Sleeping Princess

Chapter 218: Ch. 46 – What is Family? (5/5)

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Hana-chan let go of my hand and ran to her mother. After a brief hug, Mari-san turned to me.

“So… how is Mary-san treating you, Madoka-san?”

Concerned, Mari-san asked.

“Mary-san is really hospitable. I was upset at first, but she's treated me like family, Mari-san.”

I admitted.

“I don’t know her too well, but I heard she’s a great person from your mother. I’ll do my best to open up to her more too.”

We kept our distance, and it felt like the winter's cold made an ice wall that neither of us could cross. I could only gaze at her without even considering… touching her. But deep down, I knew I wanted to hug her like Hana-chan just did a moment ago.

It was strange… as if I was a tad jealous that things were simple between them and complicated between us.

The mother held her daughter's hand tight before letting go and approaching me. I wasn't sure what she was doing, so I froze up like a snow angel in the ice cold. As the invisible wall between us thawed, my chest grew warmer with every step from her.


Mari-san curled her crow black hair as she sighed and lifted her head. The confidence in her eyes took me by surprise.

“I miss you, Madoka-san. I just wanted you to know that. I know I’m taking a while to fix things, but I’m working on it.”

Her words weren’t for mom but from her honest feelings. They were from her to me. Seeing Mari-san be this honest took me off guard, especially around Hana-chan. It reminded me of that fateful night under the stars together. The night when she was Mari, and I was Madoka.

Hana-chan must have had an idea of what her mother wanted to say to me in person. My little sister put her arms behind her back and spoke up.

“Mom does miss you, Madoka-san. She told me how you two first met, Onee-san, and I'm still waiting for the rest of her story too.”

I swung my head towards the little flower so hard that I could have given myself whiplash by accident.

“Mari-san did what?”

Surprised, I asked.

"Yeah, I've decided to be honest with Hana. It's been a struggle to speak with your mother… but I at least want Hana to understand how I feel about you."

Mari-san was so vulnerable that I felt she'd freeze in the cold and shatter before my eyes. But that vulnerability was becoming her strength.

“I want to tell you how we met, too, Madoka. I… I’m almost ready to finally tell you everything about, you know… what happened between us.”

Mari-san confessed as she gazed at me tenderly.

“I’m selfish, but you know that Madoka-san. Hana knows that too… Even Ayumi realized that I’m… just a horribly selfish person.”

Suddenly, Mari-san stepped closer to me. I wasn’t expecting this, but she cut through that invisible wall between us and… embraced me with a hug.


Hot air pushed from my chest as her warm arms wrapped around me. Mari-san pulled me in, connecting us for the first time in… a while. On an ice-cold night, her warmth was almost too much for my lukewarm body. I wanted to push away from her because my chest twisted harshly.




I delicately whispered her name. That wrench in my heart calmed down as her warmth soothed my feelings. But my body moved on its own, and I was wrapping my arms around her too before I knew it. I felt safe when I was around Mari-san.


I whispered.


Mari-san smiled, and for just a brief moment, it felt like everything was right with my world. That pain subsided and became something I could only equate to peaceful bliss.

"I'm sorry for causing all this, but I'll fix it. So, enjoy your party and be a high school girl, Madoka-san.”

Mari-san was calming me down and reassuring me that things would be okay. She squeezed me tighter, causing me to fall into her blissful comfort as I closed my eyes. She was my knight yet again.

“So, have fun. I have already stopped your application to the private school, just like I promised. So… have faith in an idiot like me.”

My dark knight Mari-san held me tighter.

“If you need anything from me, I’ll run to you. So, relax, and I'll solve all these problems."

She eased her grip, dropped her hands on my shoulder, and gazed into my eyes. Mari-san… always had those incredible deep green eyes.

“Let me figure this out, and don't worry about it. It's… it's about time I change for our family sake, Madoka-san."

With a tilt of her head, she smiled… honestly and sweetly. My Mari-san was becoming true to herself… And she looked best when she was honest, just like that night at the inn and onsen.

