Side Note

Chapter 117: Chapter 116: Overkill

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Time to wake up, get up, and get out there… for some reason, that sentence feels like something Mel would retort. I roll over my bed, looking for Mel… wait a minute, I shouldn't be in a bed, we sleep under a table. Okay, Madeleine, time to investigate! I get up and see a window that shows nothing but a white void to my left. Investigation over! I'm in the void! Why am I in the void? Who knows? Who cares? 

Since I'm in this house, I might as well say hi to Croen and Mari… except I can't. Croen had his time flow frozen, and Mari is… I haven't seen Mari in a while. One of the shadow clones tried to explain it to me, but all I could gather was that Marigold had managed to not only stop herself from destroying a kingdom and stopped May and the Chaos Storm. Good on her. She couldn't stop Cookie, though… I feel like my shadow clones get more ridiculous by the day. Good for them.


I turned to scan the right, where I heard someone. I found… a bunny girl chained to the wall! How kinky. Reminds me of that one time I accidentally walked into the Demon Empress, the Hero, and the Demon Lord going at it. So ma-

"I don't want to fucking know the sex life of those throwaway characters. The hero is fucking dead, that lucky duchess is stuck in an inn in some different void, and the demon lord is a cuck, so enough about them."

"Geez, Myka. Are you on your period or something?"

"Did you seriously hit me with that gag? Seriously? A period joke?"

"I make all sorts of jokes."

"True, true."

"Anyways, why are you chained up?"

"I forgot this was my default state when going to the void. I'd get out of it, but these stupid chains are power inhibitors of the highest level. Probably the only things that break through these things are true omnipotence, some sort of rule-breaking power, and fixed logic points that all things must adhere to."


"Just get me out of these. The key should be in one of Marigold's cookie jars."

"Aye aye, commander!" 

I walked out of the room and into the empty living space. Geez, does Marigold not clean up? The maid in me is… surprisingly dormant. Guess I'll ignore the mess and go over to the cookie jars. Hmm… what's the quickest way to search these coo- "Come to my side, Shadow Jack! Destroy these cookie jars and grab a key from one of them!" I hope Mari can forgive me.

From my shadow rose the shadow clone of Jack, who gave me a curtsy before stomping on the ground, causing the house to rumble and shake and cause the cookie jars to fly into the air, which she slashed mid-air with immense speed. After all the cookies crumbled on the ground, she walked over to a pile of cookie pieces, picked out a key, and handed it over to me.

"Thanks, Jack. Say hi to the other shadow clones for me!" She nodded, then sunk into my shadow. I probably could've done what she did, but it's so much more fun to see people destroy cookie jars instead of doing it. After all, you get to see the jars die but without any of the guilt, knowing you destroyed the beloved cookie jar of a child. I'm still going to hide this from Mari, though. I walk back into the room where Myka is chained up. Man, this room really is barebones. A bed, a window, and a chained-up bunny girl.

"Just let me out already."

"Say the magic word."

"The magic word."

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"Correct!" I skipped towards Myka, releasing her from her chains.

"About time." Myka stood up, moving her wrists. "So, let's get to the important shit."

"Like, why do you seem different? Wait… oh my god?! Have you renounced your Go Fish cheating ways and have changed as a result?!"

"What? No. I'm still going to cheat in Go Fish."

"Aww…" I look down, feeling nothing but sadness. I will never win in Go Fish… truly a hopeless future.

"I'm ignoring all this, and I'll just tell you why we're here. There are three folks who are in the void, and since Croen got fucked and Mari is off having a pow-wow with her fellow overpowered lolis, I'm your only gate here. Thanks to your stupid sister-in-law, I'm fucking irritated, so I'm going to make you find those three Sacred Power holders so I have no more ties to this shitty world and can commit both narrative and literal suicide. Capiche?" I nodded to whatever Myka said. I wasn't listening.

"The first is a… you're not fucking listening, aren't you?"

"I will never become Go Fish champion of Mendass."

"Fucking hell… you know what, I'm just going to go kill the guy and roll his decapitated head under you. I'll be back, so stay put." I heard a finger snap, but I didn't bother looking. My dream of winning a Go Fish game… was that really my dream? I thought my dream was Mel's ass… I've lost track of my dreams. Eh, whatever. Guess I'll wait here and continue looking at the floor. It's a nice floor.

Hey there, it's me, the formerly pissed-off borrower of Side Note and also the best bunny girl in this story, Myka here. Huh? Why isn't it Madeleine? Because she can't tell you what I'm about to tell you. You have to listen since it relates to the title of the chapter. So I teleported to the demon, Dissolutio the Destroyer. He got sealed up in the void because look at his title and name. Very fucking obvious why. Anyways, I overkilled him. How? I ******* his **** then ****** down his ******, then I *** ** * *****-** and ****** him while ******* his **** off. Really gruesome, but it still goes on. I then took his **** and ******* it like a smoothie, then made him ***** it. After that, I *** off his ****, then pretended to be Ronaldo. Lastly, I made him relive it *** times. Cruel, I know, but I'm a villain, you know. Madeleine fell asleep, but I managed to get the Side Note for you guys. Here it is:


You can disintegrate things.

Side Note: Railgun without the range.

I'd say poor guy, but I won't. He's a throwaway, after all. 

Character profile: Dissolutio the Destroyer

Sacred power: Disintegration

Time spent in the void: Roughly 11006064000 seconds

Description: The destroyer of all things. Dissolutio was the Demon Lord of Destruction, and is the most feared of all Demon Lords outside of the Seven Deadly Sins. Dissolutio would disintegrate every obstacle in his way. Due to his overwhelming power, other Demon Lords of his era teamed up with the other races to banish him. He was weakened thanks to the efforts of the Holders of Subtraction, Quick Draw, and Nigh-Omniscience, then sealed in the void by the holder of Abyssal Magic. He spent his time in the void counting. His highest before he lost count was seven billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, six hundred and two thousand, nine hundred and eleven.

Chapter namesake: Overkill by RIOT

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