Sire Wolf

Chapter 17: The Human Self

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I couldn’t kill her. Tegan could grill me about it all she liked.

We made it out there with zero problems, besides the girl she’d knocked out in my bedroom. I had closed the door without locking it, so that her pack could make it to her in time. We then made another pit stop at Alice’s for her stuff, and once we reached Bann’s place, Tegan had no problem bringing my so-called foolish heroic act to the higher up.

I was sure Bann was going to have a few choice words for me after Tegan finished breaking in his ear-drums. The guy didn’t step two feet into the house after work before Tegan jumped him with every detail of our escape. I didn’t want to relive my afternoon through Tegan’s tale while she spoke with her father. So I took Alice to my bedroom, where we unloaded her stuff. I could tell Alice was distracted with all of that angry yelling downstairs, but I wasn’t fazed. No part of me regretted what I did tonight. And if I had the chance, I would have saved her myself.

“Hey, we can start unloading your clothes in my closet,” I offered Alice, her beautiful eyes bouncing up to me. That concerned frown she had dissipated, the girl trying her best not to worry about Tegan underneath the floorboards.

“Thanks, Tyler,” she beamed. “And, if it’s any consolation, I understand why you didn’t want to kill Kaylee.”


“Yeah, Kaylee Hunter. She’s Blake’s wife.”

I nearly choked.

“If you killed her, you’d definitely be at war with the Lotus Wolves.”

“Why the fuck did he have his wife hiding in my apartment?”

“Maybe she volunteered. She might not be a beta, but she is still part of the collective.”

“Shit…” I grunted, running my hand through my hair.

“But don’t worry! Tegan only bonked her head! I’m sure she will be fine. But normally, alphas have no problem killing enemy betas. Or claiming enemy omegas for that matter.”

I dropped my shoulders, putting her bag of clothes we took from her apartment on the armchair. “I’m sorry I’m not your typical alpha, Alice. I can’t see myself going around slaughtering people who have no beef with me.”

She tilted her head at me confused.

“The only reason I killed those betas that night was so that I could survive. They were hunting me down.”

“Hmm, you’re not a full alpha, are you?” she said, giving me an off look.

“No, why do you ask?”

She smiled. “Because, I can smell it on you. Your scent is different, and it isn’t as strong as the others.”

“Heh, I thought that was something that came with time. But no, I’m only half wolf. The other half is human.”

“A hybrid?”

“Yeah,” I said, plopping myself on the edge of my bed, watching her join me. “My mom wasn’t a werewolf. Just my Dad.”

She scrunched her face. “I’m almost afraid to ask…”

“Don’t worry. It’s all right. They both died when I was four.”

“I’m so sorry, Tyler.”

“By Blake’s pack,” I admitted, Alice immediately looking away from me as she held her breath.

“He won’t stop until he kills you…” She jerked her head back to me, taking my hand into hers on my lap. “Tyler! I just want you to know that I am no way associated with them!” she pleaded. “Blake’s just been on me for so long, trying to get me into his pack. For the longest, he thought I was a beta. I’d been hiding my scent from him. I only recently slipped up and forgot to take my next dose on time. Even the faintest whiff of my hormones while I’m on heat can be detected by a guy like him. Truth be told, his father killed my father too, Matthew Ryleigh, years ago. But my mother didn’t want anything to do with him, and it took her threatening to kill herself for him to let her go. It was unheard of, but I remember my mother saying she would rather die than be adopted to the Lotus Wolves. Unfortunately, she got her wish, when his betas went after her. She left me with a note, and kissed me goodbye, and gave me away to two strangers. Little did I know, that was the last time I’d see her,” she whimpered. “So you see, the Lotus have harmed both of us in different ways, so when I crossed Blake, I just knew I couldn’t be part of his family. Not after what his father did to mine, even though I technically belonged to him. My foster parents were sweet, but I missed my mom. They took my father from me before I even got to know him. I was young and naïve then, but now that I’m older, I have a better understanding of what I want to do.”

“My condolences, Alice,” I apologized. “I know these werewolves can be territorial on top of being relentless.”

