Single Dog Ending system

Chapter 16: CH 16

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“It was a heat stroke.” The school doctor disinfected the back of Qin Lang’s hand and stuck the needle into his blue blood vessel. “Military training hasn’t started yet and so many have already got heat stroke. You are the worst one today, all burn up. Is there something really urgent that you have to run outside. Do you know how much time you spend outside today? Don’t you know how to cherish your own body?”

Qin Lang’s face turned pale, keeping his head down and didn’t speak. The doctor hung up the IV drip for him and went out. Only Qin Lang and Ye Qian were left in the room.

“Today…” Qin Lang still lowered his head, scratching his fingernails. “Thank you for today.”

Ye Qian looked at the little habitual movement of the person in front of him, he sneered with his arms crossed: “You’re welcome.”

Qin Lang pursed his chapped lips, his five fingers curled up. He doesn’t know what is wrong with him, he unconsciously says: “Today I met Chen Ziyu. I have the same dorm as him so I went to the counselor to change the dorm. The university is too big so I stayed out for a long time…”

“Oh, what’s this got to do with me.” A flash of annoyance flashed in Ye Qian’s eyes. Although his words are indifference but his heart is aching. So, in fact, it was because of him. It was him who forced Qin Lang to find the counselor in the campus that he didn’t know well enough to change dorms.

It’s him who makes Qin Lang get heatstroke. It’s all because of him!

[Ding, Ye Qian – blackening value -10, the current blackening value is 60.]

Qin Lang was embarrassed: “No…nothing.” I just thought you seem a little pissed off, it seems that I think too much.

The two were quiet for a while. Qin Lang wanted Ye Qian to go first but he didn’t know what to say. He always felt that if he told Ye Qian to leave, Ye Qian would be angry.

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere was broken by a boy getting carried to the bed next to Qin Lang who was crying like a ghost and howling like a wolf.

“Wu……ah……lightly lightly…” the wailing boy looked at the school doctor holding the disinfection tool with a look of fear. That expression was not much different from someone who’s going to die.

“Bear with it!” After the school doctor said that, they started without any hesitation.

Qin Lang couldn’t see the school doctor movement from his angle, he only saw the boy trembling all over looking pale as if he would die soon.

The boy cried out in pain, the roommate who brought him couldn’t bear to look at him anymore, “Are you still a man? It’s not too serious, why are you so afraid of pain?”

The boy was still crying as if he hadn’t heard him.

The roommate has an expression like he couldn’t bear it so he abandoned him and left first. “I’ll bring you dinner. See you in a while.”

The boy wiped his tears and nodded.

After a while, the boy’s sobbing stopped. He took something out of his pocket and turned his head to ask Qin Lang: “Dude, do you have paper?”

Qin Lang handed him what was in his bag. The two beds are not far apart so he raises his hand to accept it.

Ye Qian didn’t even look at the boy. Sitting next to Qin Lang, he looked up at the liquid, then lowered his head to play with his phone again.

“My name is Xiao Ai. Buddy, are you also a freshman? What happened?” The boy slows down, with a bright face he asks Qin Lang. He’s a very sunny and enthusiastic young man.

“It’s heatstroke.” Qin Lang answered in a low voice, it seemed like he was a little embarrassed.

“I accidentally fell from the top bunk. My god, how hard is that bed frame! I nearly broke my knee!” When Xiao Ai recalled it, he looked like he was going to die again. “Well, what is your major? You are tall, there must be a lot of senior sisters rushing to you. It is estimated that your future college life will be very colorful.”

Hearing this, Ye Qian finally raised his head and glanced at the boy. After a cold sweep, it retreated.

“Finance major…” After Qin Lang answered, he saw Ye Qian looking at him unhappily. His heart dropped slightly, did he do anything wrong? Why does Ye Qian look so unhappy?

Xiao Ai also saw that the cold-faced guy is not easy to mess with so he didn’t talk anymore. He played games on his phone instead.

The boy’s roommate is also a good man as he quickly came to pick him up. When Qin Lang finished the IV drip, it was already 9 o’clock at night. The fluids flow slowly because of his vomiting due to heat stroke, the doctor was afraid that he would not be able to bear it so they just slowed it down. It is not easy to have adverse reactions such as nausea and discomfort.

On the way back, the two were silent. Although Qin Lang was uncomfortable but the two of them were still peaceful. Ye Qian has also been with him all the time, Qin Lang was also a little moved.

After being moved, he felt a little guilty again. He left suddenly that day, didn’t even say anything, Ye Qian must be very angry right?

Qin Lang entered the dorm with a complicated mood. After Ye Qian stepped in, ‘pa da’, the door was locked.

Qin Lang hadn’t even reached his bed yet when Ye Qian grabbed his right hand without the needle inserted and pulled him over and pressed him against the door.

Ye Qian pressed his hand on top of his head, his other hand was caught by Ye Qian’s wrist. He’s still a little weak now, even if Ye Qian didn’t use much strength, he still couldn’t break free.

“You what…” the words hadn’t been said before Qin Lang’s mouth was sealed.

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Qin Lang’s eyes widened and looked at the curled eyelashes of his former desk mate. His heart began to beat violently. Ye Qian actually kissed him!

Ye Qian didn’t give him a chance to resist at all. While he was astonished and defenseless, a hot and moist tongue slid into his mouth and quickly entangled with his tongue, licking, sucking, forceful and domineering.

After a long while, just when Qin Lang thought he was going to faint, Ye Qian finally let him go.

