So I’m a Fish, So What?

Chapter 62: Chapter 52- Living Dead

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Haaaaaaaaaah. I’m freakin’ bored!

What the heck is up with this world’s topography? This is unscientific in too many ways.

I’ve been swimming in the same direction for over a month, but there wasn’t a single patch of above water ground to be seen!

Sure, I had to take numerous detours to avoid the numerous Water Dragon gatherings, but I should’ve crossed about two thousand kilometers by now!

Like, that’s literally over 5% of Earth’s circumference!!

Even the temperature remains relatively unchanged. It’s as if I’ve been swimming in circles for weeks!

I did consider the possibility of enchantments, wards, or even magnetic fields that could potentially be deceiving my senses, but I never saw the same landmark more than once.

Also, Spatial Awareness renders all that stuff like that moot in the first place.

Needless to say, I definitely went the exact opposite direction of where land should be, as evidenced by the increasingly stronger Water Dragons patrolling around.

I’m pretty sure monsters should get weaker the closer I am to land, sooo yeah.

By the way, can anyone tell me why all the dragons decided to cut their hibernation short all of a sudden? I get the feeling those patrols are meant for finding me.

No offense, but you won’t be able to find me, big guys. Just go back to sleep already.

There has always been at least one Water Dragon in my field of view for about a week now. 

I can even see some Wind Dragons flying above the surface occasionally.

Seriously though, what kind of hidden secret could be important enough to warrant dispatching this huge amount of manpower at the same time?

I contemplated just teleporting the fuck away from here more than once, but I ultimately decided to stay.

My intuition is telling me that I should keep going and uncover whatever it is that requires more protection than the bottom layer of Elroe Labyrinth.

Mischief truly is a game changer though!

I would've never dared to pass through these areas without god-level stealth, else the chances of me coming out alive would be less than zero.

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It’s also kinda creepy how the skills I acquire are always the exact ones I need in the near.

I dunno if it’s my intuition at work or unconscious guidance from someone else. I really hope it’s the former though.

Anyways, I gotta get this over with as soon as possible and adjust my direction back towards where land supposedly is.

Counting the days, there are only four months left until the human reincarnations are born and Kumoko’s should’ve started her maze runner adventure more than two months ago.

Fortunately, I’m already strong enough to protect some babies while fighting elves and I can go ashore by using Shapeshifting to morph into a human.

Although I can only use the body of a ten-year-old, it’s still huge progress from when I couldn’t stay above water for more than five minutes without potentially suffocating to death.

The only thing that’s left for me to do is to actually find the reincarnations, but I have some ideas about how I could go about doing that.

Wait for me, Aiko-chan and Segawa-chan! I won’t leave you alone for long!

As for Katia… Well, you’re gonna be a duke’s daughter, so I guess I’ll just watch over you until you actually need me.


A few hours of avoiding patrols later, I finally came across a noteworthy discovery.

Thousands– possibly millions of weak fluorescent lights arranged in a formation reminiscent of vines on a wall suddenly popped up in front of me.

This place is eerie in too many ways.

Through my naked eye, I can only see an enormous wall stretching endlessly in both directions underwater.

However, thousands upon thousands of bioluminescent plants covering that wall and the scattered skeletons under it can be seen when I use my Spatial Awareness sphere instead.

I believe I have finally reached my destination.

Taking a closer look, I’m astounded by what both my senses and the Appraisal results tell me.


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