Side Note

Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Prophetic Eyes

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Hey there, it's me, Madeleine the serial tea maker. I am currently in Merida's room having a staring contest with Merida. Why are we having a staring contest? Because she put the radishes I was going to use for tonight's dinner in her soup pot on her desk. I keep telling her to not use dinner ingredients, yet she still takes them. I even told the Shadow Maids to keep an eye on her, but somehow she snuck past them. 

We decided to settle this dispute with a staring contest since any other contest would be unfair to the other. I'd kick her ass since I was taught at the Maid School, the third best place to learn combat in Mendass, and she's beat me in a test of intelligence. Not because I'm stupid, although the others in the house are convinced I am, but because she's a cheater. She has the All Seeing Eye, you know. That and she can see you guys! You voices in my head would just give her the answers, but not me! Very unfair, I tell you. 

"Madeleine, I am unable to detect the voices in your heads. Either they are a product of delirium so strong it can evade my gaze, or you merely fabricate your insanity, and I believe you know the answer to that conundrum."

"I am the matrimony of the King of Madness! Heed my call, Nyarlathotep!"

"Are you sure she isn't a reincarnator, Merida? I know I've asked this too many times, but she keeps pulling out shit like this."

"I'm afraid not, Melanie. Although it would explain her eccentricities, it is not the truth. For all we know, her imagination just so happens to coincide with information outside our universe."

"I still think you're bullshitting me."

"I do not tell lies. I merely obfuscate the truth."

"When I look at you, I see the story in your eyes."

"Ignoring Madeleine's… Madeleine, what are we waiting for?"

"The Lord of Greed and her shadow compatriot should be arriving with a package and a surprise."

"Ooh, surprises! I love surprises! Tell me what it is, Merida! Actually, no, I don't want to know!"

Suddenly, the door to Merida's office was kicked down. "Fuck you, Seer. You knew there was a child there, didn't you?" It was Mammon who held a little girl in rags in her arms. I didn't know Mammon was willing to kidnap something that clearly didn't look valuable. The Shadow Maid that was always around Mammon popped out of her shadow and waved at me. Obviously, I waved back. Did you know some of the Shadow Maids have started showing signs of independence? It's mostly the ones that have been out the longest and somehow end up in weird situations. Although they all look like me but made out of shadow, there are minor differences. For example, this Shadow Maid has a golden choker with a shiny ruby given to it by Mammon. It's charming.

"Also, here's your stupid amulet." She threw a golden amulet with an amethyst eye onto Merida's desk.

"Child? I did not know there was one."

"Do not feign ignorance." The child jumped out of Mammon's arms, walked towards Merida until she was in between the space in the middle of the chairs me and Mel were sitting on, and did a little curtsy towards Merida, pulling the very tip of her rags. "You and I both know each other, mother."

"Haha! That rhymed!" Other and mother. Man, I love rhymes.

The little girl turned to me. "Hello there, Madeleine. I must thank you. It was your Shadow Clone that saved me."

"Nah, don't thank me. I'm pretty sure I lost control of that clone as soon as Mammy claimed it as hers. Go thank Mammy or the clone itself."

"Noted." The little girl turned back to Merida. "Mother, I was given three prophecies. One was given by Chaos for Madeleine. One given by Delirium, for you. Lastly, for me, one given by a God from another world."

"I see. Go on, progeny of mine. Reveal what your forward seeing eyes have shown you."

The little girl turned back to me. "To you, Madeleine, I was told you must continue your quest. Do so, and all your desires shall become yours."

"I'll finally be able to taste lemon tea?"

"And much more. As another step in your quest, please look into my eyes." 

"Ooh… eyes!"


You receive prophecies.

Side Note: Godly predictions in a forsaken world. Is it proof of hope or proof of despair?

Woah… that Side Note is kind of heavy… I have no idea what it means.

"Then, for you, mother." The little girl turned towards Merida. She sure is doing a lot of turning. "You are happy right now. I'm happy about that, mother. You always looked like you were willing to die at all times when you were with father but know this. Your sins have not been forgiven. The Gods still remember. Madness will one day ensnare you. I wish you luck in that endeavour. Maybe some good deeds will lessen the punishment."

You are reading story Side Note at

"Huh… I guess it was only a matter of time."

I walked over to Mel, taking a seat on her, then leaning into her ear to whisper. "Hey Mel, I have no idea what she said. What does it mean?"

"Merida will probably be a bad guy down the line. Honestly, I saw it coming."

"Oh… I still don't get it."

"You don't have to."

The little girl walked over to Mammy and the shadow maid she claimed as hers. She turned to Merida one last time. "One last thing, mother. I must thank you for birthing me and creating the chain of events that would lead to my happiness. I know you did not plan it, as it was merely a byproduct, but nonetheless, I must thank you." She turned to Mammy and the shadow maid. "Let us go, Mammon and Ava. The visions told me of this thing called a computer, and I would very much play on it."

Mammy turned to the little girl, then to the shadow maid, then back to the little girl. "Ava?"

"From avaritia. It would be awkward to call her Madeleine around the real one, would it not? It is also something I learnt from my visions."

"Huh… I like it. Oi, Madeleine! Can I name the Shadow Madeleine?"

"Yeah, sure. Some of the shadow maids already got unique names, you know. You remember the weird one that ate the weird cookie which made her weird? Her name is Cookie."

"That's cool. Guess you're with us, kid." Mammy turned to Ava. "Congrats, Ava, you got to kidnap a kid like you wanted. You better take care of her, or else I'm confiscating your share of the hoard." And off they went.

Merida, Mel, and I sat in silence for a moment before Merida broke the silence first.

"It appears your dark counterparts are beating you in the romance department."

"Apparently, yeah. Did you hear? One of the Shadow Maids somehow seduced a God. Absolutely wild. Well, it's only a matter of time before me and Mel get married."


"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that too. I've already admitted she's cute, and I hate to admit it, but I love doing random shit with her."

"Are you confessing your love for me, Mel? That's my thing, you know."

"No, your thing is confessing your lust. Anyways, you'd probably make some progress if you actually asked me out on a date."

"Huh? Have I not done that?"


"Huh… so, who's the next Sacred Power holder, Merida?"

"Hold up. You're not supposed to interrupt the development yourself, Made-" I put my finger over Mel.

"Shh… lemons." Mel glared at me. That's hot.

Character profile: Medya Sicht

Sacred power: Prophecy

Number of siblings: 10 siblings (1 older sister, 1 younger brother, 2 older half-sisters, 2 older half-brothers, 1 young half-brother, 3 younger half-sisters)

Description: The prophetic child of the Seer. Medya is the child of the Seer, Merida Sicht, and a merchant named Kalis. Kalis was born a commoner, so upon marriage took the Sicht name. His marriage with Merida, who was hiding her identity as the Seer, was eventually found out. Soon after Kalis was executed, and Merida ran away, abandoning the children, believing they would be safer on their own. Medya, like the other children of the Seer, was gifted with an ability related to sight. In her case, she can receive prophecies from deities, both native to Mendass and from other worlds. Due to both this and her relation to the Seer, she was shunned and soon found herself as a slave, left to wallow in the Sacre Pla slums. Eventually, the body swap shop owner found her, putting her in the body of a young girl to make her much easier to subdue. She held hope, however. One day she would be part of a weird, bizarre, but ultimately happy family. A family of a demon, a being of shadow, and her.

Chapter namesake: Prophetic Eyes by FRANCO

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