Sleeping Princess

Chapter 216: Ch. 46 – What is Family? (3/5)

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Nagumi-chan’s eyes were like shooting stars dancing across the heavens. The mini-Okabe-san sat eagerly outside of the holiday shop called "Omocha.” There was a banner of children's toys with a calligraphy-styled sign above the doorway. The atmosphere was childlike, primarily aimed at children and adults with kids, most likely. Not the usual place high school girls would walk into, but here we were, doing the bizarre. It was a store to appeal to the younger audience for sure.

Hana-chan held her new partner's hand as they looked at the decorations outside. Large, gift-wrapped boxed presents, about the size of Nagumi-chan herself, were placed in and outside the store. Bright reds, whites, blues, and greens drew in the smaller clientele easily. Then there was the romantic side to the holiday, with displays promising couples the best of luck and happiness. But this didn’t seem like the place to buy romantic treats.

"Let's go, girls!"

Takade-san joyfully said as she skipped inside like a five-year-old in a candy store. If I didn’t know any better, I would have believed it if she said her mother gave her 500 yen and said, "Get whatever you like." Her pigtails flapped with each skip through the store.

“Hehehe! Look at all of this!”

Takade-san screamed with excitement. She wasn't ladylike at all, and it was a tad embarrassing.

The rest of us followed her and looked around like proper adults. The supplies were dwindling because it was the last day to get them. I assumed that the employees were packing up leftover products too. But the lights and flashy displays were enough to make Nagumi-chan jump with excitement.

“Pick out whatever you guys want. Yuko-chan, come with me!”

Saya-san said before she kidnapped the ghost by pulling her along by hand.

“Ah, w-where are we going, Saya-chan?!”

The ghost hollered.

Yuko attempted to break free and run, but her club leader took hold of her other hand, locking her in her grasp. With a devilish smirk, she backed up, pulling her victim along with her deeper into the shadows of Omocha.

"We'll be back, everyone~."

The psychic reassured us as we watched this kidnapping happen before our eyes.

“Madoka-chan! Hana-chan! Help me!”

The frightened ghost pleaded with my little sister and me. I glanced at Hana-chan, and she did the same to me.

I had no idea where those two were going and wasn’t planning on stopping them either. Saya-san was always seven steps ahead, and there would be no way I could speculate what she was planning. If I didn’t know any better, I would say she could see into the future like the psychic she claimed to be. But that stuff wasn’t true and playing with the idea of it in my head was giving me a headache.

“Good luck, Yuko-chan!”

I cheered.

“See you later, Mihara-san!”

My little sister chimed in. In tears, Yuko-chan turned the corner and vanished. Even Hana-chan gave up on saving her… I guess we really were sisters, thinking the same like that.

Sora-chan pointed at a wall full of Christmas lights.

“Hana-chan, let’s go check the party lights!”

Sora said, clapping and jumping all the while. The two of them walked over to them. As our group splintered off, I stood there, unsure where to start. Sophia-chan and Saya-san didn’t give me any directions, that I knew of, on what to buy.

“Hey, Nagumi, don’t touch that!”

Okabe-san sternly roared at her little sister directly in front of us. Livid, the ivy head marched over to her miniature version. It was like a mother hen towering over the little chick, fuming with ire. Nagumi-chan was messing with a pricey snow globe a tad clumsily. Above her head was the outrageous price tag of 9,000 yen for each snow globe.



“That’s a lot of money.”

I commented.

Each snow globe was different and stylish for the Christmas session. There had to be around twenty snow globes on display, each with colorful pillows underneath them for the globe to sit on. Within each snow globe were little cities with snow on the ground. It was the kind that one would pick up, shake, and create a snowstorm for a few seconds. A charming little trinket about the size of both my palms.


Nagumi-chan grunted in annoyance. She shook the globe, and snow fell on the city she was holding. The annoyed elementary schooler was clearly trying to ignore her older sister's scolding.

“Nagumi! What did I say?!”

Okabe-san pestered.

I’m sure the last thing Okabe-san wanted was to get a bill for breaking something expensive like that. The coy child’s face reflected on the surface of the snow globe as she raised it to the lights above. Curiously, Nagumi-chan tilted the globe toward the light to see the vibrant world inside. A city full of brilliance and wonder caught in a snowy windstorm charmed the imagination of the child.

“Are you listening to me?! I swear…”

Her Onee-san scolded her again, leading Nagumi-chan to curl her lips in frustration.


Nagumi-chan furrowed her brow and puffed her lips like a blowfish. Her hands shook as she looked at her older sister with pleading eyes. It looked like Okabe-san was breaking her immersion into this fantastic world.

Nagumi-chan was struggling to put her heart into words. Her small mouth would open and close, but her feelings only came out in groans and murmurs.


Irritated, Nagumi-chan’s small shoulders dropped, and she set her precious treasure back down on the display pillow that she found.

