Single Dog Ending system

Chapter 100: CH 100

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Qin Lang took Mu Yin and introduced him to Qin Jiang: “Xiao Yin, this is Qin Jiang, Major General Qin, and my foster brother. Mu Yin, my wife.”

Mu Yin: “Hello.”

Qin Jiang nodded at him, and said to Qin Lang: “Lord, then I will leave first, I will visit your house another day.”

“Mm.” Qin Lang watched him leave.

Turning his head, he saw Mu Yin looking at him aggrievedly. Qin Lang pretended not to see the little fox jealousy, and raised the corner of his lips, “What were you talking about with that child just now?”

“He asked me to do magic tricks for him, and I refused.”

Qin Lang nodded, and said domineeringly and bluntly: “Mm, you can only show it to me alone. You will refuse anyone who asks in the future.”

“I know.” Mu Yin said sullenly, wanting to say something but didn’t say anything.

The two of them were talking at a normal volume at this time, the youth in the corridor looked at them embarrassedly. Obviously, the request he just made to Mu Yin was regarded as striking up a conversation by the Duke.

Qin Lang released Mu Yin’s hand and let him go into the classroom.

Red classroom has more courses to learn than the other three. Not only do they have to learn how to advance one’s companion beasts, they also need to understand the characteristics of various monsters, and even some plants and geographical environments that are beneficial or harmful to one’s companion beasts, as well as the matching and basic repair of beast armor in order to deal with various situations when encountering monster attacks after joining to the military.

This can basically be regarded as one subject, but all four subjects must be passed in order to graduate. Those with serious partiality or failing two or three subjects were left in Red six. If one fails all four subjects, they will face being expelled or transferred to White Winged. This would undoubtedly be a humiliation for the nobles with great reputation.

In front of the classroom, Qin Lang glanced at the dozens of students sitting upright in the classroom, and briefly introduced himself: “I’m Qin Lang, your instructor.”

His resolute face, without anger and self-arrogance, made those scumbags, who were still almost close to repeating grades in Red six, not dare to make any mistakes. They all sat up and looked at Qin Lang. Anyone caught by Qin Lang’s eyes swallowed unconsciously, expressing that they couldn’t bear the pressure from Qin Lang.

“Let me remind you that under my command, it won’t be easier than other instructors. If anyone dares to cry out in front of me, I will directly ask him to drop out of school or transfer to White Winged.” Qin Lang gave a warm smile. “I hope you understand that this is not a place for you to have fun and waste your life.”

The students couldn’t help whispering and set their eyes on Mu Yin. Mu Yin looked very weak. If he complained, would Qin Lang also make him drop out of school?

Mu Yin, who was getting stared at suspiciously, doesn’t have any expression on. His cold appearance was surprisingly similar to Qin Lang.

…Could this be the legendary couple? Big iceberg plus small iceberg?

“Report!” At this moment, a sudden voice came from the door. His figure blocked the few lights that were projected into the classroom from the door.

“His highness? Why did his highness come to our Red six?”

“It’s not for the Duke, right?”

“Impossible…From Red one to Red six? Who wants to.”

Mu Yin listened to the whispers of the people around him, and looked at Yuan Heng, who was standing at the door anxiously looking at Qin Lang, without a expression.

Qin Lang nodded: “Come in, find a seat by yourself and sit down.”

“Yes.” Although he didn’t understand whether Qin Lang really wanted to make things difficult for him as others said, Yuan Heng entered the classroom, looked around, and chose to sit next to Mu Yin, who had a vacant seat.

The whispers in the classroom gradually turned noisy. What’s the situation? His highness actually arrived at Red six! And he even dares to sit next to the duke’s wife?!

Qin Lang frowned, “Quiet!”

Even though Qin Lang’s voice was not very loud, the classroom quickly became quiet.

The first class went well. Although Qin Lang was only talking about the basics, those who have been listening in Red six for years did not dare to act impatiently or badly.

After class, before Qin Lang left the classroom, he glanced at Yuan Heng who was talking with Mu Yin, very friendly.

Anyone who sees Yuan Heng’s actions like this will think he was getting back at Qin Lang. There were so many empty seats, yet he went to sit next to Mu Yin. It’s alright to sit, but when Qin Lang just left, he decided to talk to Mu Yin with a smile.

There is nothing more provocative to a man’s dignity than prying into one corner.

Sure enough, the assistant instructor came to invite Yuan Heng shortly after Qin Lang left, saying that Qin Lang wanted to talk to him.

Oh oh oh! Going to fight!

The students in the classroom pretended to be indifferent, but as soon as Yuan Heng left the classroom, the pot exploded.

Only Mu Yin was still sitting in his seat, looking like he was in a daze.

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There was a knock on the door of the lounge, and Qin Lang said “come in”.

