Slime Girl

Chapter 156: Chapter 144

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- Shari -


Please don't let the queen faint!
Please don't let her faint!
Please don't let her faint!


I really can't have the one person capable of stopping the guards behind us lose consciousness now.

Liqu is already entering the room, still holding off several guardsmen.


"Anvenia... Is that you?" (queen)

"Yes, mother. I made new friends." (Anvenia)

"I... see." (queen)


Damn, now she's glancing at me.
It might be that my earlier verbal cascade wasn't the best first impression about my person so maybe I should try to remedy that.


Ehm, is it appropriate to wave now, or do I have to kneel?
While I'm not entirely sure how this applies to Liqu, technically I still consider myself as someone from this country.

Since I don't want to do anything wrong and as it seems to be the most suggestive gesture to show my alignment, I kneel.
As good as I can while my body is still reshaping my lower segment.


"Ehm, I know this is a bit sudden, but I assure you that there's a very good explanation for this situation." (Shari)


All I receive in return is a twitch of her eye.
Liqu meanwhile has all her hands... errh, tendrils full with keeping the guards at bay.


"Shari, it's starting to feel slightly pressuring. Can I?" (Liqu)

"No! By no means, no! No deadly violence!" (Shari)

"That means not deadly violence is okay?! I could..." (Liqu)

"No!!" (Shari)


The guards on the other side are not giving up on their task to try to overwhelm us.


"Everyone stop! Now!!!" (queen)

"But, my queen..." (guard captain)


Seems like the man I tackled is trying to get back up.
I contemplate if I should make him slip before he becomes a threat to me, but fortunately, the queen takes this dilemma from me.


"You too! Nobody moves! I need time to process this." (queen)


I can second this notion.
Now she sits down on the bed and starts massaging her temples.
After about half a minute or so she looks up again.
She focuses on one of the guards at the entrance who until now were in a weird standoff with Liqu, unable to enter past her, but at the same not allowed to attack.
The latter leisurely winks at them.


"You there! Inform my husband about... whatever this here is. We need to solve this situation as soon as possible. Also, establish a full information block on everything that transpired here! Nothing about this can slip out! Sigh, who needs sleep?" (queen)


Unfortunately, the next thing she does is directly look at me.


"First things first. Friend or foe?" (queen)

"Friend! Totally friend!" (Shari)


Her look is still somewhat scrutinizing, but not outright refusing to believe me.


"Fine, let's suppose so for now. Proceed. Who are you?" (queen)


Let's try an exact military report.


"Special Officer Shari from Count Kahan's forces!" (Shari)

"Special... Yes, that's certainly fitting." (queen)


Why do I feel slightly off about this remark?


"Alright. I will question my daughter very intensely later on, but for now, would you mind telling me what was the mentioned reason that led to my guards getting overwhelmed, my carpet being turned into a mess, and my daughter being disgorged on the very same?" (queen)

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She has a very intense gaze while saying this.
The kind of discomfort one only feels when pure authority scolds you.
I don't know what is worse, that she's the queen or a mother?


"Gulp" (Anvenia)


Yep, you're taking the words from me, Anvenia.


"Ahem, I am sad to report that Count Kahan's estate was attacked. While we were able to fight back the enemy, most of the structures were destroyed and the count's troops severely diminished. Under those circumstances, her highness' safety couldn't be guaranteed anymore and it was decided to return her to your care." (Shari)

"I see that the count has a peculiar way to ensure my daughter's safety. A very peculiar way." (queen)

"I can assure you that we are the best he had to offer." (Shari)


Under the pretext that all the others were severely injured.


"Hello! I'm Liqu!" (Liqu)


And with this, for the first time in history, a natural slime forces an audience with the queen of this country.

Goddamnit, Liqu!
I only pointed at you to refer to our alignment!
It wasn't meant as an invitation to this talk!


"I... see. The best..." (queen)


Suppressing the urge to facepalm I try to save what I can.


"Ahem, she may not look like it, but she could certainly provide some security for your highness' daughter." (Shari)

"Your fighting prowess isn't in question. You made things very clear when forcing yourselves right through my guards." (queen)


Might be my imagination, but it could be that she's slightly disgruntled about this.


"I promise, we would've gone the official way if there would've been the slightest chance of being received." (Shari)


For a moment I think I see something like realization on her face.


"Alright, this went on long enough! You all leave my quarters! I need to prepare till his majesty arrives!" (queen)


Are we getting thrown out?


"Ahem, are we supposed to wait out there with the guards?" (Shari)


I see issues with that.
And not only because I just poisoned half of them.
Next, she almost forcefully stares at me, before shaking her head.


"Sigh, whatever. Stay if you have to." (queen)

"My queen, you ca-...." (guard captain)

"Captain Soma! I can't recall having revoked my order to you. Is this an act of insubordination?" (queen)

"N-no, my queen. I would never..." (Soma)

"Good, then do as you were ordered. If those two would truly plan my death I doubt you would make the difference." (queen)

"Ehm, I would like to point out that some of our comrades might be currently in custody on the ground floor. If anyone could do something about it." (Shari)

"You..." (Soma)

"You heard her. Every bit of information might help, so investigate this matter." (queen)


The guard captain does as he was told, albeit without any motivation.
When the door closes I look unsure at our host.


"My husband will arrive here any minute. Until this happens you are obligated to relay what happened that led to this." (queen)


Great, it seems as if everything's going according to plan.
I only have to tell her about the conspiracy, which she probably already knows about.
So soon the king will come and by then the queen should know about all our troubles with the traitors.
Coming from her it will be more believable.

So it seems like my mission succeeded.
I would only have one little request.
Could I please, please get a set of clothes before the king comes?!


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