“Do you want to buy that, Nagumi-chan?”

I asked with my hands on my knees. To help her, I bent down to Nagumi-chan's level and met eyes with hers. Embarrassed, the little mouse squirmed, and her cheeks toned a cherry pink.


Frustrated, she groaned again and looked at her older sister, her mother figure, who was still glaring daggers at her.

“No! You’re not getting that snow globe. Now go find something to do, Nagumi-chan. You’re causing problems for others.”

Ruthlessly, Okabe-san demanded as if her word was law. The other girls looked our way because she was starting to cause a scene. The way she was yelling in the store was unnecessary.

“Okabe-san, I think she gets it.”

I attempted to calm her down, but she didn't have it. She stomped her feet and shook her head a bit childishly.

“Nagumi can’t have that, Nakagawa-san! Nagumi hasn't worked for it, first of all, and the last thing I want is her asking for something and expecting people to buy it for her!"

As her temper died down, Okabe-san seemed to have noticed that everyone was quiet in the store, looking her way. I think she finally realized that she was being way too loud. The older sister sighed, calmed herself down, and crossed her arms yet again.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to yell.”

Okabe-san lamented.

The stress of the day must have been getting to her. With all that happened earlier, I expected that Okabe-san would have an outburst or two.

“She's my little sister, Nakagawa-san. And if I don't want her to have something, don't give it to her. End of story, alright?”

Sternly, Okabe-san stated.

I backed down by giving her a firm nod. Okabe-san was Nagumi-chan’s big sister in the end, as she said. It wouldn’t have been right of me to step in and try to take charge. Like a candle’s flame dying out in the wind, I saw the childish wonder fade from Nagumi-chan’s eyes. The costly reality corrupted the wonders that she found in that snow globe.

Grudgingly, Nagumi-chan gazed at the globe back in place like the forbidden treasure that it was. The snow in the globe trickled down on the bright white city inside. Briefly, she marveled at the holiday gem with one last look of awe before looking back at us with contempt.


The little mouse grumbled, then scampered towards Hana-chan and Sora-chan, picking out lights in the corner.

“Oh, Nagumi-chan. Want to help us pick out lights?”

Sora-chan asked with that bubbly, upbeat tone of hers.

Weakly, as if her energy was zapped from her body, Nagumi-chan nodded and pushed herself close to them. It was like Hana-chan and Sora-chan became shields, protecting her from the world's coldness.

“You okay, little girl?”

Sora asked. But Nagumi-chan didn't answer. She just cuddled closer to them wordlessly.

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The poor girl looked like she wanted to cry but saved face in front of her new friends. The sight… was a depressing contrast to the bright and holiday-filled store we were in. Seeing a sad child in a place like this was a tad jarring.

“Okabe-san… I get that you're her older sister, but-”



I attempted to appeal to her, but Okabe-san’s heart was closed off. It was like an iron gate formed in front of her and me. She looked at me like an enemy on the other side of the wall that she made, not backing down. Okabe-san crossed her arms yet again while staring at Nagumi-chan...

“No, you don’t get it, Nakagawa-san. I can’t afford that snow globe anyway. I’d rather have Nagumi eat next week than get a present that can't feed her. And if she gets used to people buying things for her, she’ll never grow up.”

Okabe-san explained her reasons better. She wasn't thinking about this moment but about the future that we couldn’t see. In a way, Okabe-san was one of the most mature out of all of us here.

“When you have a family that hates you, things are harder, Nakagawa-san.”

Her voice was quivering as she said this. The pain in her voice resonated in me, and my blood ran cold. I looked away as my mind raced, thinking about that kind of brutal reality that she was in. Looking at her eye that was swollen, it upset me, knowing that her mother did that to her.

"Yeah, I understand…."

The text message I sent to my mother came back to mind. She never responded, and it felt terrible knowing she read my email and didn't want to reach out to me. Something like that hurt me… and I couldn’t imagine the thought of my mother being abusive like… Okabe-san’s.

The mood darkened around us. As I found myself in that dark space, trying to see my way out and find a new, brighter future on this dark day, I opened my heart and spoke the words I wanted to say…

“Okabe-san... I hope I can be there to help you two, though.”

I understood where the concerned sister was coming from. And I accepted what Okabe-san wanted to teach her little sister. Nagumi-chan needed to work hard for what she wanted. Okabe-san didn't want Nagumi-chan to expect the world to give her what she wants… because even her family won't. Those were all suitable lessons that she needed to learn.

But Okabe-san was teaching Nagumi-chan something wrong, too, and that was to never trust people. Kind of like the way Okabe herself didn’t trust other people too. I wasn't sure if that was what she wanted from Nagumi-chan, to close herself off from the world and not let anyone in. Maybe that would be best so she wouldn’t be hurt like her older sister.

