Since When Did You Have The Illusion That You Don’t Have Magical Powers?!

Chapter 32: 15

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Characters in this chapter:

Sapphiras Perfectio, 2nd son of the Earl of Aldridge

Percival Belisario, 3rd son of Margrave of Vanderwall on the Eastern Frontier

Aurora Steinfeld, daughter of the Duke of Bloomfield

August Steinfeld, Duke of Bloomfield, Aurora’s father

Aquila Perfectio, 3rd son of the Earl of Aldridge


Oh? I thought as I looked up and there’s my former father. He is accompanied by his wife and my younger brother Aquila.

“……Earl Aldridge, it’s been a long time.”

I put down my fork and plate and greeted him. I could have chosen to ignore him, but now that I am under the patronage of the Duke of Bloomfield, I have to behave in a way that doesn’t disgrace the ducal family.

“This is a formal tea party. I’m asking why a commoner like you is here.”

Even though he disowned me because he didn’t want to have anything to do with me, isn’t it meaningless if he calls out to me himself, without saying anything, I just smile.

I wonder if my former brother Veritas didn’t report me to the Earl. Maybe because I was kicked out of the house as soon as I entered school, so he no longer has to keep an eye on me now that I’m no longer part of the family.

“I was formally invited by the Duke’s family, so…”

“……Hmm, did you prostitute yourself to some nobleman out there? It might suit an incompetent person like you who only has your appearance going for you. But don’t ever mention that you were related to a venerable magical earl family. You and us are complete strangers. Understand?”

I silently bow my head, but in my stomach I stick out my tongue. He himself said that I had no connection with him. Even if he later found out I was of use to him, he wouldn’t be able to come forward and say that I am his son.

But still, am I really family with that man? I wondered. It’s not pessimism or anything, just a genuine question. Maybe I was a child he picked up from the outskirts of town.

“Sapphiras sama, did you enjoy your tea and sweets? It’s time to formally introduce you to our guests, my father wants to see you……well, Earl Aldridge, welcome to our family tea party.”

Aurora returned and showed her beautiful curtsy. The appearance of the Duke’s daughter must have made him feel something. The Earl of Aldridge raised his eyebrows and gave a small nod.

“I am honoured to be invited to this……wonderful tea party. Daughter of the Duke of Bloomfield.”

“Mrs Aldridge as well as your son, please take a good look at our proud garden.”

As if Aurora was saying that this was the end of the conversation, the Earl walked away from me with a sullen expression on his face. Looking at my former mother’s back which was as pompous as ever as I saw them off, she glanced back at me. She looked like she wanted to say something, but in the end she turned her back without saying anything. I don’t expect anything from her. At the Aldridge mansion, that person never once visited me who was isolated. What does it matter now?

Even so, the Earl of Aldridge’s family was invited, too. The duke has pretty good taste to be saying in front of my former family that he fully supports me.

“And, Percival sama, please take a look at the garden and calm down a bit. It’s a tea party after all, so please enjoy it.”

Looking at Percival beside me, the wrinkles between his eyebrows were clearly visible. Ah, the beautiful boy is ruined. Certainly, it’s not a story you’d feel good listening to. It’s really thoughtless to talk like that in a place where you don’t know who’s listening.

“……Sapphiras, are you alright?”

“Eh?” Ah, yeah. I’ve shown you something unsightly again, haven’t I? Sorry.”

Percival and Miss Aurora are looking at me with a worried expression. Whether it was that time with Veritas or now, weird places are always seen by them.

“No, it’s fine with us……but,”

Percival made an expression as if he’d eaten an astringent fruit. I don’t feel anything about what anyone in that family says about me. So it’s nothing for you two to worry about.

“Don’t make that face. I’m not family with those people in the first place, so it doesn’t matter what a complete stranger says.”

“That’s fine then, but……are you sure you’re okay with the greeting?

“Of course. I just have to smile, don’t I?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Well then, Percival, I’m going to go and smile a bit.”

“Yeah, go for it.” 

Aurora urged me to stand by the Duke of Bloomfield. Of course, with a smile on my face.

The Earl of Aldridge, who is in the hall, looks at me suspiciously.

“I have someone to introduce to you all today.”

When the His Excellency the Duke says this in a voice that carries through the hall, the rustling, bustling tea party becomes quiet.

“I am sure you are all aware that our Bloomfield ducal family has been assisting the academy’s brightest students in the form of scholarship students.”

