Side Note

Chapter 146: Chapter 145: Timeline

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You are, for all intents and purposes, dead.

Side Note: Don't ask how this works.

Okay, there's the Side Note. Literally the namesake of the story, but also the least important part, except for when it's lore relevant. Ain't that funny? Laugh at that, readers, laugh at that. With the obligatory opening joke, it's me, Darky, obviously. Of course it's me, I'm the most direct with my fourth wall breaks. None of that subtle shit that Mel tries, except in her case, she doesn't actually have fourth wall awareness. Knowing about narratives and believing you're in a narrative are very, very different things. I'm sure some of you fuckers think you'd instantly recognize when you're in an Isekai story, but it's harder than you think. It's why so many Otherworlders die a worthless death in Mendass.

Anyways, I'm here to explain the timeline. Why now? Because why not? It'd be at chapter 150, but I have a bigger surprise for you, cause surprises always happen on the 25th chapter. 25 had Marigold, 50 made Myka normalish, 75 revealed Merida had a daughter who proceeded to then be unimportant, 100 had everyone's second favourite Creator deity, and 125 had a King of the Hill reference. But enough with that shit, timeline explanation time, hell yeah. I'm doing it cause I'm a convenient character, and also I can time travel now. I can time travel, I know we're a fictional world, and I'm fucking hot, so yeah. Fuck you.

So the whole shebang that goes from Rio about to execute Madeleine until the Summoner Formerly Known As Ferry summons a demon lord for a random Tekken reference happens in a single day. For those confused, that's chapter one to five. 

Then there's a time skip where Chloe takes over Sacre Pla, Hula Island and Garwet Kingdom, then loses Sacre Pla due to the Hero Party. The Hero Party then storms her castle, the Hero gets seduced and joins the orgy powwow, with the rest of the party getting imprisoned, then chapter 6 happens, where everyone's favourite lesbian straight man gets introduced. The gap between five and six is fucking two months, which is the biggest timeskip. By the way, I just filled in a plot hole. I will not elaborate.

Seven all the way to fourteen happens in roughly a week, fifteen to eighteen in another, then nineteen to twenty-two in half a week. That's the part of the story where we're in a fucking forest. It's always a forest in the first arc, isn't it? Except for that one time where it was a killer forest instead of a normal forest. I'll let you guess what that's a reference to. 

Then you've got twenty-three to twenty-four, which takes place in the same week, so that's… what? How long has it been since the start? I can't be arsed to math. Whatever, carrying on. Twenty-five takes place in the Void, so technically it has no effect on time. Twenty-six to thirty is the same week, a lot of these chapters happen in a week. Chapter thirty-one is the first sighting of Eldra, and she fucks up timelines, so that's a negative day. Don't ask how that works.

Chapter thirty-two to thirty-six are all on the same day. Sure was a lot of caves for Madeleine that day. A shame about Scorzar. Thirty-seven to thirty-eight is one week, then thirty-nine is yet another Marigold chapter, which, with half of it being in the Void, means it does jackshit to the timeline once again. Chapter forty to forty-two happen in the same week, then forty-three hits. This is when Myka proper enters the fold.

Her whole shenaniganary went from forty-three to forty-nine, but due to Eldra's whole schtick, it's non-existent now. By the way, Eldra is the Man In The Pinstripe Suit. She's also Myka's sister. What a fucked up family. 

Chapter fifty-one to sixty-two are so boringly uneventful, aside from the first evil cat introduced in Side Note, that I'll just group them all up together and say they happened in a month or some shit. Maybe two weeks. It's not like anyone is going to math this out and make one of those cool branch things.

You are reading story Side Note at

Sixty-three to seventy-two are the very eventful, it's the part where Madeleine saves a bunch of the main cast who got randomly kidnapped. Man, that sure was a wild time, wasn't it? How did they even capture Merida? We'll never know. Seventy-three to seventy-eight is just boring filler, but instead of Garwet Kingdom, it takes place in Sacre Pla. We also get our first shadow clone perspectives in this part. I love those!

Seventy-nine to eighty-one are really important, since we get Mel backstory! The Madeleine in me really likes that! This is where Melanie and Melina split and Side Character becomes even more confusing. Holy shit that thing is a mess. I'm sure there's an explanation, I'm sure.

Eighty-two to eighty-seven is some Shadow Clone chapters, and I debut in chapter 83! That's the best chapter. In the background of those chapters is Mel's and Madeleine's date, but that happens in a single night, as opposed to the Shadow Clone adventures happening across two days. We can just blame me for that, since I break rules.

Chapter eighty-eight is where Madeleine and Mel have implied sex. It has nothing to do with the timeline, I just wanted to point it out. Chapter eighty-nine to ninety-two are more filler, so I say they happen in the same week. Chapter ninety-three is where we get spicy, that's the chapter where we bring every antagonist except Myka into the fold, and also Rich. Chapter ninety-four is a little after that, and is mother-daughter bonding. Ninety-five is a day after, and also where it's casually revealed that all the antagonists, aside from Rio, were frozen in time. Oh, and also Rich.

Ninety-six is filler, ninety-seven is plot that's revealed to be filler, and ninety-eight is a change of plans, and these three take place over three days. Have you been keeping track of the days? I haven't. Ninety-nine and one-hundred happen in the same day, then one-hundred-and-one to one-hundred-and-eight happen in the same week. One-hundred-and-ten is more Myka bullshittery, which means time experienced some fucky-wucky, so interpret that however you want to. One-hundred-and-sixteen to one-hundred-and-thirty are some random adventures, they probably all take place in the same week. One-hundred-and-thirty-one to one-hundred-and-forty-two are all insane and happen in the same day, I shit you not, then we have the two chapters before this, which happen at the same time as all the chaos that happens in Trogen.

So yeah, there's your timeline. I'm sure there's someone out there who'll make it neater, or have a better interpretation, or can create a big-brained theory to figure out the ending, but for now, fuck you. Darky out.

Character profile: Shade

Sacred power: Dead

Days alive: 0

Description: Deceased.

Chapter namesake: Timeline by Mild High Club

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