Sleeping Princess

Chapter 108: Ch.26 Getting to Know You (4/5)

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My body stopped as I clammed up. It’s not as though the question took me by surprise. Well, it did, but that wasn’t why I was getting nervous. I recalled my birthday when Mae-chan made us confess those personal things about ourselves…

I remembered what I said…

Someone mature, who’d get me going…and nice that I feel safe around. I still believe that for the most part today…

The thing that worried me was…Saitou-san could fit the bill of what I'm looking for. She's one of the most mature people I know as of yet. She's smart, has her life in order… and apparently she’s wealthy enough to buy all those STARS tickets without a bat of her eye…But I don’t know too much about Saitou-san, do I?


I hesitated, as my eyes flickered back and forth from her to the shops around. Maybe noticing my nervousness, Saitou-san smiled and pointed away from us.

“…Oh, there’s a flower shop over there.”

Saitou-san suddenly called out, bouncing over. It seemed she did it to break the awkwardness between us. I sighed as I silently thanked her. If I would have admitted...that...I'm sure there would have been no going back. 

"Wow, these flowers smell nice."

Saitou-san cried as she walked over to a few. There were deep red carnations in the pile too. How they reminded me of the story between Mari-san and Yuko-chan.



“Oh…do you like carnations?”

“Huh? Oh…I like them but…they reminded me of a friend.”

“A friend? Or…the person who you love?”

My heart dropped a bit.


She shook her head.

“No, this person had a hold on your life for a while, I’m sure. It would be unrealistic if you just forgot all about them, right?”

I nodded. It seemed as though Saitou-san was the understanding kind for sure.

“So, that just means you need a flower that reminds you of me.”

With a giggle, she walked over to a beautiful light green flower. The petals were sharp yellow, and it made my face warm up slightly.

“But the question is…how do you see me?”

She teased, twirling the flower in two fingers.

“Back to the question then…. what kind of flower am I to you, Madoka-san?”

She zoned into me now like a lion looking at meat. I could feel her sweet breath wash over me as she leaned in closer.

“Am I a flower that’s sweet and smells nice…or do I have thorns on the side but oh so beautiful.”

My mind began to contemplate over it. Do I see Saitou-san as a tall, beautiful flower that rises to the heavens in the crowd? Or is she so dangerous that she has thorns on her sides but is absolutely gorgeous? My face certainly began to warm up as I turned to the side out of embarrassment.

“…I don’t know what to say.”

She chuckled. That’s when I saw the flower that I thought resembled her the most. It had a burgundy tone to it and was alone in its own cluster.

“Right there…”

I pointed to it.



“Oh, a dahlia.”

Excitedly, without a second to waste, she picked up the group of them and raced it over to the cashier.

“Here, I’m buying this for a special someone.”

She added.

"Oh, would you like it gift wrapped?"

“Yes, please.”

My heart pounded. Now that I thought about it…was this the first time someone gave me a gift with a romantic intent? No…knowing how Mari-san felt it was romantic to give me this necklace…Mari-san will always be the first who gave me a romantic gift in my heart…won’t she?

“Do you not like it?”

My eyes perked up. It seemed as though I went back to that day at the Red Roses when Mari-san handed me my necklace. How that gift...officially sparked my feelings for her. But right now Mari-san wasn’t here. It was rude of me to think about her as Saitou-san was trying to be sweet.

“Oh no... I love it. B-But do you think I should go to work carrying a bundle of flowers like this?”

I played it off as if that was my true concern. Saitou-san giggled as she held my arm.

“What's the worst that can happen? Your coworker teases you or something?”

I snicker shyly. Knowing Okabe-san she wouldn’t tease me but speak about me behind my back. But that didn’t matter. Saitou-san was being beyond generous, so I held them close to me and gave her the brightest smile I could.

“They’re lovely, Saitou-san.”

She smiled back. This moment…felt nice.

“Hm…I guess it’ll be best to get you to work before you’re late.”

“Yeah…don’t worry, I’ll serve you your freshly brewed coffee as thanks.”

 I followed her as we made our way back down the steps. Once we reached the Red Roses, she held the door open for me.