“Which is why I don’t let Blake intimidate me and break me down!” she fired. “I am stronger than that. I know it was dangerous of me to stay on that campus. But I’ve been running all of my life. From the truth, from the Lotus. I’m done running. I want control over which pack I fall in. And, when I saw you, I just stopped resisting my body’s natural cravings. It was hard, you know? Telling my mind that Blake wasn’t for me, while my body gravitated to him. But when you called out to me, Tyler, I just knew I couldn’t deny you.”

“Heh, yeah, that sex was pretty spontaneous, wasn’t it?”

She looked back at me lewdly. “It was also amazing,” she sang.

“I’m still trying to get used to that. I wasn’t always a werewolf. I was turned, recently. Or, awakened. I guess that’s what my uncle is calling it. So even if we had crossed paths before, you wouldn’t have noticed my scent. You can blame my other half for that.”

“I’m glad you awakened when you did. That way, we could find each other. I’ve never been with an alpha before, and I had no intention of meeting you in class. So you can imagine how shocked I was when I caught your delicious scent. However faint.”

“Alice,” I said, stopping her horny train before she got too excited. “I don’t know what you’re expecting me to do with Blake. I want to protect you, I really do, but, you’re the first omega I’ve had sex with. I am not on his level, nowhere near it. Not yet. While I want you to be mine, I would understand if you feel like you need someone stronger to watch your—”

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She stopped me, slipping her tongue in between my mouth to shut me up. Alice caught me off guard, pressing her chest into mine, letting me catch her omega aura again. I wouldn’t fight it, letting her fingers trace my jawline while I leaned my hungry lips against hers. She had my chest going, my hand taking her arm, slowly sailing down her naked thigh under that frilly short skirt.

Once I had fucked her, that sex smell settled down a few notches, which made talking to her like two civilized people possible. But that kiss started to get my blood going again, Alice’s scent banging against the gates to my sex drive.

She pulled back before things got crazy, her soft hues lost in my eyes.

“I don’t care about all of that,” she confessed. “I understood what I was getting myself into. Like I said, your scent wasn’t as strong, yet, I was still being pulled by it. Through scent, I understood you were outranked by Blake. And frankly, I couldn’t care less. I saw in you what I couldn’t see in Blake, or any other power hungry alpha I’ve come across. You’re caring, gentle, yet at the same time, you can be ruthless when it comes to the people you care about. And that’s what matters. I’m tired of the iconic alpha. I want a man who has more than a condescending ego, a pride factor, treating his pack like garbage. Power has done terrible things to these local alphas, and I want to be by your side, and help steer you away from the corrupt pack lifestyle. That is, of course… if you’d let me?”

I smiled. “Are you… asking for me to be your mate?”

“Oh, please?” she expressed, batting her eyelashes flatteringly.

I chuckled. “Well, how could I say no to a face like that?” I complimented, then Alice tackled me down with a happy yelp, dropping my back against the bed while she mounted me.

“Oh, Tyler!” she cheered, wrapping her arms around my neck. “You’ve made me the happiest girl in the world! To be your first mate? I could just, just—” She paused, hiking her knees up to my hips so she could lean out and take a better look at what was poking at her belly.

“Heh, sorry. You got me a little excited,” I confessed bashfully, Alice’s eyes glued to the huge tent between my legs.

“Excited, huh?” she said with a raunchy tint in her voice. “Maybe we should celebrate our pairing up by taking care of it.”

“Yeah?” I growled, cupping her fat cheeks in my hands, ready to slip that underwear strap down. But my uncle was quick with the cock block, barging into my room unannounced.

Alice clenched onto me in a heartbeat, afraid, until she realized the familiar face.

“Would a knock kill you?” I grunted, quickly sitting myself up with Alice still on my lap.

“Hello doll,” Bann greeted Alice, grinning from ear to ear, without shame or hesitation. “Name’s Bann. I’m Tyler’s uncle, and Tegan’s father,” he said, offering her his hand.

She smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Bann. My name is Alice,” she followed, her bubbly voice putting a bigger smile on Bann as she took his offer. “I love your accent!”

He chuckled. “Don’t they all?” he said. “Alice, why don’t you make yourself at home with Tegan and catch yourself something to eat in the kitchen? You can finish unpacking here after I have a word with Tyler.”

“Oh, okay! No problem!” She turned to me, cupping my face, and leaving me with a sweet parting gift. Alice gave me a peck on the lips before she dismounted me and went for the door. “I want to thank you for letting me stay here, Mr. Bann. It’s very sweet of you, with the short notice and all.”

