Side Note

Chapter 142: Chapter 141: 505

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Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell down and broke its head. Just kidding, it's not three monkeys jumping on the bed, it's just one maid. It's a very luxurious bed, I just feel the softness with my bare feet. Haha… bears. They aren't monkeys. I'm jumping on the bed because I'm waiting for Myka to get our food from somewhere. According to Myka, we're at a hotel, which is a… a what?

"Hey Mel, what's a hotel again?" Mel types away at a laptop. I have no idea what it is, but I feel a rivalry with it. It's stealing away Mel's attention! I conjure up a dagger and immediately throw it at the laptop, piercing through its flimsy screen. Heh. I've got it beat in both offence and durability. I can take five daggers to the chest… well, more like three.

Mel jumped up due to the sudden dagger, then glared daggers at me. Hot. "What the hell was that for?! That's the seventh laptop you've broken today!" I looked at the pile of broken laptops, each broken in unique ways. My favourite broken laptop is the one I broke with an elbow drop that I saw what Mel called a wrestler do on the TV they have in this hotel room. I might emulate more of those wrestling moves.

"I forgot what a hotel is."

Mel sighed. "Just ask Myka when she gets back." Mel leaned over the side of her bed, pulling up a box with a new laptop in it. After learning my tendency to destroy the laptops, Myka reality warped many of them. 

Speaking of Myka, she has returned! "I'm back bitches, and I brought pizza." Mel lit up while I was confused. What's pizza? "I got specifically Hawaiian."

"Jokes on you. I don't jump onto hate wagons."

"Tch. You took the little enjoyment I get from being somewhat petty." Myka set down three boxes on the table. As soon as the boxes touched the table, Mel dashed over to it. I was going to make my way to it, when Myka stopped me, making me sit on my bed. "Before you go eat, I need to talk to you."

"About what?"
"Explanations, expositions, a third word starting with E. You know, the whole caboodle."

"I don't know the whole caboodle."

"Well, all you gotta do is sit down there and look all cute while I yap on and on, capiche?"

"Aye aye, captain!"

"So… what should I explain?"

"You should explain what a hotel is!"

"You're the only one who doesn't know what a hotel is."

"Aren't I the most important piece? You've said that in a monologue before."

"Have I? I probably have. Doesn't matter. Let me start with what the plan is."

"Is it simple?"

"Your ability to make references you shouldn't be able to make is uncanny."

"Fuck her right in the pussy."

"I'm ignoring that. The plan is… fuck. The plan is indeed simple. For this chapter, we're gonna be in this hotel, and then the next chapter will be a surprise return to the status quo, since the world ending is kind of bad. Maybe it'll be fixed by me, or maybe even Marigold. She's back. In fact, her return was supposed to be alluded to during the family dinner, where Mammon makes a comment about Medya and how she returned from a 'school trip'. Maybe it'll be a time travel fix-it. Who knows?"

"My guess is that it was your sister!"

"Which one?"

"The one that attacked us with tentacles back in the Void, when we were the last few people of Mendass until we weren't."

"That Eldritch wannabe? There's no way she's my sister. I still think she's a female, though. That whole Man part of her title is bullshit, and I know it. We're a fucking yuri story, after all."

"I think she's your sister."

"And I think you're being more insane than usual. Is Ark getting to you through the Shadowrealm?"

"Somewhat. He's cracked the place twice already!"


"You know what, doesn't matter. All that matters is that things will suddenly return to normal, which is great for us. Maybe the reason is Christmas. Which reminds me," Myka snapped her fingers, summoning a wrapped box. "Give this to Mel in four hours… technically two days, but time is weird for fiction." She shrunk the present, then put it into my pocket dagger's pocket dimension for dagger and dagger-related accessories.

You are reading story Side Note at

"What's Chri-"

"Next subject on the list, where the fuck are we." 

"You said we're in a hotel."

"Yes, yes we are. Specifically the Atari hotel in Las Vegas."

"The what now in where?"

"I won't elaborate. Quick, pull up the Sacred Power system message I forced you to get from my sis in the room next to us. I know you can do that."

"Aye aye, captain!"


You can create a door that always leads to room 505.

Side Note: I'm going back to 505. If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive.

"Man, this would be funnier if our lives weren't suddenly cut short."

"Death is coming for us sooner?!"
"In a meta way, yes."


"Anyways, that's it."


"Remember to give that present to Mel soon."

"I will!"

Myka got up. "I'm off to mine and Lina's room. I need to tell her to put on some clothes so we can go hit the slot machines."

Mel turned away from her pizza to look at Myka. "How do you know sister is naked?"

"She… uh… sleeps naked? You buy that?"

"Hmm…" Mel eyed Myka. "Sure…"

"Cool. I'm out." Myka teleported away.

"Aight." Mel returned to eating her pizza. That looks kind of good… I don't want to eat it. I'm too busy jumping on this bed.

Character namesake: Fiva Jaspers

Sacred power: 505

Favourite Atari game: Plaque Attack

Description: The eternal hotel resident. Fiva is, funnily enough, the sixth child of her family. Unlike the rest of her siblings, Fiva isn't afflicted with some sort of bloodlust, tragedy, Eldritch-induced insanity, or incestual feelings. She is peculiar by Mendass standards, as she acts more like an Otherworlder than as a native due to spending more time in Las Vegas than she does in Mendass. Recently, Fiva has gotten into modern games, having been loyal to the Atari brand due to staying in their hotel. She started playing games from modern consoles due to bumping into a child playing on a Nintendo Switch on the bus. She dresses up as a bunny girl in a nearby 'entertainment' business when she isn't gaming. The customers like how genuine her ears feel.

Chapter namesake: 505 by Arctic Monkeys

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