Slice Of Life: Wife and Children`s System.

Chapter 1: One: The Beginning.

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Hospital A is one of the biggest and most famous hospitals in all of Egypt.

Inside one of its VIP rooms, lies a young man in the bed breathing heavily.

The young man was bald, has swollen eyes a thin face and body, and a lot of IVs inside his body.

Some may mistake him for a mummy.

He spent the last two years of his life in bed, receiving chemotherapy to heal his lung cancer.

When he first arrived at the hospital two years ago all the doctors said that he only has 6 months left.

But the young kept fighting death because his most loved one was his mother.

Before dying with his sister in a car accident she told him to live and cherish his life more than anything, but she also told him not to forget about them.

The young man was now remembering the last thing his mother said, with tears pouring covering his face...

Fighting lung cancer was hard.

"I'm sorry .....mother, sister I can't keep my promise... I fought cancer ...for two years but no available."

The doctor who was in charge of the young man for the last two years was searching very hard to heal the young man.

When the young man first arrived, he told him that he only has six months, but the young kept fighting and fighting the illness.

Looking at the Skelton young man in front of him, he cried.

It was already a miracle for the young man to live for two whole years.

But once cancer reached its stage, no more miracles can happen, only death will bring the young salvation.

Seeing the doctor who helped him while all the other doctors didn't, cry...

The young man tried to ease his pain, in the last two years he felt like this doctor is his brother not a friend, but a brother.

"Thank you.... for your help, Dr. Musa. I know... that you made everything..cough..... you could make.... me live more, and keep... my promise to mother .... You really don't know....cough.... how much I'm thankful... I just .....hope that next time someone... like me arrives, you will have successes in you ....cough....your research about the.... lung cancer..... My time has finally arrived... So... Don't cry anymore, brother..."

The young man kept coughing blood and shuttering to say the words to his brother.

The doctor just nodded, he didn't has anything to ease the young man who is at the death door... He can only just watch as the young man breathed his last breath




'what... didn't I die? where am I? What is this place... all I can see is darkness... am I going to hell? But I didn't do anything wrong...'

In the void...

In a darkness sea, there was a floating white orb flying...

It's a wandering soul...

'won't I be seeing my mother and sister again?'

Just this thought made him cry...

But because he wasn't in his human form, his tears didn't come out.

While he was crying imaginary tears.

A cold mechanical voice resonated in his mind…

[Finding a suitable host...]

'What?? What's this....'

[A suitable host has been found.]

Once again he heard the mechanical voice in his mind...

[Initialisation... Installing wife and children's System... ]

'What the fuck... Wife and children 's system... First time heard of it...'

[1.... 20.... 35... 60.... 83... 99... 100%... Installing complete...]

'woahhhh... what is this

A blue interface appeared out of nowhere in front of his eyes…


Wife and children's System.

Host's Status...

Name: Adam.

Level: Zero.

Race: human.

Exp: 0/0.

Hp: 0/0.

Str: 0.

Agi: 0.

Endu: 0. (Endurance...)

Mana: 0.

Int: 0.

Lck: 0.

Dex: 0.

Vit: 0.

Quests: None.




'what is this?... Did that mechanical voice show me this?... Is that my status'

[Host is right... This is the host's interface.]

Once again the cold mechanical voice talked again, but this time it answered his...

'where am I? What will happen to me now? And what does System do?'

[Host, now you are in the void... Because of your good karma and your mother's wish, you have been chosen to be reincarnated in another world as the first host of the newly created System...]

[Host will have to love his wife and children and raise them well. The host will spend his time in the other world in peace. Only the host has to do, is cherish his time... ]

[Host has to complete the missions given by the system.]

[Once certain conditions are met, the host can travel to other worlds, and enjoy them with his family.]

'even after dying you still wish for me... now I understand.... thanks.'

'what will happen now?'

[Host will now get reincarnated...]

[Sealing the host's memory.]

'Ehhhh? Why did you seal my memory?'

[Once the host reaches 24 years old, your memory and the system will get unsealed.]

