
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Unexpected Event (3)

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"This is fascinating!"

Chapter 3 - Unexpected Event (3)

Dragons, Chimeras, Werewolves, and mythical creatures exist in this world! I never thought that there would be a time when I could see mythical creatures in person. I liked them when I was a child.

"Ah, I should read another book too."

"What's next, Economics?"

The currency here is using coins, there are five coins here. Copper Coins, Bronze Coins, Silver Coins, Gold Coins, and Platinum Coins.

One platinum coin is equivalent to 6 gold coins.

One gold coin is equivalent to 12 silver coins.

One silver coin is equivalent to 24 bronze coins.

One bronze coin is equivalent to 48 copper coins.

Judging by the price of food in the market, one loaf of bread was worth four copper coins. One package of lunch meals is worth 12 copper coins.

There is also a market price for other items. Food, equipment, weapons, monster loot. Wait, monster loot? Do they buy monster body parts? They also trade in monster cores. Next up is job classes.

Everyone starts without a job. They'll get a job when they defeat a monster. You will also get a level system when you have a job. When you reach the maximum level in your job, you can change your job class.

Job classes are divided into four, Main-Class, Sub-Class, Elite-Class, and

Master-Class. Each class has a different level of experience required to level up.

Master-Class requires x5 times exp to level up.

Elite-Class requires x3 times exp to level up.

Sub-Class requires x1.5 times exp to level up.

Main-Class requires x1 times exp to level up.

Level 50 is the max level. However, it will be more difficult because it requires more experience if it is in the master class or elite class.

When changing classes to the next class, you will be given job choices. Every choice is valuable because the job that has been chosen cannot be replaced. Except when your job class advances to the next job class.

The job classes that beginners can choose when they get a job class are Warrior, Archer, and Mage.

"Last but not least, Monsters."

The monsters are divided into five tiers. Low-tier Monsters, High-tier Monsters, Chaos-tier Monsters, Legend-tier Monsters, and Valiants-tier Monsters

Low-tier monsters, all monsters in this tier are low-level. Such as slimes, wolves, and goblins.

High-tier monsters, all monsters in this tier are high-level. Such as orcs, ogres, and hobgoblins.

Chaos-tier monsters, all monsters in this tier are mighty monsters. Such as dragons, Amarok, and sea serpents.

Legend-tier monsters, all monsters in this tier are extremely powerful monsters. Such as hydra, cockatrice, and basilisk.

Valiants-tier monsters. There wasn't much information for monsters of this tier, but it was said that monsters of this tier could bring extinction to all races. The Valiant monsters that had appeared were the Primal Dragon Lord and Fenrir. It's said Fenrir destroyed three countries in one day.

However, the Valiant monster appears only once every 300 years. And we were sent here after 300 years since the last Valiant monster appeared huh? I wonder what kind of monster appeared now.

Knock Knock

"Now it's lunchtime, we'll take you and your friends to the dining room."

"Okay, please wait a minute!"

Oh, time goes by fast. I was too busy with these books that I lost track of time. Since I took this book secretly, I will hide this book first. I hid the books behind the desk shelf, I think it's safe there for now

Opening the door, I saw many people lined up following the guards.

"Follow the line, you will be led to the dining room."


I've spent my time studying, it's time to fill my stomach. I wonder what kind of food they will serve.

As we were walking toward the dining room, a girl bumped into my arm. 

"I-I'm sorry"

She looks like a high schooler. Being dragged into another world without knowing anything must be hard huh?

"It's alright, what's your name?"

"M-My name is Liliya."

"Nice to meet you Liliya, my name is Zin."

She looks nervous. 

"Cheer up! You'll be fine."

"Okay, thank you."

She answered while walking away. Silver hair, sharp eyes, long hair. This girl could have been a model. Unlike me, I have many scars on my face. Wait, is she nervous because I look like a gangster? I hope I left a good impression. I don't want her to see me as a bad person.

Shortly after, we arrived and were greeted by the servants in the dining room. Ah, the king is here already?

"All of you, please sit in the seats provided."

We all sat down, and the waiters came and served a lot of food.

You are reading story Slyrith at

"Today, we serve Wolpertinger meat. Tomorrow you will be training with the royal soldiers, so make sure to eat lots."

Wolpertinger? Do you mean this rabbit with horns and wings? 

"we've already conferred with the counselors about you while you were all in your respective rooms."

"The situation is still the same as I explained this morning; you are allowed to stay in the palace until tomorrow. Then train with the royal soldiers, so you can defend yourself."

"After lunch, we will allow you to go around the kingdom. But you must be back to this castle before nightfall."

"As long as you are in the kingdom, you are required to follow the rules of the kingdom. We hope you can adapt to this situation."

"Now is the time to eat. Please enjoy the food we have prepared."

This is good, I want to check out the Explorer Guild. But for now, it's time to fill my stomach. I am curious about the taste of this meat. The meat is a little chewy and a little salty, but it's delicious. 

"It's delicious"

"Haha~ I'm glad you like it."

"Eat a lot, we will prepare another delicious meal later."

I'm full now. I'll go back to my room for a while, I want to check the books I've hidden. Since the king said we got some free time, now I don't have to sneak to go to the library anymore. But I have to return the book I took secretly before they know it. 

"Economics, Monsterpedia, and Job Classes. I think this is complete."

After I picked up the book I had hidden, I walked back to the library. When I arrived at the library, someone who seems to be confused. I'll try to greet her. 

"Hello, you look confused. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh, hello! I'm Chilseu, a librarian! I'm looking for some lost books, can you help me?"

Long black hair, sweet face, and glasses. Looks like a girl who is keen to learn.

"Sure, what book are you looking for?"

"Economics, Monsterpedia, and Job Classes."

"I think I'm holding the books you mentioned. Here, check the book. Is this the book you were looking for?"

"Really? I'll check the books."

"Right, this is the books I was looking for. How did you find it? I have searched all over the library but can't find it."

"Sorry, I brought these books with me to study. I apologize for taking the book without telling you."

"That's fine, as long as the books aren't damaged. It doesn't matter. But please let me know in advance if you want to pick up a book from the library."

"Alright. Again, I am sorry."

"It's all right, it's okay. If you want to study more, you can study in this library."

Thank goodness, she wasn't mad about the book.

"Speaking of studying, I heard you're a librarian. I don't see a librarian job in books about job classes."

"Have you ever heard of Job-Class Tree?"

"Job-Class Tree?"

"Yes, everyone has a Job-Class Tree. The Job-Class Tree unlocks everyone's potential. The Job-Class Tree is divided into two. Branches and Roots."

"Branch. In this path, you can choose a job class that is suitable for combat. Like branches, the job classes in this path branch multiple times. There are so many job classes that you can find here. After selecting a job class, the next job class will be related to the job class you previously selected."

"Next up is the root. The job classes that are in the root path are non-combat classes. Here, almost all job classes are production classes."

"So it's like that, I understand. Thank you for explaining." 

"You're welcome! You can ask for something else if you want."

That sweet smile is pretty cute. I'll tease her a bit.

"All right, then. There is something I want to learn from you"

"Of course, what would you like to learn?"



While pointing at her, I approached her.

"Yes, you. I want to learn more about you."

"Um, I-I'm busy. Maybe next time."

Look at her, her face is red, and looking away from me. That's so sweet.

"Haha~ I'm just kidding." 

"I'll be back here again later. For now, I want to go out. Exploring the kingdom. I want to know the life of the people here."

"Ok, have fun!"

As I walked out of the library, I was thinking while looking up at the sky. 

"Maybe I shouldn't sneak into the library after all."

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