Single Dog Ending system

Chapter 83: CH 83

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“So, my husband turned black because I really died…” Qin Lang felt a little sad after saying it.

The system is not used to seeing this sudden appearance of his host, who has always had victory with his grasp, interrupting Qin Lang’s thoughts: “I forgot to remind you that your extra mission has been completed.”

“Huh?” Qin Lang couldn’t remember what the extra task was for a while, “What is it?”

The system choked for a moment and said, “You actually forgot? The extra task is to make Ling Liang heartbroken and cry.”

“…It’s really that idiot style.” Qin Lang murmured, “Fortunately, it’s this. If it’s like ‘getting Tang Xiaorou’s love’, then it’s embarrassing me. After all, I’m not a scumbag…”

The system made a perfunctory “hmmm”.

Then one person and one system fell silent.

Half a minute later, Qin Lang stretched his limbs and collapsed on the sofa, wailing, “Fuck! It’s so boring!!!”

The system finally got the chance to taunt: “Hehe, dear host, you chose to become a zombie yourself.”

“…” He regretted it for the Nth time.

Half an hour later, the system saw that its host pulled a bunch of zombies to start a zombie party, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Lights, music, and zombie waiters with drinks and snacks are indeed the correct way to open the single thought.

The system couldn’t bear it anymore and said: “Okay, okay. I’ll give you a map of high-level zombies, you can play as a big boss.”

High-level zombies have a certain self-consciousness, and they can communicate with each other. The Great Qin, the drama master, immediately decided to challenge the role of a real zombie boss.

In the original story, Liang Cheng is the second villain who likes the female protagonist. He is very arrogant. In his eyes, everything is just a game. In the original story, he would look for opportunities to kill Ling Liang from time to time, so Qin Lang should quickly become the boss of all zombies and reunite with Ling Liang as soon as possible. Just in case.

For example, the special inspection methods that Ling Liang and the others encountered were Liang Cheng’s methods. Before that, there was no problem with the inspection at the base entrance. The instrument was fully able to detect it. The so-called infected person who accidentally sneaked into the base was deliberately put in by Liang Cheng’s subordinates.

Those who had just been bitten still retained clear consciousness and breathing. Before they could even say goodbye to their families, they were directly shot because of Liang Cheng’s order.

Humans are selfish and inherently afraid of death. The people who were safe in the base did not feel that Liang Cheng’s methods were cruel and cold-blooded at all, but felt that Liang Cheng, who had protected them in time, was decisive and calm. Liang Cheng naturally became a strong leader of the base and was supported by the base people.

If one wants to enter the base after that, one will have to go through a lot of inspections. The reason why Liang Cheng let everyone enter the room once and put on a bomb with a button is to completely isolate the infected person and dealt with on the spot. Now as long as he said it was an infected person, those people were just startled, but no one will doubt it.

Liang Cheng obviously wanted to develop a kingdom that completely belonged to him in this chaotic apocalypse.

From the bar to the location of the high-level zombies, there are a few survivors along the way. Qin Lang can no longer drive around the city in a convertible sports car. He can only approach slowly and leisurely like a zombie.

Qin Lang didn’t break his hands or legs, and his body was intact. Of course, he didn’t have to walk in a weird posture like those ugly zombies. Aside from his slightly stiff movements, from a distance, he was as indistinguishable as a normal person.

As for up close, there is definitely a difference. For example, his pale complexion, his eyes as light as colored glaze, his bloodless lips, and his cold facial contours is very much like the vampire boy from the comics. His appearance was a degree higher than before, everything is fine except for a small defect, he had to wear the same clothes he had when he parted ways with Ling Liang. He couldn’t take a shower, so he was a little sloppy.

Qin Lang walked step by step. Physically, he did not feel tired, but mentally, he was tired, so he chatted with the system: “Tong, I suddenly thought of a question, do I have a corpse odor?”

The system was silent for two seconds: “You don’t have a heartbeat anymore, you have a walking corpse, is there any corpse odor in your mind to tally? There would still be rotten spots, but you said you want a perfect appearance, so I got rid of that.”

Qin Lang: “Damn it! Quick, Tong, let me get rid of this too. When my husband and I meet again, he bursts into tears and wants to kiss me, but my mouth is full of rotting corpse stench… heaven, it’s like the scene of a car accident, can’t bear to look!”

“…” The system was silent for another two seconds, “I think it’s possible for him to cry with joy, but as soon as he comes up and kisses a zombie, is he not afraid that you will bite his tongue and mouth and eat it into your stomach? That scene is more tragic, right?”

“Oh…before I turned into a zombie, he wanted me to eat him directly, is he still afraid that I will bite his mouth?” Qin Lang finished talking, then continued, “I forgot, my husband and I were doing love exercise at that time, you are blocked and don’t know.”

The system rolled his eyes, ignoring the words that he suspected that he was showing off love, “That’s what he said, but he’s a human being. It’s one thing to be willing, and another thing to be afraid. It’s okay to be afraid.”

Qin Lang stopped and thought about the system’s words for a while. He didn’t continue the topic after that, and he didn’t mention the corpse odor issue. He just let the system play a movie for him. After the movie, he would reach the territory of his future younger brother.

After two and a half hours on foot, Qin Lang finally arrived.

This is the University of Science and Technology in the north of K City. As soon as he got here, Qin Lang thought of an inconspicuous plot in the original story – among the survivors in the University of Science and Technology, there is Qin Lang’s high school classmate who will escape into the base three days later.

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Now, his future younger brother, the advanced zombie, is surrounding this high school classmate and other living people with him. Qin Lang blinked, a hint of slyness flashed in his glazed eyes.