[Choosing a Universe... A suitable universe has been found... Entering Universe no.17... entering a new world... Choosing Asmaar planet...]

[Enjoy your new life to the fullest host...]


Asmara's world... A world of swords and magic...

It has three continents...

Asgard's continent or known as

Moria's empire. With Sylvania's empire as the strongest, and also the one with the most land...

The second continent is Astral land known for its natural forests and its beautiful lands.

Lastly the demon continent, an evil continent ruled by the demon Emperor, always wished to rule all over the world.

Recently the youngest Duke of the Coldside's dukedom, Adam Coldside has sealed demons in their continent.

Astral land made a union and both fought against the demon's threat...

Both armies were led by the strongest and youngest man alive, Adam coldside.


Coldside castle, inside the office of the Duke, a young man, with a handsome face, beautiful light blue hair, and ocean blue-like eyes.

He was working with great speed to finish the pile of papers in front of him.

Suddenly, he began to feel a slight headache, but he endured it. After around 30 minutes the headache came again, but this time it was much more severe...

"ugh, my head hurts like hell... ahh.....ahhh"

His scream resonated inside the castle.

[Memory unsealed... 1... 30... 50... 80... 99.. 100%]

[System activated...]

A cold mechanical voice talked inside his head, as it made the headache more severe than before.

that was the last thing he heard as he fell unconscious...


I don't recognize the ceiling above me. Oh… Just why does my head hurt so much? Did I wake up too fast…? As my eyes fluttered open, my vision was blurred with streaks of unfamiliar yet familiar golden.

As it came into focus, that beautiful and shimmering coin-like golden in my view became more and more vivid… and I saw that it was the color of the hair belonging to the woman who anxiously looked down at me.


"Are you okay Adam?".

When I slowly raised my body instead of immediately replying, she supported my shoulder as I pulled myself up. Then, I saw a mirror in front of me… And my breath caught in my throat.

What was reflected in that mirror was a man in his twenties, his face cold and sharp… He looked something like what I imagined a dandy would be, but no matter how undeniably handsome the man in the mirror was, it wasn't a face I had ever seen before.

"Dammit, my head hurts... What happened to me, didn't I die?... What are these memories... "

"So, all that was real, I really reincarnated in another world..."

But, as that headache continued to burn through my temples, the memories came rushing in… My name is Adam Coldside I held the position of the Duke. As for the woman I saw in the reflection beside me, she was my wife as well as the Duchess, Alena Coldside.

Alongside my twin daughters, Azura Coldside and Celestia Coldside, we're a family of four...


"I`m fine now… Alena, Thanks for taking care of me." I said while looking at her beautiful green eyes.

"No need to thank me, Adam…"

I called out the beauty in front of me with some trepidation, but it seems like her name was Alena.

I need to arrange my thoughts.

The conflicting memories of two lives raged in my skull.

I see, so she really is my wife… but in my memories, she and I didn`t have a close relationship.

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No rather, to be more precise it seems that I before regaining my memories.

It`s because all I was thinking about is the war between The Union and Demon Continent…

Alena and I were childhood sweethearts, but as we grew up I put some distance between us, only because of the war…

"No… I`m sorry. Did I collapse?"

"Yes, you must have been overtired. The doctor said that you had no major injuries, however, I accompanied you just in case… but, was I a bother to you? "

She drew back slightly in apprehension… but when I saw that sadness in her eyes, I reflexively reached out and laid my hand on her head.

A caring and beautiful wife like her shouldn`t ever feel sadness.


She screamed in surprise…

"Alena, thank you very much for watching over me. I`m truly glad that you are my wife."

"…Eh!? T-that's not… I… Um…"

Alena's face went deeply red as she stammered bashfully…

Huh? That's strange…

We do have children together, so this level of touching shouldn't be enough to… Ah, I think I understand.

Going from my memories, the relationship between us had always been something cold… so if I did something like this so suddenly, of course, she would be confused.