The lessons like these would lead to more damage than good, though. That was what I wanted to save that innocent child from. In a way… I didn’t want Nagumi-chan to become another Kasumi-san… as cruel as that may have sounded.

“Okabe-san… if Nagumi-chan works for what she wants, can I buy it for her?”

I suggested. Okabe-san’s tired eyes looked at me.

"I don't want you to buy anything for her just out of the kindness of your heart…."

She grumbled.

“But I’m her friend, Okabe-san. Hana-chan and Sora-chan are her friends too. Wouldn’t it be nice if she got something from her new friends?”

Like soothing one’s voice in a solo melody, I calmly spoke, trying to convince her to see things in a much calmer way. Maybe, just maybe, I would be able to open up her closed heart and warm it up just a bit.

"And… I think Nagumi-chan needs friends, Okabe-san. Wouldn't you like her to have friends… kind of like how we could be friends one day?"

I proposed.

The corner of my lips raised as we met eyes. Our eyes met as my internalized feelings miraculously came forth. At one point, I told myself that I didn't like Okabe-san. That was before understanding this side of her.

There's a side worth getting to know, and I wanted to explore it.

But Okabe-san’s irises were fierce with mistrust, and I could feel her hesitation as she watched me with dagger-like eyes.

“I never said we’re friends or even going to be...”

Okabe-san attempted to distance herself from me, but I approached her with my hand behind my back.

"But you've already trusted me with Nagumi-chan, though. And I promised to take care of her while you attend supplementary classes next term, didn’t I?"

I stopped before I got too close, just in case she planned to punch my lights out again in retaliation. I would be a fool… to get hit again.

"Like it or not… my feelings are intertwined with your life, too, Okabe-san. So, let me be a friend and help you buy something for your little sister.”

I suggested, a tad pushy as I did.

It felt like my words were being reflected in her, though. The rough and rugged older sister grumbled.

“You’re persistent, Nakagawa-san.”

Okabe-san sighed and looked away.

She took her finger and curled that curly ivy hair as if catching her feelings from escaping. Occasionally, she’d look back at Nagumi-chan, who was traveling around the store with her new friends. With a pucker of her lips, a cuter side shined from Okabe-san to my surprise.

“I just… don’t want her being weak, Nakagawa-san. I-It’s not that I don’t want to buy it for Nagumi. But… c'mon, 9,000 yen? That’s highway robbery…."

Annoyed, Okabe-san said.

Those sharp eyes turned soft as she looked away, trying to shield her true feelings.

“If I had all the money in the world, Nagumi-chan would smile every day, and my parents wouldn't ever see us again… but I don't. That’s just… how life is, Nakagawa-san.”

Our eyes met again, but hers were soft as she pulled on her collar.

“I mean… like… what would you do, Nakagawa-san?”

She asked for my opinion to my surprise.

It must have been tiring, being a mother at her age. It seemed as though she was finally confiding in me, if only a little. It made my chest burn with warmth.

“Let’s figure it out together. I’m under the impression that Nagumi-chan deserves something that makes her happy. We’ll work together to make that happen.”

I assured her.

Okabe Kasumi-san was just a girl younger than me forced into an adult role when all was said and done. If I could help her in some way to guide her little sister in the right direction, I wanted to.

"Promise me you'll make sure she works for it, though? Don't buy it just because you're a goody two-shoes, Nakagawa-san...”

"Goody two-shoes?! Is that what you think I am, Okabe-san?"

I didn't get why everyone called me a good girl. I did terrible things every now and then, like getting to class late… or sleep in too much on my weekend. But like Sophia and even Mae-chan did, I was called a good girl. I was hurt and lunged back like the bully just speared me in the stomach.

Okabe-san sighed again…

“I’ll split the cost, though. I want to buy something for Nagumi, too, you know? I… just don't have the money. I'll pay you back once we get paid, alright?"

The corner of my lips raised.

“Sure, you can pay me back. We just have to ensure Nagumi-chan doesn’t see us buying it.”



I teased with my finger on my lip and a cute wink that I've always seen the STARS cast do to their fans. It always made me squeal and feel warm and fuzzy inside. I believe it had the same effect on Okabe-san because her almond eyes shot open. 

“Eh, what the hell are you doing?”

The ivy-head complained. Okabe-san turned away and glanced back at me with a cute blush contrasting her rough exterior. It surprised me, I had never noticed that she… could be this cute too.

“Oh… I don’t know.”

Embarrassed too, I turned away. Awkwardly we stood… looking away from one another. I wasn't expecting that reaction to be so… tame.

I needed to find a way to somehow break into that hard shell of Okabe-san’s. So, the last thing I wanted our relationship to be was that of a "you scratch my back, and I scratch yours."

"Well, I'm going to look around, Okabe-san.”


I urged her to follow. Together, we strolled over to Nagumi-chan, who was helping her friends pick out lights.


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