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Slightly inspired by the My Hero Academia fanfiction, "Comforting Touch" by NyghtWalker on, when it comes to Midoriya's powers, although with noticeable differences from that story.

Midoriya is the youngest in age, and is quite smart, but his quirk isn't all that much. Can he become the hero he wishes to be? Can his childhood friend, Yui Kodai, help him in any way, despite her lack of emotional expression?

MY HERO ACADEMIA anime, and all related characters, elements, and storylines were created by Kohei Horikoshi. All rights reserved.

I only wrote this fanfiction, and own nothing but the alterations for the A.U. By Eli Samuel Orfila Rosario.

Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: "Emotional Support." By making physical contact with others or himself, and providing words of encouragement, he can boost the morale of others and increase their power or extension of their quirk or physical ability. It takes a toll on his mental state though.

   Izuku Midoriya used to be a cheerful kid. Always smiling, always friendly, always trying to start a conversation with others. He was a quirk enthusiast, writing analysis notebooks on heroes and their quirks. He used to mutter his thoughts out loud often, sometimes making people uncomfortable. He wanted to be a great hero. But although he kept analyzing quirks and wanting to be a hero, everything else changed for him.


   Yui Kodai was a serious girl, even when she was a kid. She kept a stoic face, and rarely expressed emotion, and therefore few people approached her. Although she acted as if that didn't bother her at all, the truth is that she felt rather lonely. No one approached her, and she didn't know how to approach others. Her blank stare kind off made the other kids weary of her. She was 6 years old, with a quirk that allowed her to change the size of any non-living object she touches and can return them to normal size by pressing her fingertips together. But despite that awesome quirk, she still had no friends. That was until she met that small green brush head boy that was only two years younger than her.

   At school, she used to seat alone on a bench to eat her lunch while the other kids played. She felt sad when suddenly a boy with green hair and green eyes sat next to her.

- "Hey... are you ok?"

- "..."

   She didn't respond. It has been a while since any of the kids of her school had talked to her unless it was required by the class. She could only stare, her emotionless expression changed if only for a second into that of wider eyes of surprise, before returning to normal.

- "Mm"

- "Oh... Good... Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya. What's your name?"

   How he spoke. It brought a warmth, the air of someone genuinely interested. Perhaps she could find a friend in him? It was too soon though. But she had to respond first.

- "Mm... Yui... Kodai..."

- "Well nice to meet you Kodai-san..."

   The boy extended his hand towards her, probably for a handshake. She didn't have much physical contact with anyone who wasn't her family, so it took her a while. She stared at his extended hand, then at the boy, then back at the hand. He was patient, his smile didn't fade, nor did his hand fall back. Eventually, she managed to grab his hand in a handshake manner, only she didn't shake, and after two seconds she let go.

- "Wanna be friends?"

   In a true child nature, the boy went straight to the point. He didn't try to find subjects in common to wiggle himself into a friendship, nor did he try pointless conversation to see if it worked. He didn't silently follow expecting to be talked to first, he went straight to what he wished. He wanted to befriend the girl.

   The girl kept a stoic expression, not changing her face and staring straight into his eyes. The black-haired girl might have looked composed on the outside, but inside she was freaking out with excitement. She had wanted to have a friend for a long time, but her face never helped, but this boy didn't care, he just saw her alone and thought that befriending her was ok.

- "... Mm"

She nodded and hummed in affirmation. The eyes of the green-haired boy shone more as if that were possible.

- "Yey!"


   The green brush head stayed quiet, next to Kodai as she stared ahead at the kids playing. Midoriya wanted to ask of her quirk, assuming that since she looked older, perhaps she already had hers. He was really interested in quirks, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable with a, perhaps, personal question. And he didn't want to make her feel that that was the only reason he asked to be her friend, by her few words and lack of expression, it seemed that she didn't have many friends, maybe she was shy? He felt bad about seeing her all alone, and he wanted a new friend. But quirks and heroes were his only topics of conversation... Unless...