“Ah…thank you.”

She was like a knight. It was super embarrassing, and I wanted to tell her to stop, but it was too late.

“Oh, there you are.”

Okabe-san walked over to me. She stared at the flowers in my hand for a moment before turning back to me.

“A-Anyway, Nakagawa-san…”

“Yes, Okabe-san?”

I was a tad on edge, knowing the extent of Sophia-san’s past and that Okabe-san rejected her pleas for support…was certainly having an effect on me that I didn’t want to show.

“I got Nagumi here with me again today. She’s a little under the weather, but she’s not contagious; I made sure of that. Do you mind…just checking in on her every now and then?"



Right to the point, she asked me flat out. I didn't mind, but it wasn't something I was expecting as soon as I entered. I turned to see that little girl all bundled up in an excessive amount of winter clothing, likely so she wouldn’t catch something and worsen her condition.

“Sure, I can, Okabe-san…but why isn’t she in bed at home?”

With a grumble, Okabe-san scratched the side of her cheek.

“Because our parents aren’t here right now…so I have to watch over her.”

I could feel as if there was a large weight placed on Okabe-san’s back. I wondered how much Okabe-san puts in to do things for her little sister. I recalled back in Taylor-sensei’s nurse’s office, how she begged to go home early to pick up Nagumi-chan. Seems this was the reason why. She was being honest about it; Nagumi-chan looked sick.

“Would you like someone to look after your little sister?”

I turned to Saitou-san who already made herself a home at her favorite spot. With a pencil in hand, she was just about to get into her journal.

“Tsk, don’t worry about that. She can take care of herself…I just want Nakagawa-san to check in on her every now and then. Far better than some stranger to do it.”



Coldly, she replied to Saitou-san. However, she didn’t change her expression one bit. She kept that cool air to her that was indeed a charm of hers.

“Fair enough. Just don’t put too much stress on your coworker, or else she’ll grow to hate you.”

“Oh, piss off.”

Rudely, Okabe-san expressed. I had to step between her and Saitou-san.

“Hey, Okabe-san. She’s a customer…you can’t say that to her.”

Annoyed, she fluffed her ivy hair before turning back to the mature lion.

“…Sorry. I didn’t mean that…just…just don’t touch my sister, or I swear…”

With that, she walked back to the room without another word. I turned to Saitou-san, who shrugged it off.

“Sorry, that was extremely rude of her, Saitou-san.”

But to my surprise, she shook her head from side to side. Her long burgundy hair flapped along her shoulders.

“No…that girl…way before you started working here, Madoka-san, she would always bring in her little sister with her.”

Calmly, she expressed.

“I think…she might not have anyone to rely on…so she lashes out at others. I don’t know her family situation, but…”

With a sharp sigh, she expressed.

“From how I gathered it, the money she makes here all goes to taking care of her little sister. It’s like she’s a single parent…without being a parent.”

That’s when her smile died down a bit.

“I thought about it for a while now…but I think she might need help. I remember I tried to offer her a good chunk of money…but she flatly refused it…and I think she grew to hate me for it.”

A tad surprised; I tilted my head.

“You think she hates you for…trying to help her?”

With a shrug of her shoulders, she spoke up again.

“I think…your coworker thought I wanted to take advantage of her. Probably she has trust issues…I don’t know.”

After a brief pause, she began writing in her book.

I assumed something along those lines was happening in Okabe-san’s life. Although it doesn’t justify what she did to not only Sophia-san but my best friend Mae-chan too. It's apparent she doesn't care about others’ problems to the point that she’d bitterly relay them to others or mock them for it.

But then…if she’s someone who is struggling in such a way…Why is she so mean to others who may be struggling just as much?

“It’s sad, but if she doesn’t reach out, nothing will change. So, even if you aren’t on the best of terms with her, Madoka-san…at least help out her little sister.”

Knowing how hurt Sophia-san was that night…I can’t easily feel much empathy for Okabe-san, regardless of what Saitou-san says right now. Sophia-san literally begged me not to turn her away. How horrible would I be if I disregarded that?


