Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don’t Have Magical Powers?!

Chapter 30: 13

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Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier Aurora Steinfeld, daughter of the Duke of Bloomfield

Clawis Garcia, beastman

Rivera Hernández, beastman

Liliana, daughter of a Viscount, Aurora’s lady-in-waiting

Casey Morgan, son of Viscount Stuart

Martin, an Earl’s son


“Miss Aurora.”


Even Aurora’s voice is trembling. It’s only natural that the young lady has never seen blood like this before. But she’s the only one I can rely on right now.

“You are the only one who can heal him.”

“b-but……I’ve never healed an injury this big before……”

“Don’t worry. You can do it. No, in fact, you are the only one who can.”


“Don’t worry about it, you’re definitely a holy magician. He will be saved. I guarantee it.”

I urged Aurora to sit beside the boy and placed Aurora’s trembling hand on his broken arm.

“Now, close your eyes…….”


“First, we need to repair the bones. Bones are one of the hardest parts of the human body. It is the trunk that supports the body. This must be strong. Strongly imagine its unbroken shape and let the magic flow through it.”

Urla said as such. It is not good to pour magic into the body blindly. The human body has its own logic. You have to send magic in according to that logic.


Aurora also seems to have made up her mind. Her face changed. Holy magic begins to flow successfully into the boy. The broken bones return to their normal form, enveloped in a pale light.

“Yes, good, the bones are connected. Keep it up, next we have the blood vessels, the muscles that move the arm, and then the sutra that controls the senses…….”

The wounds into which Aurora poured her holy magic are being repaired rapidly. It’s going well. With Aurora’s magical power, it can be cured easily like this. Perhaps Aurora is a holy magician comparable to Urla. It’s just that she doesn’t have enough experience. Once she gets a feel for it, it will lead her to the next step. Without a doubt, Aurora will become a wonderful user of holy magic. If she becomes an adventurer, she will be in great demand.

But the daughter of a duke can’t go on an adventure. What is required of Aurora is the ability to deal with unexpected situations that may arise in the royal family. It’s a shame, but it can’t be helped.

“……Next is the skin. Carefully paste the torn area back together……strongly praying that the injured arm will be completely healed and move as before……ah, that’s enough, Miss Aurora. Open your eyes.”

Fearfully opening her eyes, Aurora saw the arm completely restored and blinked in surprise.

“I, I did this?’

“Yes, Miss Aurora. It is your power.”

The people who were watching with bated breath cheered.


“It’s the saintess!”

“Eh, I, I…”

Aurora rushed to her feet at the noise of those around her. But she staggered. I tried to support her, but sadly, I couldn’t support her. When we almost fell together, Percival supported us both together. Knight of the sun, you’ve done too much work. Your blonde hair is dazzling even though it’s nighttime……

“Are you alright?”

“I, I’m fine. Miss Aurora is out of magic. She needs to rest. Let’s go back to the place of departure and report this to the teacher. Even though he has recovered from the fracture, he was bleeding badly and should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Percival, you can support Aurora.”


When Percival tried to carry Aurora horizontally and I prepared to transfer, one of the students who sensed that we were about to move hurriedly called out to us.

“Wa-wait, please. What should we do……?”

Looking around again, some of the academy students were injured. It doesn’t look like injuries that are serious enough to require immediate attention. However, it would certainly be unsettling to be left here where such a magical beast appeared. The corpse of the huge snake is also just lying around. However, considering that I have to join Clawis and the others on the way, even I can’t transfer this many people at the same time.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back with the doctor soon.”

“But if magical beasts come in the meantime……”

“Well, after defeating such a big one, I think other magical beasts will be on guard and won’t come near. If you’re worried, just in case,”

When I spread the barrier magic on the ground, everyone was surprised at faint glowing at their feet.

“As long as you don’t leave the range of this light, you’ll be safe. I’ll be right back with the teacher and the knights, so everyone, wait for me.’

The scattered students rush into the light. Roughly 10 of them.

“Let’s go then.”


I placed a hand on Percival’s shoulder who was holding Aurora in his arms and transferred to Clawis and the others who were watching the fools.


“Percival sounded dumbfounded. Come to think of it, I didn’t tell him that I could teleport.

Seeing me move to a different place in an instant, Percival had an exasperated expression on his face.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

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Clawis and Rivera jumped up with their tails puffed up. It seems that they were quite surprised by us who suddenly appeared. Even so, it’s as expected that he’s firmly gripping the hilt of his sword.

“Aurora sama!”

Liliana, who was worried about Aurora, rushes over to her.

“What on earth happened to Miss Aurora?”

Clawis frowns at Aurora, who is being held by Percival. Then, looking at the student lying at my feet, the wrinkles between his eyebrows deepened. His wounds have healed, but his clothes are covered in blood. He can’t help but suspect Aurora’s injuries.