“Ah, don’t sweat it, doll face,” Bann cleared, taking a seat on my computer desk chair. He brought himself down with a girthy grunt, stretching his legs out as he watched Alice close the door behind her. “Wow, you got yourself a knockout, didn’t ya?” He chuckled. “I can see my Beau getting along with her just fine. Seems sweet, like peach cobbler.”

“You don’t have to prep me for this one, Bann, I’m ready for it,” I said, anticipating him blowing my ears out with a lecture.

“Yeah, Beau wasn’t exactly being quiet about it, was she now, lad?”

“Alice knows more about the Lotus than we do,” I stepped in and said. “That girl Tegan wanted me to kill was Blake’s wife.”

“And how does that factor into what we are trying to do here?”

My jaw dropped, that question coming at me from the west field.

I was expecting him to agree with me after disclosing that kind of information. Like I said, she was Blake’s wife. Killing her would start a war I wasn’t prepared for. Instead, Bann sat across from me, peeling his back away from that desk chair, and leaning his elbows over his knees, ready to grill me for sparing Kaylee’s life.

 “You remember I told you I was your old man’s older brother, right? Well, your father wanted to be the alpha head so bad, that he beat the living shit out of me for it. A tad untraditional, for a beta to challenge the alpha of his own pack. Also very unconventional of him to be willing to kill a brother for the title. You can say something had sparked in him, and that it wasn’t an act of jealousy but of serving protection. Can’t lie to ya, I was jealous of his power from the start. Guy never knew how to rest. Always training, getting stronger. For sure, he had a bit of alpha in him too, mate. Usually the title passes down to the oldest son in the new generation, but he was convinced he was the rightful owner of the Sire Wolves. Ali-boy stripped me from command through combat first try, mate. And he earned it. He spared my life, and all I could do was stand there, demoted to beta wolf. My first instinct was to have at him the first chance I got, but, truth be told, he was carrying the Sire Wolves to places I never could. We were dominating turfs, claiming alpha heads, growing our army… at a ridiculous speed, mate! I’d never forget the day I went up to my lil’ brother and said I was proud you gave me that beat down. For a former alpha, that was hard for me to do, but Tyler, I meant every word of it.” He paused, Bann reclining into his seat, composing himself. “I tell you this because I don’t think you remember Alistair. And if you did, you only remembered him as being an American father, not an American threat.”

“My family kept that whole werewolf business out of our lives,” I said.

He chuckled. “Ya mate, I can only imagine why. And if he did introduce you to the lifestyle, it’s something I wouldn't miss. Because you may have some of his features, but you’re nothing like him.”

 “What?” I retorted, taking his statement as an insult.

“Your nose is pointing at a downward angle, away from confrontation. You are crass, and you lack common sense. And that, my friend, is going to get you into more than just a scuffle out in the yard. It is going to get you killed. Now, Beau had every right to be heated. And I give it to ya, Tyler, you are still fresh and new to the business. But after tonight, I’m not pushin’ any more passes your way. You can’t have a soft spot for these fuckers. Don’t think of them as humans, think of them as monsters, or serial killers, which are a different breed entirely.”

“If that’s the case, then, what are we?” I bit back.

Bann had a wicked smile on him, getting off his seat, and approaching me with his hands in his pockets. He intimidated me, the way he stood over my height, giving me savage vibes. That only confirmed what I thought, about all of us werewolves being monsters. Because how could I see the Lotus as killers, and the Sire Wolves as peace-loving wolves? Especially after what he had said about my just-as-territorial father?

Bann was being a hypocrite. He was blind if he couldn’t see that.

“That must be your human side talkin’, Sheila,” he started. “If you weren’t yet aware, all of this is called the circle of fuckin’ life. You can also see it as a game of Survivor. Whatever rocks ya boat. If you allow them to get inside your head, if you give them an ounce of sympathy, they will turn around and bite you in the arse for it. And if you’re expecting some type of compensation, they will turn around and rape ye wife, ye mum, ye sister, and your daughter. So please, do me a favor, and don’t show them any mercy. It’s only a disservice to the ones you love. Now get up, man up, and start taking your responsibilities as an alpha seriously. Starting with protecting Alice, and my daughter. Don’t make me regret saving your arse back there, Tyler.”

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