Siren Song

Chapter 195: 192 Still A Child I + II

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"Heh. Fine. For now I will concede." Planting a kiss on her forehead he released her while chuckling low in his throat.

Unable to say anything Chang slapped a hand to her forehead covering up the burning spot where his soft lips had just touched.

Staring up at him with her eyes wide and lips slightly parted found he had to look away and swallow back his rising desire.

"You know I have been controlling myself for a long time. You should not look at me like that unless you want me to eat you." Warning her with flaming eyes her wide blue eyes became more concerned as she registered his threat. Quickly swooping the clothes from the floor Chang bolted out of the bathroom as if she had a devil on her heels.

As she flew out the door she ran into Justin sitting outside it obviously trying to listen in. Tripping and tumbling with him she fell in an untidy heap tangling with him.

"Whoa girl what's your rush, it sounded like it was just about to good and be time for me to go take a little walk."

"You know what, you both suck!" Rolling away from him she grabbed the clothes and headed to the door where she had her stackable appliances hidden behind what seemed a closet door.

'Haha oh man poor Jian. That guy has it rough with this one.' Leaning on an elbow Justin laughed dryly to himself as he watched her bustling, slightly swaying and stumbling figure.

After loading the washer, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a takeout menu from a drawer and threw it at Justin.

"Take a look at what you want, I'll be back in a sec I have to deal with evil one number one in the bathroom still."

"'Evil one?' Hahaha you're such a child still! Seriously you're going to have to loosen up a little and be able to take some teasing from your hubby!"

"I am not a child!" Coming back from her bedroom, holding a small grey bundle, Chang stuck her tongue out at Justin; still sprawled on the ground looking through the menu.

Taking a deep breath she quickly opened the door to throw her bundle in at the man inside before quickly shutting it again, leaning her body against the frame.

"Yeah you say that you're not but then what's with that? You're acting like he's showing you something you've never seen before. And I'm pretty sure that you've more than seen it by now.." Tilting his head Justin tried to give her a leveling look but it was hard when there were three of her.

"Hah, exactly what it meant, I'm rooting for the big guy in there to make you more shameless." Unashamed he camly explained to her shocked face. "You know this is exactly what I mean, by you're still a child. Enjoy the awkwardness, the attraction, the lust. Give it some time you'll get used to it, and will even want it, him, like this again when he's not."

"Will not!"

"Ah I'm hurt, my love. You don't want me?" From behind she felt the breath on her ear as she heard the words. Jumping forward in exaggerated surprise, as he had opened the door silently, Chang turned and saw his half bare form.

It was almost worse now with pants on, as her eyes wanted to be stuck to the amount of skin that still showed. Even hung low they came up short and slightly tight, they had been several sizes large for her so she had thought they might have fit him better. Stumbling a little after her sudden jump, Jian grabbed her forearm to help steady her with a concerned look.

'It must be too late for me already this man has already been a negative influence on me..'

"Ah don't sneak up in the like that.. Um Justin I can't remember but did we get you any shirts that might fit this guy?"

"What? Why would you want that? That seems like such a shame to have him cover all that up, take a look again."

She did involuntarily at his words only to meet the smirk at the top of her gaze.

"Yes please."

"Fine, I'll be right back." Rising slowly and carefully he made his way to his room.

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"How much have you had to drink Chang?" Helping to hold her steady Jian frowned as he looked down on her.

"Not that much, Justin and I were just sampling my wine cabinet." Holding her fingers up in a pinching motion Chang gestured the amount.

"I would say more than sampling, I could hear the two of you in there. It sounds like you were having a good time, I'm glad. Just do not overdo it."

"Hehe, you're right, maybe a little more. I've been having a good time with Justin, andI actually just made a little something while we were in the kitchen. I was going to bring you some until I smelled what you did, now I'm not so sure you deserve it. Glowering sullenly at him remembering the atrocity Chang stuck her lower lip out as she gave a small hmph.

"You cooked, while this drunk?"

"Yeah just a little something."

"You didn't hurt yourself did you?" As he questioned her, Jian adjusted his grip to her wrists and started to inspect her.

Blushing Chang tried to take her hands back from his tight grip as he exclaimed angrily.

"Ah just look at what you did to yourself!"

Looking at her wrist Jian pointed out a small angry burn she got from the oil splattering back onto her skin.

"Oh. It's fine I didn't feel a thing."

"Of course you didn't, you are too drunk and are being irresponsible." Scolding her tersely Jian continued to check if there was any others pushing up her sleeves with his other hand.

"Hey now! Fine then. You definitely don't get any!" Angered at being scolded like a child she tried to pull herself away from him.

"Did you at least run it under cold water or put ice on it right after?"

"No. I already told you, I didn't feel a thing, it's no big deal." Almost tugging at the point Chang was losing her patience. 'It's fine why doesn't he just let me go?'

"That does not make it fine, come. Forcefully he dragged her into the bathroom and put her hand under the tap he ran fully on cold.

"Ah its so cold!" Gasping in surprise Chang tried even harder to wriggle away from him but he blocked her from behind, trapping her to the sink.

"Behave or I will spank you." Eyes on the small burn he kept under the flow of water Liang Jian Amal threatened the drunk struggling woman in his arms.

"What? You wouldn't dare!" Ceasing her struggling she turned around as much as he let her and gave him a serious warning look.

"Try me." Smiling amusedly at her angry face, Liang Jian Amal watched as her emotions flickered from one to the next across her face before settling back into shocked embarrassment as she stared back.

"Screw you Jian. "

"Please. Don't make me beg. " Turning off the tap he still kept her pinned to the sink letting his words sink in. Right after his words though an unwanted voice, much to his displeasure came from the doorway.

"Oh oh if she's not for it, I volunteer as tribute. I will tribute the shit out of that ass." Waving his arm excitedly Justin stood at the doorway with an exuberant smile showing all his teeth.

Two blank stares met him instantly from the bathroom after his words. One though had a powerful withering force behind it while the other was more incredulous and shocked. Meeting them, his drunken enthusiasm wilted immediately and he put his hand down.

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