Side Note

Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Aftermath

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Hey there, Madeleine here, interrupting the usual thing because I've just been kidnapped. Is this karma for kidnapping the Creator's kid?

"You kidnapped who?!"

Oh, and Mimi's here too. Now, although I got kidnapped, I was actually lying. Being kidnapped once is enough for a lifetime.

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm going to question that whole kidnapping thing. What do you mean the Creator's kid? Being kidnapped once is enough? Also, don't gloss over my existence!"

"Hey Madeleine, can I have a sandwich?"

"Sure thing."

"Oh no, I'm about to empathise with Speedy. Damnit." 

Where are we? In a library. A huge library. A library so big, it seems almost endless. So many shelves, so many books. I tried to read one, but it was in a language I couldn't recognise. Either that or the handwriting was terrible. It smelled awfully like a goblin.

"A secret of the Sacre Pla royalty. I've always wanted to visit it. This could have significantly helped in my search." 

"And I keep telling you to stop your search and return to the castle."

"They have got to be out there. Come on, Eliza is here too now, so what's stopping them from being here too? I could use this library to find out, or at least find the Seer. She'll have the answers."

Wow… that sounds important. By the way, that was Maxine and Princess Carte. Why was a princess parading around in Davidstown as a commoner? No idea. Although, thinking about it, Maxine has yet to mention anything about the person who hired her for this… is this a personal mission? Ooh, I love personal missions. I'm on a personal mission myself.

"Searching for every Sacred Power holder?"

"No, fucking a daughter."

"Still on that delusion, aren't ya, bitch?" And that's Michelle. She's in a bubble because she's being mean. Still don't remember where I know her from, though. "Shut the fuck up and go kill yourself."

"What did you do to get her to hate you this much, Madeleine?"

"I don't know. Maybe I killed her dad."

"I just fucking hate you."

"Huh… so where do you think we are, Madeleine?"

"A library."

"Thanks, I didn't figure that out."

"I'm bored."

"I know you are, but we must wait for those two to stop arguing before we can get on. In the meantime, read a book or something. You can read, right?"

"No, I can't read."

"So you lied about reading back in the Maid School."

"I can read. It's just that the books around here smell like goblins." As soon as I said that, the shelves started moving, slowly building speed before suddenly stopping. That looks like it'd be fun to ride. Also, is this library alive? A book dropped on top of Mimi's head onto the floor at my feet. On it was a large red text that read 'No'. I guess the library isn't alive.

"That was kind of wild. I think I'll go listen in on their conversation. I'll tell you about it in exposition later, okay, Madeleine."

"Aye aye, captain!"

"Keep a good eye on her, Mimi." And off Mel went to the sorceress and the princess.

"Let's cause some chaos here, Mimi."

"I'm… going to talk to Michelle. You can do whatever you want, as long as you say I wasn't involved."

"I'm not going to burn down this whole place."

"Not intentionally."

"Fair enough. Have fun!"

"I'll try to." And off Mimi went.

Hmm… what do I do now? Thinking, thinking. Ooh, a door. Let's see, everyone isn't focused on me, and I can hear important stuff being said, but that doesn't matter! To the mysterious secret red door that just happened to be next to this bookshelf I was coincidentally looking at. I hope it's a trap. I gently opened the door…

Woah, is that a floating orb? There's also books floating around it, with… what are those feather things again… quills… yeah, quills. They have quills writing in them. As soon as the quills reach the end of the books, they disappear, and a new one appears in its place. This orb, it must be the source. I know what I must do. Touch it touch it touch it touch it. Touched.


You are the Library. You can create and store a copy of every piece of writing in Mendass and Nisaty.

You are reading story Side Note at

Side Note: I stole this idea from some other place.

Okay, I should probably stop touching this… in fact, I should probably go before they realise I'm here. But first, I'm writing on the wall. Wall-Writing Dagger, I summon you! What to write… I know, 'Croen sucks'. There, done. Back to the main group, but specifically Mel. I wonder what they're talking about.

"So you're expecting us to essentially take on the entirety of Sacre Pla's criminal underworld."

"When you word it like that…."

"I love the sound of that. Do we get to loot the black market?"

"That's assuming we live, Mimi."

I entered the group circle (I love circles) and said, "What did you find out? Is the ringleader evil incarnate? Is that a thing?"

"I would assume the Demon Lord is evil incarnate."

"Can't be the Demon Lord. Rafe is actually a nice guy."

Maxine and the princess stared at me. "You know the Demon Lord?"

"I worked under him for a while. Thinking about it, that means I've been acquainted with two Demon Lords."

"Hey Madeleine, I want another sandwich."

"Aye aye, captain!"

"There is a lot I wish to ask you about, maid, but now that we are all present, I must share the plan."

"Ooh, I love plans. I suck at following plans, though."

"Using the Library, we deduced that this kidnapping operation is based in Sacre Pla. The plan is simple." Maxine pointed at me, Mel and Michelle. "You three will provide a distraction in the black market, causing a huge brawl within the entire criminal underground. In the meantime, the catgirl thief will use her expertise to break out all the Sacred Power holders and enlist their help."

"Got it."

"I've got no problems with that plan. Breaking out people is something I did back in the day."

"Am I allowed to use magic in the brawl?"

"I ain't fucking doing it."

"5,000 gold."


"If that is all, then let us comme-"

"Wait… what about you two?"

"I merely wanted to save Carte. The lives of others matter not to me, and I would like to continue my search for the Seer as soon as possible."

"Oh, the Seer." I scooted over to Mel and whispered into her ear. "That's Merida, right?" Mel nodded since her mouth was stuffed with a sandwich. Do vampires eat sandwiches?

"That's an incredibly random question Madeleine. Also, the Seer is currently kidnapped."

"How would you know?"

"We live with her."

"Let us completely destroy the criminal underground. No need for a plan."

"Yay! Wanton destruction!"

"I'm still getting paid, right?"

Character profile: The Library

Sacred power: Library

Number of books: Too many

Description: A secret library created by the Creator himself. It houses all possible forms of writing, from fictional books, royal documents, personal diaries and even small lover notes passed around in class. It primarily contains bookshelves filled with books, even some lost to time. There are special sections dedicated to pieces of writing that are not books. There is a wall with copies of adventurer quests pinned up on it, an endless cave with ancient languages carved into it, and even a computer with access to the written documents stored on devices from Earth that find their way to Mendass. The Library is entered through a magic spell only passed down in certain families, such as the Royal family of Sacre Pla or the children of Mana, Cyst City's president. Nisaty, the other world the Library is connected to, is Mendass' sister, created by the Creator as well. It is the exact opposite of Mendass. Fun fact: Mendass is an anagram of madness, while Nisaty is an anagram of sanity.

Chapter namesake: Aftermath by Caravan Palace

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