Side Note

Chapter 81: Chapter 81: Back Together

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So the experiment was a success. I managed to replace my position with that of a shadow maid in the mansion already, which means Cookie is in a random cave right now. I could resummon her here, but I think it'd be funnier to see her waltz around in the forest. Maybe she'll come across adventurers or something.

Since we're on the topic of the shadow clones, ever since Ava (That's the clone Mammy stole from me) touched that amulet, I got the clever idea of sending out some of the more unique clones to go out and find Sacred Power holders on their own. It was a really smart idea that got praise from everyone in the house. Except for Myka. She doesn't praise anything. To be honest, she's the one person I can't figure out in this entire household, and we have a literal dragon. Oh well, Myka is probably nothing special.

There is one annoying thing about sending out the clones, though. All these blues screens that get in the way when I'm trying to look at other things, like Mel. Fortunately, I can utilise the greatest skill I have cultivated over many years of studying as a maid at Maid School and during my tenure as a servant of Rio "Queen" Verdeux. The skill of ignoring things that are probably important! Settle down, settle down. No need for such eruptive clapping, voices in my head. But yeah, I've basically ignored the Side Notes. 

Well, they're the achievement of my clones. It'd be rude if I looked at their own work without their permission. Huh? Aren't the clones me? I have no idea at this point. The ones who do maid work at home are definitely me. They haven't accidentally gotten sentience through weird and wacky hijinks, but the ones who did get sentience seem wildly different from me. For example, I hear Ava went on holiday with Mammy and the little girl they kidnapped/adopted to a beach in a different world Hell is connected to. There's no way Ava is me. I would never go to the beach. It has seawater and sand, which both suck. 

Huh? Why am I rambling to myself like usual when I should be returning the princess' and sorceress' son? Because I am no idiot, you see. What do you think will happen if I walk into the room while he looks like this? He looks like the bastard lovechild of two amalgamated zombies and a hobo. There is no way they're going to just sit there. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Maxine blows up the entire country out of pure anger.

Now, I do have a couple of options. I could ask Merry to summon a demon that could fix the poor guy, but that would probably take too long. I could have Speedy take him to the best healer in the world, but no one knows who that is nor what price they ask for. I could have May do something, but the only one who'd get healed in that exchange would be me. Hmm… there's always Mari, but how do you casually go to the void without sleeping?

Huh? Why aren't you doing work, shadow maid number… what number are you? Oh, did you guys make badges? That's cute. Let's see… number thirteen. Okay, number thirteen, why aren't you working? You wanted to show me something? A map of the mansion? I'm a maid here too. I know this place in and out like the back of my hand. Oh, you're pointing at a specific place. That's… oh, I see, I see. The door to Merida's teacher. You know, whoever drew the little symbols on this map, I have to give them some praise. They're very adorable. 

Shadow maid number thirteen, satisfied with my deductions, walked off to continue working. Merida's teacher is a witch, if I remember correctly. Since she gave sentience to a shadow clone, she'll probably have healing potions. Fortunately for me, Merida recently opened the door to her little dingy cottage in this new mansion. Why? No idea. Thinking about it, I have no idea what happens in the mansion since I relinquished maid duties to the shadow maids. Eh, whatever. I'll just go get him healed real quick.

So the boy got healed up real quick. A single potion entered directly through his bloodstream, and boom, he was up and ready. That witch sure knows how to brew a potion. Speaking of her, when I walked into her house, I walked into her and the shadow maid she claimed as her own in the middle of some weird foreplay. At least I thought it was foreplay. There were handcuffs, rope, and stuff, and the shadow clone was forced to drink a bunch of potions. The witch said she was doing experiments, but I don't believe it.

"Can you stop going off to Wonderland? I still have questions to be answered."

"Wonderland? That sounds exciting, but, fine, fine, I'll answer your questions. I'm feeling like a teacher right now."

"So let me get this straight, this whole time I was in this other world, my mom, dad, and older sis were here too?"

"Yeah, if I was listening correctly."

"Do they have my younger sis?"

"No idea, although probably. The princess did give me a Royal Decree to fetch a little girl. Does your sister manipulate plants?"