He heard Ye Qian say in his ear with a hoarse voice: “Starting today, I am your boyfriend.”

“Ye Qian!” Qin Lang felt that Ye Qian was a little unreasonable, “didn’t I tell you last time, I don’t…”

“Don’t what?” Ye Qian bent the corners of his mouth, a pair of black eyes looked at him with ridicule, “You don’t like me?”

Qin Lang turned his head away, gritting his teeth: “That’s right, I don’t like you!”

Ye Qian chuckled twice like he was not angry at all. He pinched Qin Lang’s chin, forcing Qin Lang to look at him: “Do you know, every time you lie or make some other excuse, you don’t dare to look into my eyes. You don’t like me? Now, do you dare look into my eyes and say that you don’t like me?”

“You!” Qin Lang was angry and annoyed, his face also turned red, half angry and half embarrassed. At last, he turned his head away angrily again, his brows furrowed, “I don’t agree with it anyway.”

Ye Qian stopped pressing him, freeing him completely from the door panel, but the man’s face was still not angry at all. Instead, he had a smile on his face. Then Qin Lang looked at those lips that had just kissed him fiercely, said: “Whether you agree or not, it’s already set.”

“Fuck!” Qin Lang glared at him. He wanted to beat him up but he couldn’t even muster up any strength. His heart is simply incomprehensible!

“Fuck?” Ye Qian narrowed his eyes, looking up and down his whole body then laughed. “There will be military training tomorrow. You also just got a fever, I’m afraid you can’t stand the movement. Just wait a few days.”

“!!!” Qin Lang lost it.

“What the fuck!” Qin Lang laughed at the system. “Qianqian 666! He’s so tough. I think it is very likely that he would rape me in the dorm!”

The system is expressionless: “Don’t think I can’t hear, you’re actually excited!”

“Oh, I’m not joking. I really think he’s going to fuck me in the dorm!” Qin Lang angrily lay down on his bed with his backs to Ye Qian, he continued to chat with the system, “I already thought about it, I feel as though he was stimulated for suddenly kissing me tonight.”

System: “What stimulates him? You dying because of heatstroke stimulated him?”

“No. Do you remember Xiao Ai in the infirmary? He said someone like me, many sisters will like it. Qianqian must have heard this sentence and felt the danger so when we came back, he told me to be his boyfriend and just kiss me today. In a few days if I provoke him a little more, he will definitely fuck me.” Qin Lang thought about it, “Think carefully, this dorm is a bit like a small black room! There’s no way to find a counselor to change dorms! No matter what Ye Qian did to me, as long as the roommate gets along, the teacher will not change. But me, I used to like him, no matter what he did to me, I can’t tell it either.”

System: “At the end of the day, you just can’t hide from being caught!”

Qin Lang: “Hey, don’t look so disgusted. Sex life is an important means to promote the sublimation of lover’s feelings. Do you dare to say that you and your family Zerozero don’t love sex?”

“Yea! Bye-bye!” The system disappeared in seconds.

“…” The system ran away, Qin Lang could only talk to himself now. “What a pity, the dormitory is like a traditional black room. The confinement effect is still too weak and the sound insulation is not good either. I don’t have to stay here, I can also go out and live! But how do I go out and live? Pretty mom’s side is too far from school. If I just say that I want to move out, pretty mom would be suspicious. So, I need money to rent it myself. So here comes the question, where do I get the money from? Oh, I lent Ye Qian 500,000 yuan before! I said it would be returned after a year. But there is no repayment period on the IOU. Right now, it is Qianqian who has money. If he says no, then it won’t be returned! So what can I do? In addition to agreeing to the debtor’s request, what else can I do? Then the problem comes again, what will the demand of the debtor be? Ao, so sad. It won’t be any perverted play, right?

System: “……..” What the hell! Why do I suddenly have the urge to kneel, dedicating my knees to these two big bosses?

Ye Qian’s lips curved into an arc. He slowly swayed back to his bed, he tidied up the things on his desk. In a good mood, he also helped Qin Lang clean up.

The corner of his eyes glanced at Qin Lang’s closet. That’s because Qin Lang didn’t close it since he got heat stroke at noon. He sighed helplessly. This man is always so careless. If his roommate is not him, he’s afraid that even if something was stolen, he wouldn’t even know it.

Qin Lang seemed to have really fallen asleep. From Ye Qian’s angle, he can see his mouth slightly open, a bit of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Is he tired today? How long has it been since he got to sleep like this?

Ye Qian’s eyes softened. Just as he was about to help Qin Lang close the closet, he accidentally caught a glimpse of something in the closet. That was the porcelain doll he gave Qin Lang for his eighteen birthday.

After Ye Qian closed the wardrobe, he walked lightly to Qin Lang’s bed and sat on the edge. He turned the air conditioner to sleep mode. After covering Qin Lang with a quilt, he gently stroked Qin Lang’s face again.

You’re really you, you’re not good at lying at all. Even when you moved, you didn’t forget to throw away the gifts I gave you and even brought it to the dorm. It’s just like you, are you not ashamed to say that you don’t like me?

Ye Qian leaned down, placed a kiss on Qin Lang’s slightly opened lips.

The one just now was the punishment for leaving without saying goodbye, this is the real kiss. Good night, my little prince.

[Ding, Ye Qian – blackening value -5, the current blackening value is 55.]

[Ding, Ye Qian – favorability 2, the current favorability is 92.]

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