So, I became the trap sect master now?

Chapter 1: Bab 1.1

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The beautiful night atmosphere with the moonlight and stars scattered in the sky looks very charming

The view of a metropolitan city that is always busy whether it's day or night always brings the atmosphere to life



"Hahaha you think running away from home will keep you safe? Stupid!"

Yes, the atmosphere of this city is very lively, even small alleys like that have not lost their role in bringing the city to life

"Shit, you haven't paid off your debt for the past five months and it's now five million dollars"

"Hah!...I thought he wouldn't be able to pay it, he wouldn't be able to pay it off even if he worked his whole life, that's not enough"

Seen a group of well-dressed men with well-trained postures surrounding...boys? And beat him until he had purple patches all over his body

"Yeah you're right, there's no way he can pay off all those debts, unless..."

The man then glared at the boy who was now lying on the ground helplessly, he didn't even hide his evil smile

"Hahaha why didn't I think of this before, why don't we sell you to those old grannies~"

"Hahaha look at you, with your appearance we will make big profits!"

"As if!, it's better to die than to come with you"

The man laughed heartily, ignoring the helpless boy, He looked like an adorable little boy with a height of 1.6 m, but the wounds that adorned his beautiful pale white skin meant he wasn't fine.

The boy lay helplessly, his long silver hair that was around his back scattered everywhere, the bouncing moonlight plus dust and a tinge of red liquid adorned the glittering silver hair.

Her tattered white shirt was torn, her right shoulder was exposed revealing a small and smooth shoulder with a pink hue on the top.

Her small and cute face had sparkling blue eyes that showed no sign of giving up and stared intently at the dozen or so men in front of her

But all that effort was in vain, his small and slender body was now unable to move, there was no way such a small body could withstand the blows of an adult.

All he could do was lie weak and helpless waiting for the bad luck to befall him, but in such a state of desperation his little cherry lips tilted into a triumphant smile.

'You think I'll just shut up, you bunch of stupid dogs!, I great Luance won't lose so m... Cough'

"You little rat that doesn't know its position, does our blow make its brain not function normally?"

The man kept hitting Luance's body and avoiding damaging that pretty face so as not to lower the price

They were thinking about the profit that would be made from selling Luance to the entertainment district, with this beauty she will no doubt sell well

Not only women will spend their money to spend the night with Luance, but men will be willing to spend their money when they see her appearance.

On the other hand the boy doesn't budge at all and still maintains his dazzling smile


"Hmm... wait... Brother did you hear anything?"

The man stopped beating Luance and looked at the man behind him strangely

"What do you mean!, tsk are you bewitched by the appearance of this beautiful boy"

But after the man listened more carefully, it turned out that there was indeed a faint voice that could be heard not far from them. The atmosphere became silent for a moment, with this silence the voice sounded clearer like the ticking of clockwork

If they heard this in another location it might look normal, but not in this narrow alley way. The atmosphere became serious and the man went to the source of the voice which turned out to be Luance's pocket

With an evil smile plus an unpleasant voice, now the man just realized what really happened

The man's skin was pale, his face was now covered with fear, beads of sweat could be seen falling from his forehead, the men behind still didn't know what was happening just looked at each other doubtfully and did nothing.

*Titt titt titt*


"Goodbye bastard~"

"Shit! Everyone is fast me...."



It's too late to know what happened, an explosion capable of tearing down buildings is now happening in the narrow alley way

The explosion shattered everything within 100 m, the surrounding houses were shattered into rubble and a huge fire spread rapidly to form an earthly hell.

Luance and the dozen or so men didn't escape the huge explosion, they were completely burned to ashes. Luance's fate is also not far from those men

Due to Luance being the source of the explosion plus the current state of his body, he died instantly and did not experience a death so painful as being burned alive.

The view of the city that is now changing with a large fire burning in the corner of the city somehow makes the atmosphere more beautiful, as if the fire is one unit with the city like a living painting.

The fire is like washing and freeing the burden that should have happened a long time ago, there are many fire engines and ambulances that have come to the location

Surprisingly the fire didn't want to go out after hours, the fire didn't spread any further and only burned for 100 m, the situation was very confusing to the officers.

The fire seemed to be alive and waiting for something, I don't know what he was waiting for but it looked like he was waiting for a shocking event

The officers desperately called for emergency help while many of the people who had been rescued headed for the ambulance

There were several helicopters already arriving and dropping water from above and fire engines spraying from the side, the atmosphere there was very serious and the officers were only thinking about how to put out the fire and didn't notice there was a strange silver light in the middle of the embers.

It seemed like they all couldn't see it, the light slowly rose upwards like a flower in the wind, bobbing in the tense chaos.

That silver light looks so beautiful, with this the city view really looks perfect

After breaking through the clouds and reaching a height enough to see the moon up close the light slowly dimmed and disappeared somewhere, followed by a sudden blaze of flames that confused everyone present.

Everyone would have thought it was a dream if there weren't any traces of fire that formed this 100 m long perfect circle, nothing was left everything was scorched, leaving only a strand of beautiful silver hair in the center of the circle.

_ _ _

On the other hand

In an unknown void, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the middle of the space causing the room to slightly distort.

