Siren Song

Chapter 240: 237 Gained More Than Was Los

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"It was nothing Jian, I hope you enjoy." Stretching onto her toes, Chang gave him a small peck back in reciprocation.

"I will. Yet not as much as dessert I am sure." Looking down at her with a wicked grin, Chang was momentarily confused as to just what he meant. When his grin only grew at her confusion, Chang immediately got what he meant. Looking down Chang rested her forehead against his chest.

"What am I supposed to say to that Jian?" Without truly expecting an answer Chang whispered.

"Hmm. That you will be ready to serve yourself up as dessert after dinner." Rubbing his lower lip with his thumb, as if in contemplation, Jian paused before whispering to her already red exposed ear.

"Ah, the food is getting cold, quick let's eat." Not expecting his answer and definitely unable to respond to his proposition Chang tried to divert his attention away. Pushing herself away from his chest, Chang tried to hide her face, which showed how much he flustered her.

Chuckling Liang Jian Amal released her and let her have her way this time. He had no need to rush things now.

Sitting across from him Chang watched him with her chin cupped in her palm happily, until he looked up. Sensing his eyes on her, Chang hastily started to put food in her mouth, pretending to have not been staring the entire time.

"Ow, hot!" Even though the food had been sitting and cooling, it was still piping hot inside scalding her tongue instantly. Puffing her cheeks out she tried cool it in her mouth with her breath. From beside her Jian's hand appeared holding a glass of water.

"Here, drink it slowly. You should be more careful when trying to be covert, also know that you do not need to be. If you wish to stare at me that is fine."

'Busted.' Coughing into a fist Chang looked with wide eyes at the table, before meeting his again somewhat sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, it just feels so surreal still being here with you. It feels so good being here with you, just having dinner with you."

"There is no need for apologies. If you would like we can have dinner together at home every night."

"That sounds really nice, but wouldn't you want to go out sometimes though, maybe just to get out of the house?" 'Wouldn't you get sick of me and my cooking all the time?'

"If you wished, if I am where you are I will be satisfied." Still standing next to her, Jian smiled crookedly and gave a slight shake of his heat.

When he kissed her so tenderly like that, holding the back of her head, Chang felt like she could taste honey and felt it move through her heart. Breaking away, Jian gave her a gentle smile as he gently caressed her cheek.

"I am going to move closer to you now, for the sake of safety."

"That sounds nice, I wanna sit next to you like we did at my house." Giving him what was probably a goofy grin Chang watched him as he moved himself right next to her, instead of being across the table.

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"That's nicer, and much easier with just the two of us. Actually I've been wondering as there hasn't been anyone else here, at least the whole time I've been here. Do you not have anyone helping in your house anymore?"

"No, they had a penchant for letting my father in to invade my personal space. I've only had someone come clean here a handful of times, since I have returned to living here." As he spoke Jian's peaceful expression hardened slightly.
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"Then what do you do for food everyday? How come you have so much fresh food in your house?"

Pressing his lips together Jian seemed to be searching for a suitable answer for her. As curious as she was Chang only wanted to see him smile at the moment. Putting her hand over his in the table, Chang smiled and changed to subject.

"It's ok Jian don't worry about it. It doesn't matter why, or who brought. Since you have it ready here for me to do it, I'll cook it for you. I like it when you eat my cooking, you make me feel like a better cook than I am. Plus it's always better cooking for another than just for yourself."

Humming deep in his throat, Jian turned his hand over and took hers. Rubbing her hand with his rough thumb, Jian looked at it with a loving gaze.

"You are a good cook, whatever you cook I am pleased with, as you made it for me."

"Hehe, since I'm hidden here from your dad, I'm like your personal secret chef. To keep it secret though, it probably wouldn't be safe to have anyone come over, I can keep it clean here too. So I'd be your own private maid too. Isn't it kinda thrilling?" At the thought of getting away with so much, Chang felt a crooked grin grow as she looked at the man sitting next to her.

Seeing her sparkling eyes Liang JianAmal could not help but to chuckle and tease her.

"Hmm, you are right, it is a little thrilling. Especially knowing that I can have my way with my new maid. I may have to even get you a cute little outfit to celebrate as well." Almost instantly her lips went from a wide grin to a tight little pout.

"Pervert, you always think about sex!" Blushing profusely Chang clenched her chopsticks tighter, resisting the urge to swat him in the arm for his perpetual gutter mind.

"Not always... But I am now for sure."

"He heh, you're impossible sometimes." Seeing his exaggerated expression, Chang could only give up and laugh. It was hard to stay angry when he was so playful. It was just hard to stay mad at him period she found

"Only sometimes? What about the majority of the time?" Cocking his head at her Jian probed her playfully.

"I think you can answer that yourself."

"Oh, but maybe I do not know the answer and need you to say it." Despite his easy smile, Jian's eyes searched her seriously, expecting a decisive answer. Taking a deep breath, Chang felt her cheeks warm as she spoke.

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