- "Hey, Kodai-san... Want to come and play with me and my friends?"

   He pointed at a group of three kids, two of which were her age, and one which was his. The one he mainly pointed to, was the grinning spiky-haired blonde with the cocky smirk. He was 6 years old and Kidai already knew him from class. Katsuki Bakugo, although he wasn't bad, he wasn't good either. He seemed to have a huge ego, believing that his explosive quirk made him superior to others. She, seemingly unfazed in expression, looked at Midoriya wondering if he shared Bakugo's values. All she saw was kindness in those eyes, and when those eyes met Bakugo's all they saw was admiration, not envy or anger...

- "The blonde one is 'Kacchan'. He is sometimes a little wild, and bossy but he is a good guy. He's my best friend, he has this awesome explosive quirk. Do you know him?"

- "Mm"

- "When my quirk develops, I hope I get a cool one just like him. I want to be a hero! Do you want to be a hero?"

- "..."

She didn't respond and he didn't pressure her with such a personal question.

- "So, you want to play with us."

   Despite how kind Midoriya was in trying to befriend her, and how much she wanted friends, she still wasn't a person to like being around many, for now having one friend was enough. Plus, she wasn't a fan of how Bakugo, or as Midoriya called him: 'Kacchan', behaved towards others.

   She shook her head, not showing any emotion, but denying the idea. Midoriya's smile dropped a bit, but it was back full force after about a second.

- "Would you mind if I come around everyone in a while to talk with you?"

- "... Please..."

   It was all she said, as a small smile appeared on her face, one that made Midoriya give back a toothy grin.

- "Ok. I'm gonna go play now. Have a good day Kodai-san!"

   Midoriya waved his arm frantically above his body, saying goodbye to his new friend as he walked towards where Bakugo stood with others.

   Kodai was very happy, finally, she had the chance to have a friend. Things were looking up for Kodai, but for Midoriya... Things started to go south.


   He was diagnosed as quirk-less, at the age of four, his dreams of being a hero ended, and his life became heck. Before, his relationship with Kacchan wasn't what he thought it was. He hadn't behaved like a best friend since he developed his quirk, looking down on Izuku sometimes, and on others who were too young to have quirks as well. But once Izuku was diagnosed as quirk-less, the name Deku took prominence, and so were other insults.

   Being excluded, mocked, and insulted, sometimes even hit on... By Kacchan, and by some of those he thought were his friends before. And it only got worst when Midoriya was transferred into Bakugo and Kodai's class.

   Although it was not his quirk, Midoriya proved to have a very intelligent and analytical mind. Kodai was able to notice as they became closer friends, and the subject of quirks came into topic, and it came the very next day after they met, but seeing someone worthless in Bakugo's eyes, be able to match his academic level despite being two years younger, only served to infuriate him more. He got more violent against Izuku, using his explosive quirk to hurt him. Kodai felt powerless to help his friend. The teachers didn't seem to care enough to stop Bakugo, and anyone that got in his way suffered the same fate.

   Midoriya didn't let this stop him, he still tried to be around Bakugo growing up, but the only moments that he didn't feel he was excluded, mocked, or attacked, were when he sat on that bench beside Kodai. The girl barely spoke besides some hums and short phrases, but they found comfort in each other, a safe place from all the noise. Not that Midoriya was in any way quiet, Kodai came to accept Midoriya's constant involuntary muttering. But it was during one of these moments that Midoriya's life changed...


   Kodai had been practicing changing the size of objects for a while, and she was tired. Only one year after meeting the green bean had passed and he was seeing her powers in secret. Her exhaustion was taking a toll on her, the last objects she had tried to return to normal size, had stopped mid-way.

- "You can do it Kodai-san! I believe in you!"

   Midoriya was nothing but supportive of her, when he learned from one of the few words she used, that she wanted to become a hero, he supported her all the way, even finding a secluded spot where she could practice with her quirk without getting in trouble. But it was at this moment that something amazing happened to Kodai. Midoriya had placed his hand on her shoulder as he said words of encouragement, but during that last sentence, the tiredness that Kodai felt disappeared, and all the objects that had stopped midway, returned to normal at once.