Liu Yong has been trapped in the convenience store opposite the University of Science and Technology for two weeks. At that time, when the virus broke out, Liu Yong was shopping with his girlfriend in the convenience store. There were also some other customers in the store. Who knew that a man covered in blood would suddenly run in. He said that it was crazy outside and monsters bit people everywhere.

The store manager closed the door of the convenience store in time. They were in the same situation as Ling Liang in the school’s canteen. They were informed of the situation outside through surveillance. Fortunately, the bloody man who entered the convenience store was stained with other people’s blood and was not injured, otherwise it would be impossible for more than a dozen people in their store to stay safely for two weeks.

In two weeks, they rescued more than a dozen students who escaped from the University of Science and Technology. Now, the food in the convenience store is running out. If they stay any longer, they will starve to death.

Liu Yong had read a lot of news, and many of them were trapped people who were so hungry that they would eat the flesh and blood of the same kind. Most of the convenience stores are filled with people they don’t know, and no one can tell if that kind of bloody thing will happen.

So today, he and the people in the store suggested escaping. Escape is a life-and-death situation, and staying is a life-and-death situation—no one believes that anyone will come to the rescue.

Outside the convenience store, there is the manager’s truck, and the truck’s compartment is large enough to accommodate twenty or thirty people. As long as they leave the store and quickly get in and close the door, they can leave the place. This kind of risk is worth trying.

After confirming for the third time that there were no zombies wandering in front of the store, the group opened the store and ran to the truck. The store manager went to the front to start a fire, and Liu Yong took the key to unlock the back of the car.

“Hurry up, hurry up…” The person behind urged.

Liu Yong’s forehead was covered in sweat, forcing himself to temporarily forget about the zombies and open the lock wholeheartedly. After a crisp sound, the lock was opened, and then there was another burst of ‘creak creak’, the lock was thrown away, and the door opened wide. A group of people climbed up to the truck one after the other.

What they didn’t know was that the surrounding zombies had been waiting for them for a long time. When they were in a hurry, you stepped on me and I pulled you into the truck, the zombies came from all directions to surround them.

The store manager, who had already started a fire, had no more good intentions to check whether the people behind him got in the truck. He stepped on the accelerator to the end and quickly left the convenience store.

Those who were still clinging on the truck door and climbing up were brought down by inertia and fell into the group of zombies. Within a few seconds, the screams disappear with the speed of the zombies. They were dragged on the ground by the truck, rubbed the ground with blood oozing out, and were dragged by the zombies that chased after them. Half of their body was eaten alive, and the remaining half of their body was hung on the door handle. Their eyes were wide open in horror with pain and blood dripping down. The ground swayed in front of everyone in the car. The people in the truck were not safe too as the store manager was driving at a crazy speed. Several people in the car were thrown out.

Liu Yong’s shoulder hurt from the collision in the car. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his girlfriend to the inside. The zombies behind him gradually couldn’t catch up so he closed the door.

The speed is still fast, but much more stable than at the beginning. The zombies, who were some distance away from the truck, suddenly stopped chasing them strangely, and just stared at them going away.

Liu Yong took a deep breath and started to close the door with another boy. His line of sight inevitably saw the zombie group getting further and further away from them. The zombie group that was still chasing after them now stood still looking quite strange. It wasn’t known when the strange figure appeared at the front of the zombie group.

Liu Yong subconsciously felt that the figure was familiar. The door gradually closed, but before it finally closed, the figure at the front of the zombies turned around. The man’s pale face was clean, unlike the zombies behind him, his clothes were intact, and there was no blackened blood on his body. With cold and delicate facial features, Liu Yong knew that he was not wrong. That is his high school classmate, Qin Lang.

“Brother Yong, what’s the matter?” The girlfriend handed Liu Yong a bottle of water. There was still a small batch of goods left in the truck, enough for the truck of people to eat for a few days. Now they are far away from the city and are temporarily safe.

“I… I seem to have seen my high school classmates among the zombies. It’s Qin Lang, you were in A school before, you should know…” Liu Yong took a sip of water and was a little dazed, especially when he thought of Qin Lang’s light-colored pair of eyes.

“Then he…” The girlfriend swallowed, “Has he also become a zombie?”

Liu Yong shook his head and didn’t say any more. Is Qin Lang a zombie? He didn’t know either.

Qin Lang is now communicating with his younger brother in a ‘Mm mm ah ah’ way. Qin Lang is not actually an aggressive zombie with supernatural abilities, but thanks to the original story, his mental ability is strong so he can order any zombie and make them recognize him as the master.

Qin Lang looked indifferent: “Ah ah… ah ah…” I won’t eat it, thank you, please take it!

Zombie Brother No. 1: “Ah … ah …” Boss, eat it, it’s fresh, but hot.

No. 2 also held a bunch of red and white things that had been mosaicked and put them in front of Qin Lang: “hou hou…” Boss, the brain is the most tender, eat it while it’s hot.

Other younger brothers: “Aah…ahh…” Is the boss a picky eater? It smells so good, my saliva is overflowing.

Qin Lang couldn’t bear it any longer: “Don’t eat, take it away!” He didn’t even bother to pretend ‘ah’.

The younger brothers were yelled at by the boss. They were all timid, all of which looked like ‘the boss is mad, the food must be not delicious enough, I’m really useless, next time I must try my best to let the boss eat the best brain’. They felt sad but strengthened themselves.

Qin Lang, who could read the expressions on the faces of these ugly zombies, touched his temples. Okay, this is the N*2 times he regretted being a zombie.

The system mercilessly laughs like a pig inside his mind.

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