“Alright, Hana will be at Mary-san’s place later tomorrow. I’ll drop her off for you, Madoka-san. Have fun… and tell Saitou-san that your mom is watching over you...”

Mari-san whispered that last part, causing me to blush.

“I mean, what is family for, right?”

Mari-san teased and let go, causing the ice-cold wind to cut between us yet again. It was as if our two worlds came together just for a moment, but reality separated us again. I wanted to reach out and grab her again, just for a moment if anything. But I couldn’t… without it being inappropriate, and we both must have realized that…

“Hana, let’s get you to bed.”

Her mother said.

"Bye, Onee-san!”

The Kodas got into the car. The engine roared as it started up. Both of them waved as Mari-san drove off. I wasn't sure when the next time I would see her, but for this brief moment… I was happy.

Was it a bad thing… that I was delighted to see Mari-san still?


I whispered her name in the cold wind. She was going against the way she was raised, and that was admirable in a way. How I wished my mom had the will to face adversity like Mari-san faced.

(“I… can’t think about that right now. Mari-san’s right. I need to focus on being a high schooler for a while. Let the adults figure things out…")

With hope left in my heart, I went back into the warm mall to meet with my friends.



As I marched alone back to the food court, my chest tightened. This separation hadn't been a whole week yet… and I wanted to go home. I wished that things were like before….

I wished that I didn’t express my feelings…

I wished that we all could be a family again.

But… is that what family really is? A collection of lies that build up nothing but false happiness?

“You alright, girl?”

Takade-san asked, breaking me out of my doubtful thoughts. Everyone turned my way, and without thinking, I blurted out…

"It's nothing... I was just talking with Mari-san and thinking about things.”

Takade-san lunged back with eyes as wide as baseballs.

“Mari-san? You mean that Mari-san?!”

Takade-san asked, standing up from her seat.

At first, I was confused, but then it all came together. My mouth opened so much that it hurt my jaw. I completely forgot that I told Takade-san that I liked a person named Mari… but I never told her who Mari-san was. The only other people here who knew of my feelings for my stepmother were Sophia-chan, Mae-chan, and Saya-san.

My partner in girl's love dashed over to me.

"W-Wait, Takade-san!”

I tried to calm her down, but she didn't have it. Wildly, she pushed away from the group into a small corner near the bathrooms, making a large enough scene all the while. I was sure all my personal business was about to be the entire mall's gossip in a matter of minutes.

“W-What are you doing?!”

I demanded answers.

“I-Is she in the store?! Is everything okay? A-Are you okay, girl?”



In a high-pitched whisper, Takade-san asked. That's when it came to me that Takade Saki-san… was just concerned for me. Just like how she was at the park that day, Takade-san was looking after me. She had no intention of gossiping about my lost love…

Takade-san was a true partner, just like she promised me.

“Takade-san, that's sweet of you to worry about me. But I spoke to her, and we went our separate ways."

I confessed.

With my hand behind my back, I glanced back at the exit, thinking about that beautiful hug that warmed me up despite it hurting so much at first.

“S-She wasn’t with anyone, right?”

Takade-san probed cautiously.

“No, nothing like that. We just saw each other and went our separate ways. You don’t need to worry about me.”

I shrugged.

“It’s fine. I mean… I expect to see her every now and then.”

I said but it wasn’t as convincing as I wanted it to be. Takade-san crossed her arms and leaned on the wall.

"Believe me, seeing someone you... well... you know? The person you were in love with is hard. Your feelings become a mess, and everything… hurts just like when you first fell in love."

It felt like the blood in my body turned to needles as she explained it that way. Takade-san must have gone through a lot in middle school. That's the only reason she was so in tune when she heard me utter Mari-san’s name.

“Yeah, it feels just like that.”

But thankfully… she didn't put two and two together when I met Mari-san once I took Hana-chan to her mom. It's such an outlandish story. I'm sure no one would have put the clues together that easily.