“Ah, Miss Aurora is out of magic, so there’s nothing to worry about. This guy here was badly injured, and she healed him.”

“She healed him……no, but is the situation that much worse there?“

“A giant snake appeared and attacked our team and the team that was ahead of us, but Sapphiras defeated it with magic, so there’s no problem there.”

“It can’t be that the flash just now was from Sapphiras?”

“Well, it almost became a catastrophe. Because of these guys.”

Mine and Percival, Claus and Rivera’s gazes turned to the root of all evil lying on the ground.

“I’m going to turn these guys in to the teacher for now, we’ll go back to the starting point first. There are some academy students waiting for us at the site, so we need to get them back as soon as possible. I’m going to transfer them, so can you please stand by my side for a moment?”

I stood mercilessly on top of the pair that was lying around. Transfer magic can only transfer objects and people that I am touching or within the range of my open arms. Percival and Aurora , the injured student, Clawis, Rivera and Liliana, and two fools. This is the best I can do with my petite body. Although there is a limit to the scope, there is no limit to the amount of goods, so there is no problem if they are tightly packed, but as expected, there are women and nobles from other countries, so I feel sorry about that.

“Well then, we’re going back.”

The teachers were naturally surprised when we returned to the place of departure by transfer.

The people who were transferred with us also had their eyes wide open. If it’s the first time you’ve been transferred, you’d be surprised. In the blink of an eye, you’re in a different place.

But only Percival, who had experienced it once, was the same as usual.

The fuss over us suddenly springing up was fleeting, and it was a different fuss this time when they saw Aurora in Percival’s arms and Casey and Martin, who were being trampled on by me, wrapped in ivy.

Percival and the others explain the situation and report what Casey and Martin did that caused it. They then told them about the injured students waiting by the giant snake carcass in the forest, and several knights and doctors who had been standing by to assist decided to go with them to the scene.

Naturally, the exercise was cancelled. The snake incense could not be found in the end. The knights said they would search for the snake incense while searching for other beast snakes, so there was no need for me to go out of my way to look for it.

So Percival and I were at the campsite which is the destination of the exercise. We were heading for the campsite while checking the forest to see if any other teams had been attacked by the snakes. Fortunately, there were no other victims, and the students who were still in the forest were brought safely to the encampment.

However, however.

“I’m hungry……”

As expected, moving around like that makes me tired and hungry. I vaguely suspected it, but due to the long confinement and malnutrition, Sapphiras is too weak for a 14 year old boy. When I was 14 years old in my previous life, I was running around the hills and fields with my camping load on my back. I need to train a little more. I can’t be an adventurer at this rate.

“Sapphiras, they’re serving food over there.”

The stew that was supposed to be served to the students after the exercise was put on the fire without being eaten by anyone. If it keeps going like that, it’s going to boil down sooner or later. They’ve made it for us, so we have to eat it!

“Let’s have a feast!”

I rush over to the cauldron and immediately ask for a bowl of stew to be served. I order a large serving of stew and immediately start to eat it. The warm meal soaks into my body. Even though it is a campsite meal, it is prepared by the cooks at the academy. The food is too delicious for the outdoors, and I devoured the stew with enthusiasm.

The students who had been scattered around the campsite gradually gathered around when they saw me and Percival eating the stew.

When I was talking to Percival about how hard it was today, Clawis and Rivera, who should have returned to the starting point, came over.

“Oh, you came here?”

“Ah, together with the knights, I went around the forest to see if there were any students left in the forest, or any snakes that we missed.”

“I see. Thank you for your hard work. Why don’t you two have some stew? It’s very good.”

“Ah, yes”

While they were being served their first bowl of stew by the cook, I finished my first bowl and hurried to get my second bowl.

“Hey, Sapphiras. Are you alright?”

Percival gives me a worried look as I’m devouring the stew like a worm, but now that I’m aware of my own limits, I’m okay with this much.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll finish this.”

“……I don’t know what to say, but Saphirus is amazing despite his appearance.”

I stopped devouring the stew at Clawis’ words that seemed to have leaked out of the blue.

“He’s obviously got a poor body.”

Compared to my previous life, which was reasonably strong, the “me” of this life is truly fragile. These white, thin arms look almost the same as Aurora’s……

No, no, no, I’d like to believe that that’s not the case.

‘No, It’s not like that……on the way here, I saw the giant snake that Sapphiras defeated. It had been shot through the head in spectacular fashion, and I was amazed at the precision of the magic.’

“Magic is my only asset. Thanks to this magic, I was able to become a scholarship student and eat a lot of delicious stew here.”

“……Sapphiras is strong.”

Clawis muttered, and Rivera gave him a wistful glance as if he wanted to say something.


I couldn’t help but tilt my head at the meaningful appearance of the two, but Percival wrinkled his brows and had a sour expression on his face.


Melon: happy thanksgiving to those who celebrates it! 

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