The light that was originally shaped like a candle now started to change, it started to form its own body. The rays made are very bright but not enough to illuminate the ends of the vacuum shows how vast this space is

It formed a very beautiful body, she looked like a beautiful young woman, innocent and cute. But the protruding body part between her legs makes most men's nightmares




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"Huhh...what happened...Where am I?"

The boy looked left and right, looked around and only found an empty space like in infinite space

"...Aren't I dead?"

"This... Is this the afterlife?"

The boy lowered his head in contemplation for a moment, his brows furrowed and veins appeared on his forehead

"#@$! * dammit has my life been in vain!"

"Bastard! My fate is always unlucky and tragic, my life is just like the protagonist of a web novel but why didn't it happen to me @$∆#! AHHHHHHHHHH!"

Yes Luance's fate is very bad, firstly he was an adopted child who was abused by his own brother and his engagement was canceled by the woman like other cliché novels, not only that he was always the target of bullying at school and was finally dumped by his adoptive parents and tricked to have exorbitant debt

Plus his cursed femboy body that always provokes trouble everywhere, even though he has tried his best to have muscles like men in general, it's always useless.

In the end he often spends time reading novels as a diversion, and the story of the protagonist having the same fate as him keeps him motivated

"To hell with the world!, I thought I'd wake up in my room and realize I was reborn as a child and take revenge!, BUT why did I wake up here #@$#?!"

Luance kept cursing everything like crazy for a few minutes until he stopped hearing something strange in his head

<Ding, system loaded successfully, congratulations to the user for resurrecting s... Eh? is dead?>


"FUCK #@$#! WHY #$?!*$ THIS IS COMING NOW!!"

<Ding, huh?... Isn't the host being too careless?, if you didn't kill yourself like that you wouldn't be here right now>

"What are you saying!, what kind of cursed system is this… I have no other choice, if you had come sooner I wouldn't have blown myself up damn it!"

<Ding, since the host doesn't need this great system then this one will resign>

"Hahh?... #@$!? It can't be that funny!, I should be the one angry but why are you angry sh1t!?"

<Ding, Hmph...>

Luance couldn't help feeling like he was dealing with a woman, even though the system's voice was like a robot but it had the tone of a woman

"Arggghhhhh!!!... Did you show up just to drive me crazy!"

"Really women!, for some reason from the past until now until I die always make trouble with me damn"

<Ding, Self-bombing system activated, 01.00 remaining>

"Gezz... It's really troublesome, are you jealous because you're less beautiful than me, even though I'm a boy hahaha!"

<Ding, Time remaining 00.10>

"@#$#?! Stop stupid!"

<Ding, 00.05>

"Ahhhhhhh!... I'm sorry I'm sorry, I was wrong. I won't repeat it"

Luance made a kneeling posture by lowering his head as low as possible, he didn't want to explode a second time

<Ding, Hmph!...Seeing you sincerely plead this one will forgive you>

"Huft...I thought it would burn again"

"Ohh yeah, why did you just show up now?"

<Ding, because it's still loading>


Luance just took a deep breath hearing the ridiculous reason that made him die, he wanted to curse him but restrained himself for fear of being blown up

"... Alright, then how about now?, I'm dead"

<Ding, it doesn't matter, the host can be revived in another world and the system will compensate for the host's death>

"OohhhHHHH!...I didn't expect it to turn out that the system brother was so good!... I mean the system brother is amazing!!"

"Then quickly send me to another world!, I can't wait to train my new body and collect harem hehehe.."

<Ding, that's impossible>

"Pfff... What do you mean impossible!?"

<Ding, the host will be sent with the original body, after all the host's body is the body of the legendary holy sword, it is the ideal body of every female sword user because apart from making it strong it also maintains its natural beauty>

"WTF!... are you kidding me?, apparently that's the cause of my muscles can't grow even though I do extreme sports"

"So... I'll stay in this damned femboy body..."

<Ding, does the host want to open the death compensation reward?, 3 times chance>

"Let this be my own body after all, okay open the gift!... I need some entertainment"

Suddenly an enormous Roulette appeared out of nothing, it was a golden colored roulette with a needle that looked majestic like a god's index finger, it gave off a very strong holy aura.


Not only that, all the rewards are also very strongly involved, there are 3 kinds of rewards in the circle, there are various systems, weapons and skill books!

<Ding, do you want to play it now?>

"Yes!...from now on!"

With that signal the big roulette started to spin, the prize now couldn't be clearly seen because of the speed of the spinning wheel

Luance was a little tensed and didn't take his eyes off the roulette, as this would determine his future life he hoped the prize would be satisfying

After a few seconds of spinning the roulette finally started to slow down and slow down, Luance covered his face with his hands trying to reduce the tension but the gaps between his fingers betrayed him.

Roulette finally stopped spinning and the needle showed a white color with a picture of an ancient house that looked mystical

"...W-what does that mean?"

<Ding, Congratulations host getting the low grade sect master system>

<Ding, Congratulations host getting the low grade Tranquil Wood sword>

<Ding, Congratulations host on obtaining a low-grade sword-drawing Technique>


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