   Kodai was in shock, she didn't know what had happened, one moment she was completely exhausted, and now she was ready to practice for one more hour. She decided to look at Midoriya, and what she saw left her somewhat confused.

   He was looking at the objects that had returned to normal size, and while he was still smiling, his smile was not as big as before, and he looked, a little drained. As a person that didn't talk much, was always serious, and didn't show much emotion, she was able to notice mood changes rather quickly. It took a moment for Midoriya to look at her again, and his smile returned full force.

- "That was awesome I knew you could do it."

Perhaps she had been worrying too much. But she knew she had to tell him what happened.

- "I... was tired... The I wasn't... After you spoke..."

- "You are saying that my words made you forget you were tired?"

- "Hmm-Hmm" (She shook her head). I'm... Not tired..."

   Midoriya was very smart for his age, but he wasn't a scientist-level smart, it took him a while to understand what his cool-headed friend was trying to say.

- "You are saying... That somehow... I gave you a boost while I encouraged you to go on? Like a literal boost?"

- "Mmm!"

   Kodai nodded in affirmation, her eyes were shining, even if her cool default expression remained. Izuku's breath hitched. This couldn't mean what he thought it meant, right? He had to try again only to be sure. He didn't want to get excited only to be let down. But still, he felt giddy, and so without thinking, he hugged his friend by the side, only for her blank expression to change into one of wide eyes and shock. Once he realized what he did, Midoriya separated himself from Kodai, and apologized profusely, with a prominent blush on his face, one that Kodai reflected, only barely noticeable. The only thing she could think after he left, was that it felt nice.

   When he got home, he tried the same thing again on his mom. It took him a while, but he realized that he needed to be making physical contact with the person when he said those words of encouragement. Seeing her mom attract an entire T.V. towards her, instead of only small objects, was worth it in his book. What he didn't notice was that whenever he was using this power of his, his smile decreased, and his positive thoughts were less and less. Thankfully he lived in a home full of love, so they were easily replenished, but just because he got a quirk, didn't mean things got better at school.


   At first, his classmates didn't believe him, thinking he was only saying that to appear and be special, something that got him an insult barrage. When he went to the doctor and it was confirmed, Bakugo and crew still mocked him saying it was a lame quirk that didn't allow him to be great himself, that he was still useless. And when Midoriya exclaimed he wanted to be a hero, all heck broke loose. The one he thought had been his friend all this time, decided to use his quirk against him constantly. Not even with a quirk, he was free from this torment.


   It was 7th grade in Aldera Junior High. Classes had changed and Yui Kodai was no longer in the same class as her best friend Izuku Midoriya, or Katsuki Bakugo. Yet, the green bean was still in that torment, he was still in the same class as his bully.

   Things had begun to change, the constant bullying, plus the mental toll that his quirk took whenever he used it, was rapidly draining Midoriya of his positive outlook in life. He still smiled and spoke, but every time they hanged out, it was less and less.

   Midoriya's power kept growing in intensity. With Midoriya's encouragement and hand on her shoulder, Kodai was able to shrink a small object, without even touching it. It was an eraser, yes, and the size didn't change much, only losing a few centimeters in size, and it took 30 seconds to work. But Midoriya's emotional boost had increased Kodai's powers to not needing contact with the object.

   She still had not realized that Midoriya's mood was being affected by his power, but who could blame her, when she thought it was all due to Bakugo's constant harassment of her small friend? And then it happened, the culmination of everything that had been building up inside Midoriya. The limit, the breaking point...

- "Why are you hanging out with that dam# nerd?!"

   Bakugo had found their hiding spot, the one they used to train. He was as cocky as ever, looking down on Midoriya, and slightly looking down on Kodai as well, even if not as much.

- "I saw what you can do! Why are you with the worthless Deku?!"

