Side Note

Chương 195: Chapter 194: Bad

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"Here is the key." Merida took a ring off her finger. "I imagine you wish nothing to do with me… and I know that even with your carefree nature and your elder sister's boon, you sense your time is running out."

I breathed in a little, holding my breath for just a moment before letting it all out. "I'm starting to not enjoy this."

"You're starting to realise this is no time to be silly. A realisation you should've had as soon as you entered this accursed pyramid."

"Speedy isn't going to hold back, is she?"

"And yet, she's the weakest of the remaining foes."



"..." I closed my eyes. "Still entertained?"




"This is the last time we speak, right?" I opened my eyes, looking at her.

"Unfortunately. I still consider you a friend if it makes you feel better."

"Heh." I took the ring. "I had fun." 

Off to the next floor, I went.

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As soon as I arrived on the next floor, I found myself in the air with a sore jaw, spinning wildly as the ground and the sky melded together in my vision. I landed on the floor with a bounce, then another, before flopping facedown. It took a second before the sore jaw presented the full scope of pain that was administered… god fucking damn, it hurts like that time the combat teacher caught me off-guard and uppercu- GUHAWK!!! FUUUCK!!!

I ended up flying some more, this time across the land rather than through the air, bouncing violently multiple times whilst clutching at my hip, which I assume is where I was just kicked. Even if it was for less than a second, I know I just saw Speedy… she's really living up to her nickname now.

I eventually stopped, and before I could even attempt to get up, I felt a grip around my leg before the world started spinning… or more like, I was being spun. The spinning kept going and going, making me feel incredibly dizzy before I felt the grip on my legs loosen, sending me spinning, flying, and crying across the battlefield I had yet to even see before this beatdown.

Shit… I… uhh… something… huh? God… damnit… ouch… I feel a foot on my head… and not the sexy Mel kind… I'd look up… but I need to retreat… to the Shadowrealm I drop.

I fell into the Shadowrealm, getting picked up by both Ava and Light and dragged to a nearby rock for me to lean on. Fuck… how do I deal with Super Speed? How did I even beat Speedy that one time I jumped into a fight she was in? Oh yeah… she was tired in that one. I can't really tucker her out… so I'll need to find a distraction. But… what? I looked at Light and Ava to see if… oh, a flashbang. Huh.

"As soon as we get up, light up the entire floor, Light. Once Speedy stops, Ava, you attack first and then I follow up. We continue that until she disappears. Once she leaves your field of sight, Light, immediately light the whole floor again. Rinse and repeat." The two nodded in sync, getting ready to jump out. 

I readjusted my jaw and checked my hip, feeling a bit sluggish but otherwise still functional. Good enough. I'll just let Ava do the heavy lifting. I signalled to the two, and Light jumped out, followed by me and Ava a second later. At the corner of my eye, I could see Speedy, who was immobile and rubbing her eyes. I grabbed Ava's shoulder and then pointed at the still speedster. She ran straight at her with me slightly behind her. Ava slide-kicked Speedy, causing her to be airborne. I followed up with a bicycle kick, hitting Speedy right under the chin. Ava jumped over me and rolled to where Speedy landed, who was slightly confused at what was happening.

Ava punched Speedy in the gut, making her lean forward. I dashed towards Speedy, chopping her right on the head and causing her to go right on the floor. She quickly recovered, disappearing from where she fell, only for the whole floor to get lit up. Thanks to Xul's blessing, both Ava and I were unaffected by the flashbang, but, as shown previously, Speedy wasn't.

We all noticed that Speedy had tripped and was lying facedown, rubbing her eyes again. Ava and I simultaneously stomped our feet, creating earth shackles that wrapped around Speedy's limbs. Ava and I were going to get the key from Speedy since she was now incapacitated when I suddenly fell to my knees.

Shit… I was supposed to be good for at least two more fights… then again, getting kicked at super speed in the hip usually breaks a man. Ava was about to help me, but I told her to just get the key. If I'm correct, the next floor should be an ally. Maybe they'll help and let me recuperate. A short rest should be enough.

Ava and Light returned quickly, holding a ring that looked exactly like the one Merida gave me… okay, onto the next floor I go. No time to waste.

I arrived at the next floor, noticing it looked like the throne room of the Sacre Pla Royal Palace, although the chandeliers had been replaced with cages. Exotic, I guess… although one of the cages has the princess in it. She had Card Magic, if I remember… also, something about being Melina's mom… does that technically make her my mother-in-law, since she'd also be Mel's mom? 

I looked at the other two cages, seeing the little kid who controlled plants and a guy who… I'm pretty sure I saved him or something. Huh… where's Maxine? Oh, I see her now. She just stepped out from behind the throne. Okay, so this is an ally floor since I'm pretty friendly with Maxine… why is she pointing her staff at me with empty eyes?

Chapter namesake: Michael Jackson's album 'Bad'.

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