Silver Haired

Chapter 7: Wedding Night [Part 2]

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His eyes drifted to me finally, those green eyes of his pinning me down like I was spelled there, was he using magic on me again? I didn't feel like i was being spelled, just my body going numb by his intense stare.

His gaze still locked with mine as he brought out another glass and turned the wine inside. When he was done he lean on the chair, shutting the book he held, the sound made me jolt a bit.

He eyed me from head to toe. Dear Lord! I have never felt so shy and vulnerable before especially with the exposed gown I wore, it made me feel helpless, I just wished the ground would just swallow me and take me away from all this.

"Will you just stand there," he said in a tone like he forced himself to speak.

I looked away not wanting to even look at him, I had to move, or I might faint from his intense gaze, so I did, silently walking to the bed, climbing the small stairs up to it.

That moment I heard footstep approaching from behind me, he was coming!!!

The sound got closer and closer and I found myself turning and backing away.

I knew in my heart there was no way I would escape this night. My back hit the wall close to the bed. I gasp as he got to me, standing right in my front, I found myself shaking but I held my ground.

He moved close, I looked the other way as I closed my eyes, it was silly of me cause I didn't know what move he was going to make. I knew he would use magic on me to have his way with me.

My heart slamming loudly in my chest, I felt the tiny knot rope tied beneath my breasts move, it was more like a design but I knew once he loses it, my breasts will be exposed to him.

I felt it move again almost losing, out of panic I faced him, his face inches away from me with an unreadable expression, my head tilted back just to meet his gaze, he was so close, but our bodies didn't touch, not even a feel of it, I stared into his dark green eyes hoping I would know what he had in mind but nothing... nothing, ugh... this was so frustrating.

"W-what are you waiting for" I began.

This night was meant to happen no matter how I disagree with it, their so-called rules.

"The bed's right there" I motioned.

He raised an eyebrow.

"You could just use your magic on me and take me which ever way you want," I said.

And I just had to keep talking, now it was as if I was urging him to make love to me. What is wrong with you Sylvia? Oh, Lord! He was simply just breathtaking this close, his eyelashes were thick and long, I thought only women had those but I was wrong, and those pale pink lips, the same one's that took my first kiss.

I subconsciously bit my lips.

"Yes I would" he noted.

I gulped hard, snapping back to reality. I shouldn't have stirred him up, but I always have been a blabbermouth.

He pulled the rope once again and it loosen, in a panic, I closed my eyes. Waiting for the worst.

"No need to be shy, nothing will happen tonight" the moment I heard those words, my eyes instantly flashed open. A flush of relief wash upon my body. But still...

"You would go against the rules?!" I said a bit surprised at his actions.

He didn't say anything, as he pulled away from me, I could finally breathe freely, his presence was very demanding. I quickly tire the knot back, thank God the lace didn't fall out.

"Others would think I have taken your innocence" he began as he took his seat at the chair set.

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I slowly walked down towards him.

"Except you have found a lover you have given the privilege," he said raising an eyebrow. I froze at his words. What manner of man is this?

"You take pleasure in insulting my papa and now you think I'm no longer pure?!" I said shocked at his words.

Didn't he know I was checked before being married off to him? Judging by his words, he didn't seem to know about that.

"Well too bad for you because you will never know" I add smirking.

His green eyes darken.

I took my seat in front of him. He was silent as he brought out something. He placed a small box in front of me.

"Open the box," he said leaning back on his chair.

I rolled my eyes taking the small box and opened it, I gasped as I saw a small diamond ring that would cost a fortune.

"It's our wedding ring, make sure you wear it at all times it proves you're the wife of this household," he said.

I slowly sled the ring in my finger, it was a perfect fit like it was made for me and I knew it definitely was, I was married to one of the wealthiest houses in the Empire.

"Just for formality, something I can put up with," I said.

"Manners is least of the characteristics you're made of," he said without a doubt.

I looked away. His words were always like a bombshell, he think too much just to speak, I wasn't sure any words came from his heart only his head.

"I grew up outside the walls what do you expect," I said.

"Rules, laws, it's all the Empire is made of, there's nothing like a self-decision, everything is fixed like a concrete wall never changing, always the same," I said.

His thick eyebrows flicked together.

"And that what keeps it's stable and moving and not fading away like the town you came out from" he noted.

"Charming words for a retired general," I said.

His expression changed, but yet I couldn't tell what he was feeling from his emotionless face.

"Young retired general" I corrected as I smiled, I took my wine and drank.

"It's a mystery, as your wife don't you think you should tell me the reason," I said.

He was silent, still like a statue. I really hit a nerve and I was planning to do more, I could consider this payback for insulting my father and my pride.

"So tell me, husband, why would a talented man like you give up such a status, of high rank".

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