She hurt my best friend…

...And that does upset me.


“Well, I need to get dressed for work. Thank you…for the flowers, Saitou-san.”

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“Just remember me every time you water it, okay? Enjoy your shift. I’m going to be watching from here.”

With her pinky finger, she waved me goodbye. It was a tad alluring the way she did it, causing my heart to race a bit. So, instead of thinking more into it, I rushed into the back room.

Tenderly, I sat the flowers up in my locker. Later, I’ll bring a jar to keep it in water for the time being. Once I got ready, I walked out into the low volume of customers. Now my work began, so I diligently went about my job as I was supposed to. After around an hour or so of constant work, I had a bit of downtime, so I relaxed on the side.


Out of nowhere, my heart began to pound. When I turned around, tugging at my skirt was none other than the cutest thing in the world. Her face was a tad red, I assume from the fever or cold that she was experiencing.

“Oh, is everything alright, Nagumi-chan?”




This was the first time I heard actual words come from her lips. Sadly, they were pained and felt like daggers jabbing into my soul. So, I leaned down and met eyes with her.

“Would you like me to tell your Onee-san?”

She shook her head from side to side. She didn’t want to…bother Okabe-san, did she?


“Sure, I’ll get you some water.”

As I rushed off, a tender voice caught hold of me.

“You’re such a good mom.”

I turned to see Saitou-san waving in my direction. Growing a tad embarrassed, I pushed my head down and raced into the back. After filling up a cup of water, I was caught by Okabe-san, who seemed to be making a soup.

“Wait a minute…”

“Ah, what is it?”

“Is that water for Nagumi, Nakagawa-san?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, her stomach is hurting.”

From her pocket, she took out a pill wrapped in a package. It was bright green and reminded me of a mini-sized lime.

“Here, make sure she takes it. Nagumi likes to play the dumb game where she acts like she did take her medication and hides it in her pocket.”

As rude as always, but she just wants her sister to get well. Even when dealing with her family she’s…mean.

“…What’s that look for?”

“Oh, what look?”

Was it showing on my face? My developing contempt for how Okabe-san treated Sophia-san in the past. I…didn’t mean to express it in that way.

“I don’t know…you just seem a bit more irritated with me today. If I did something to piss you off, you might as well say it.”

I shook my head, brushing away my internal feelings.

“…No, it has nothing to do with you. I’m just thinking about things right now.”

With a shrug, she went back to cooking.

“…Whatever, it’s none of my business. Just…never let it affect your work, alright, Nakagawa-san?”

With that, I walked back outside to see Nagumi lying on a booth in the back. She wasn’t feeling good at all, and I really wished she didn’t have to be here.

"Hey, sweetie."

To my surprise, Saitou-san was leaning over to her. With her hand, she stroked Nagumi-chan's head somberly.

“Hang in there a little, alright?”

Softly, she petted her with a warm smile. Usually, Nagumi would jump up and run away, but she looked too weak for that as she lay there somberly. When I approached, Saitou-san looked at me.

“Hey…you know who she reminds me of?”


“…My little sister, Saya-chan.”

As she patted her hair gently, she calmly spoke.

“You know…Saya-san isn’t my biological sister, Madoka-chan.”

That was something I suspected. They don't share any traits, so I assumed that they may be stepsisters of some kind. So, I pulled up a seat as we both nursed the little elementary schooler.

“Here, give her the pills before she falls asleep.”

Saitou-san did just that. Nagumi fought for a bit, but ultimately, she relaxed and took it. After a bit of grumbling, she closed her eyes and rested on the booth. I wished we had a softer surface for her…but this was all we could muster.

“Saya-chan…had a hard life before we adopted her, Madoka-san. Right now…Nagumi-chan here reminds me of how Saya was when she first came to our family. She…was around this girl's age now."

I could have never imagined that Saya-san had been through hard times. She always had a smile on her face. However, I always felt like she'd kidnap me and sacrifice me to the demonic gods that laid wait underneath Jinda High School. It went to show me how little I know about her.

