Silver Haired

Chapter 45: Heat

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Making sure he no longer felt her presence, he let out a breath, readjusting his collar as it seemed too tight for him.

Below his eyes, black veins moved until it subsides, the burn in his throat becoming unbearable, his teeth clenched as he let out a low growl.

The air around grew chilly in mere seconds. He shouldn't have done what he did, he shouldn't have kissed Sylvia, he only just increased his hunger he had been desperately trying to endure whenever he was around her, his inner beast wanting to claw out, he always kept it at bay, he had control over it, something like this shouldn't make him lose control, but when it came to Sylvia that was old news.

He could still taste her in his mouth, she had a wonderful flavor, he pondered how the rest of her body tasted, it took every bit of him to subdue himself from losing his mind. Her body, her words, her sweet enticing scent he knew only her had, her defiance and her blushes would be the death of him, he knew that now, she wasn't only stirring the beast within him, he was making him feel things that he shouldn't, things he never thought he could ever feel, he was meant to be a hollow, an empty shell without feelings.

But the moment he met Sylvia he felt those walls crack, why? He couldn't explain all the strange things he felt when it came to her, the desire that struck him hard, he had never had such.

He stared at his hand, the movement of black veins within them, but they subsided, his beast was stirring, the hunger was becoming more of him, and being close to her wasn't helping, he should give in and let this be over with and move on, but then his body flinch at the thought, he couldn't, he doesn't want to hurt her.

His fist clenched, the best solution for this was to stay clear of her.


I turned for the 5th time against my bed, sighing deeply, my mind still lingering on what happened this afternoon, the kiss, oh his lips, his tongue, his dominance, I couldn't get it out of my head as it would be the death of me.

And then I thought of how he dismissed me, I grew angry again and sat up on my bed.

Ugh!!! what was wrong with him? one minute he kissed me and the next he's telling me to be gone?

I slammed my face on my pillow to scream, exactly what I needed right now to let out my FRUSTRATION!

I groaned against my bed, I turned to lie on my back slowly opening my eyes, I gasp when I met with green orbs.

"C-Cedric" I stammered.

"Wife," he said as a devilish smile curled up his lips that took my breath away, he was against the bed on top of me, completely shirtless, his hands on neither side of me so that he couldn't crush me with his weight.

I couldn't believe my eyes, he was here, on my bed and so close.

"W-What are you doing here?"

His smirk broadens.

"Why wife? Don't you want me here?" he asked in a luxurious tone as he drew closer, our lips almost touching.

I gulped at his words.

He made a hmm sound awaiting my answer.

"I-I", I couldn't find the right words, how could I?

I was distracted when his hand found my leg, I gasp slightly when I felt it raise my nightgown, his hand coming in contact with my bare skin, in a slow gentle manner that made my body inch for more.

I moaned softly at his touch because it felt like a hot imprint against my skin.

My head drew backward when it moved to my thighs, rubbing it gently.

"Tell me, Sylvia, tell me what you want" he whispered in my ear.


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I gasped when I felt him suck my neck, oh goddess the feeling, it was like my body was set ablaze, he repeated the action and I found myself, trembling beneath him.

Our bodies brushing together, I could feel his hard ton body against mine, a feeling against my soft skin.

"Tell me..." he urged softly.

Did he not know it was getting harder to speak? But I was sure he wanted me to say it, to say exactly what I wanted him to do to me.

His hand came between my legs.

"Cedric!" I gasped, gripping his shoulders tightly.

I gasped sitting awake, my breathe unbalanced as I shook my head in a daze. Was that a dream? it felt so real.

It was like I was in heat because sweat hung my features and between my legs ached for something I couldn't explain, his hand maybe?

Instantly I heard a knock at my door, I instantly turned to the windows, it was morning already?

"C-Come in"

The doors barge open as Olivia walked in with a smile.

"Good morning my lady", but then she paused.

"My lady are you okay?" she asked worried coming to my bed.


"You're all sweaty and..." she observed me not knowing what to say again, but she did feel something was up.

"I-I-I'm fine" I quickly got off my bed.

"Just a dream" I said trying to convince myself that it was.


Bathed and dressed, I headed towards the dining hall for breakfast, as I got in I paused, not seeing Cedric.

"It appears Lord Cedric did not make it to breakfast again," Olivia said.

My sad gaze drift to the chair he was supposed to seat on, why was I feeling sad that he wasn't here? He was the one who blew me off yesterday after kissing me.

"It's better this way," I said sternly taking my seat and helping myself to the food.

I shouldn't care, I should think less of him, but then my mind drift to the dream, I gave a heavy sigh, weakly chewing on my food like in a daze.

"My lady, you seem bothered"

I placed a hand on my jaw.

"I'm perfectly fine"

I'm sure she wasn't convinced because of the face I made, I wasn't sure I could convince anyone that I was fine anymore.

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