Silver Haired

Chapter 79: Magnus Nicklaus Darkmore

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"Tell me everything you know about Magnus"

"My Lady"

"Please Mint I beg of you... I have searched all the books I can get my hands on but I can't find anything... I know Cedric is Magnus, I know you know that, you must know something" I said with pleading eyes, I must get the answers I seek for, it was a great matter of urgency, it was yet another way I can come to understand him and have a meaning to all this confusion happening between us and why he won't open up to me.

Mint sighs running his fingers in his white hair, his looks in disarray like he was having some kind of internal fighting within his mind.

"Mint... please" I took his hand. I knew this must be hard for him but I really needed him. "I must know this"

He sighs in defeat. "Of course, you won't find anything about Magnus in the books here" he began.

I blinked in confusion.

"He must have scrambled everything off because he didn't want you to find anything about him".

My eyes trembled... would he go that far? Why?

"Please what I'm about to tell you right now My lady, no one must know, not even Lord Cedric himself'"

I nodded eagerly. "I won't tell anyone I promise, I just need to know I feel like I have the right to"

He took a deep breath. " I do not know much, before... Before I was orphaned my father usually told me stories about our benefactors, stories of gods and their legends before they separated from earth to allow humans to inhabit it" he began.

I listened carefully.

"He told me about one god who created the wolf curse, magical beings such as myself, able to take the form of a wolf having all their strength but in tenfold. I could still remember how my expression was then when he told me such stories, I was in awe of what kind of god could possess such power to create the wolf curse" he said as his eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

"The wolf curse"

"What my people call it, we considered it both a curse and a blessing for possessing such"

I gulped.

"My father told me, our benefactor wasn't just an ordinary god, like the rest who involved in the creation and wielding unlimited power... this particular god is a man known to be the source of dark magic, the first powerful warlock, the first Vampire to practice magic and become a magical being himself..."

My eyes trembled and my heart quickened its pace for I knew the name he was going to call next.

"He is called many names... bringer of darkness, The devil, Dark warlord... but he is known by these three names mostly... Magnus Nicklaus Darkmore"

The thunder clamored the moment he said his name, my body flinching and my head in a daze at what he just said, did he just say Cedric was a god? Vampire, dark magic, bringer of death, the devil, warlord, this was too much to take in all in one go. This was beyond just a mere discovery.

"g-god, vampire?" I whisper, my grip on my chair tightened, my nervousness in a mess, as I try to put some means of understanding at what I just heard.

"Yes... vampire, are the oldest magical creatures known as a beast with their unquenchable taste of blood, but it is said as in the legend they do not live on blood, it's a rare possibility, Vampire only carve unquenchable thirst when it comes to their beloved, that is what my father told me" he explained.

My eyes were wide as saucers as I took in everything Mint told me.

"Magnus was the first vampire who practiced sorcery and become a god to his people, for centuries every magical being or warlocks quiver at the name Magnus, he is known to be ruthless and spread havoc whichever path he crosses, any one's fate is doomed the moment you defile him. During the emergence when the gods and goddesses decided to leave earth for the humans, he created the Vampire realm for where the vampires reside, he created a whole empire, he is no ordinary magical being"

I gulped, Cedric, no Magnus... he was a god to his people, he was the first warlock, a magical being known as a Vampire, it was a lot to take but it filled in some empty holes. The reason Cora told me to beware, the fear in her eyes when she told me, was he really dangerous as they say he is? The Cedric I knew was just a distant man, who had walls around him, a man who didn't understand feelings... he was the exact opposite as Mint explained him to be, there were still holes that needed filling.

"But I don't understand... why Ced- Magnus is here in the mortal realm, he's a god I mean it doesn't make any sense"

"Yes it doesn't I too I'm confused but my father did tell me about 2 thousand years ago Magnus suddenly vanished from the world never to be seen, that is all I know, I was surprised when I found out Lord Cedric I serve is actually Magnus, it was both a blessing to meet my benefactor and also the scariest," He said with a shiver.

"Forgive me my lady for this is all I know, it's still a mystery to me"

"I-Its okay Mint, I'm really grateful for you to tell me this," I said with a forced smile still taking in all he has just said, my brain felt like it would explode, I was married to a god? This was bigger than me to handle and so much more confusing than I expected it to be.

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"No one knows why he vanished thousands of years ago, many presumed him lost to the world or dead and somewhat reincarnated"

"Reincarnated? You think Cedric's the reincarnation of Magnus?" I asked.

"Yes I believe so... that is after all the only explanation," he said for certain.

I gulped. "T-Thank you Mint for being honest with me," I said with a smile against my lips, I knew what it took him to tell me this, and I will keep my promise, no soul will hear of this, not even Cedric.

"It's an honor my Lady... I must leave now" he said.

I nod, he vanished in shiny lights, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was both in awe and confusion, Mints words ramping through my head. Cedric, my husband, was a reincarnation of a Vampire god.


The sun was already rising, I was still seated against the chair, my knees to my chest as I bit my nail, I couldn't sleep after everything I heard last night, a lot of mysteries around Cedric, I knew finding out this should have quenched my curiosity about him but why... why do I feel like there was more and the more it scared me.

My door barge opens as Olivia walks in. "Good morning My lady"

"Morning Olivia," I said with a forced smile.

"Did you sleep alright?" she asked with a forced smile.

"Um yes I did but not completely"

"But your bed... it's untouched" she said walking to me. "Did you not have any sleep my lady"

I just shake my head negatively, how could I have slept after everything I heard about gods, vampires, and warlocks, I was bound to have nightmares.

"Did something happen my lady?"

"No... Nothing happened, it's just that I couldn't sleep" I assured her.

She nodded but she still seemed worried. "Did you find out what you wanted from Mint?"

"Yes I did", I shift my gaze to the window, the sunlight already shimmering inside. "What I didn't expect, but now I understand some things" I faced her, she seemed puzzled.

"Tell me, Olivia, if you're... if you're ever in love with a man that seemed beyond your reach what will you do?" I asked.

She frowned slightly as if thinking. "I do not know my lady for I'm confused myself, he may be beyond your reach but if he feels the same way you do, distance is but a word isn't it?"

A faint smile crossed my lips. "It might be more than distance Olivia, its two different worlds"


"I see the way you look at Mint"

She blushed, suddenly Mint appeared, Olivia yelped.

"My lady you called"

Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said his name. "F-Forgive me it was just a slip of tongue," I said embarrassed, I have forgotten that at a mention of his name he will come.

Olivia just stared at Mint with wide eyes not saying a word, he turned to her and smiled. "I-I-I-I will go draw your bath, my lady, she dashes out in a hurry before I could say anything.

Mint seemed amused as he watched her, he turned to me about saying something.

"Do not say strange Mint, she's just shy"

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