So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 15: 15- A Lesson Learned

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Oscar screams. Doesn't matter how many times he sees this, it still unsettled him; seeing his sizzling green skin, turning to a bubbling green-paste of gore.

It had happened before, but the cave-invader goblin had mostly deflected it, only having to suffer from the few splashes as it bounce-back. But he couldn't invade all the poison splash. One wrong step, and he would be on his way to kiss the ground floor from this towering height.

Having nothing to block the continuous spit attacks. The smart goblin instinctively crossed his hands, determined to protect his handsome face from getting humiliated. Letting the poison erode his forearms, and giving him a great pain, in exchange for letting him have his handsome face intact 'Still sounds like a fair deal to me, though' 

Although, it looks terrible at a glance. Oscar was still able to move his arms freely. Albeit a little painful, as the poison wasn't able to do much damage to the muscle fibers; courtesy of his ever-increasing poison resistance. 

'I thank you, Mr.Previous-Oscar for keep raising the poison resistance' 

Mentally patting his back, Oscar gaves a resentful look at that ugly faced spider; standing three times his size by the support of all eight of its legs, easily lifting its dual-bulbous horizontal body with an ugly face at front. It clanked the mandibles, threateningly. Seemingly daring the goblin to come forward. And forward he did came. 


Not wanting to keep remaining at the receiving end of the stick. Mr.Spit-riddled goblin pulls out his sharp and long claws of all the limbs, as he fiercely roared back at the spider. Splendidly displaying the goblins savage might. 

The little cave was just so big enough for a web; made of spider magic threads to encompass it all. While some suspicious-white cocoons can be seen attached at a considerable height above, hanging by some resilient threads. And some residual monster bones were piled up on both sides of the floor. 


He catapulted himself forward by thrusting both, his claws and foot against the platforms surface. As he activated the 'Elusive Dash' ready to dodge any upcoming attack, with a moments notice. 

"Clank! Clank!" 

Tapping its mandibles in anticipation. The spider lifted its front, hairy pair of legs with sharp blades at the tip, before slashing ahead, at the upcoming goblin; with the surprising speed and might combined. 


Predicting ahead through his sharp senses. Oscar madly swings his left claw, slapping against the ground as hard as he could, while running with low center of gravity. He was able to forcefully change his direction even in his great momentum. Letting its blade like leg crashed against the empty ground, harmlessly. 

The giant spider didn't took another second, before it attacked him again, and again. Prompting him to dodge three more times successfully. And not more than the fourth successful dodge. Did Oscar finally managed to reached near its ugly face, close enough to be able to see his own image in its four front eyes and two side eyes; all staring at him with its cold and calculative eyes. 

He was about to puncture the nearest eye to him at first, but stopped himself immediately. And utilizing his own momentum, he throws himself to the side. Barely avoiding those nasty mandibles thrusting forward like spears. 



Rolling with a bag behind. Oscar latches himself onto one of its legs, to avoid getting stabbed by the upcoming ones. 


Instantly, Oscar climbed upto the joint of the same leg, all the while slashing in his wake with the goal of getting on top of its carapace, as Oscar can't believe, the spider would be able to reach him after that. 


Just when he was about to jump forward, with the mind of killing the spider from its weak spot. Oscar painfully roared, as he felt a deep gnash unexpectedly appearing on his shoulder, with a sickly hairy-leg sticking out of the wound. 

The sharp pain muddled his mind for a precious few moments, almost costing him his fall from above. But thankfully, he only got some more pain in return, as the spiders front leg of the opposite side, bends at an impossible angle. Unexpectedly, able to reach him due to it's length. 

Madly biting the blade, Oscar puts all the force in his bite, in oder to break it away, as his one hand gripped the leg, stopping it from going any deeper. 

Meanwhile, after the spider failed to impale the goblin with its surprise attack. It instantly tried to pull back its leg, resulting in the tug of war between the goblin and the spider, which didn't lasted long. The goblin quickly got smashed against the pile of bones in defeat, within two seconds.

'My teeths?!' 

Oscar felt a free flow of air even while clenching his jaws shut. His tongue pokes out of the front hollow cavity. 

In comparison to him, the spiders blade like leg was filled with cracks, with some of Oscars teeths still embedded to it; like a beautifully dotted arc, with two tiny holes in the middle, dripping with poison, thanks to the goblins overgrown fangs. 


With a ghastly bug like screeching. The spider backs away a little before adjusting its back side, seemingly trying to throw another round of acid attack from a distance, rather than letting the goblin run wild on top its carapace. 

Although, weak in comparison to the spider. His poison will at least be able to slow it down. With such thought, Oscar pulls out two things behind his back-pack; each hand holding one mana stone, and one random magic spell device. 

Oscar didn't have the leisure to read its description properly. Moreover, he could tell that much just by its name. 

And so, gripping both of them within each of his fist at the same time. He pulls the Mana out of the mana stone, through Mana Concentration, powering the spell-orb on the other hand. Performing his first ever magic show, with no licence, nor any training. And so like any non-trained newbie, he fucked up...

"Khe! Khe! Khe!" 

'Wanna have a poison duel, giant spidey?' 

Cackled the goblin. As he saw the spider opposite to him, preparing to fire a bout of poison-spit at him... Again. 

Oscar was planning to dodge the spiders assault, first. And fire the magic-poison of his, in return. When he saw the hand gripping-the-device, releasing some ominous green smoke, while the curious goblin picked the smell of something burning?...It was his hand that was burning!!!

"Ghaaaaaaaa!!!" 'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!-Fuck! ' Like a broken duck, the goblin fuck-quacked on repeat. His mind was too overwhelmed by the amount of pain it was going through. 

