Slice of Perfection

Chapter 2: The Familiarity of Solidarity

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Aspro Vathys was no stranger to loss.




It only took 14 years after her birth to experience her first loss.

Aspro's father had always been a loving and nurturing figure for most of her life. Although he was strict at times, the unconditional love he would smother her in was enough to suffocate her. He had always been interested in the hobbies she would randomly start and was constantly supportive of any decision she decided to make, so long as it didn't put her in danger.

However, the greatest aspect of Aspro's father was the unending smile he used to have, which seemed to be an eternal fixture on his face.

So as she saw his casket slowly being lowered into the ground beneath her, she couldn't help but feel the shell shock. To simply lose him before he ever lost his smile felt poetic yet melancholic in her eyes, as the disbelief of his death tried to constantly manifest itself in her mind. However, the lack of his warm, loving arms to embrace her during his own funeral seemed to cement the fact in her mind that he was very much dead.

The image of her mother also seemed to crumble before her, as the woman she used to know seemed to have died right before her very eyes. The once serious salary woman, who seemed to dawn a smile that used to rival her own father's, became an empty shell, as red eyes and moist tears masked any other emotion she could have been feeling.

Relatives came and went, only to give meaningless words of condolence, constantly repeating and reframing the same practised line in some hope that they themselves would be able to fix the pain they both held.

The next four years became a blur, as the once bustling house filled with constant activity and laughter became deafeningly silent. The pair of mothers and daughters hadn't said much on the day of the burial, the day after, or in the coming weeks and years. Although they were connected by blood, the two lived completely separate lives, with one trying to drown out any possible feelings of emptiness through alcohol and the other drowning themselves in a constant study in the hope of receiving praise from someone who had long passed.

School had been surprisingly easy once Aspro had removed herself from all known distractions—no father, no need to tell anyone how her day had gone. No, mother, there is no need to seek advice in life unless you have big plans. No Friends, there is no need to make any plans or arrangements.

Aspro was able to finish middle school with some of the best grades of the year, then finish high school with a perfect score across the board, and finally attend a fantastic college that most could only dream of attending. By the time Aspro achieved her master's degree, she had no one to congratulate her on her accomplishment and nobody to encourage her to keep going further.

So with no push in what direction she should go, she decided to quit, settling herself down in a nice coffee house as a barista in the hope of finding some semblance of what to do going forward. And from there, that's when she found Paul.

Paul had been an extraordinarily simple man who liked to go wherever the wind would take him without even the simplest thought. How the two got together could hardly be called the most romantic of stories, with him blatantly stating how he found her attractive and putting up the idea that they should date, with her simply nodding along. But it was good enough for her.

Paul had introduced her to new people she could talk to, new friends she could make, a new job, and a new way of living. Paul had given her a reason to try out fresh foods and hairstyles and a new reason to live. Paul had quickly become her everything as she gradually realised that without him, she would lose everything and would once again wander around aimlessly with no rhyme or reason. She understood that it was a woman's role to be the one who made all the best decisions and impressed their partners, but the words Paul would whisper to her felt too good, too tempting, to ignore.

She understood that over time, once they had their occasional fight, she would be too kind to Paul and too forgiving, but she also held the belief that if there had ever been a time when she would permanently lose Paul, she wouldn't know what to do with herself.




By the time Paul had impregnated her at the age of 24, she had become extraordinarily nervous about becoming a mother. The overwhelming fear of becoming as hollow as her own mother came to mind as the constant burning sensation lingered in her throat. It was only when Paul sat down with her and calmed her down that she felt as if she were ready to give birth.

It was only at the beginning of September that she went into labour; it had been one of the most physically draining processes of her life, but just like all women in modern society, she had to stay strong in front of her partner.

A quick glance revealed that the baby was nothing special; its bald, tiny head shivered in the cold, and its small, wrinkly eyelids were tightly shut. However, under Aspro's gaze, the baby had been nothing short of perfect. She felt her heart melt as she held the tiny newborn in her hand. She had carried him, her son, for nine months, and now she would be able to stay with him for all her life.

She had never truly felt the warmth of a family since her father had died, but while holding the tiny treasure, she couldn't help but feel the same warmth her father used to provide her. So when it came to naming the child, it only made sense to name him after her own father.

"Pathos Vahtys."




However, it only took 12 years after countless fights, arguments, and disagreements in their relationship for Aspro to feel like things may have been coming to an end.

It had been rather hard work for your average 9-to-5 employee, and although she may have been far overqualified for the position she was in, the desire to work closer to her family far overruled any logical reason she possessed.

She would get up every day, eat, work, and sleep, only taking days off and sick days to care for her family, which consisted of manly playing with Pathos.