Each instructor in Winged has a separate room, there’s no communal office because people here have their own companion beast so they are very concerned about privacy. Such things as surveillance are generally used by the military, ordinary people won’t install them.

Qin Lang’s office is spacious and decorated in a low-key and luxurious way. The outer area where the sofa is is for seeing guests, and there is a comfortable big bed and a bathroom inside.

The housekeeper prepared a cup of tea for Yuan Heng. Qin Lang took a sip of the tea in his cup, then put it down slowly, and said to Yuan Heng at the door, “Please take a seat.”

Yuan Heng was a little nervous, hesitated for a moment, and sat on the sofa opposite Qin Lang.

“Does your Highness know why I asked you to come to Red six?” Qin Lang leaned back on his wheelchair and narrowed his eyes slightly at him.

Although Yuan Heng kept hearing various speculations from his classmates on the way here, he still shook his head.

The corner of Qin Lang’s mouth curved slightly, “Because your ability is not up to standard, you can only be in Red six.”

“…” Yuan Heng’s face turned pale. He lowered his head, and clenched his pants with his hands on his knees.

Qin Lang lightly looked away from his hands: “Why, your highness also thinks I’m humiliating you?”

Yuan Heng raised his head to look at Qin Lang, and shook his head again, he meant ‘don’t know’, not a sure ‘no’.

Qin Lang chuckled twice, he couldn’t tell if he was mocking him, “Yuan Heng, you are the first prince, you need to know what you should do.”

Unlike ordinary people calling him ‘your highness’ and ‘eldest prince’, Yuan Heng became less nervous, “Sir, I don’t understand…”

Qin Lang asked, “What’s the purpose of his majesty sending you here?”

Yuan Heng thought for a while: “Make me stronger, like a prince, like…you.”

“Then did you do it?”

Yuan Heng shook his head for the third time: “No, I can’t do it, I can’t be as good as you.”

Qin Lang took in his expression completely with his eyes: “You are really disappointing.”

“…” Yuan Heng lowered his head again.

Qin Lang frowned and said sternly: “Raise your head and look at me. You are a noble prince, except for his majesty, no one can make you bow your head.”

“…” Yuan Heng had no choice but to look up at Qin Lang.

“Just because everyone thinks that you can’t do it, that you have no talent, and you think so yourself, so you didn’t ask yourself to put in a 100% effort? You even think like this – I’m just a person who has lived with the common people for more than 20 years, how can I be compared to the prince who has received a higher education in the palace. Even if I am worse than them, it is a matter of course, there is nothing to compare to?” Qin Lang’s words hit the nail on the head, making Yuan Heng habitually want to lower his head.

“Raise your head, don’t look away.” Qin Lang still frowned, “I can see that you are not a cowardly person. His majesty only has two princes. What you have to do is not only to be like a prince, but also prepare to be the heir to the kingdom.”

Yuan Heng’s face changed: “This…but, but younger brother he is very good, I don’t want to fight with him.”

A cold light flashed across Qin Lang’s eyes, but he quickly calmed down: “Even if you don’t fight, there will always be accident in the world. If his majesty and Yuan Qi encounter my situation, what will you do?”

“I…I…don’t know.”

“You have to know. If the royal family becomes a mess, those generals who have military power are without no selfishness. What will they do then? Will the other three kingdoms take advantage of the chaos to plunder our Yi Kingdom? At that time, you are a sinner without any power because of your incompetence, it has plunge the country in crisis.” Qin Lang stabbed him mercilessly, “It didn’t happen doesn’t mean that there won’t be any accident. You have to be prepared for all kinds of accidents, this is your responsibility.”

“You say you can’t be like me, do you know how I did it? I’m not a genius nor was I not born with special power. It’s just that I know what I have on my shoulders, so I never dare to slack off. You only heard Qin Jiang say that no instructor has punished me because I am impeccable, but you don’t know how long I have been practicing alone on the training field for this impeccability. A beautiful 100% requires 200% of effort .”

Yuan Heng was speechless.

Qin Lang curled the corners of his lips again and looked at Yuan Heng: “It’s not that you can’t do it, it’s that you didn’t try your best. Go back and don’t let me down again.”

Yuan Heng stood up as if his body was out of his control and left the room.

“Hu, pretend so much my saliva is dry now.” Qin Lang took a sip from the teacup.

The system gloated on his face: “The little fox left a silver consciousness on your wedding ring, he was watching. The stupid eldest prince hasn’t come back to it yet, your little fox is not stupid, so he must listen to you coming forward for the eldest prince good. Ouch, seeing two rivals in one day. Host, can your flower tolerate it?”

Qin Lang looked disgusted but couldn’t hide the excitement, and said: “Twenty-five, shut your crow’s mouth.”

System: “…” Don’t think that I couldn’t see that you did it on purpose, trying to stimulate your husband so that he could punish you ‘forcefully’!

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