Side Note

Chapter 123: Chapter 122: Little Dragon

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It's me, the M in MMMMMM, which is the adventurer group name I came up with for our group! The other Ms are off doing some other really important tasks. Myka and Lina went off to Trogen to pick up Merry and Mimi, who are apparently major players in the current civil war that's happening there. Meanwhile, Mel is doing the most important job of all: Lawnmowing. We don't want the grass to grow too big, especially after what happened to Murksa. As for me… I'm currently upside down. 

In the air. 

Held by a dragon.

It just swooped down while I was lawnmowing with Mel and grabbed me by the leg, flying away while Mel tried to grab my hand. It was very romantic, you should've been there to see it. Which reminds me, where do you voices even go? Hamblin? Golmi? Norway? Actually, don't answer. I feel like if you guys explained where y'all went, I'd end up crying and accusing you guys of cheating… you cheaters.

I have no idea where the dragon is taking me, but I hope it'll return me soon. Mel said she would cook for once, and I'm excited to eat her cooking. She will cook a stew, which is very different from a soup. I don't think Mel will ever touch a soup ever again. 

'Human, why do you talk to yourself?'

Ooh, a voice in my head. Kind of reminds me of the zombie I talked to a while back. I wonder what she and her friend are up to right now. What do zombies even do for fun?

'Human, are you ignoring me?'

No, it's just that I have no idea who you are. It's kind of rude to intrude into someone's mind without permission or introducing yourself.

'Is that so? Sorry, then. I am known as the Little Dragon and the Bringer of Light.'

No name?

'I have been called many things by mortalkind. Some have named me after the Goddess of Light, Xul. Some have named me Photo after learning my… what do you all call it… Sacred Power. Some have even foolishly named me a Light Dragon as if I am like my descendants. In truth, it is as you asked. I have no name.'

Then I shall name you June!

'There is no nee-'

So why'd you kidnap me, June? Did I accidentally kidnap your kid? Did I kiss another dragon? Is Septa still mad at me?

'I do not know of any of my kin being kidnapped, I do not know about your romantic escapades with dragons, and you… you're the mortal who caused her to take on that ridiculous name?'

Septa is a cute name, isn't it? Don't worry, your one is cute too, June.

'I do not care about whether a name I was given is cute or not.'

Well, your loss. So, why have you taken me? Are you attracted to my cute face?

'No. I have taken you so I can ask about my younger sister.'

Oh. That makes sense. Who's the little sis? Is she a dragon?

'She is an Ancient Dragon like myself and goes by the title of Pale Child. Last I met her, she was adventuring with a party called the Sacred Vagabonds and were on their way to defeat the Demon Lord of that era. I believe it was the Demon Lord of… hmm… Betrayal.'

Sounds scary. The Demon Lord, not your sister. I'm sure your sister is cute, like you.

'You are calling an Ancient Dragon cute?'

Not the first time. It's what I called Mayfield. By the way, your description of your sister doesn't sound familiar.

'Are you sure?'

Positively. The only dragons I've met are Septa, whose green, which isn't pale, and Mayfield, who I guess is pale and also a child, but she's never mentioned anything about an adventurer party… then again, she hasn't mentioned anything. Have I even heard her talk?

'I have a feeling that… if you could, please tell me what colour was this Mayfield's scales were.'

White, like yours, but so much more shiny. 

'That's my younger sister.'

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'Oh, indeed. Let me ask, where is she?'

I feel like someone told me they were in another world, so there's your answer. She's off in another world with her friends.

'WHAT?!?!' filled up my mind, followed by dragon roaring filling up my ears. Ah, how noisy, it makes me feel right at home.

Meanwhile, in another world
Our heroes have finally slain the Demon Lord! Yet, there are seem to still be troubles lurking about, each targeting a girl! Will our heroes be able to overcome their specific problems? Will Marigold finally master her omnipotence in a way that she won't accidentally harm her friends? Will Makos be able to stop her chaotic urges? Will Mayfield learn how to talk? Will Medya find a way back to her parents? Will Filia be able to carry on her father's will? Will Cookie find the secret All Flavour Cookie found in this foreign world? And will Shadow Clone #22 finally find a different Shadow Clone to take over her babysitting job? Find out next time, on… uh… I haven't figured out a title for this bit.

Meanwhile, in June's cave

'So you are able to not only know the Sacred Power of others but also read a message left by the Creator?'


'And you have this because you're the Creator's daughter?'

You got it.

'Hmm… I am rather curious about my Sacred Power. I know of methods to see it, but I haven't pursued them. So, how do you see them?'

I look into their eyes.

'Very well then.' The dragon lowered its head, letting me look into one of its eyes. What a beautiful shade of yellow.

Light Dragon

You are the Ancient Dragon of Light. You control all that shines bright.

Side Note: Let there be light!

I then relayed what the screen said to June.

'Ah, how, pardon the pun, enlightening. Hmm… shall I send you back home?'

Yes please!

'Then I shall. Hop onto my back.'

Oh, it's alright to take me back the way you brought me.

'Are you sure?'

Hanging upside down was quite fun.

Character profile: June

Sacred power: Light Dragon

Domain: All That Shines Bright

Description: The Ancient Dragon of Light, who commands all that shines bright. June's title, 'Little Dragon', comes from the fact that she is the size of a one-storey house. This may seem big, but the average size for Ancient Dragons is comparable to a hill. The next biggest dragon after June is Mayfield, who is roughly half the size of a mansion. To compensate, June is the fastest and most agile of all the Ancient Dragons, able to traverse the entirety of Mendass in two seconds flat, a comparable time to Speedy, who holds Super Speed. As the Ancient Dragon of Light, should June ever perish, Mendass will be steeped into eternal darkness. She dotes on Mayfield because Mayfield is the only Ancient Dragon younger than her and is the only one of the Ancient Dragons with a positive relationship with Mayfield.

Chapter namesake: The electronica band Little Dragon

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