Sēji Chronicles: The Frozen Forest (Demon Slayer)

Chapter 1: The Frozen Forest: A Bloody Beginning

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The cold...oh how we hate such a thing. Jack should know such a thing, It's always the bitter cruelty of coldness in which everything went oh so wrong, in which his life takes a 90-degree turn towards the burning fire of death, not for him though. No no, he was 'lucky', the ones who suffered the death were rather...close to him, though...

"Daaad!" A young voice called out from outside a large and ancient home, its wood from an age long gone, having to be covered and repaired by the future of wood and tools. The place overall though looks nice, compared to the usual blocky home that lined a city these days, this place looked more like a giant cottage with multiple floors. The place looked more homely than what homely could define. 

"Dad! It's too cold! Why do we have to train in the snow?" The voice hollered out again, it belonged to a young boy, around 10, who was holding a fake weapon in his hand, it looked like a Nichirin Blade, a formidable blade made for the sole purpose of slaughtering the unholy, more specifically, demons. The boy was wearing a rather large, fluffy shirt, which was covered by a loose, black and green Montsuki Kimono underneath the Kimono lays a vest, worn for extra protection, and his legs were covered by trousers, padded with leather and lined with a shiny, bendy metal for extra protection. His feet wore the typical wooden shoes/sandals of that time. The boy looked rather annoyed, he did not want to be there. He was looking up at someone, a man, wearing a pure black Montsuki Kimono, with a rather gold and green cape flying on the back of it, his head covered by a helmet lined with emerald and diamond, the man's legs were also covered with a rather sturdy pair of trousers and his wooden shoes looked rather posh and durable as compared to the boy's shoes.

"Jack." The man says with a gentle, yet rather stern tone, his gentle blue eyes staring at the boy, who was staring back with dark brown eyes. "If you wish to continue our legacy of becoming a Demon Slayer, then you must be ready to train no matter the circumstances, no matter if it's in the boiling heat or the most frozen of days, you must be ready to train. Otherwise, we'd all be slaughtered left and right by the demonic spawn that lives in this world. You must understand this." He spoke as if he was a seasoned philosopher speaking about the mystery of the universe.

"Yeah, but..." Jack says while scratching the back of his head. "It's cold, I'd rather go inside and enjoy a cup of tea! I know you would dad, don't lie." He says with a beaming smile, playfully punching his father, who in response laughed, then rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, you're right son, I really could go for some tea, so how about this, complete today's training before it starts snowing and you'll get the biggest cup of tea you'll ever see in your life." Jack's father smiled gently, which only widened by Jack's new, 'determined for tea' face.

"Really?!" Jack shouted. "Oh hell yeah! I'll destroy this training before anyone realises!" He exclaimed, raising his fist into the frosty sky.

"Alright, let's commence the first part of the training: Total Concentration Breathing-"

"NOOOOO!" Jack immediately yelled in defeat, falling backwards onto the freezing grass. Total Concentration Breathing...oh how he HATED IT! Ever since his lung condition began a year or two back, it had been a nightmare to maintain Total Concentration Breathing for ages, let alone all day and night. 

"Cmon Jack! It's not that bad, you did a lot better yesterday, I swear it'll be better today too!" His father persists, staring at the defeated Jack. 

"Yeah wow, I did 30 extra minutes yesterday..so much improvement.." Jack sighs, standing back up because the ground was too cold. "You're not even mentioning the fact it got bad near the end, like..even big bro was digging a grave for me because I looked like I was dying!" He nearly yells, upset. "Why must it be so difficult..just to breathe too?.. I don't get it..."

"..." Jack's father sighed, putting a hand on Jack's shoulder with a frown. "Jack, just because something is simple doesn't mean it is easy to 'master'. Total Concentration Breathing is such a thing. It may be easy to do for a few attacks and quick movements, but to do it constantly whilst doing your daily life is something way harder than you'll ever imagine, but once you finally master it, it'll be worth it, take it from me son." He says, smiling gently, hoping his words will get through to his demoralised son. Jack would look up at his father for a moment, then sighs and nods in agreement. 