“So…every time I see Okabe-san struggling with her sister, it brings me back to that time…”

With a shrug, she walked back over to her book. Diligently, she kept writing. Nagumi was fast asleep by this point. The innocence of this child took on a new form of sadness to me. So, to clear my somber mood, I turned away from her. I had a few minutes to spare, so I walked over and stood next to Saitou-san.

“So…how are your romance stories going?”

“Actually, I just wrote a short. It’s not romance…but…I think you might find it interesting.”

She teased, showing me a page in her book. How open she was to this, so I sat down next to her.

“Alright…let me see.”


[In the clearing, a lone woman stands beside a cliff, overseeing the clear blue ocean as her long hair flaps against the breeze. With a low heart, a weak body, she patiently waits for the one she loved to return from his trip. Will they bask in the warmth of freshly baked bread together again, or will his side of the seat stay cold for all eternity? So, in the cold weather, she waited for that ship to come over the horizon. The light basks over her as she does. But soon the hours turn to days…days turn to weeks, years, and decades. And finally, when she’s grown old, and her hair begins to fall out…she asked in a trembling voice…

“Was it worth it to wait?”]


“And that ends this short story.”

As I looked at the page…the writing was captivating. Saitou-san had a talent, and it was reflected in her words.

“You’re not going to answer the question, Saitou-san? Tell us if it was worth her waiting?”

She giggled and turned back to me.

“Do you think it was worth it to wait for someone who never came?”

I thought about the meaning behind her story. It was as simple as a woman blindly waiting for the man, she loved to return home. No…that wasn’t it was it…

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Oh, is that your opinion, Madoka-san?”

“Yeah…because he never returned.”

“But that’s only what she found out after waiting all those years. What if one day he did return to her? She would have never known until she did. Maybe if she could repeat her life with that knowledge, she could have made a better choice. But the idea is… that she didn’t know…”

“… So, her blind loyalty is what made her wait…”

Saitou-san nodded.

“Yep. But I agree with you, it wasn’t worth it. It’s one thing to love someone, but there’s a time when you have to let them go… or else your life will go by before you know it.”

She looked at me now.

“It’s okay to be caught up in someone, but you should think about your own heart at times too.”

“…Why did you write this story?”

She giggled.

“Because…I was thinking about my past self…waiting for the one I loved to return to me.”

Now she held her book close to her.

“I would have been waiting until I got gray hairs if it wasn’t for Saya-san, Madoka-san. She shook me out of my slump and told me that…”

She giggled looking at me.

That love doesn’t wait…why should I?”

The eyes in her shined as she spoke up.

“I like you as you already know. And…I would like for us to…get to know one another better, Madoka-san. I know I said I’d wait for you…but that alone is making me anxious.”


She touched my fingers…slowly caressing them with mine.

“I want to touch you…and be with you. So, when you think you’re ready…please at least give me a chance to show you that I’m serious about you.”




How her words caught me off guard. She wasn’t going to be like the woman in the story and let time pass. To let time pass by her until she withered away before she found the person she wanted to be with. She’s dead set for me to notice her…

How…my heart was slowly being drawn to the fact that this mature, beautiful, and slightly cute woman…had her sights set on me.

“…Of course. I won’t forget about you.”

Tenderly, I made that promise, causing her to wrap her hands in mine.

“Maybe we can get some food sometime…a day you don’t have work and I’m off. I think we’d have a fun time…it’ll help clear up all that tension you’re having at home.”

“…I would love to.”

I giggled. Slowly, my heart was beginning to melt because of her.

“Oh, I need to get back to work.”

“Alright cutie. Make sure to sway that butt of yours a bit for me as you wait for those tables over there.”

“Geez, you’re becoming bolder by the day.”

I teased, as I tilted my head. When I swung around, I did a little bit of a hip swing to give her a taste of her own medicine.

“That’s what I’m talking about.”


We both giggled. I…was seriously having fun, and it was Saitou-san that was making that happen. The idea of being watched by her as I went about work was alluring in its own way…

I think I could say with certainty that I was slowly becoming more and more…

...attracted to Saitou-san…as I was getting to know her all the more.



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