Sleeping Princess

Chapter 61: Ch.19 Two Years Older (2/6)

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The atmosphere was somber and mellow, just how I appreciated my mornings. Nothing was thrashing about my head now and I couldn’t be blessed with anything more. The light chirps of the morning birds awoke me from my slumber as I sat up, casting the shadow of my short hair along my cheeks. With the hot sweat sticking my hair to the back of my neck the anxious feelings started assaulting me again. They won't go matter how much I plead during my dreams. The temptation to learn more about my past despite the day it was...

“I bet my bed hair is a mess.”

I chuckled as I sighed deeply. Today…was the day I turned 17…not 15 like I’m supposed to. But I couldn’t let that bring my mood down. I was happy to finally be here for a birthday…even though it felt like I had one last year too, albeit without my dad.

As I sat there stubbornly on the bed my mind began to race. Even though I turned a year older these constant feelings of love tormenting me weren't changing any time soon. When will I be able to rest? Will there be a day that all these festering emotions don't assault me any longer? Abruptly, a knock on my door brought me to my attention.


I called out.

“Onee-san, Happy birthday!”

It was no one other than my precious little sister causing my heart to flutter. The sudden shot at my chest caused me to lie back into my pillows and roll around like the idiot I was. Like an arrow hit me full of sincerity and love, I couldn't bear but to whine about how adorable she is. Hana-chan...took my soul away first thing in the morning and I have yet to see her face.

“Hana…Thank you!”

That’s when she opened the door but I didn't see her. I was too busy trying to calm my racing heart. She gasped as her tiny feet tattered over to me. Her small face met my gaze as the world was spinning in my eyes.

What did I do in my past life to deserve such an adorable sister? Am I on the right track to having one just as cute as Hana-chan in the next life? If not...what do I have to do in order to secure my chances to have another Hana-chan? All these strange thoughts assaulted my mind as I chanted the blissful words, "Hana-chan is cute!" Over and over again.

“Onee-san! Are you okay?! Did you hurt yourself?!”

“Hana…I think I’m going to heaven…”

“Onee-san! Stop playing around, you’re scaring me!”

After a brief tussle with my wooing emotions, I got dressed and was helped downstairs by my little angel. She tugged on my shirt as we made our way to the dining room. To my surprise, there was a meal already set for me. It made me a little embarrassed knowing that what was in front of me was one of my favorite breakfasts. In an apron, my mom glided herself over to the table and gave me a sudden but abrupt kiss on the cheek.



Her soothing lips melted my heart. Nothing but pure and honest love was coming from mom...


“Madoka! You don’t know how much I’ve missed this day with you.”

That’s when it dawned on me. That’s right…for two years mom had to go without me being here for my birthday. This all lined up with what I talked with Taylor-sensei about. How much my mother must have gone through while I wasn’t there. Yes, she’s openly hiding things from me…but I can’t imagine how it must be for her. So, in a way, today was less of my birthday and more of a “coming back home celebration" wasn't it?

I tasted my morning rice and shook these feelings from my mind. Today of all days wasn’t the time to get sentimental over these subjects. I needed to enjoy my fifteenth, no, seventeenth birthday.

“Hm? Where’s Mari-san?”

A certain troublemaker was missing pretty early in the morning. I couldn’t grasp where she might be. To be honest...I wanted to see her right now and it made my spirits a tad low.

“Oh, she went out for a few things. She said she’d be back around noon today.”


It seems she’s even busy today. After going around with her on her errand the other day I have a brand-new appreciation for all the things she does for us. I didn’t realize that Mari-san had that much on her plate with all the lazing around she does. I've always seen her as a sloth who'd at a drop of a hat curl up in a tree and sleep...or watch dramas all day if she could, but that wasn't Mari-san. No, she ran around a lot for her job and even made sure the family was okay with anything they needed...

“Ah, that’s right Madoka, someone is coming to visit you today.”

Mom called out from the kitchen as she made her way into the dining room now.

“Hm? Who is it, mom?”


Announcing her assault, the food plane known as the Hana-chan express attempted to land in my mouth. With my free hand, I pushed Hana-chan’s soft cheeks interrupting her assault. Mom entered in with that radiant smile and even chuckled a little at our sisterly banter.

“Your Uncle is coming to visit. Both him and his girlfriend so, we’ll have to get you all buttered up for your big event today.”

“Oh, Uncle Ryuji is coming?!”

I nearly stood up. It’s been a while since I saw him in person and was extremely excited that he finally has the time to visit me again.