"...I guess you're right... I need to stop arguing with all this to begin with. I need to do it regardless. Or else being a Demon Slayer will be impossible.." He murmured, then sat down. "Alright, father. Let's start."

Total Concentration Breathing, oh how he STILL HATES IT. It's normally fine, to begin with. Taking in a deep breath after a deep breath, feeling the oxygen fill up the lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream, to feel a new strength fill the body, it's nice...for the first couple minutes, from there, it just gets worse and worse! It's especially worse for Jack, for his lung condition, whatever it may be, does not go well with this breathing technique, once Jack does enough of Total Concentration Breathing, he'll start feeling extreme pain in the lungs, and it'll stay there for as long as he continues to do this, though the more he's done this, the pain does get slightly less painful, though, at this point, it was still unbearable, yet Jack continued to breathe, seconds went by, then minutes, then hours...despite the pain, he carried on for hours, until 2.5 hours in, he gave up, his body screaming for him to stop.

"Ugh..huff.." Jack groaned, his hand clutching onto his chest from the scorching pain in the lungs. His eyes welled up and tears slowly went down his cheeks. "Too much..pain..cacan't continue..." He sighs.

"You did good Jack." His father says, watching with a look of satisfaction. "That was an hour longer than last time! I knew you'd do better." His father proclaims with a clap. "You should rest, because next, we're doing Total Concentration Breathing whilst running, swimming-" But before Jack's father could continue, Jack pretty much collapsed, falling asleep in shock. 

"...Typical Jack."

Another couple of hours passed by and Jack had woken back up in a room, his father's former meditation room, he rose up from the floor, stroking his head due to a pain in the head.

"Ugh...must of fainted again, I really need to stop that." He sighs to himself, looking around. "The meditation room? Why-"

"Finally awake? Took ya' long enough Jack." A mocking voice called out, Jack turned to see his family, his dad, mother and brother, watching him. "As you said, you really need to deal with your fainting situation, or else things could get bad. Anyhow, that's not why we're here." His father explains, then looks down towards an elongated case. "Your Nichirin Blade has arrived and since you did better with your breathing today, we decided it would be best for you to have your blade." He announced, a small smile emerging on his face.

Jack meanwhile, was absolutely excited, his eyes widening as he looked at the long case with absolute joy, his own blade? Made of actual materials? What wasn't there to be excited about? He approached the trio and the case, sitting down in front of them. 

"May i.. Open it and get my sword?" Jack asked, his eyes still sparkling like the stars of space. 

"Of course you can my son." His father says gently. "Me, your mother and your brother are so, so proud of you..." He smiled.

"Thank you all..for helping me through this. I will become a great Demon Slayer..once i pass training fully." Jack chuckles, then looked at the case and opened it, his eyes widening when looking at the weapon inside. Compared to normal Nichirin Blades, this one looked incredibly unique, it was a lot longer with a long handle, it looked more akin to a Changdao then a Nichirin Blade, not like Jack could complain, he loved long weaponry. He lifted the weapon up to his face, taking the scabbard of the blade to look at the glory of the metal blade.

"Any moment now, that blade will change colour, i can only wonder what colour it'll be.." Jack's father mused to himself.

"Heh, i bet its something boring." Jack's brother finally says with a teasing chuckle.

"Oh hush brother, you-" But before Jack could speak more, he noticed something on the blade, colour, he immediately snapped his attention onto the blade as the colour painted itself onto the metal. Cyan, it looked like a cyan colour, a little bit lighter maybe?

"Mmm..an odd colour..it looks cyan." The mother points out once the colours appear.

"Kind of looks like ice now that i notice it. Intriguing colour." Jack's father mumbled.

"Mm..its an alright colour." Jack's brother says with a small smile, walking to Jack's side and patting his shoulder. "Hey you got a colourful sword, good for you. How's about you go and use it huh?" He suggested, causing Jack to grin.

"As if that's even a question!" Jack chuckles, putting the scabbard on the sword again before running out with his bro, most likely to chop up some small trees and bamboo, the father was about to protest, but stopped himself and rolled his eyes, boys will be boys, always will be.

