Silver Haired

Chapter 18: Nightmare

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Everywhere was quiet so quiet, I groaned hearing cracking noises, I used the blanket to cover my face at the sound, I didn't know where it was coming from and I didn't care, I just wanted my sleep, I drift off again but then...

☆Loud Shatter☆

I gasped flashing my eyes open, my heart beating loudly as I sat up, the thunder strike, when did the weather change? It was just so peaceful a moment ago.

My eyes widen when I saw the window glass in pieces on the floor, something was wrong and it chilled my bones, I felt the sheets tighten together, my head automatically turned to my side and then I saw it... the cause of the window breaking.

It was Cedric, he laid unconscious in the other space, the shirt he wore glued to his hard ton body. His hair was drenched, his fist tighten on the sheets once more and the other windows cracked ready to break into pieces, I yelped frighten.

Cedric's head tilt to and fro slightly, his teeth clenched and then the unexpected happened, the broken glass levitated, my eyes widen in shock.

"Lord Cedric" I managed to say his name. I had to stop this... whatever was happening right now before the worse. I quickly took off the pillows creating the space, I reach for his arm and jolted him.

"Lord Cedric" there was no answer he was too deep in sleep.

"Lord Cedric!" I panicked.

The glasses came.

"CEDRIC!" I shouted as I drew back in panic.

That moment Cedric shot awake and sat up, the glass froze in mid-air, I let out a gasp, they were close so close.

Cedric growled holding his head, the glass landed on the floor making loud noises. I was left paralyzed, in total shock, my breaths were uneven.

"W-what was that?" I said frighten to the core, my eyes drifts to him for answers but I wasn't sure he would comply.

He was just in that position, his fingers buried in his dark locks and his green eyes were beaming, a frightening appearance.

I shivered.

Suddenly I jolt when I heard the glasses moving again, I just watch closely as the glass levitated gathering together, and slowly merge themselves back the way it was like it was never broken, I gasp in amazement at the wonders of magic.

"Lord Cedric," I said faintly, I couldn't tell what he was thinking and his expression wasn't helping, his green eyes were still glowing, it was the brightest in the dim darkness.

All I knew right now was that I should be gentle with him, wouldn't wanna make him angry.

"Lord... Cedric" I said softly as I slowly reach for him.

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Suddenly he grabs my arm yanking me to him, our bodies brushed together, the heat coming off him was intense, he wasn't cold like he usually was.

His glowing green eyes fixed on me, our faces inches apart, the sweat still hung against his features. What did he dream about? Was it a nightmare?

"Speak of what happened tonight to no one," he said in a slow deadly tone, it was an order coming from him, the way he said, like if I told anyone I would be punished severely or worse.

Staring at his glowing green eyes was scary, I shifted uncomfortably.

"Your grip..." I said twisting my hand in his tight grip but it wouldn't budge.

"It's too tight"

He let go, getting off the bed. I watch as he he grabs a robe flapping it in and then walking to the window doors leading to the wide veranda.

I finally let out the breath I was holding in relief, his close presence was always so dominating and suffocating.

I took my time to stand holding myself, I was still in shock at what just happened, was he having a nightmare? Does it always happen like that when he was asleep? Well, I couldn't tell for that aspect, but ever since we shared chambers something like this has never happened.

A lot of questions ran in my head, I needed some answers, I didn't like being in the dark for anything. I made my way to the veranda, the skies were surprisingly clear even though it rain, my eyes caught Cedric, his hands placed on the pillar, his head bent down.

I silently made my way to him and stood a distance from him, I cleared my throat.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

The wind blew harshly around us, he slowly raised his head, his eyes fixed on the view of the Empire.

The silence bored me, he wasn't even making any effort to talk to me and worse it was like I wasn't even here. I sighed, this was a waste of time, I wondered why I even made the effort to talk to him.

"Fine, then I will just pretend I wasn't just about to be killed by broken glasses!" I snapped, I was getting impatient.

"I do not wish to be disturbed" his voice cold and distant, leaving no room for question.

I wasn't so surprised by his words, there was like this wall around him I couldn't explain, why did I even bother to ask, why was I worried about a man who tried to kill me, at that thought I scowled, the painful memory coming in, what I had to endure because of his so-called punishment.

In silence, I turned walking back into the room. I lay on the bed, using the covers to cover my whole body, away from the world. I sighed. Cedric was a difficult man, there was never gonna be any understanding between us... the actions said it all, I just have to stay clear of what to come, I think it's high time I put up my own walls.


Cedric's gaze never left the view of the Empire, his mind in deep thoughts, his powers were stirring again, it has been like this for a week now, a week since he has been married to Sylvia.

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