Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum -‖- [Naruto FanFic]

Chapter 124: Arc IX Chapter 12

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Arc IX Chapter 12


Masanari stared for a minute, a minute felt like an eternity, an eternity that lasted. Time passed, but his shock didn't subside.  

His lips formed a wry smile, an uncertain smile, a worried smile.

The girl contemplated the unthinkable, the unimaginable. What is bravery, or folly, that made her plot against Pain? Or was it a trap? Was the little demon only waiting for him to take the bait?

His eagerness would spell not only his doom, but also that of his clan.  

Pain would not forgive, nor show clemency. The mere thought of treason was a crime punishable by death and paid with blood, their blood.

Masanari retained his outside calm. The situation was precarious, dangerous. His composure couldn't to slip under any circumstances.

Masanari shook his head. A long sigh escaped his mouth. “Lady Asami, your words undoubtedly honour us. You place much trust in the Hattori clan, but your trust is sadly misplaced.  

With all due to respect, Lady Asami, we must decline your gracious offer. We are not interested in being involved in your worldly affairs. We have no intention, nor the desire, to oppose Pain. Despite past grievances, we acknowledge Pain ... as the legitimate ruler of Amegakure.

The Hattori clan might have his differences with Pain, but we are still loyal subjects of Amegakure regardless. We won't turn our blades against our fellow villagers.“  

Asami countered with a secretive grin. “Yet you remain neutral. Despite your alleged loyalty, the Hattori clan appears to show little enthusiasm for Pain and his reign. The clan mostly retreated from public life, with your power waning every day.

“Isn't that curious, Lord Masanari? I doubt the sincerity of your words. Shouldn't your clan take a more active stance?“ Asami tilted her head.

Masanari stiffened ever so slightly. Her words stung, but the truth could not be denied. “Lady Asami, whom we support, and whom not, is first and foremost, an internal affair. The clan decides how we see fit.“

Asami giggled amused. “I don't disagree, the future of the clan lies in your competent hands, and I am not the one to judge.

But I am delighted that my words fall on fertile ground.“

Masanari furrowed his eyebrow. He didn't share her assessment. “Do they?“

Asami beamed. “I would say so. Lord Masanari, I understand your worries. I understand your concerns.

You think my offer is a trap, don't you?“

“...“ Masanari remained silent.

Asami grinned in victory. “Thought so.

Consider, though, if my intention was to destroy you, I would hardly waste my time on playing little games with you. Destroying you with Pain's authority at my disposal would a trifling matter at most.    

I am aware you are bound by honour, by duty. The responsibilities of your position weight heavily on you, as you only want the best for your clan. An admirable goal.

Know that I am not foolish enough to involve you yet. It's far too early to move against his Divinity. I am not willing to throw away the lives of the ones who put their trust in me for premature glory and power. I am a patient person.

My offer is merely an invitation, Lord Masanari. You are free to decline if you wish to do so. I won't force your hand as I search for allies, not for obedient subjects. It will take time before the day comes we can trust each other.“

Masanari considered her words.“You are playing a dangerous game, Lady Asami. I hope for you are aware of the risks. Pain is not known for mercy. He judges his enemies harshly, not to mention traitors. He won't pardon treason.“

Asami smiled. “Treason is such an unsightly word, your Lordship. Nobody here complaints treason. We are all loyal subject of our divine lord and saviour, aren't we?

I am aware of the risks, but I only act in the best interests of Amegakure. Sometimes, firm decisions are required.

Because I can't see him, or his legacy, last.

Pain is strong, undoubtedly so. A powerful force to be reckoned with, feared on the battlefield, feared by his enemies, but power and fear alone don't rule a country. He might be a god, but he is not a ruler.

Our god lives from day to day, uncaring of the common masses, uncaring of the fate of the village.

He will go out in a blaze and nothing of him will remain. I am not keen on sharing his fate, nor should Amegakure suffer the consequences of his dramatic lack of strategic vision. I won't allow such, nor should you. We all must take matters in our own hands if necessary.“

Masanari listened. Her words made sense. “It seems I have misjudged you, Lady Asami. I thought you stood with Pain.“

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Asami giggled. “We all err from time to time. Nobody is infallible. Often things are not as they might seem.“

Asami looked outside the window. The light waned at the horizon. “I think it's time for to take my leave. I wish you a good day.“

Masanari interrupted her, “Why are you doing this? Why Amegakure?“

Asami halted, raising her eyebrow.

Masanari folded his hands. “You are not from here, are you?“

“How do you know?“

Masanari grinned. This time it was his turn. “Your accent, your pronunciation, they are both distinctly Land of Fire. Some might even say Konohan.

So what are you doing so far from home, Lady Asami? You said you will restore order to Amegakure? Why does her Ladyship care so much about the fate of our humble village?“

Asami chuckled. “You have sharp ears, found out just like that. A possibility I never considered.

You are right, I am not native to Amegakure. Akatsuki recruited me.“

Masanari retorted, “That doesn't answer my question.“

“It doesn't.“ Asami closed her eyes and pondered. Time passed.

“Lord Masanari, have you ever felt as if your life was not your own? Because I did.

Born into this world, blessed with the precious gift of life, I watched the course of history far too long. Considerate of my actions, I merely reacted, never acted.

I didn't wish for much. I could have easily reached for more, but my heart desired little. I didn't care. I was content with my lot ... in this life. I cherished what I had.  

I drifted along my path. I lived from day to day, but little by little, my happiness was taken away against my will. My light dimmed. Life took what little I had, leaving only a feeling of shallow emptiness, of hollow purpose.   

I was robbed. I was forgotten. I was used. I was feared. I was betrayed. I was abandoned. No more!

Once again, I realised that fate was not necessarily my friend, admittedly a miscalculation on my part. I can only blame myself. I hoped for too much. The decisions I made led me to this point.

I am tired of the vagaries of fate, Lord Masanari. I am tired of being tossed around. I am tired of having my life dictated. I am tired of being ignored!“

Asami clenched her fist. Her muscles contracted, and her knuckles turned white. “From now on, I will follow my own path.

I will defy fate. I will defy heaven. I will shape the fabric of my future, the fabric of my reality. Because I am the smith of my own fortune, the smith of my own destiny.

But even I need allies. No matter how powerful, the future cannot be carried by a single girl. Amegakure is the answer.  

You can be the strength in my arms, the carriers of my vision, the holders of my dreams. Greatness awaits us, the greatness that is my birthright, our birthright.

Lend me your tired arms, your worn bodies. Because I will be your sword, your shield. United, we will stand, undivided.

Stand at my side, and you will prosper. Stand at my side, and you will rise to heights never known before. Stand at my, because together we will write history.“









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