"Mm..is it wise to give a child a sword like that so early dear James?" The mother asks, looking at the father, now known as James, in concern. 

"Mm.." James goes silent, then nods. "I do, Kasu. He may of only just gotten a sword, but i know he wouldn't do anything that could harm a human, he's smarter than that. Plus, you should see him when he's fighting with mock weapons, he has..such an aura around him when he's in fights, real or not, he becomes so concentrated and strong, he even cut through my staff and other weapons with a wooden sword! He has so much potential and with an actual sword and when he figures which breathing style he wants, he'll be an extremely dangerous slayer, i can tell, both my mind and heart." He explained. "I just hope his kindness and honour gets in the way of killing the evil demon bastards.."

"Heh, Honour? Auras? He really is more your son than mine hm?" Kasu chuckled with her divine, yet somewhat deep tone, wrapping an arm around James gently. "I trust you James, that's why i married you, even though others told me not to marry a foreigner like you, 'The Englishman can't be trusted!' They said, but i do trust you, i trust that you're leading our son on a great path. I'd you with our entire family's lives.." She smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"..." James went quiet, then chuckled and hugged Kasu closely. "This is why i love you Kasu..i knew you were the one, now, how's about we go check on our sons." He suggested, the two then getting up and leaving the home to the backyard, seeing Jack chopping up Bamboo, branches, all that whilst his brother watched and cheered him on, saying stuff like: "Pretend the Bamboo is an Upper Moon!" Or "Show that Demon King who's the real king!" 

The two parents merely chuckled, James eventually saying. "Well, there goes our bamboo for the year." 

"What do you mean? We have spare seeds and stuff, right?" Kasu asked in confusion.

"..." James went quiet, silently sweating in nervousness.

"...We do, don't we James?" Kasu asked, looking at her husband. "Actually I'll go check-"


A couple hours went by, night came soon, James was now sitting on the couch, explaining to Kasu and trying to apologize, Kasu just looked extremely unamused and annoyed, whilst Jack and his brother were just drinking tea, trying way too hard not to laugh at this tiny argument.

You are reading story Sēji Chronicles: The Frozen Forest (Demon Slayer) at novel35.com

"Why don't you two just calm down? Its only bamboo-" Jack eventually says, causing the two parents to look at him, then eventually sighing and going quiet.

"...That worked???" His brother says suddenly.

"Frankly, i am also surprised." Jack says, a little surprised too.

"Allright you two." James rolled his eyes at the two sons. "You should get to bed anyways, its late, right Kasu?"

"Mhm, you should get some sleep, especially you Jack, you have a lot to learn tomorrow." Kasu says in agreement, her eyes still in an unamused look. Jack and his brother sigh in response, but eventually say. 

"Alright.." The two brothers groan, standing up and begin to boredly walk to their rooms, the parents following quietly. Kasu leading his brother to his Bedroom, James taking Jack to his, once there, Jack sighs a little.

"Why do you and mother always argue over the most minor things? I never understood." Jack eventually asks, looking at James, who simply shrugged.

"Well, it's kind of simple, we do it for fun, though i guess it can be a little realistic sometimes." James with a small chuckle, reminiscing on the old times. 

"...Fun. Sure." Jack shrugged. "You and mother's idea of fun is weird, no offense."

"No offense taken. Alright let's get you-" Before James spoke more, he would be silenced by something, a sound...a sound that wrenched his stomach into knots, screams... Screams of Kasu..then the brother. Jack obviously heard it too, the two went silent, then stared at each other. 

"W-was..was that-" Before Jack spoke more, he would cut off by the brief sounds of chewing, then the sound of footsteps, getting closer and closer..

"..Shit." James whispered silently, grabbing Jack and rushing to a micro clothes room of the bedroom and closed the door of the clothes micro room. All in time for the door of the bedroom to be blasted open and glowing orange eyes blazing into the room, darting and scanning the room, then, a voice, a light voice, one that masked the sadistic aims of the 'person' who had that voice. 