He had quickly become another reason for her to constantly move through the cycle, as his daily encouragement and showers of love and affection had quickly become her main fuel source. Whenever she got home after a long night of work, he was always there to greet her by the door with a big hug and kisses. If she didn't have Paul in her life, she would be scared that she would eventually learn to love her precious boy instead. Despite the fact that it appeared that outcome had become more than a passing thought as Paul's activities became increasingly strange over the years,

Paul's "constant person" motto of going wherever the wind took him led to his becoming addicted to the "recreational" drugs he had taken. At first, it seemed to be a harmless hoax, but as time moved on, Aspro slowly began to fear the possible harm it may be doing to his body. However, she had become rather silent about her worries, as she still seemed to be suffering from the consequences of the last time she had misspoken her opinion.

Although Paul was rather fragile for a man, I didn't stop him from kicking and screaming whenever she tried to take away his "recreational" drugs, and after a rather large fight between them both, he seemed far more distant as he spent more and more time out of the house. Sometimes leaving Pathos unsupervised, which she quickly grew to dislike.

Yet all of that was irrelevant as she started to make her way out of the office and back into her car. She had forgotten that her appointment today had been cancelled due to a current political dispute going on inside the government. It had felt like the first time in a long time that she had been given a day off, with no additional work she needed to do at home.

Today would have been far better if she had expected to see Pathos within the house, but as she had been told by Paul in one of their recent spare conversations, he was currently going on a school trip where he would be away for the next 5 days. The thought alone made her let out a deep sigh as she slowly took off out of her company's car park.

The drive home had been surprisingly quiet, as they had turned off the radio to surround her with her own thoughts. Paul would be home alone today, if he was even home, and with their most recent fights being only a couple of days ago, she decides that with Pathos being gone, this may be the best time to spark the previous passionate love they once both had for each other and for her to possibly once again ask for his forgiveness.

After making a quick detour to the closest florist and picking out one of their most recommended boutiques, she speedily continued her journey home.

Only to come face to face with a car she hadn't owned before, a rather expensive Bugatti La Voiture Noire parked outside her own house.

"Fucking hell, Darcy!" Aspro couldn't help but break out into one of her very rare bursts of anger as she slammed her clenched fist into the dashboard as she parked her car outside of one of the entryways to her home.

Darcy Baldwin had been one of Paul's and Ponprus's closest friends. She had been a supposed heir to one of her mother's companies before she was stripped of it by her mother once she was found stealing large quantities of money from her to fuel her drug addictions. She had been a good-for-nothing crook who spoiled everything she would touch, as she was one of Paul's dealers and the actual person who brought him into his recreational habits.

She and Darcy had had some intense interactions in the past, with only one of them being injured as a result of it, and Aspro and Paul had argued on that day over his choice of friends, but after he left for a week and came back without even giving an explanation of where he had gone, she had decided to let him live his own life.

Unlocking the door of her car, Aspro silently left as she walked towards the front entrance in an angry stride. She could feel her own anger spreading in two folds as the front door was left slightly ajar, allowing anyone to enter the house.

Her steps revivified the inside of the house as most of the lights seemed to be turned off. The kitchen and the living room were left empty as objects from various parts of the room seemed to have been shoved off to make room for something. Her body carried her towards the staircase leading into the upstairs room as the hand she held the bouquets in tightened.

Step by step, Aspro claimed higher and higher, and the thought of the past six years being a complete waste came to mind, although the idea of gaining Pathos as a result of that quickly killed them off.

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As she only gained speed, she charged down her upper corridor as her foot slammed into her own bedroom door, finding it.

Completely empty.

As quickly as the anger came, she could feel it dissipate into nothingness, leaving behind only regret and sorrow for ditching her partner in the first place. Even as the shame slowly crept in, she couldn't help but sigh in relief as fears of the worst slowly lost structure.

Leaving behind the badly damaged door, she walked towards her dearest son's room in order to collect an empty vase he had, which he kept by his window sill, so she could keep the flowers healthy when Paul decided to arrive back.

As her hand cradles the handle of the door and stealthily twists it open, a sight pulled straight from a dirty magazine is presented in front of her, with her face becoming as pale as her snowy white hair.

Darcy's naked form was found in the possession of a camera pointed towards her son's bed. Her face seemed red and out of breath, and sweat seemed to glide around her naked body, with her swollen ass cheeks squirming in anticipation. Alongside the sweat, a heavy white stream seemed to be oozing down her legs and pooling out of her pussy. Her hand shakily held the camera as a sense of shame and enjoyment filled her face.