“Yep, he took off the week of your birthday. He wanted to make sure that he could spend this special day with all of us. He also mentioned a present he sent. Do you know about it, Madoka?”

A light flashed in my head. Uncle sent me a gift, a large box that he told me not to open until my birthday. I thought back to that day he called…the day I realized something important about Mari-san and Mom. That nobody had a right to...decide if their love is worth it...But as fast as it came, I raced it out of my mind and focused back on the gift.

“Did you peek and look at your gift, Madoka?”

“Of course not! I would never do that to Uncle!”

Mom then put my head softly. My head swayed in her direction as she moved about. I…I really love this feeling. Despite what's raging in my chest right now...I love the feeling of mom coddling me, don't I?

“I know…I know…My baby is finally back after two long years.”

Mom admitted. That stung me but I understood what she meant. I was happy to be back in her arms now. We certainly have our differences from the time before my coma...and I don't agree with her hiding things from me but nobody could deny that we still love one another...



After breakfast, I went to my room and relaxed on my computer chair. That's when my phone lit up and to my surprise, I had three different messages already. The first was from Mae-chan, the second was from Mihara-san and, the last was Sophia-san’s.

Mihara-san's message read...t

[Happy birthday!]

That was the message title and at the bottom a picture of a western toon cat. Yep, this was Mihara-like for sure.

[Thank you, Mihara-san!]

I replied with a cute flower next to it. Knowing Mihara-san likes flowers I hope she appreciates them. Now to check in with Mae-chan.


That was the message line. Something told me she completely forgot it was my birthday again. As I read the text Mae-chan expressed that she wanted to learn how to make those delicious pancakes that I made a while back. It made me giggle that Mae was acting just how she'd always had.

“Stupid Mae-chan…”

I complained but before I could look at Sophia-san’s text my phone rang. The person on the other line…Mari-san. It was actually rare for her to call me, so this took me by surprise. Gently I tapped her name as the screen lit up.


I could hear the rumble of the road in the background as her soft voice tenderly filtered in.

“Morning sleepyhead.”


“Ehhh…ain’t working, is it? Guess that nickname’s a bust too, huh?”

I could hear Mari slightly in the background. Sounds to me like she’s calling herself a dumbass again. This made me chuckle a bit that she was so self-conscious about things like this.

“Well…anyway. I had a few errands to run. I won’t be out for long so make sure you eat a good breakfast and…yeah.”

She sounded a tad concerned about me. But instead of digging deeper, I nodded my head as if to agree to her absolute wisdom.

“You’re pretty busy, Mari-san.”

“You know it. Have to keep the doe rolling in somehow.”

“So…what were you calling for? I take it’s not just to tell me to eat a healthy breakfast…”


“…Oh! That’s right…Ah…”

I waited for a bit, but nothing came out. That’s when I heard that soothing voice gently echo in.

“…Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you…happy birthday dear Madoka…happy birthday to you!”


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I sat on my bed in a daze. The world slowly began turning and spinning horridly. I was being dragged into a portal to an unknown world that housed the most adorable version of Mari-san. What the heck was she doing?! She’s too old to be acting this…cute.

“…Are you going to say something, Madoka-san?”

The air sucked in my stomach as the surprise shot out from me…

“Oh! I…was just surprised…”

“…Arrggg…I’m such a dumbass…Ehhh?!?!”

“Huh?! Mari-san are you okay?!”

“S-sorry! I wasn’t paying attention to the road…some guy on his bike cut in front of me…”

If she wasn’t driving, I’d suspect she’d curl up in a ball like an armadillo and shield herself from this world called embarrassment.


“I just want to die right now…”

That…was adorable…I kind of wanted to tease her more but I’m worried she’d have an accident if I did.

“Okay, I think you’re being a bit too overdramatic.”

I took a deep breath and expressed myself as best as I could. She was being nothing but sweet to me so, I reached for that deeply sugary tone in me and whispered back to her.

“Thank you…that made me…so happy.”

I could hear a chuckle from her now. Seems she calmed down if even a little.

“…Good. That’s all I want…is for you to be happy, you know Madoka-san?”


Our conversation toned down a little as our shallow breaths echoed into the mic of the phones. This was the closest we've been to one another. No awkwardness or tension that one could cut with a knife. Mari-san and I were finally on a level that we could chat and the conversation doesn't feel one-sided. How I wished that these powerful feelings though wouldn't dare to destroy this wonderful time we're having together.

“Well…see you later today, birthday girl.”

“Oh…you have to go so soon, Mari-san?”

