Siren Song

Chapter 229: 226 .. I'm Here I + II

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"You know this is truly tiresome. You have made an annoyance of yourself to me Miss Dumont."

"Do you expect me to apologize? You have made yourself far more than an annoyance to me and Jian." Raising an eyebrow Chang was incredulous.

"Hmph." Folding his arms Liang Ju-Long regarded her silently as if deciding how to take care of a tedious task. Feeling a line of sweat roll down her lower back, Chang tried to match his expression and sized him up.

'Jian is so close, how do I get past him in one piece? I need to be smart about this, if I act rashly this will end badly. I need to get to Jian while I have this opportunity.'

'So what is it that you so desperately wish of me, Mr. Liang, that you would have me brought to you in such a brusque fashion? Crossing one leg over another Chang engaged the older man.

"Although your speech and appearance have improved, it appears however that your intelligence has not.

Raising an eyebrow Chang refused to rise to the insult.

"What I want from you is what I have always wanted. For you to stay away from my son. I have no need for you."

"Therein lies the issue Mr. Liang. I have no care for your needs, it is your son's that I care for." Every time Chang said his name she put a heavier inflection as if it were an insult.

"As his father, my demands need to be observed."

"Yet from what I have on served, I would not say that you have that right. In what way have you truly been a sincere father to Jian when he needed it."

"Hold your tongue, you have no right to speak on how I govern and educate my heir."

Snorting Chang shook her head and leaned back, in her anger at the injustice this man had done to Jian she had started to rise forward.

'Just how thick is this guy's head and how cold is his heart?'

"What is this going to take this time Miss Dumont?" Settling in, the leather underneath Liang Ju-Long creaked in protest as he moved.

"For what? For me to leave here and Jian?"

"That is correct."

"Not going to happen." Turning her head à little Chang have him a tight smile while slightly narrowing her eyes.

"This is not a question but merely a statement."

"Oh, I understood you. I am also making a statement. I will not be leaving without talking to Jian. And if all is well what you have stated is not going to happen."

"Now that will not be happening." His beurre losing in displeasure Liang Ju-Long shook his head.

"Woman, do not test my limit, it would be nothing to have you disappear from here at this moment."

Shaken Chang's eyes widened but she quickly tried to bring her face back to impassive.

'Don't let him know that he's shaken you. Remember who you are, he would not dare to kill you. So breathe, think. How do I get past him to Jian?'

"Hah, already you are trembling. Why do you insist on continuing to play a game that you do not hold a hand to." Sneering Liang Ju-Long gave a short derisive laugh in mockery of her.

Hearing his words Chang felt her blood boil, unconsciously her spine became stiffer and her hands curled.

"One, I doubt that you would dare to harm a hair on the head of a Dumont. Do you honestly believe that I came here with no one having prior knowledge as to where I went and what I could come across?

"I will tell you now Liang Ju-Long, if you attempt to bring any harm to me, you will be buried where you will never see the light again." Seeing the glimmer of recognition within his eyes Chang moved on to what truly irked her.

"Two this is not a game. This is Jian's life and my own. How dare you debase our lives and say they are something as trivial as a game. This is why I will continue on, I love Jian, I love having Jian in my life, and so I will fight to have this. I will fight to have him. "

"Hm." Leaning back with his arms folded the leather creaked in protest beneath him as he moved. Looking away in contemplation the only sound that could be heard was their breathing. Chang could feel her anxiety growing by the second in the silence. As the older man said or did nothing more Chang felt it might be a good opportunity to leave.

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"Hopefully you understand now as I shall be taking my leave. Good day, may we never meet again." Nodding her head at the older man still lost in deep reflection, Chang tried to slide past one of the two men seated beside herself.

"You are not going anywhere Miss Dumont." Looking at the men Liang Ju-Long gave a signal. The man she was currently trying to slide past gripped her by her wrist brutally and shoved her back into her seat.

"Ooph! Why are you still detaining me?" Rubbing her sore wrist Chang eyed the man guardedly.

"For my own reasons. You shall only be released when I decide so."

"This is completely unreasonable, release me at once!" Facing his unreasonableness Chang gave up on decorum and yelled at him causing her voice to reverberate through the small enclosed space. If anything her anger and frustration seemed to please him.

".. No." A slight oily smile began to grow on his face after he waited a minute or two to speak.

Fuming Chang stared at the man in front of her who smiled, satisfied with himself, almost completely ignoring the two men beside her.

"You know you may actually be owed gratitude."

"What?" Confused Chang still kept her guard up, wondering what he was coming to.

"You seem to have changed my son's mind about a marriage of convenience. Whatever has transpired between the two of you has led him to be more willing to do what is necessary. I believe that this would have to be your doing if I am not wrong."

"We are actually here today to celebrate his engagement with the Yan's distinguished young lady. Look you can see that is her there with her family arriving now." Nodding his head out the window Chang saw a beautiful young woman emerging from a car with a well dressed older couple.

The young woman's long silken black hair hung in wide curls, cascading down her back and covering the tight pink dress that she wore. Looking at her face, it took Chang only a second to recognize that it was the girl from the photos way back then. She had hardly changed at all over the last few years.

As if awaiting her arrival Jian stepped outside and greeted her. Offering her his arm, the beautiful woman smiled shyly up at him before taking it.

Her mouth dropping open, Chang could only watch as the beautiful girl stepped inside holding onto the man who held her heart.

As the two greeted each other and Jian greeted the girl's parents Liang Ju-Long whispered poisonous words to the back of her ear attempting to taint her mind.

"See do they not make a beautiful couple together. Truly matched in every way as it should be. You could never provide this. Observe closely though and take note from Miss Yan as to how a woman should be."

Seeing him holding another woman Chang did not care that she was separated by a window. Seeing him Chang yelled with all her lungs before she was silenced by a meaty hand.


"Silence! How dare you attempt to ruin things."

As if he heard her voice Jian stopped as he was walking up the steps with the small well-dressed woman. He looked only a couple times before shaking his head and continuing.

With her mouth covered Chang could only glare hatefully at Liang Ju-Long with red eyes.

"Now I actually need to be in there as well, you will stay put here until I return. I shall decide then what exactly I will do with you." Smiling at her the older man gracefully exited and straightened himself before walking in behind them.

'Sorry but I'm not giving up that easy..' Glaring at his retreating figure Chang racked her brain. 'Got it.'

Bracing herself for whatever would come after, Chang got a sizable chunk of the hand that was over her mouth and bit down until she tasted blood. At the sudden pain man yelled in shock and released her. Spitting, Chang got the filth out of her mouth so that she could concentrate.

Taking advantage of his surprise Chang quickly hit the same man as hard as she could in quick succession to the side and front of his throat. Gasping the man's eyes bulged as he clutched at his throat, no longer concerned with her at all.

His partner was far more alert afterand tried to grab her angrily. Rolling to the side and onto the floorboards. Chang managed to avoid his hands and found herself in a spot with good leverage. As the man reached down to grab her Chang smashed her bare heel into his face before moving down to his gut and groin.

With the two men incapacitated Chang rolled over and made her escape. Throwing herself at the door Chang grabbed the handle as she pushed, stumbling in her haste as she only wore one shoe.
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Scraping her hands on the ground, Chang quickly scrambled up and started hobbling to the building Jian had gone inside. Her ankle that had rolled earlier, and it throbbed with her beating heart, but she refused to give up. Shaking off the one shoe as it was only an encumberment now Chang hastened to the restaurant.

Getting to the door and reaching Jian was all that mattered.

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