However, the scene she was recording was far crueller than Aspro could have imagined, as the image of Paul's purity seemed to be damaged right in front of her very eyes.

"You fucking slut, look at you sucking on my tight pussy. You can't get enough, can you?" The dark-skinned Amazon grinned as she ran her slick pussy along Paul's face, and his hair seemed to be barred within the pussy that was sitting on top of him. Her figure could be seen quickly accelerating as she seemed to be close to climaxing.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, you guys should feel his dick inside of you; it's twitching so much. You like it, don't you, you dirty boy?" Another equally toned Amazonian, this time seeming more energetic than the first, was bouncing energetically on Paul's back as her thick ass seemed to slam down on his small waist, leaving a heavy thud reverberating around the room. Every time she seemed to bob up and down Paul's penis seemed to disappear under the sheer mass of her ass.

"You better start moving your finger hard, or else how am I supposed to cum?" A third, equally Amazonian but less toned, sat by as Paul's thinger seemed to bob in and out of her with far more zeal than he had ever shown for Aspro.

"OH GOD, I'M GONNA CUM." The final and smallest Amazonian was found violently vibrating as their petite back and abdomen were found arching outwards as Paul continued to finger her as well. A long stream of clear liquid came out of her as her pussy seemed to be furiously pulsating.

The girls all seemed to be far too focused on fucking the man with whom they had all gotten here hand in hand to even realise the door had been opened at all. They all appeared to be passionately making love to the partner she had dated for the past 14 years and even had a child with.

A fivesome, but most likely a previous sixsome, was presented in front of Aspro as her mind seemed to slowly blank out. The emotional backlash from being extremely angry to extremely guilty back to being extremely angry, the constant endless cycle of work she had put herself through, the lack of sleep she had been getting due to the overtime she had currently worked the previous day, the lack of her loving presence from her dear baby, and much more all seemed to hit her at the same time as they became far too much for her to handle as she slowly felt her mind drift away. 

Passing out at the mere sight of the discourse.




Misfortune was the only thing Aspro had been able to wake up to, as she found the house completely empty and devoid of anyone's presence other than her own, not even her lover or perhaps now previous lover. As the fresh, pungent scent of betrayal filled the air in her son's room, anger tried to settle within her heart, but the flame had long since been extinguished and only ash could be formed.

The burning sensation within her eyes seemed to build up the longer she thought about the previous event that had just transpired, but the desire to be a strong woman—not for herself but for her son—filled her. As she silently brought herself up from the floor and into her son's room, she slowly started to clean up the mess that had been left behind.

"I'm so pathetic."




Explaining to Pathos that his father was no longer able to stay with them had been hard, as the only person he had to direct his growing anger and dissatisfaction toward was his mother. The loving and caring words had quickly turned into laughs and cries of vicious mockery as the desire to bring back the faraway figure they had just lost filled them.

Aspro couldn't help but nearly cry as she realised the pattern of behaviour Pathos seemed to replicate as he slowly stopped waiting for her by the door, greeting her with a hug every evening, and slowly started to isolate himself from her more and more. It had become rare for them to even hold a full conversation, as he would walk out of the room whenever she would enter.

As the weeks passed, Aspro realised that he had been slowly turning into a younger version of herself. A distant memory of a previous event filled her mind as she started to realise that the growing loneliness that seemed to fester within her may have been similar to what her mother had faced.

Had her mother wished for her to console her after her father died?

Did she wish to have someone close too?

Even topics such as the last time she had even contacted her mother came to mind as she slowly started to realise the similar behaviour patterns that were already set.

Had she abandoned her mother in her greatest time of need?

The same distinct burning sensation once again filled her eyes as she felt herself so close to breaking down; however, it was simply uncalled for a woman in today's society to cry. Paul had chastised her for being far too pathetic, and Pathos had begun to isolate her because she was too weak to lose to any random woman.

Without Paul, she felt as if she had no direction to continue going in, and without Pathos, she felt as if she had lost the only support she had during this journey they called life.

She laid down in her bed as the new day began and the old one ended, deciding to take the day off work.

Aspro finally put together exactly what her mother felt when he died. After 16 years, Aspro began to feel the same loneliness she had felt when her father died. And although anybody were to question what Aspro did that day in the morning, she would deny it.

She cried.

She shed the tears that she had been building up for so long. She cried over her father's death, her mother's need to bury herself in alcohol, the terrible job she had been working, the fact that her boyfriend of 14 years had cheated on her, and the fact that she was now unloved by even her own child.

Aspro cried harder that morning than she had ever cried in her life.




Because although Aspro Vathys may have been no stranger to loss,

just like any other human being.

She had learned to despise it.

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