After we finished our food, we all cleaned up and met Simpson-san outside. Our group was starting to dwindle as the night went on.


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“Alright, see everyone tomorrow.”

Sophia-san said as she walked towards the car.

Mae-chan and Yuko-chan decided to ride with them. Everyone else was traveling the other way. So-chan waved to us from within Simpson-san’s car.

“Bye, bye, girls!”

Cutely, the pink-haired chaperon Simpson-san said before taking off. Saya-san bent down and looked at Nagumi-chan.

“It’s getting late. Does Nagumi-chan live far away, Okabe-san?”

Saya-san asked.

“It’s fine… I’ll take her home. She’s used to being out this late anyway.”

Okabe-san pulled her sister to her like a momma bear protecting her cub. With Okabe-san holding her little sister and Takade-san latched onto Saya-san… I felt like an odd third wheel for both pairs. So, I decided it was the best time to use the second shortest girl here as my hug pillow.

“Sora-chan… shall we?”

The middle schooler sparked up.

“We shall!”

Together, we formed a bond as our hands connected. She rubbed her head on my arms, and in a way, we looked like a couple. In a way, I was stealing my sister’s best friend right under her nose. The night lights flashed through the clear windows as we rode on the train.



When our stop came, I stood alongside Saya-san, Sora-chan, and Takade-san.

“Where does Nagumi-chan live, Okabe-san?”

I asked.

“We still have around twelve more stops until we get there.”

We all were shocked to hear this. Yet Nagumi-chan was kicking her feet without a care in the world.

“Oh my… where do you live then, Okabe-san? I take it you live close to her, right?”

Annoyed, Okabe-san shrugged.

“Back the other way… just past the shopping district. I get up early to pick Nagumi-chan up and take her to school.”

She explained.

I put my finger on my lip and thought about it…

Okabe-san would wake up and take the train past here only to travel back to Nagumi-chan’s elementary. Then, she'd take the train to Jinda High, back to the elementary and shopping district. And once she's done with work… she would have to take her little sister out here to drop her off… before going back home and sleeping.

“Oh… Okabe-san.”

I muttered, feeling guilty for keeping her out this late.

How she clarified that showed me that she was used to this route. The back and forth every day to pick up her little sister, go to work, and make their way across town only to come back and end the day… with her abusive mother. For such a hard effort, the reward was… terrible.

“I’ll come with you.”

I suggested, but Okabe-san shook her head.

“No, Nakagawa-san! You have to take that middle schooler home.”

Sternly, Okabe-san changed the subject and pointed at Sora-chan. We were still holding each other, and I'm sure anyone passing by would be suspicious of our relationship by this point. But I didn't care, she was cute, and I wanted to hold a cute girl.

“But… are you sure it’s okay, Okabe-san?”

I asked.

Through the intercom, the train operator announced that the train would be leaving within a minute. Saya-san touched my shoulder, urging me to come with her, Takade-san, and Sora-chan.

“Yeah, it’s getting late, and you should get some rest, too, Madoka-san. We’ll see Okabe-san tomorrow… won’t we?”

Saya-san cut in. Exasperated, Okabe-san closed her eyes and furrowed her brows.

“Yeah. Now get off before the train takes off with you girls still here. I… don’t want to be stuck with you girls any longer than I have to be.”

Takade-san was the first to get off. She cupped her mouth like a microphone and called out to the little girl, still kicking her feet about mindlessly.

"Bye-bye, Nagumi-chan! See you tomorrow, cutie!”

Takade-san shouted.


Sora-chan chimed in too.

With a light smile, Nagumi-chan waved as the door shut, taking the sisters away on their long journey back home.

“I… I hope nothing happens to Okabe-san once she gets home.”

I said to nobody in particular. That was the thing I worried about most. If Okabe-san had to return to her mother's place after enduring that hit…

“I know you meant well, Madoka-san, but I don't think Okabe-san wanted you anywhere near her parents…”

Saya-san explained why she pulled me away earlier.