"Mmm.. I know i heard something in here..come on out! Make it easier for me to kill ya'! Then, I'll be eating you!" It exclaimed, stepping into the moonlight of the room, its face..was hideous.. Half of its face seem normal enough, a peachy skin with a modest complextion with a small nose and ears its hair seemed to be mild purple with it getting lighter at the ends, but the other half..dear god, it was burned beyond comprehension, blistered skin and flesh, black charred flesh barely clining onto the body, was that how it looked like? Or did it get burned by the other family members who were killed and eaten by it?.. It didn't help either.. That it was wearing the clothing of the mother and brother it had killed, still stained and soaked in blood.

"...A demon.." James thought to himself, his eyes narrowing at it stared at this abomination of a creature exploring the room, he looked at his son, Jack for a moment, frowing a little. "The one moment i don't have my Nichirin Blade..what luck is that." He thought more, his own thoughts making him full of rage. Those thoughts were quickly swept aside when he noticed the demon approaching the micro room they were in rapidly.

The demon opened the door and looked around, blinking. "Mmm..how odd! Swear i heard someone here...mmm..did they jump out the window?" The demon murmured, backing away from the micro room and out the actual room. Jack and James were hiding in the dark corner of the room that was covered with furniture and accessories, frankly, it was surprising they weren't caught and killed. James silently went to the door, peeking his head through, then looking around, before gesturing Jack to come over. "Alright, listen Jack...we need to make a run for it, or else we'll be killed, we will jump out the window and book it into the woods, its our only choice, you got that?" James explained, Jack nodding silently, still broken, he knew his brother and mother were dead, he didn't want to believe it though, he just didn't want too.. 

The two then made their way to the window, Jack quickly grabbing his Nichirin Blade that was on display, then quickly walking over to James, who was preparing to jump.

"Oh..your blade..i should've used that..why didn't i see it.." James mumbled with a sigh, then jumping out the window to the ground, Jack quickly followed. Normally it would be a broken leg or both to do this, but since it had been snowing a good amount before this, it softened the impact, that didn't mean it hurt, it did, like hell.

"Gah..ugh, you ok Jack?" James groaned in slight pain, then looking at Jack, who gave the thumbs up, moving his legs to make sure they weren't broken. The two then began to run into woods, James beginning to breath extremely deeply, Total Concentration Breathing: Constant.

"Remember Jack, Total Concentration, or else you won't make it." James quickly commented, he shouldn't need to explain it, but, just incase.

Jack did as instructed, breathing in deeply, feeling oxygen fill his lungs and flood into his bloodsystem, making his body gently flow into overdrive, trying its best to keep up with James, who looked like he could do this for weeks! It was going so well..but, well just isn't something Jack will get now. He suddenly felt as his legs collapsed at they tripped over from a lurking root of a tree, they fell hard, his concentration shattering and his lung disease slithering in to cause more havoc, Jack began to cough and wheeze in pain as his diaphragm began to constrict and restrict air flow, James quickly rushed over.

"N-no! Go! I'll get you killed-" 

"SHUT UP JACK! I won't leave my son to die damnit!" James shouted, silencing the pleading Jack. "Calm your breathing damnit! Don't let your lung die!-" 

A fist, a fist suddenly get flung straight through James's chest, a heart being held in the hand in his chest...which then crushed the heart, blood splattering everywhere.. Including on Jack. Jack's eyes widening, his pupils shaking violently as blood dripped and spilled onto his face, he body instinctively backing away from his essentially dead father and the killer..the demon from before. 

"No..n-no..father no..no.." Jack muttered and sputtered, his voice still hoarse and rough from the coughing due to his lung condition messing up with his throat as well. His eyes continued starting at the murderous demon, who eventually devoured James's heart, its half burned face developing a look of satisfaction.

"Mm..tasty.." The demon chuckled, then looked at Jack with a sadistic chuckle. "Oh right! The final family member, once I'm done with you, not only will i get a gourmet meal, but I'm sure Lord Muzan will reward me greatly!" It proclaimed. "But you know what? No one was able to fight back, besides that annoying woman who burnt my face.. Anyways, boy! Pick up that long sword thingy and fight me! I demand a battle!" It demanded tossing the Nichirin Blade Jack dropped near James's dead body towards the shaking Jack.