"I don't think so. Maybe that's a new thing."


"So how did mom, dad, and my older sis get here? I remember seeing weird, glowing magic circles under Eliza and me when we were on Earth, but they died."

"Something about reincarnation. I don't get it. Speaking of Earth, I've got a friend named Mel who comes from there. Maybe you know her."

"Huh, funny that. My sister's nickname was Mel."

"Yeah, funny that." We reached Merida's office door. "Your family is just through this door. By the way, your dad's a woman now."


"So, how do you want to do this? I kick you through the door, we enter like civilised people, or we blow the door up with makeshift bombs?"

"Umm… the second option."

"Ugh… boring." I opened the door like how a proper servant would, ushering him in. He was tackled almost immediately by two bodies, the princess and the little girl that could control plants. That looked rough, but whatever. I walked into the room, ignoring their hug pile and stood in front of Merida. "Madeleine is here to report! I have secured the package!"

"Good, good. Sorceress Maxine, your payment, please."

"Fine." Maxine stood up from her seat and then looked at me. "I just have to look into your eyes, right?"

You are reading story Side Note at

"Yep." She walked over to me, and we made eye contact. Quite the golden sheen, I'm jealous. 

Time Flow Control

You can control the time flow of other things.

Side Note: They say time is like a river.

"Ah, I see the source of your strength. You slowed down everything and used that time to master the mystic arts. How interesting."

"How perceptive of you, Seer." Maxine then walked out of the room, probably to join that family hug.

"Family reunions are quite heartwarming, are they not, Madeleine?"

"I guess. Your one was shit, though, Merida."

"Indeed. What are your thoughts on family reunions, Melina?"

I turned to where Merida was looking to see a… human Mel? "I don't really like how melodramatic or tragic stories tend to make them. Honestly, I expected Maddy to rush into the room with Jeremy on the brink of death, which would lead to a really depressing event."

"Oh, he was on the brink of death. I just got him healed up. I'm no idiot, after all. By the way… is that you, Mel?"

"Melina Milton, the core of Side Character. With the help of Soul Holder, I managed to bring her dormant soul out. Although, it did have unintended consequences." Merida looked at me with a grim face.

"What do you mean by unintended consequences?"

"Melanie Arcus… she's…."

"Meri is fucking with you, Maddy. Lanie is on the couch behind the door sleeping." I turned around to that couch to see elf Mel sleeping on the couch. Oh, phew. I almost thought that was going to end badly. Except…

"What happened to the others? You know, like that noble one, the merchant one, and that weird one."

"Eh… dunno. Maybe a side plot." Human Mel shrugged her shoulders. "But that doesn't matter. Right now, I need to get you ready."

"Huh? Get ready?"

"Get ready for your date with Lanie, of course. Look, the shadow clones can fulfil the main goal, and I'm a bit pissed off at how slow you two are going. Although, I don't blame you. Lanie was suffering from that whole 'I'm a Side Character, I can't be a love interest' curse. Since Side Character no longer affects her, we can upgrade her from merely a companion to the true heroine. Ah, but first, I'm gonna say hi to Jeremy. I'll grab Myka, and we'll get you ready afterwards, kay? I'll take that questioning look as a yes."


Character profile: Maxine

Sacred power: Time Flow Control

Time spent mastering magic: 2 years (Felt like 200 years for her)

Description: The Royal Sorceress whose journey has recently ended. Maxine is a reincarnator, formerly Max Milton. She believed that since she was reincarnated, surely both her wife and eldest daughter reincarnated too, as they all died in the same crash. She used her ability and previous memories to eventually enter the Luminescence Academy, which she graduated from two years before the tragedy struck it. She eventually became the Royal Sorceress for the Sacre Pla Nation, planning to use her new privileges to gain funds to travel around Mendass. She grew close to Princess Carte during this time, eventually realising why when Eliza Milton was summoned. She then went on her journey to find the Seer, who would have the answer. Surprisingly, she is not bothered by the move from a male body to a female body.

Chapter namesake: Back Together by EVERGLOW

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