True to its description. A potent poison released from the device itself. But instead of shooting straight at the enemy, it starts dripping down on the hands-holding it, melting it down to the bones in an instant. 

Shaking his both hands furiously. Oscar successfully freed his skeleton hand, salvaging whatever remained of his once strong and beautiful hands; charred muscles, deadly-pus sticking out, and smoke oozing out of it. It was nothing short of a prop, more than qualified to be in a multi-million horror movie set. 

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Not withstanding the indescribable pain, and the sheer agony he was feeling right now. The no-hands-goblin rolled in the dirt, as he grits his teeths... No, he doesn't even have have any teeths to grind in the first place.


'Damn! Fuck me!'

Oscars misfortune didn't seems to end just yet here. After gathering his breath somehow, When the goblin was about to stand back again, he founded himself; drenched in the spiders poisonous liquid the next instant, with bubbling skin all over him, and a new set of pain erupting through his veins. 'Well, fuck me...'


But compared to before, it didn't even make him flinch internally, but it did make fall back and groan outwardly, with his already sore throat. 

'Stupid magic! Sh*tty orb! Sh*tty life!'

Oscar cursed everything as he glanced at his now-skeleton hand, that somehow was able to move, barely enough to form a deformed fist; in which he grips back that thing Which caused it, together with a random mana stone before dropping dead on the floor like a lifeless dead-log, as he holds his breath, laying still on the ground. 

Oscar has decided to play dead; to make the spider approach him on its own accord. Already knowing without using both hands, he wouldn't be able to win against that spiders sharp blade like legs, and would be dead before he could even get near its furry body. 

Moreover, he doesn't have anything he could use as a long ranged weapon. He had already tried those sh*tty-magic-orbs and the result? A horrifying skeleton hand, stripped of any blood and muscles, while leaving him with an indescribable pain as an after-gift of sort. 

'Urgh! I hate magic!' 

Although, the goblin was rolling and screaming, looking like a defeated enemy for a while, before dropping dead on the ground like an average dead body from any angle possible, without moving so much as a single muscle. The spider still maintains a good distance for a moment, before firing two more of its low-tiered-poison-spits, out of caution. And seeing its body still not moving, other than the poisoned-bubbling skin. 

The spider finally decided, the enemy is finally dead. Prompting it to come forward and eat the freshly-poisoned-dinner. 

Suppressing his painful groans and careful of taking any breath, Oscar felt the spiders approach, with its legs stabbing the ground, sending vibrations through his sensitive ears. 


Just when Oscar felt like a blade was about to impale his heart, and make him dead for real. His eyes shot open, as he swiftly took a jump with the smoothness of an action, he had repeated tens of times inside his mind. 

Taking the monster by surprise, the suddenly-alive goblins body landed on top of its head. 

Although, much further away than the desired landing location. Oscar  quickly adjusted himself, before stabbing its furry back by clasping his sharp nails together, to pierce its defense; erupting a shrilly cry of a giant spider. Accompanied by the spurting of blood from the wound. Oscar didn't even wasted a breath in burying the poison-spitting-suicide-magic-orb inside of its wounded head, before fuelling it with the mana, as much as he could. Or more like, he literally stuffed the mana stone with that poison-calling-orb inside that wound, instantly. 

All the while, trying not to fall off the ugly spiders back, that was running upside down in the cave with loud screechings. 


Wide eyed. Oscar gasped, before scurrying away from the spiders back, as quickly as possible, when he noticed the monster was about to drop upside down itself on the ground, to squash the goblin with its own weight, as part of the spiders master-plan to get rid of him. 



Luckily, Oscar managed to stick himself onto the wall, before the spider crashed onto the ground. And crying a horrific scream a second later, which seems like a music to that certain-smirking-goblin. 

Feeling it's brain melting with the unknown poison erupting directly inside of it, even if it has the poison resistance for being a monster, that mainly relays on poison as weapon. The magic-poison outclassed its resistance by a large margin, which Oscar had learned the hard way just yet. 


From above, Oscar saw the spiders struggling to breath, as all eight of its creepy legs thrashed around the air in vain for a whole minute; like a dying bug before curling it's legs down weakly as it twitches every now and then. 



Breathing hard, Oscar came down using his only one hand for grip and waited in a corner as the monster takes its dying breaths. All the while trying to endure the indescribable itching, he was feeling on his still-melting face and torso; his left eye was closing slowly and right eye was barely able to remain focus. So, with an unsteady breath, he waited like a vulture eyeing its prey from a safe distance. 

Only, when he finally gets the screen saying;

Did he decided to came near the dead monsters body, limpingly, before climbing on top of its head, just to make a victory sign with a toothless grin. 

Meanwhile, the still-melting goblin saw some more screens popping up, one by one in front of him in a row;

'Oh? A double level up?'

Though, some of the skill level ups has shown in between his fight. Which he missed and only now did he's noticing them again. 

Following the announcement of his level up, Oscar felt the rush of a mysterious power invading his skin and bones and repairing all the damage with a speed, bordering the time reversal magic with a slight improvement according to the skill level ups. 

Oscar almost jumped in glee, as he felt his missing front teeths growing back and the blood, tissues generating back before returning to the green skin with sharp claws, on his previously skeleton looking hand. 

'Sigh... You sure were one of an as*hole spider' 

He kicks the spiders butt with a now bright toothy grin, before sharpening his claws 

'Let's see, how good would you taste with some seasonings now leggy'

Seemingly decided to experiment the spiders meat with some spices, collecting dust inside the adventurers bag pack, before seriously thinking on what to do with those stolen magic-devices that now seems more of colorful suicide-orbs, rather than magic orbs to him. 

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