Jack stared at his blade, his body refusing to move, locked in a constant state of fear and panic, a state of cowardice, he had trained for a moment like this..and now this is what happens? To lay down and leave himself to die like a coward, to not avenge his family...not avenge his family... No..he will not be a coward...he refused...

He WILL avenge his family...

His nerves cooled, reinforced by the metals of courage, he slowly stood up, still a little shaky from reluctance, he slowly lifted his blade and took the scabbard off, tossing it away, then getting into position to fight, breathing deeply with determination, ignoring the pain beginning to set in his lungs, he stared at the demon, a vicious scowl on his face. "Alright, you want a fight? Come get one you bastard.." He growled, the demon grinned in response, getting ready to attack.

"Alright...let's dance." The demon snickered, suddenly dashing towards Jack. Jack guessed it would be something obvious, though the speed did surprise him, he responded by using his sword's length to thrust forward, catching the demon in the throat, causing said demon to gasp in shock and mild pain, before it grinned and grabbed the blade with a laugh.

"Ha! It'll take more than a stab-" Before it could speak more though, it spoke more though, it would be cut off by a vicious jab from the livid Jack, who then twisted the sword and violently yanked it out the demon, then attempted to deliver a sweeping slash to the neck to finish the decapitation, the demon dodged however, but Jack wasn't deterred, he continued slashing in a wild frenzy, cutting through branches and wood to try and strike this demon.

"I don't get it!" The demon monologued in his mind. "He shouldn't be this strong! His lungs are constricting themselves, yet he's breathing like he's a seasoned slayer! He shouldn't be in so much pain, yet his adrenaline makes him feel unstoppable, regardless of the pain! He's too strong, he'll kill me without any effort, i need to escape.." The demon thought, then grabbing some loose dirt and tossing it towards Jack's eyes, causing Jack to lose focus and slash around rapidly in blind confusion, giving the demon enough time to run away, its neck finally beginning to heal as it ran. 

"Hah! You were fun to play with boy! But I'm afraid I'll be leaving now! Have fun with your dead father!" It mocked before disappearing into the maze of trees and shrubbery.

"HUH?! WH- YOU GODAMN COWARD! GET BACK HERE!!" Jack screamed with absolute rage, rubbing the dirt out his eyes and snapping his head around to see the demon..no luck, his eyes were wide with fury and hatred, the hand not clenching the sword formed a iron tight fist, then, he lets out a wild scream, a real loud one, one that would definitely shock anyone who could've heard it. 

"AHHHHHHHHH!! YOU COWARD!!!!!" He screamed, before going quiet, breathing heavily and his body finally collapsing, the aftereffects of overusing his Total Concentration with his lung condition active, he felt like he was going to faint..no, he had to get out of here..bury his father..avenge... Avenge... Before he could think of anything more, he heard the crunch of leaves and branches, footsteps, then he turned...then felt the sharp, slashing pain go up his chin, then through part of his nose, then straight up the forehead, Jack then fell backwards as the pain in his face began to increase, he looked upwards at who did it...they were human.. No way... It was a Demon Slayer... But.. Why? He wasn't a demon... He saw as the slayer lifted his sword, ready to plunge it into Jack's neck and probably kill him, but then...

"Noo! Don't kill that boy, its human! How did you not notice that?!" A voice, feminine, it sounded divine even, he then heard another pair of footsteps approach, thought at that point, all he saw was just too blurred to see. 

"I didn't know! He was acting like a demon! He was next to a dead body too!" The male Demon Slayer countered, looking at Jack's slowly faining body. "I didn't know.. What do we do?"

"Well, whether he acted like a demon or not, it doesn't matter, who's to say that person who's dead was his friend or something, just..be careful next time.." The female voice sighs, also looking at Jack, then sitting down at his side, pulling...something out, he couldn't recognize, too blurry, he swears he could see butterfly wings though..maybe? "As for what to do to him, he is most definitely going to faint, this wound may be bad too..I'll take him to the mansion, he'll be fine there-" Then, before he could hear more, he fainted..what had even happened..why did the slayer attack him..he trusted the Demon Slayers..why...could he not trust anyone anymore...why? Why...

To be continued.

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