No, but… honestly, she really is lovely. Despite being a mother, she still had a youthful sense of beauty that would challenge any woman younger… And, how should I put it, when I saw her blush and look at her hands shyly at that slight skinship… I felt something.

Just as my heartbeat, a cold mechanical voice rang in my head.


Don`t hide your feelings from your Wife.

Reward: Cookies Cooking Recipe.


Seeing the new quest I remember the talk in the void…

Wife and Children`s System… so it will give me quests and I need to accomplish them… and in return, I will also be given a reward once I complete them huh…


"Ah, Sorry Alena, my head hurt again… but don`t worry, I`m fine right now…"

Getting back into action, I decided to speak with my wife…


"Ah… A-adam…?" she seemed surprised

As I brought my hand down to rest on her cheek, I could feel her skin react sensitively as her voice bubbled up… Ah, way too lovely!!

I barely managed to contain myself at the sight… but, trying not to startle her anymore, I gently spoke to her, not letting my emotions show on my face.

"Alena… Do you love me?"

"T-that's…" she muttered but I decided to interrupt her.

"As for me… I`ve always loved you… but I didn`t want to tell you because of fear that I will die in the war… I`ve always left you, and we didn`t even spend our time as a family should … you know that I killed a lot of people… my hands are defiled with blood… and someone beautiful like you, shouldn`t be with someone like me… the war is now over… so, I promise you that from now on, I`ll cherish and spoil you and my Daughters  a lot, and I`ll devote myself for you, Celestia, and Azura"

"… Adam… Um… Are you really not feeling well, after all…?"

Well… I guess it makes sense to be received like this after saying something so suddenly.

That being said… I do really want to hear her feelings.

"I understand now that I have been wrong about you all this time… So, I was hoping that we could start fresh."

"Start… fresh…?"

"Ah… I suppose words are cheap, aren't they? In that case…"

As I said that, I gently kissed Alena on the forehead and then pulled away, a smile on my lips.

"…From now on, I intend to show you that I mean it."

"Um… Um, um… I, ah…"

"What is it?"

"I… I too… Ah… I've always loved you dearly, Adam…"

Alena managed to say that, as a deep red blush spread across her cheeks. When I saw that, I made a vow.

From now on, I will shower this wife of mine in love. I will devote myself to this adorable woman so utterly that the relationship we had in the past would be nothing more than a bad memory.

[Quest Complete, rewards are in the system inventory.]

Suddenly, a ring interrupted my thoughts, but after looking at it and noticing that I completed the mission, I dismissed it.

After deciding that I would hold my wife Alena dear from now on, the next place I had to visit was a certain twin`s room, my daughters, Celestia and Azura.

From my memories that were still filtering thoughts about my life,  before I regained my memories.

It seems that I was really an ass hole…

In the past, I never took much interest in my own daughters.

Both would have been two years old this year, but as I searched through my memories for just where could I find their room… this man, did he really care so little about them?

I couldn`t remember no matter how hard I tried.

The servants looked surprised as I passed by, even though they kept up their perfect etiquette… No, am I really that rare a character to see…?

"Oh? Then you are awake?"

"Mm? Robert, is it?"

As I was deep in thought, an older man wearing the clothes of a butler called out to me… This was the house's head butler (or rather, the only butler), Robert, who also looked slightly surprised to see me.

"I was on my way to visit your room… Adam-sama, may I ask where you are going?"

"I was thinking of visiting Celestia and Azura's room."

"…Oh? My apologies, I must have misheard? For a moment there, I thought I heard that you were planning on visiting the Young Misses room…"

"I am. Their room was this way, wasn't it?"

Although the ever-calm butler had quite the rare puzzled look on his face, he still calmly nodded when I asked him that.

"Yes. It is in that direction. On another note, Adam-sama… I seem to recall that Alena-sama was in your room earlier…"

"Hm? Ah, Alena returned to her room. She wanted to come with me, but I told her this was something I needed to do alone."

"Adam-sama… I had heard you hit your head quite hard when you collapsed… are you sure you're quite alright?"