“Yeah, I’m pulling up to my location right now.”

“I…see. Well, be safe, Mari-san.”

“Sure, sure. See you soon, birthday girl.”

My phone lit up as our call severed. Mari-san was considerate enough to check in on me. I…don’t think I have ever seen that side to her before. How I wish I recorded that “Happy Birthday” from her just now too.

“…Listen to yourself, Madoka. You sound like an idiot...”

I reprimand my thoughts.

“Onee-san! I have a question for you!”

Hana-chan tattered her tiny feet into my room as I set my phone down. She met me still on my bed as I searched her puffed cheeks.


“Who else is coming over today for your birthday?”


“Today is Onee-san’s first birthday with us so I want to make sure it’s perfect.”

A hint of a shine could be seen in Hana’s right eye. There’s something I didn’t consider about my special day here. Nothing was the same on my last birthday. Mom didn’t have 2 years to grow without me. I didn’t know Hana…and Mari-san. So, today wasn’t selfishly my birthday was it?

“You’re right, Hana-chan.”

I ruffled her soft hair. I didn’t do this often but it reminded me of how Mari-san’s hair felt. Well…of course she is her mother after all. There’s little doubt about that.

“So, what’s the order of business today, Onee-san?”

“Well…Ma-chan and her family are stopping by. Sophia-san said she’ll come too. Oh, and Mihara-san wanted to come also.”

“Oh…Mihara-san is coming also?”

Hana noticeably became uncomfortable and looked to the side. That’s when it hit me how…awkward that situation might be. I invited Mihara-san after the Cultural Festival…before I realized that she has a hard time dealing with Hana-chan…

“Hey, Hana-chan…how is it going between you two when I’m not there?”

She pushed her feet off the bed and dangled them from the carpet. I watched as her cute white feet tipped at the floor like two bunnies hopping up and down.

“Hm…I don’t think Mihara-san likes me at all. She’s…just, you know…inconsiderate.”

“I see…”

Hana doesn’t know anything about what happened between her and Mari-san. And If I told her…I wouldn’t know how to explain the entire thing in a way that doesn’t make Hana-chan question her mother’s actions. I don’t know what I’d do if Hana-chan started questioning her mom about her behavior around me. I think things are complicated now…but that would be a disaster.

“Well…Mihara-san is like a cat. She’s scared but super nice when you get to know her. I’m sure you’d both make great friends.”

Hana pondered for a bit as she flapped her feet about. They pulsed faster before coming to a stop and calming down for a moment.

“What am I like to you, Onee-san?”

Thrown off by the sudden question I scratched my head.

“What do you mean, Hana-chan?”

“Am I…a cat too?”

What a strange question and I couldn’t imagine why her brain went there. But if I had to compare her to an animal, I’m sure I’ve done it before.

“You’re like a puppy.”

I could see her ears visibly droop as she turned back.

“A puppy?! I’m not that short, Onee-san!”

She kicked off the bed and ran out the door in a fuss. It was entertaining seeing her in such high spirits in the morning. Usually, Hana-chan is drowsy this early in the morning. Maybe she was just as excited about today as Mom?

But that begs the question, what’s going to happen today? They’ve all been keeping tight wraps on everything else. Mom won’t even give me an inch when I asked her what kind of present, I’m getting. I’m excited to meet Uncle’s girlfriend and having my friends over will be fun too.

With all pieces in play, I look in my closet. There lied a pink box with the name Uncle Ryuji planted on it. It wasn’t supposed to be opened until today and as mom asked, I won’t open it until he’s with us. A bit excited however, I placed it on my counter.

“I wonder what it could be.”

I giggled.

Now deciding what I’m going to do next. I wanted to tone up my look because all of the guest that will be here today.

“Maybe this…”

I turned to the mirror. Today I was 17…even though that number wouldn’t stick with me too long. So, I shook my head and faced the mirror. With a light tint of blush and a tad bit of make-up here and there I pampered up just a little.


Now for my lips. I didn't need to go too far with them…I just wanted them to stand out a little. Not as if I’m trying to look attractive or anything. No, this was purely for fun. How I love sitting in front of the mirror and trying different cosmetics just to see what clicks or not. With all the time in the world and nobody asking me to do much I, with glee, redesigned the fashion buff known as Nakagawa Madoka.




I declared hopping up from my seat. I didn’t do too much, just light pecks of things here and there. But I was happy with how it came out. Right as I nodded in satisfaction I heard the doorbell.

"It's time to go, Madoka!"

I gave myself a pat on the back as I made my way down the steps...


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