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It is considered a virtue for aristocrats to give service and donations. It seems to be a well known story that the ducal family supports the academy, which trains students who will serve the country in the future.

Though my former family, the Earl’s family, did nothing. If you pride yourself on being an expert in magic, you should probably be actively involved in such organisations. That man only thinks about himself.

“This time, our ducal family has decided to offer full support to a truly outstanding student. I would like to introduce him to you all. Mr Sapphiras.”

Prompted by His Excellency the Duke, I took a step forward and bowed my head with a smile. It seems that I’m more mysterious when I’m silent, so today’s outfit was chosen with that atmosphere in mind. The smooth black suit matches my black hair, and the collar is delicately embroidered with silver thread. How much gold did that cost? I shuddered, but Aurora told me it wasn’t much for the ducal family.

So my smiling greeting seemed to have passed, and the Duke nodded with narrowed eyes.

“He is a magician who can freely manipulate a lot of magic at such a young age. He is a young man worthy of the support of our Bloomfield ducal family. Please remember his face today when you go home.”

Applause echoes in the hall. I glance towards the Earl of Aldridge, who is trembling with a blue face. He must have been surprised. The son whom you kicked out because he doesn’t have magical power is now attending an academy where he should have been expelled long ago, with the support of a powerful nobleman who says he is an excellent magician with a promising future. Moreover, since he had just declared a few moments ago that I had nothing to do with Perfectio, there was no way he could say that I was his own son now.

The scholarship sponsored by the academy has a proper examination and is a system that has been accredited by the government, so it is impossible to accuse anyone of cheating.

Since I had been introduced, I asked him with a glance if I could show a magic thing instead of a self introduction, and the duke nodded his head with a hawkish smile, so I called up a pretty actor who was suitable for a tea party.

“My dear friend, Cait Sith1.”

Cait Sith popped up from the summoning formation drawn on the ground.

“Did you call me nya, Master!”

“Show off your cute side to all the guests here.”


Cait Sith did a flip somersault, gave an exaggerated, theatrical nod, and began to dance lightly. The ladies exclaimed how cute it was. I made the petals soar according to Cait Sith’s movements, scattering light and adding colour to his stage.

Cait Sith first greeted the Duchess and Aurora politely, handing them each a small rose with his long tail. Then it danced around among the people, stepping nimbly and handing flowers to the ladies and daughters in the audience as well.

This kind of magic is about having the right person in the right place. It is also a magician’s skill to choose the right phantom beast to summon, depending on the place and the atmosphere.

However. The audience was just getting into the mood, but a voice broke the mood.

“What, since it’s said that you’re outstanding, I wondered what kind of phantom beast you were going to summon……don’t get carried away with a summoned beast of that calibre.

……Erm, who is that guy?

“Earl Brooks’ son, Willide Patterson sama. Magical nobles second only to the Perfectio family.’

Aurora, sensing my confusion, gently tells me.

“……Is the upbringing in the Earl Brooks family ok?”

Even I, a commoner, know that it’s not a good idea to make a scene here. It’s a tea party at the Duke’s house. Moreover, it’s a tea party in which the head of the family is also present.

And at that tea party, the head of the family himself went out of his way to introduce me to the invited guests. It seems that the boy doesn’t understand the meaning of that at all. How dare you bring such an ignorant child with you. I wonder if the magical nobles uses magic in exchange for manners and common sense.

“Your Excellency the Duke! I can summon a summoned beast stronger than that one! Let us see it now! From the white land, king of the white wolves, Fenrir2!’

A blizzard blew up from the summoning circle and the invitees screamed. A giant bull-like Fenrir rushes out with a roar that echoes through the ground.

Tables fall over and the sound of breaking dishes echoes.

Wait! Wait! That’s the Duke’s tea set! How much do you think it costs? Smashing it with a crash, can the Earl compensate for it?

Even though there are ladies here, I see a magical picture of a snivelling, screaming world unfolding before my eyes. I let my gaze slip far away, unable to look at the Duke.


As I am looking away, Percival rushes over to me.

“Ah~, Percival……this disaster, it’s not my fault, is it?”

I did as His Excellency the Duke said and smiled silently. I even properly got permission for the unveiling magic.

“Ah, Sapphiras did nothing wrong……he just doesn’t know the etiquette of the nobility.”

Oh, what’s going on with this fuss?


melon: another idiot appears~


resembles a black cat with a white spot on its chest


a wolf

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