajoling tone, “Still uncomfortable? If it’s really not good, then let’s get a shot, don’t get burned silly.”

This brain was very amazing, it could get first place in the national exam, so basically it could maybe win a Nobel prize in the future. I can’t let him be burned stupid. Shen Weixing thought to himself. 

Hearing this voice of Shen Weixing’s, Ye Jiuyue thought to himself, help this emperor up, that’s right, this emperor can still go another round. 

But, the self-indulgent emperor after all had the heart but no power, and could only silently take his medicine. 

Once the medicine was all taken, Shen Beauty asked, “Are you hungry?”

Ye Jiuyue nodded, then frowned. Whenever he moved, his head hurt so much it felt like splitting. 

Shen Weixing anxiously asked his future Nobel prize winner, “What is it?” 

Yebel quietly said, “My head really hurts when I move.”

“Should I massage your head?” Shen Weixing pulled him over to lay in his arms, one arm going around his shoulders, gently pressing against his forehead.

Ye Jiuyue shook his head again. “It hurts inside, you can’t reach it.”

“If it’s really uncomfortable, then let’s call for the doctor to come here and give you a shot.” Shen Weixing said.  

“No.” Ye Jiuyue refused. “I’m hungry.”

“You sit here, don’t move, I’ll go bring it over for you to eat.” Shen Weixing helped him lie against the headboard, stuffed a few soft and fluffy pillows behind his back, then hurriedly went to the kitchen to ladle a bowl of porridge. 

Although normally Shen Weixing would always pick at Ye Jiuyue’s cooking, in truth, Shen Weixing’s own cooking was really good. This was honed back in the day, before his debut, he and his older sister drifted along aimlessly to survive and would do anything; he’d helped around in the back of a restaurant and learned a bit of cooking along the way. Afterwards, he slowly cooked more and more, and was quite knowledgeable now.

Shen Weixing sat at the side of the bed, ladled out a spoonful of porridge, and blew on it. The steam of it completely clouded his glasses. It was only then that he remembered he was wearing them, so he took them off and put them on the bedside table. Seeing Ye Jiuyue’s slightly curious look, he explained, “My new role wears glasses, so I was just getting a feel for it while reading the script in the living room.”

So that’s why, no wonder he hadn’t heard about Shen Weixing wearing glasses before. Ye Jiuyue silently thought. 

Shen Weixing ladled another spoonful of porridge, blew on it again, then put it by Ye Jiuyue’s lips. He was afraid that he would dislike it for being tasteless like last time, so he said, “I added some stuff, and it was cooked for a few hours, it’ll definitely be delicious.” 

Ye Jiuyue thought that it smelled delicious too, so he took a small bite. The taste was surprisingly good, so he took another big bite. 

“Eat slowly, don’t choke.” Shen Weixing watched him and thought it was a little funny. His tone was even gentler, and he patiently fed him spoonful by spoonful; the bowl of porridge took half an hour to be finished.

Shen Weixing placed the bowl to a side, went to get a cup, filled it with water for Ye Jiuyue to gargle, then got a towel for him to wipe his face. “Tell your dormmates that if you’re still not better tomorrow, then you won’t go to class. Tell them to help you ask for a sick-day. If you’re better, then you can go in the morning.”

Ye Jiuyue nodded, took the phone that Shen Weixing had shoved into his hands, unlocked it with his fingerprint, then shoved it back into Shen Weixing’s hands. 

Shen Weixing looked at him in confusion. 

“Looking at the screen strains the eye.” Ye Jiuyue said without much energy. He quietly asked, “Can you help me ?” 

Okay! No problem! At this moment, Shen Weixing felt like there was a wave of heat rushing up to his brain, he didn’t even know what had happened, he just felt that Ye Jiuyue’s voice was very soft and listening to it made his heart feel weak and tingly, as if his heart was shocked by a small electrical charge. He almost said what he was thinking out loud. Cute. Too cute, wanna…

He forcefully strived to get a grip on himself as he thought: Ye Jiuyue’s already this sick, yet he’s still seducing me, so scary, I have to hold it in.

Rinrin: Can y’all tell what parts of Qiu Yixin (From ANNOY) also went into Ye Jiuyue’s character?

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