Side Note

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Hammer Time

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"So, Melanie, Madeleine, I have incredible news today."

"I get to stop digging that stupid hole?"

"No, you will continue that after the assignment we were hired for."

"Hired? Us?" Mel started laughing. It is pretty weird we got hired for something, but also, suck it Queen! You said no one else would hire me, but look at me now!

"Rumours have been circulating in the nearby town. They are calling us experts in dealing with Sacred Power holders because every resident in this household is either a Sacred Power holder themselves, a powerful demon, or a dragon. This has led to the mayor hiring our services to deal with a Sacred Power holder. The Insane Hero supposedly also partook in such activities, so they must've assumed we would be continuing his former work."

"So we're doing this whole thing? Why? We don't need money with that weird skeleton wearing pants that Madeleine brought."

"Ah yes, the skeleton of Scorzar the Eternal Hoarder. Although it gives us infinite money, I did not accept this job for the payment. I merely accepted it because it seemed like it'd be an entertaining bout to watch."

"Sounds about right. So lemme guess, you want me and Madeleine to approach the Sacred Power holder, deal with them, have Madeleine do her whole eye thing, then dip?"


"And I have to go back to digging afterwards?"


"I hate you."

"Don't worry Mel, I'll dig with you!"

Mel stood up. "Let's just get this over with. So where are we headed?"

"To the town square. The problem should be easy to spot."

"Let's go, Madeleine."

"Aye aye, captain!"

"That is way too many hammers." We arrived at the town square, and the problem was very easy to spot. The fountain in the middle of the square was flooded with hammers, not water, the floor surrounding the fountain was covered from edge to edge with hammers, and the nearby stores were filled to the brim with hammers. Atop one of the stores, we could see the culprit. A fat, masked man creating hammers in his hand and throwing them around on the roof.

"Hahaha! This is my gift! May it last forever!"

"Great… a lunatic." I looked at Mel to see she had an annoyed expression. "So, how do you want to deal with him? I could shoot him from here, then you go over to him, or do you want to deal with him yourself?"

"I want to see him continue doing whatever he's doing. Seems funny."

"Of course you do. We can't do that, though. Do you see how much chaos he's dealing with? We haven't done anything on the bad side, so I'm guessing we'll have to deal with him since we're the good guys... I think. Unless you want to do a heel turn."

"Heel turn?"

"Become a bad guy."

"Eh, most of my classmates from Maid School became bad guys, and as the school's weirdo, I'll choose a path they haven't."

"The more I hear about your school, the less I want to go there. Anyways, hurry up and choose what we're doing before I fire an arrow at him."

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"Why do I have to choose what we do?" As a maid, I have been taught to follow orders, not give orders. Granted, I'm a subpar maid since I barely listen, but that's beside the point. I follow orders (Sometimes), not give them.

"Huh… that's a good point. You don't have to." 

Mel pulled out her bow, pulled the string, and fired a light arrow at the hammer throwing masked man. He noticed the arrow coming at him and summoned a hammer in front of him to block the arrow. "Haha! Can't tou-" Unfortunately for him, the hammer was knocked back by the arrow right into his face, knocking him out before he could finish his sentence. "Well, that was easy. Go and do your thing, Madeleine. Tie him up while you're at it. I'll go find the mayor."

I started climbing over the hammers to get on the roofs of the shops. After all, it's easier to jump from roof to roof than walk over hammers. There were many types of hammers, as far as I could tell. Warhammers used by warriors who preferred blunt action over sharp penetration, blacksmith hammers used to bang on hot metals, and some weirdly colourful hammers that seem like great juggling items. There were also small hammers that hit smugly into my small hands and made squeaky noises when I hit things with them. I might take it to hit Mel. I'm sure she'll love it. 

Anyways, eventually, I hopped onto the same roof as the man throwing the hammers. His mask covered just the top half of his face and had a small hammer symbol on the forehead. Aww… how cute. I'm taking it and putting it somewhere in my maid dress. I have plenty of space. Maybe I'll start a mask collection. Oh yeah, before I forget.


You can summon hammers.

Side Note: Stop! Hammer Time!

Now then, guess I'll have to… argh… okay… he's too heavy. Shadow clone squad, appear! Four shadow clones popped out of my shadow, all appearing and saluting. "Aye aye, captain!"

"I'm not the captain, Mel is. I'm the… uh… principal? President? Pineapple enthusiast? You know what, just call me Headmaid."

"Understood, Headmaid!"

"Now lift that fat guy. He's too much for my dainty maid arms." The four collectively picked him up and then awaited my instructions. "Onward to captain Mel we go, ladies!" To Mel, we marched, who was in the middle of a conversation with the mayor, who had some guards next to him. She noticed us coming and looked at us before showing a face of confusion. I wonder what she's confused about.

"What's with the shadow clones? Is that a random powerup? Wait, don't tell me, it's a secret technique from that maid school. Oh man… I much preferred the simpler stories of my home village."

"I got it from an elf skeleton."

"Those were rhetorical questions. I didn't want to actually know. Argh... now this is going to be stuck in my head tonight. An elf skeleton!" She threw her arms in the air.

"Oh." The four shadow clones finally arrived. They were trailing behind due to the man's weight. As soon as they reached us, they promptly disappeared, the man landing on the floor with a big thud. "Mission accomplished, mayor!"

"Uhh… thank you. Umm… you two can go back to the manor if you want to. We… uhh… can take it from here."

"I'll gladly go back. Let's go, Madeleine."

"Aye aye, captain!"

Character profile: Burrell

Sacred power: Hammer

Number of hammers created: 93,143

Description: The mask-wearing, hammer throwing, big-boned man with a vendetta against town squares. Burrell is a spiteful man who grew up hating town squares. Why? He just hated being outdoors, he hated being in crowds, and he hated fountains. Town squares tend to have these three things, and as soon as he learnt he was a Sacred Power holder, he was ecstatic that he could finally destroy the things he always hated. Although at first he merely destroyed the fountains he came across with a giant hammer only he could lift with his strength, he eventually wisened up to the fact there were no limits to his hammer summoning and so chose to opt for the hammer flood option. He had rampaged across many towns and got away with it due to his surprisingly high adeptness with hammers.

Chapter reference: U Can't Touch This by MC Hammer

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