"You are quite the rude one, aren't you?"

Well, it's not like I don't understand where he's coming from. It would only make sense to worry about just what happened to a man who never showed any interest in his family acting like this so suddenly… But even if he has some doubts about my sanity, it's all I can do to speak calmly.

"I merely want to love what I didn't have eyes with which to see before. Is that so wrong?"

"Nothing of the sort! Your servant, Robert, is in fact quite moved to see something like that awake in you, Adam-sama!"

To be moved so easily… Just how sad a life did you lead, Adam?

Well, I guess I'll have to fix his image from now on.

"In any case, I'll be returning to work after seeing my Daughters, can you wait that long?"

"Yes… However, right now, Celestia-sama and Azura-sama are currently taking their etiquette lessons."

"I see… Well, simply popping my head in the door shouldn't hurt."

"I would hope so…?"

There was something in Zeke's voice. But, well, for the time being, I'll ignore it and head towards my daughter`s room.

"I think It was here." I stood in front of the door.

But just as I was about to knock on the door.

I heard an angry shout from within.

I opened the door very gently, just a crack, and I was greeted with the sight of two young girls who had fallen to the floor, with an older woman screaming at them with a fist raised in the air.

Wait, they are my daughters.

No, wait just a damned minute, what the hell is that old lady did to the daughters of the house!?

I wanted to run in straight away, but I barely managed to suppress my instinct and listened to the old lady's words.

"You useless brats! How many times do I have to say it before it gets through your thick skull! You incompetents! You dunderheads!"

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

"If the mother is good for nothing, then I suppose the daughters are too! You really are unwanted brats!"

"Uu… I-I'm sorry…"

Snap. Ah, yeah, I think that was the sound of something breaking inside of me.

She called my daughters useless and unwanted, and my wife is good for nothing.

Alright, I've decided, I won't forgive you, you damned old hag.

When I opened the door, I paid Celestia and Azura a quick glance before turning my eyes to the hag.

"Oi… What do you think you're doing to the daughters of my house!?"


Celestia and Azura seemed shocked just at the sight of me… but I had to ignore that for now, instead glaring at the hag in front of me.

"I'll ask you again… What do you think you're doing to my daughters?"

"…My my, if it isn't the Duke. I was merely educating your daughters about manners…"

"Then, why are Celestia and Azura on the floor? What do you call those marks on their skins?"

"T-that is… they merely fell down."

"So you'll play dumb to the last? So be it… but just so you know, you're being dismissed without pay."

It was only at that line did the hag finally begin to panic a little.

"W-wait just a moment, please! Just this much is necessary for a proper educatio-!"

"Silence! My house is not so kind a home that it has a place to offer an incompetent such as yourself! Never again think to involve yourself with my household. Or else… Perhaps next time, I shall keep your head here?"

With those words, I motioned for a passing maid to escort her from the grounds… and whispered strict instructions that she not be allowed back on the property. With that sorted, I gently called out to Celestia and Azura, who were still sitting on the ground.

"Celestia, Azura… are you okay?"


As I drew nearer, I saw scars on their neck, painful reminders of what they had been going through until now. Seeing such a thing on the skin of young girls, whose golden hair was just like their mother`s… I cursed the wretched me used to be.

"I'm so sorry Celestia… It's all because of how careless I was that you had to go through so much pain until now…"


At first, Celestia and Azura could only muster surprise… but soon their bodies began to tremble slightly, and I could hear the tears bubbling up to their eyes in their shaking voice.

"I-I… When she said no one wanted us… I didn't like it… But, I…"

"Such a thing isn't true at all. I need you, Celestia, and Azura. You are my precious daughters. That's why, for everything up until now, I'm so sorry. From now on, I will give you all the love you deserve. I promise."

"Ah…!? Da-daddy… uuu…"

When I pulled them into a hug, they couldn't hold it in anymore, and I felt the tears lightly drip onto my back.

As I hugged Celestia and Azura gently, I made the same vow as I had just before… I will devote myself to loving them.

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