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- "Kacchan I-"


Midoriya's breath hitched in fear, but he didn't move.

- "Friend..."

- "HUH?!"

- "Friend..."


- "Friend!"

   Kodai spoke up, even if not by much, and she managed to look at Bakugo in the eyes when he spoke. Bakugo's gaze turned to one of irritation but rapidly changed to a cocky smirk.

- "Friend of the Dekus! Friend of this looser... I guess you are a loser as well!"

Bakugo turned to walk away, but a meek voice stopped him.

- "That's not true... Kacchan...!"


- "That's not true KACCHAN!"



   That's the last moment she saw him at school. Midoriya had decided to stand up in defense, not of himself, but of Kodai, who had not done anything that could upset Bakugo. But the defiance in seeing, the victim stand up to him, had raged the blonde boy. His sweaty palm was directly on his face as the explosion was point blank.

   Thankfully, it was not full strength, but the blast so close to his face smashed him to the wall and left him unconscious.

   Bakugo walked away, while Kodai could only look in horror at what had happened. Bakugo most likely didn't think of the consequences of his actions, nor see what was left, leaving right after the 'Boom' without looking at what happened to the receiver of the blast. Kodai ran towards his friend, for the first time in school, she was tearing up, his face full of smoke, thankfully he didn't seem all that burnt up, but he was bleeding from the back of his head from smashing against a wall. All she could do was hug the smaller boy; she didn't know how to react.

   Teachers heard and came. Ambulances took him away, still, nothing was set on Bakugo's record, but one thing was certain. Izuku Midoriya did not return to Aldera Junior High.


   Kodai was broken, if only she had done something. Her friend had been in clear pain for years, and although she was his friend, she had done nothing to help the situation, deciding to stay out of Bakugo's way as much as possible. How could she hope to be a hero like this?! She saw the signs and did nothing, not even when it was too late. Now, she may never meet her only school friend again.

   Inko Midoriya upon finding out all that had happened, just wouldn't allow it anymore. After the doctors analyzed Izuku's quirk, she learned of the drawbacks caused on his emotions and mental state. Every time he came back less cheerful, frowning, or tired, she thought it was due to his quirk. But it was too much of a drastic change for it to be only that, but Izuku wouldn't talk about it. Then the scars and bruises, Izuku always finding an excuse as if he fell or accidentally bumped into something, but she had suspected, but never took action... Until now.

   After picking Izuku from the hospital, and making sure he was ok to leave, she decided she was going to move to some other city, she would not let his boy suffer anymore at the hands of his school and his classmates, nor at her hands, by continuing to ignore what was, clearly, wrong. Hisashi had left them, so nothing was tying them to this place, she knew she could find a job somewhere else... Her son came first.

   Ever since leaving the hospital, Izuku had a blank expression, he was completely quiet, and expressionless, and it stayed like that for many days, much to the worry of the green-haired mother. But once the moving truck had taken their belongings, and they were in the car leaving their old life behind, Izuku decided to speak. His voice had no emotion, but he asked the same question once again.

- "Do you think... I can be a hero too?"

   That question pounded at Inko Midoriya like a hammer. How she had failed to support her son's dreams, just because they thought he did not possess a quirk. The guilt was too much. This time, she knew what she had to say.

- "Yes... You too can become a hero. You had always been able to become a hero. And I am sorry I wasn't there to support you all the way. I'm sorry I did not believe in you when we thought you didn't have a quirk. You have always had the heart of a hero, even before your quirk manifested..."

   Izuku wasn't looking at her, but she heard the quiet sniffs coming from her son. He was crying, crying because he finally heard what was true all along.


   In the new city, in the new school, Midoriya was an entirely different person. He barely spoke, and barely showed any emotion. He was able to catch up with his studies fairly quickly, but he decided that making friends, was a luxury and a risk he would not take. Instead, he focused on his studies, on his hero analysis notebooks, and on training his quirk.

