Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum -‖- [Naruto FanFic]

Chapter 145: Arc X Chapter 15

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Arc X Chapter 15


“Lady Asami, with all due respect I am not particularly convinced of these so-called ‘railways’ and ‘trains’ you speak of, if I might share my reservations,” Kichirou, patriarch of the Asano zaibatsu and industrialist, disclosed his doubts. The industrialists present at the council meeting apparently didn't share her enthusiasm and were not particularly keen to embark on her project. Her railways were met with little love.

A smile adorned Asami's lips. “Meanwhile, I am convinced, Kichirou-san. My way or railway.”

Kichirou furrowed an eyebrow.

“Kichirou-san, A functioning railway network would vastly increase our civilian …”, and the military, “transport capabilities, promoting economic and industrial development. Furthermore, I like trains.”

“Lady Asami, once again with all due respect, but whether you like trians or not is, I think, besides the point”, Kichirou insisted. “Building them will require substantial sums, and we still don't see the point of why we should invest so much in an unproven and unreliable technology.”

“Trust me, Kichirou-san, railways are neither unreliable, nor unproven. In fact, we adapt already existing technology. I witnessed their use when I journeyed in the north. In the light of our recent diplomatic efforts, our northern allies agreed to share their technological secrets with us.”

Kichirou and his fellow industrialists eyed the rest of the council with suspicion. “Is that true?”

Masanari, Asami’s right hand, came to her aid. “It is. These so-called trains are constructs of steel and powered by steam generated by burning coal. Based on the provided schematics and according to our engineers, these trains appear to be functional...”

The industrialists exchanged a series of conspiring glances. Their interest was finally kindled.

Kichirou cleared his throat. “Ahem, if you will excuse us, we must briefly retreat to discuss this matter among us.”

Asami beamed, aware that they would ultimately be unable to resist the temptation. “No problem. Do what you need to, but no need to rush things.”


Trees. Trees. Trees. And some more trees. A slow and arduous journey lay before Raiden and his entourage of operatives, ninja, historians, archaeologists, and linguists. Tasked with researching the mysterious imperial line, he performed a nebulous mission, to say the least.

Few historical documents survived the times and those that did either were illegible, or not retrievable, lost in some dusty archives or greedily hidden by the monks. With little information at hand, they were forced, as pretty much expected, to rely on hearsay and rumours, which included the nonsensical rambling of some old hags. The senile priestess probably took too much of her mushrooms and told them her fairy tales about ancient sages and some moon born rabbit goddess, if that isn't the definition of geriatric insanity. The senile shrine priestess and her babbling made no sense.

Her age induced delusions and tales about moons and rabbits notwithstanding, the priestess remained their only reliable lead. They weren't even the first ones to seek her counsel. Years ago, a crow and a snake, both clad in black, asked her the same. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

Once upon a time, two sons were born, Indra and Asura, two names of mythological origin and dubious veracity according to his linguists.

They two children were graced with immense strength and power through their father, a sage of unimaginable wisdom, the Sage of Six Paths, a figure whose legends and myths were handed down through the pages, making them known even today.

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Together with their powers, the two sons also inherited land and authority as the rightful rulers of an ancient kingdom. As the elder of the siblings, Indra was destined to ascend the throne one day, yet bitter strife divided the brothers. Embittered and filled with hate, they battled. In the end, Asura prevailed. Defeated and dishonoured, Indra and his followers went into exile, but hatred was a fire, difficult to be extinguished.

For generations upon generations, the descendants of Indra, kissed by the divine powers of the goddess, and Asura, graced with the strength and intellect of man, waged war against each other with both sides convinced of the rightfulness of their respective claims. They fought to the point of mutual demise. It was then that peace was finally achieved.

1500 years ago, after much blood and tears shed, the children of Indra and Asura recognised the futile nature of their bitter struggle and reconciled. They agreed upon dividing power among them. Two emperors shall rule. Two empresses shall assist them.

Together, the descendants of Indra and Asura established what would one day be known as the empire. Unrivalled in strength and power, the two clans expanded their domain across the earth, conquering surrounding lands and kingdoms alike. Centuries of peace followed, yet the malevolent spirits of discord, like a curse of the distant past, returned once again to spell their undoing.

Driven by envy and lust for power, the children of Indra moved in the shadows. It was the right of the strong to rule and the fate of the weak to perish. It was only natural. In the end, there could be only one, one emperor, one empress, one empire. Why would they need to tolerate those not their equal? It was they who inherited the divine eyes. It was they who were superior in the arts of ninjutsu.

The children of Indra struck quickly, without mercy. Following their heinous betrayal, the empire descended into civil war and devastation was brought over the land.

The heirs of Indra emerged victorious with the descendants of Asura nearly driven to extinction, but victory came at a cost and their triumph was short-lived. Weakened by internal strife and eroding authority, their rule was overthrown by rebellious daimyo. After decades of humiliation, their time of revenge had finally come.

The daimyo had never forgiven the heirs of Indra and Asura for their hubris and arrogance. Their treacherous knives put an end to the imperial line of Indra. The last remains of the empire broke apart, and thus a new era began.

Raiden personally doubted the veracity of such tales, yet Lady Asami didn't share his pessimism. Despite their hazy nature, myths and legends satisfied her curiosity as their mistress was pleased with their results. For some reason, Lady Asami even commended them for their excellent work when they were just compiling ancient history ... Goddess, rabbits, moon, sages, Indra and Asura ... What was the purpose behind all this? Nobody knew besides her. His men were trained ninja, intelligence operatives and assassins, not historians and archaeologists. This mission seemed more like a civilian affair. 

Nevertheless, they were ordered to continue their search and locate the old capital. Despite some minor misgivings, her words were his command, and he obeyed.

Their mission brought him here into the middle of god-damn nowhere,

searching for some godforsaken ruins with little success. At times, he hated his job, for sure.

“Captain!“ One of his men reported.

“What is the matter, Toru?” Raiden looked up.

“Captain, ... we found it.”

“What? Really?”

Toku nodded. “Beyond the hill.”

Raiden stormed the hill in an instant. The sight of wide open plains and a flowing river greeted him. Ancients structures, foundations of stone covered the grass land, vast ruins of an unknown age and origin. A city once massive in size, easily rivalling the metropoleis of today, but now deserted by the living. Much to Raiden's surprise, the priestess didn’t lie.  The old woman the truth as days and weeks of toiling finally paid off.  

“Toku, ... inform Lady Asami. Immediately. Tell her we found the capital. Tell her we found Kashihara.”


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