So I’m a Fish, So What?

Chapter 44: Chapter 38- Digging

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Hey, world.

I know I said that you were getting kinda boring and all, but you didn’t really have to take it to heart, right?

Like, sending a potential god-level powerhouse after a lionfish as retaliation for a joke is too much no matter how I think about it!!

If that Ouri creature is really a god, then I’m kinda fucked.

Now not only do I have an evil god who loves to watch suffering as entertainment stalking me, but I might also have another god stalker that wouldn’t mind making people suffer herself.

I mean, my location should be the farthest away from where the main anime takes place, right?!

It’s as if someone decided to start by watching the side story OVA episodes instead of the actual anime...

And now that I think about it, there’s a high chance that Ouri was the outsider interference that induced Greed to go out of control.

Note to self: don’t offend the world or you’ll have to face its guardians.


Since I’m gonna be forced to go on some simple errands in the future, I’ve decided to give up the last bit of fun I was having in exchange for safety.

You see, hunting for small fries is boring and unproductive as I gain no experience from them.

Fighting mini-bosses is a completely different experience though, I get to satisfy my battle lust and get large amounts of experience points, but it’s actually inefficient.

Those guys always have very high stats coupled with some tricky fighting styles or a trump card, so a lot of time is wasted during the fight and the post-win recovery.

My time was already stretched thin due to the 7-month deadline yet it’s now stretched even thinner with the pressure of Ouri’s presence on my shoulders.

So, I’ll need to gain experience is via the other feasible method: Fighting monsters that belong to the same weight class as my own.

Problem is, same power level opponents don’t grant much experience, so I’ll have to compensate by killing larger numbers or... targeting a gregarious swarm.

Blade-fish swarms won’t work as I’ve long surpassed their strength, but there’s already a viable option nearby, isn’t there?

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