   He soon learned, that if he was completely emotionless or depressed, he wouldn't be able to activate his quirk, because he wouldn't be meaning the words he said, he also needed to mean it when he spoke for it to work. He had to have some cheer in him for it to work, so he learned to find joy in the small things. His smiles were never again like those of his childhood years, but he didn't mind. He also learned that he could boost his physical abilities if he made contact with himself and made positive supportive comments about himself. Of course, his quirk wasn't boosted because of this, or it would be an endless loop, but he found himself with more speed, stamina, strength, and resistance. However, the low self-esteem he developed due to all the bullying in his past prevented him from boosting himself up often, and it also drained him faster.

   As time passed, he made the decision, that he would go to U.A. He wanted to study where his hero All Might had studied. His mother was worried, as they had left their life in that city behind for a reason, but he needed to do this.

   Inko had learned from past mistakes, she would support her son all the way, if he believed he was ready to face his past to become a hero, she owed it to him, to believe. Since U.A. had established a dorm system, she agreed to send him, but first, he needed to pass the exams.


   Kodai stayed at Aldera Junior High, but her past in-actions still haunted her. She steeled her resolve, she would become a hero, one that would not turn blind eye to those in need, not only those in danger but those who needed support and comfort, those who needed, another type of help that didn't require her to lob giant erasers at bad guys.

   She had heard how her best friend had spoken about the prestigious hero academy, U.A., and how he wanted to attend. She decided that she would go there, both for herself and him. Deep in her heart, she hoped she would see him again, but she knew the chances of that happening were low. But whatever happened, she would go Plus Ultra.

   After Midoriya left, Kodai began to change, she realized that her decision to limit her social interactions to one boy had not been beneficial for him, her, and maybe others. Who knows what other classmates might have been suffering, and she didn't know because she never spoke to anyone? She decided to change that. She didn't change her personality, not her cool emotionless expression, she was still a girl of few words, but with the few she used, she attempted to make friends. That is how she met Itska Kendo, and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Kendo was from her class, while Tetsutetsu was from the neighborhood.

   They didn't judge her for her face or expressions, or way of acting, they accepted her, and became her friends, just like he had.

   It was an awesome surprise when she learned they would all aim for U.A. They only had to get accepted.


   The day of the practical exam was here, the students were ready, the rules had been explained, and the written exams had been taken. Amongst the participants, was a girl with short black hair and cool personality, and a brush head that was trying to keep a wobbly smile.

   The test began, and the girl made her way through the streets of the cityscape, shrinking robots and crushing them under her foot as if they were insects. The girl with orange hair and massive hands was not in their group, rather she was on another training ground, as the school decided to separate those that were thought to be friends based on the schools they had been attending. However, the boy who could turn himself into steel was smashing robots left and right with brutal force, and upfront, like a real man.

   However, on another street on the same battlefield, a short boy, younger than all other participants, was running at normal speed, trying to find robots to fight. He was holding whatever emotional support he could give himself, for when he truly needed it. She held all the encouraging words his mother had told him through the phone, in his heart, waiting for the moment to tell them to himself. He had spent the previous night, listening to motivational speeches from multiple heroes, all in preparation for this moment. But so far, he had not found a single robot to find.

   What he did find, were people trapped under rubble, or hurt by the robots. No matter what, he needed to help them. 'Emotional Support' always worked best on others anyway. Making his way to the injured or trapped, he would approach them, tap on their shoulders, encourage them, and tap himself, encouraging himself, together being able to move rubble too strong before the emotional boost given. Another emotional boost gives to the injured, giving them strength to move despite the injuries.


   Time was passing, and the mental exhaustion and emotional drain were taking a toll on the boy, and he hadn't been able to fight a single robot. This was bad. But what was worst, was the giant behe-robot that had appeared, everyone ran for their lives. Midoriya was ready to follow the crowd, but he saw... He saw a girl he knew all too well trapped under a mountain of rubble, it was enclosed around her, he only knew her because her face was all he could see...