“What do you mean, Saya-san?”

I asked a tad ignorantly. It didn’t even sink into me that I might have run into them though. My first reaction was to stay with Okabe-san for a little longer. I felt ashamed, not thinking I may have… worried her like that.

“I… didn’t even think about that.”

I murmured.

There was a lot I needed to be careful about. The situation Okabe-san is dealing with is dangerous. It might be best to talk with other adults to figure out how to help her.

“I’ll talk to my mom and other adults I trust about this.”

I suggested.

“We’ll see them tomorrow. So don’t worry for now.”

Calmly, Saya-san explained.

“I’ll chat with my sister, Risa-chan, about their situation, and we'll figure it out. But for now, let's get home, rest, and have fun. We deserve it, don't you think?"

Saya-san reassured. I held Sora-chan’s hand tight and gave her a worn-out smile.

“Yeah, let’s get some sleep, Onee-san! Hey, can I stay at your place tonight?!”

I thought about it.

“Hm, sure, I guess. That's if your mom is okay with it. Oh… I wonder if Mary-san would be fine with that too?”

The spry middle schooler smiled brightly at me.

“Yes! I’ll call mom and see!”

We waited there as she called on her phone. Saya-san and Takade-san chatted together, just talking about the upcoming party. Takade-san was more interested in the spell to “tie tongue” with her senpai more than anything though.

"Hey, mom, I'm here with Hana-chan’s older sister. You know… the one with glasses that Hana-chan is crazy about.”

Just hearing her talk about me like I was some object threw me in for a loop. But I didn’t say anything. And hearing that “Hana-chan was crazy” about me wasn’t true at all. We were just normal sisters, and I was getting annoyed for being labeled anything but!

“Ah… can I say at her house?”

She asked the question and went silent. A pin could drop a thousand miles away, and we could hear it.

“Oh… alright!”

She hung up… put her head down, and sighed deeply.

“I’m sleeping at Hana-chan’s Onee-san’s house tonight!”

Sora-chan bolstered.

As if she was blessed with the winning lottery ticket, Sora-chan screamed to the world. It wouldn’t surprise me if she woke up the neighbors by doing that.



Our group split off again as the lovey-dovey pair broke off. Together, Sora-chan and I walked down the cold street.

“I finally get to meet this Mary-san, the pickle woman!”

The middle schooler labeled my soon to be auntie a strange name.

"Don't call her that. She's nice, and that's rude."

I scolded, but the devilish middle schooler just chuckled. It made me slightly regret agreeing to this. The long day made my feet feel heavy as I walked back to Mary-san’s house. The day's events ran through my mind as I opened the door.

“Good evening. Oh, who is this?”

Mary-san caught me off guard with a cup of something sweet and warm in her hand. The drink smelled like vanilla, and if I wasn't full of junk food from earlier, I would have gotten a cup of it myself.

“This is Hino Sora-san, Hana-chan’s best friend and my good friend. She asked if she could sleep over tonight. Sorry, I should have asked you before agreeing, Mary-san...”

I apologized with a slight bow. It was at the spur of the moment, and after today, a bit of something uplifting, such as bringing home a cute girl, was something I couldn’t resist.

“Oh, no worries. It’s nice to meet you, Hino-san. My name is Auburn Mary, I’m Nakagawa Madoka-san’s soon to be auntie-in-law.”

“It’s nice to meet you!”

Politely, Sora-chan said as she bowed slightly.

Mary-san giggled with her finger to her lip and with her eyes closed.

"Oh, that's no problem at all. I'll get the bath ready, and once you two get out, you can have a nice cup of hot cocoa."

She raced off without me agreeing to any of it. Mary-san was being the perfect hostess, as she always was.


“Onee-san! Let’s bathe together!”

“Sure, Sora-chan.”

She clapped as her eyes shined at me.

Arms linked, we made our way to my room, and my night with Sora-chan started.


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