   Yui Kodai was in a bad predicament. The appearance of the giant Zero-pointer had caused a building to crumble around her. Tetsutetsu was nowhere to be seen, and no one was close enough to help her. She could always shrink the rubble, but the moment she shrank one object, the enclosement would collapse, crushing her in the process. She needed to move; the robot was approaching. But the only way she would survive was if she could shrink all the objects at once, which was impossible. That is until she saw him...

   The boy she had missed all these years, was running as fast as he could towards her, exhaustion clearly on his body, but he didn't stop. He reached her place and extended his hand, touching her head. Her eyes widened, the only difference from her normal emotionless face. She couldn't believe it. He was here.

   He began to rub her hair, something she didn't understand. The more affectionate the contact, the more effective it is.


   If they weren't in a life-or-death situation, she could have cried at hearing him again. Without hesitation, she placed her hand on one of the stones, and all of the rubble that had enclosed her shrank into tiny pebbles that were difficult to discern among the rest from the floor.

   The moment she was free, and she saw the look of sadness and lack of confidence in her once cheerful friend, all she did was launch herself to him and enclose him in a tight hug. Danged be the test right now, all she cared about was her friend, who was clearly in pain. She would not let go. This was not how she normally acted around others, but she did not care. She would not turn a blind eye again. Her expression remained emotionless, but her actions showed more than her expressions ever would.

   The robot kept approaching, and another piece of rubble was going to fall on them, she had to shrink it, this time without a boost, but it all changed with one particular sound.


   Maybe it was because they were in different classes, therefore U.A. didn't think much of it, but Bakugo blew the chunk to pieces, he was on the same battlefield as her. He didn't turn back, didn't notice who he saved at all... Like he cared anyways, he was just after number one.

   The one that did notice, was the boy currently in her arms, he was trembling, and his eyes were no longer focused on what was happening, they were back on that day. The day Bakugo blew his face.

   Kodai didn't think twice, she stood up, holding the smaller boy in her arms, it might have looked ridiculous to others, how this expressionless girl was carrying a smaller green-haired boy, bridal style, but she didn't care. The boy couldn't move, he was too scared, too traumatized by his past to react to the giant robot approaching. As he had saved her, she would save him.

   She rand with him in her arms, as the robot kept getting closer, until it stopped, with the sound that announced the end of the test.


   It was over, but she didn't care. Students were walking away; some were being carried because of their injuries. A cocky spiky-haired blonde boy walked smugly in all confidence with a feral grin, she didn't care if he blew the rock that would have crushed her, she would have shrunk it if he wasn't there, it was only one after all. She didn't want to know anything about the boy who had caused so much pain to her best friend, who was currently in her arms, still unmoving.

   She had kneeled on the floor, still with an emotionless gaze, but holding the boy close in an embrace. All it took was the sound of that particular explosion, and the boy, her best friend, had retreated into his mind. The boy who had nothing but encouraging words for others. She may not be one for physical contact, chatter, or expressiveness, but would make sure he got the comfort he deserved.

   Not caring if she or he got accepted into U.A., that didn't matter at the moment. All that mattered was this. The girl kept an expressionless face as she placed her shin on the smaller boy's green hair. She stroked his back as she hugged him. Slowly but surely, he began to react, first looking at her, while she didn't move her head, or stopped the embrace. Then a blush, and then, the return of the hug. This time the contact was not meant to boost, it was just two friends in a hug.

- "Thanks..."

Was all he said.

   The girl didn't change her stance. The people checking for injured students were slowly coming their way, but they stayed like that. She decided then and there, that she was going to stay by this boy's side, just like he had stayed by hers when she needed a friend all those years ago. Whether he got into U.A. or not. Whether she got into U.A. or not. She would not let go.

- "Mm".

Was all she replied.

   Tetsutetsu was worriedly approaching. But neither heard a thing. The world was muffled into silence. Only they existed, embracing each other after so much time. They stayed like that, the expressionless girl, and the supportive boy. They stayed...

In silent comfort.

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